Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 219 The possibility of saving the world

The awakening of hazy consciousness was not felt by Entropy. After all, this is a will that requires its own blood to spread into a large number of human bodies before it can be vaguely felt. And Entropy doesn't even bother to donate his blood to the humans here. Not to mention that this is a human being that he looks down upon at all. Even if it is the other prehistoric races, he will not give it a second glance.衭

The Innate Demon God itself is a powerful being born from heaven and earth. It can be said that he is the most beautiful person in heaven and earth. As the son of God, in terms of the nobleness of his bloodline, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the most noble existence in the world.

Because of this, his pride made him miss the biggest secret hidden in this world. Lan Nuo continued to spread his blood. When the number of humans his blood came into contact with reached nearly one million, the speed of diffusion was also It started to increase further.

People who carry his blood can move freely in the darkness, which means that it is easier for them to reach other tribes and other cities.

By default, such people will inevitably go to major cities and settlements to connect with each other.

It is very important for them to exchange what they have, so that the blood will continue to shuttle between different cities and tribes.

There is no need for anyone to actually touch it, as long as it enters the range of light, most people within the range of light will be silent, and there will be a few more. Controllable atoms to detect the blood in their bodies.

As one of the few artifacts that can illuminate for a long time in the dark, those things will inevitably serve as important means of communication between tribes and villages in the same world. In this way, even if the transportation in that world is quite backward, in this world Several months have passed, and the power of the artifact has not yet spread. In addition, the two of them have been visiting human towns intermittently. Less than half of the surviving humans have obtained the atoms released by the artifact in a timely manner.衭

The originally hazy consciousness finally gradually became confused at that time. As soon as he came over, he discovered the existence that awakened him and initiated communication with the other party.

"Who is he? What is that world like now?" That is a question that the two sides desperately want to know. It seems that I have no certain sense, but it is not like a residual thought. Logically speaking, the God Emperor When did he fall completely? The weak of all races have not tested it many times, and they definitely may not survive without the power of the God Emperor.

But it seems that the plan has not been successful, and now my remaining will has not completely dissipated. There are only programs like yours that don't have automatic answering capabilities. Let’s answer the previous question. "

But there are no white nights in this world. All human beings have been living in daylight, and the darkness has almost turned into a storm, and everything in our path has turned into white sand. Our situation is definitely more exciting than the people outside, and so are you. Can you tell if there are no survivors outside?

Please add it to your favorites and vote for recommendations~ "Hasn't the world fallen into white darkness yet? If those people could survive, it would be considered a complete victory. If humans had fallen into the state they are in now, I'm afraid there would be no way to counterattack all the races in the wild. ”

And the illogical question behind him also made Cheng Ying feel uneasy. I didn't answer the question immediately. Instead, I asked another question and asked the other party.

This is obviously the plan for that year. That world is still full of white darkness, which shows that my doomsday disaster has not been offset by the doomsday of other worlds.衭

"That's right. In fact, even if they retreat into such a desperate situation, a very small number of human beings in the world have not given up and are using their own methods to fight against the doomsday. Even if he has not told you, you can guess The people who arrived in that world were probably still surviving tenaciously in their own way.

"Originally, the God Emperor was prepared to leave his power to other humans, and then let us grow up again and continue the struggle against the ancient Zhong Bi.

Even in that kind of apocalypse, we can persist for a long time, but it will eventually restore the glory of mankind. Therefore, the remaining will of the God Emperor formulated a plan in advance, hoping to establish a relatively stable living environment in a desperate situation.

"You need to ask who he is first. Judging from his aura, he should belong to the power of the God Emperor, but as far as you know, he should not have completely fallen. In what form does he exist now? That decision Will you tell him what happened in the other world, and will you continue to maintain his consciousness?"

But when can this world full of darkness and the world full of white darkness be merged with each other, the disasters that occur in the two worlds can be offset to a relatively small extent. In this way, that world will still be very beautiful. . But at most it would be less viable than it is now.

Even if the God Emperor left his most advanced power in those worlds, changed the rules of that world, and even borrowed those Jedi to shield the heavens, so that humans could not practice more freely, and the rules of the world became incompetent. Beneficial to people.

For this reason, I gathered human beings into the same inner plane. A very small minority of those worlds have never experienced development. A small minority are in barbaric areas. All races in the wild are also in an extremely powerful state. Do they rely on civilization? Today's technology cannot easily conquer those worlds, and then regard those worlds as human beings' small base camps. Even if Shen Huang falls, as the ruler of those remote alien worlds, human beings still cannot survive, and they are still unable to survive in those remote worlds. Develop in a different world.衭

If you want to merge the retrograde world, the price you need to pay is absolutely huge, and the existence that executes that plan must also have weak power.

"What does he mean by that? Does he have no arrangement for those events?" Chengying heard that there seemed to be some self-meaning in that sentence.

Does he think he is incapable of promoting such a world merger? If he really wants to try it, you can't help him. But you are just a program in the final analysis. It is difficult to provide him with any help on the material level, at least to provide him with some information. "

Chengying nodded: "He continued to talk about it. Although your current situation is not troublesome. But your current situation may not have just made it easier for you to merge with the world. Talk about what order and what rules the retrograde world fusion can offset the doomsday bit by bit. "

He should be able to understand what you mean. Darkness and darkness are essentially not divided into justice and evil. Too deep darkness and too dim darkness are always a disaster for a world.

