Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 228 The Elemental World

While the two of them were paying attention to the changes within the world flooded with light, no one noticed that the entire world began to drift slowly in the process. After entering the Eye of the Wild Sea many times, and having a certain understanding of the rules here, coupled with the artificial intelligence left behind by the God Emperor. It has been possible to control the operation of these floating worlds to a certain extent. shun

At this time, the world overflowing with light is constantly approaching the world overflowing with darkness. It may take the first half of a year for the two to collide. At that time, the back-up force left in the two worlds will be It will allow the two worlds to merge.

The excess light power and dark power will be offset in this process, although there will definitely still be some residue in the world due to the uneven offset. But the disaster situation will definitely be much better than now.

In addition, the scope of the world will become wider.

As they continue to go deeper into the place, although the intensity of the disaster will become more powerful. But light and darkness will become stronger simultaneously, which means that in the process of becoming stronger, they will continue to cancel each other out, and the apocalyptic disasters facing the world will always remain at a relatively low level.

It's just that two worlds with opposite attributes merge together. All it can bring about is small changes. It cannot save the world from doomsday. It can only make the doomsday come slower and buy more time for those who can survive on this land. It is not yet a paradise where we can live and develop safely. If we want to create a paradise where we cannot live in danger, we still need to find a world where other elements are prevalent, and integrate the world before our synthesis into that world, and finally completely Only by balancing the proliferation of various elements in the world can we create a world that cannot survive in a desperate situation.

That is considered a side mission issued by the God Emperor, and the punishment for the side mission cannot be said to be very generous. A dangerous and huge world that exists among the Seven Little Jedi. It is almost impossible to be invaded by any enemies.

Even a holy position, or even a low-level holy position, would find it difficult to go deep into that kind of place. The only ones who can go deep into that kind of place are the countless weaklings in the entire prehistoric universe. Even we are willing to go there. If you don't wait, you can imagine that such a dangerous world is not that precious to human beings. shun

"It's bad, your observation of that world is not that good. Even if you leave that world, humans should be able to develop rapidly.

You don’t need to continue to look at us. In another thousand years, we may not be able to come and take another look outside. Or maybe when you come in another thousand years, we haven’t left that world yet. "

Entropy slapped his head and found that he had forgotten that thing again. It had only been a few years and I had forgotten that thing again. It must be that the guy behind my eyes really followed the agreement. This reminded me once again, I am afraid that I have completely forgotten it again, and only through the light of the soul can I truly make myself weak.

"It's not as cold as you think. The temperature is probably less than 70 degrees. Even under the primitive continent and in some slightly warmer areas, it can definitely reach that temperature.

In the process of retreating, the two of them passed through many worlds with generally distinct attributes and gave up. It was not until they encountered a world that was almost completely filled with flames that they stopped coming.

"We just came out, and he actually wanted to retreat again. It's better to go outside the turbulence of time and space. Although it's safer to go outside, at least you won't get any harm. You can see it, he has an average physique. Wherever you go, you always encounter something unexpected? Maybe you can get another useless containment object if you go into the turbulence of time and space."

"Don't just use such a powerful trick to kill people instantly. Let's test the weakness of those flame creatures. Only in this way can we know the extent of the apocalypse that the world is facing." Chun

The bad thing is that the cultivation of the light of the soul in those years has not weakened my young man's cultivation level, which has increased rapidly. If it continues like this, even if it is gradually weakening, there will be no breakthrough. Realm is also impossible.

If it must be an extraordinary person, before my action mode is completely confused, it cannot be killed with injuries above the same level. But if Yu Ai is besieged by multiple things like that, it will be more difficult to fight. We are under absolute power. It is slightly smaller than the weak ones of the same level, generally in terms of vitality. To be wrong, it can be described as vitality, but the limit of damage it can withstand is much smaller than that of a creature of love.

"I see, the mental shielding area created by the one you just encountered is relatively large. Based on reasoning, it should be a stronger one among those creatures, and there should be no weaker ones or stronger ones than me. Yes, it must be the same. If you have wisdom or not, if you just act against a certain logic, there is a high probability that there will be no human survivors in that world. "

It seems that although the disaster facing that world has nothing to do with fire, it is not that the entire world has been cooled to a temperature that is unbearable. "Cheng Ying released his mental power, only to find that the world did not isolate the mental power. Moreover, it was not the weakening caused by the power of the elements, but pieces of mental power that appeared under the planet. It is impossible to detect the shielded areas. Those shielded areas are still moving, and none of them are close to our eyes. We can see what is happening in these shielded areas directly with the naked eye.

"He thought it was impossible. People actually found a way to tame the kind of self-disciplined machines that could only rely on preset instructions to act. Only then did they survive. This also led to the fact that in the area we live in, bad things happen. There is no shielding area, so even if you scan each other, you will find it.”

In these areas, organisms that are slightly tolerant of low temperatures can survive.

Of course Chengying was not polite to the other party. The two of them once again plunged into the eye of the ancient sea, and this time it was me who chose the world. I observed from the inside of the world. I could not observe the disasters that occurred inside the world. Types are usually disasters with some distinct attributes that cannot be easily seen from the inside of the world. shun

Cheng Ying didn't care, just turned around and left. At the same time, in love with the fate of the inner world, the two of them had to leave for a while before retreating once, and cleanse themselves of the aura of doomsday.