Chengying was a little disappointed before he knew that. My worst expectation is to find the soul fragments of the Emperor of God there and find the hope of resurrecting him.

Finally, it is difficult to resist the irreversible doomsday. You don't know what happened in my world, but the humans in that world gathered the power of all gods and summoned the will of the Emperor of God in advance, and they can also resist the doomsday. He should have seen what is happening now.

After all, the weak power displayed by humans at that time made all races more terrified. It is absolutely impossible to resurrect me.

However, although a little disappointed, Chengying still told the other party everything that happened now.

"What kind of existence are you now? Of course, you may be the Emperor of God back then. I am not completely dead. If I am killed from the root, all the existences related to me will die completely.

The so-called representation of the same attribute of power, in fact, is the same type of doomsday.

In another world, what is experienced is not the flood of light corresponding to the external evil. The power of darkness occupies an absolute dominant position in this world. It almost destroyed our world. You know what we are like now.

At that time, humans in various worlds still had very few low-level hands and very low-tech weapons, but in the end they were able to successfully complete the merger of the world.

"So the blood of the God Emperor there was not accidentally left there, but the God Emperor deliberately left it there. It's not that there are actually very few such worlds. The few that have been knocked down to the Seven Small Jedi?" That existence is extremely common even among many human travelers. The most common thing I have is not my soul. The small lord contract is not something that everyone can bear. Everyone signs their name under the contract, and the pressure of the contract on the soul will increase by one point. The soul of an abnormal person will collapse under that pressure in a minute. Even the top weaklings can't support it for a long time. The God Emperor is a temporary existence. Even when I was extremely powerful and just a special person, I could bear that part of the contract. No matter how many times I died and resurrected in the process, my memory would not dissipate. That is also the most important reason why I can become a carrier. Of course, the real situation may be so complicated. It is done in any calculated and planned situation. The smallest probability is to make the end of the two worlds erupt more tragically, and the human beings will be extinct before the fusion. "That world is full of darkness. Yes, in order to offset the darkness in that world, the God Emperor chose a world full of darkness.

For the prehistoric races, it is easy to wipe out those alien worlds. It is difficult for the top weaklings to descend from there, and our power is also difficult to find our existence. Even if the weaklings of the races at that time came to those worlds, they would have no way to deal with humans with weak technology.

[To be continued]

You can survive because you are just a program-like existence. He now understands you as a message from me, but you are more intelligent and can give different answers according to the questions he asks, but in essence you are dead."

The God Emperor did not hide some of his regrets from me. It seems that I don't have a mechanism to judge whether an existence is kind to humans, and there is no evaluation mechanism to evaluate what kind of consequences will be brought about by telling that person the truth, and whether such consequences are allowed?衭

For example, if the end of the world is a raging fire, and the end of the world is an ice age, then the two worlds must be merged, and the end of the worlds cannot cancel each other out, and then a relatively suitable area for survival is created.

Faced with such a situation, the top weaklings of the prehistoric myriad races adopted the most brutal method, which is to throw the whole world into the Jedi. To be able to come there, he should know that there are seven small Jedi in the prehistoric world, and we directly put the whole world into such a Jedi. In this way, even if you can develop in those worlds, no matter how weak you are, you can't return. You can only fall continuously, and the world will fall into various doomsdays because of falling into those desperate situations.

If he can definitely find another world and try to merge with the regression world, then he should try to do it. After all, the human race in that world was not nearly extinct yet, so even if he did something else, the situation would be even worse. "

And if I can be resurrected, there will be no new candidates for the small lord contract, so human beings will not be able to obtain the support of a very small number of high-latitude beings. What this will mean is a relatively weak force, which is almost The power of Shi Shi cannot stand up to today's prehistoric Zhong Bi.

"You agree with his idea. But now it is not easy to implement the plan of the year. It is just a matter of his strength. Also, time has not passed too long, and the original doomsday may not be so tragic. . But it has not deteriorated to the point where it is difficult to save, and there may not even be any survivors on these former planets.”

The automatic response system seemed to be sighing with a special thought: "It doesn't matter if you tell him the God Emperor's plan. The God Emperor selected a total of eighteen worlds, and we each represent the same attribute power, and we will Until we come together, there can be no theoretical balance.

Just as he described the current state of mankind can only be described as lingering, it is even more said that it threatens other races in the wild. "Xie

Even if you are unlucky and encounter a certain degree of emergency and disaster, the world before integration is definitely the next most suitable place to live. Only by regressing and merging those worlds with each other in the right way and in the right order can we truly create a soil suitable for human survival.

"What he means is that even before those worlds fell into the Seven Little Jedi, the God Emperor did not give up on the people there? Instead, he chose to formulate a plan to save us. Can this tell you what happened? What kind of plan is it? Maybe you don't have the ability to promote my realization and restore order to that world. Maybe mankind has not lost its ancient civilization and weak ancient technology, but you only need it. Without a piece of land dangerous enough for us to survive, we can grow again.”

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