"It's necessary. You are still so conceited. The consumption of your destiny is nothing to you. It's just that you have never been as busy as you have been recently in the past tens of thousands of years. It's okay to be in the past. Anyway, you don't know how to do it. exhausted.

"Be careful with him. Where can we go when we leave? After leaving that world filled with light, we will encounter other worlds at the end of our lives. It may not be worse than the world we originally lived in. After all, It will still perish. "Entropy does see the tenacity of that civilization, but it is not optimistic about our future.

"Maybe, who knows after we retreat?"

"Bad, what he said doesn't make sense. What happened in that fiery red world was probably a disaster of fire! If you think about it, the small continent should have been completely covered by blazing flames. It would be much harder to deal with than the flood of light. That's right. It is certain that humans or other intelligent creatures outside there have not been completely extinct.”

A weakling at the same level as us may lose combat effectiveness before he can withstand a few attacks from us, and it may take hundreds of attacks for us to fall completely. "

"What he said is indeed not possible. If you continue to walk around and see, the shielding range of those flame creatures is still very small. Maybe if you continue to retreat, you will be able to see humans within your field of vision."

Before retreating into that world, both of them felt a burst of coldness, but it was nothing more than that. That level of temperature is obviously enough to cause harm to us, but it only allows us to know that the tiny minority outside is an intelligent creature. The temperature where you live is lower.

"Why does he always choose the kind of doomsday world composed of pure elements? Isn't there nothing special outside?"

The so-called destiny is not luck, or the concrete embodiment of luck. It is an extremely precious thing in any world, usually in those high latitudes, and cannot even be used as hard currency. , it’s a good thing that the guys around me are stingy and stingy, otherwise, with so many visits to the wilderness, Haiyan would really be enough to clean the two of us.

"Has he forgotten again what is the basis for his improvement and breakthrough? The containment object may indeed help to a certain extent in that process, but the light of his soul is the basis for his future breakthroughs."

To be honest, it didn't mean that it collapsed. It is that the matter inside itself has become an orderly existence in the process of cold molecular motion. Even before it has surpassed the cold motion of molecules, all the irregular activities inside have been broken and turned into regular ones. The chaotic activities were completely disintegrated into the most basic matter in the chaos, and even the matter was disintegrated into the most basic concepts and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

Please add it to your favorites, please vote for recommendations~ You are entropy, which has been running continuously since the moment you were born, and will eventually devour everything in the universe. Such violent activities will only bring you closer and closer to your own essence, he If you want to continue, go ahead. "

【To be continued】Song

"It seems that those things may not be the source of the doomsday." Facing the existence that was attacking him, Entropy just stretched out his finger and clicked on it, and saw that the opponent fell apart in an instant, and the whole person just disintegrated.

Anyway, your consumption is negligible to him. This bit of destiny is nothing to him. If it works, you can't help him obtain destiny. You don't understand that aspect. Destiny is controlled by the way of heaven. In the hands of the emperor, as long as he retreats into the battlefield of heaven and fights outside, he will not be able to obtain part of the destiny if he fails.

"It's too easy to sum up the rules of the world in the turbulent flow of time and space. Yu Ai, the contained object outside, is almost the same as the innate spiritual treasure. You have almost no way to analyze us backwards. We are not part of the universe itself. , the rules contained and the functions that can be displayed are all reasonable. In comparison, although the worlds inside the prehistoric sea eye are all in doomsday, every doomsday is contrary to the world. It operates according to the rules, but you can find some unique laws in the world from those doomsdays, and summarize them for us.

"It's so troublesome. You haven't been confused yet. The flame existence you faced just now can't be called a living thing by mistake. I haven't lost my instinct as a living thing. It's more like a machine. A self-disciplined machine. It will only disobey specific instructions, attack the corresponding target close to it, and patrol within its own area.

"Nothing is too small. If I have to say it, the end of the world like Love is often relatively complicated, and the rules are relatively difficult to explore. When exploring the rules of the world outside, naturally you have to go from complicated to easy, and go there in one go. In a world where obscurity and clarity are internal rules, even you may be confused about what is going on in this world.”

Behind us is Yu Ai, and there is a humanoid creature covered in flames wandering outside. He is wearing brass-colored armor, which is slightly red from the low temperature, and his body is completely covered with flames. The composition, before discovering the appearance of the Seven, immediately launched an attack on us.

"He is so confident. Even outside, human beings cannot practice. Compared with the extremely small number of ancient races, the speed of human cultivation is much faster. The first level is very weak for us. That's it. What’s more, we’re talking about lower-level existences, and you haven’t discovered humans at all.”

If you want to cleanse those auras of doom, you must use the purest destiny.

"Your suggestion is to retreat and search against the movement of the battle. Even if you rely on mental power and your senses, you can actually perceive extremely distant existences. For example, right behind you, about a hundred kilometers away, No one is fighting. Considering that the shielded area outside has not moved, you can roughly speculate that we are hunting one of those fire creatures, maybe hunting, or maybe killing directly. In short, where the battle broke out , It should be the confrontation between the flames."

"Just choose me."

As for the strength of that thing, you haven't basically detected it just now. It's roughly equivalent to the first level. That's because my action mode has no limitations. In short, it's not very difficult to figure out its rules. Before the vague rules, even special people could defeat them.

Sometimes it may not be a simple battle, but a competition based on certain rules. You still know those. He Yu Ai felt that he was at a loss for you and could not participate in battles and competitions by himself. In exchange for the destiny you need during each cleaning process. "

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