This world full of flames is actually the best one for human development among the many worlds discovered. Although a large number of ancient civilizations were burned in the flames, they sprouted again from the ruins and even established a civilization similar to the outside world.

This is actually due to the shielding effect of this area on the law, which allows humans to practice here. After you can practice, you can have a variety of professionals.

After having professionals, they can gain powerful strength through their own learning and training, and then use these powers to fight monsters, thereby obtaining materials from monsters and obtaining more powerful equipment.

In theory, this can form a virtuous cycle, or at least achieve a stalemate with the doomsday.

This situation can occur not only in this world, but also because of human efforts. The end of this world is special. In particular, the flame crystals left by those flame creatures after death can be easily used by humans. This is probably an important reason why this world can develop so prosperously.

After taking a closer look, I discovered that there are actually many types of professions in this world. Output professions, healing professions and protective professions all have different types of characteristics, and they are also divided into various types. If you search carefully, you can find guilds for various professions, and you can find more information about these professions in them.

The two are ready to learn more about the world by integrating into it. Because civilization has regressed to a considerable extent, the household registration system is not that perfect, and the two of them can easily disguise themselves as local aborigines. Just because no one has seen them. Even if they become adventurers without any reputation, they can only start from scratch.

There is an adventurer's guild in this world. To be precise, it should be a mercenary union, where adventurers will form their own mercenary groups and receive rewards by accepting tasks. The rewards can be used to purchase equipment and improve themselves.

The two chose the treatment profession and the protection profession respectively, because these two professions are relatively scarce, and the number of output professions is relatively large.

The scarcity of the healing profession is due to the relatively weak frontal combat effectiveness of this profession. And this kind of profession with slightly weaker frontal combat effectiveness is not particularly popular. As for the important reason why the protection profession is relatively scarce, it should be that the protection profession has relatively high requirements for warriors. Not only do you need to have combat skills, you also need to have talent. If you don't have enough talent and insist on becoming a combat profession, you will most likely be unable to withstand the attack of the flame creatures and die directly. The profession that took the most hits during the entire battle was the protection profession.

The two of them pretended to be knights and white magicians in this world respectively. With their extraordinary power, it was easy to pretend to be these two professions. After entering the main city of this world, they could form their own team in the mercenary union. , and accepted the task. Theoretically, as long as there are protective professions and therapeutic professions, the two professions can challenge the wild. Fire creature.

It's just that their combat speed will be very slow.

There are even some powerful protection professionals who can single-handedly challenge flame creatures that are higher than themselves. After all, these flame creatures are essentially devoid of intelligence and will only act according to their own laws. As long as you understand its rules, the protection profession will have strong enough defense. And it has a considerable degree of self-recovery ability and can be challenged alone.

Bringing a healing profession is even safer. It is not difficult to register as a mercenary. The group simply filled out a few forms in the union and completed the components of the mercenary group.

You can see many professionals at the entrance of the guild waiting to form a team. After forming a team, they can go outside the city to fight against those flame creatures. After observation, it can be found that even if those flame creatures are eliminated, there will be no real reduction in number. After they are eliminated, new flame creatures will condense and become stronger as time goes by.

In fact, if it weren't for the human adventurers who were constantly weakening the flame creatures and killing the flame lords one after another. These flame creatures will become stronger and stronger as time goes by, and eventually both quantity and quality will reach a level that today's humans cannot resist.

The two of them were also waiting at the entrance of the guild, and asked to recruit two combat professionals. In this way, they can defeat monsters faster without revealing their true strength. And it’s easier to understand what’s going on in the world.

It is too easy for the two of them to recruit combat professionals. After all, the scarce ones are protection professions and treatment professions. If these two people form a team, there will be many people willing to join the team.

Soon a brother and sister joined the team. The elder brother was a melee output, while the younger sister had a profession that looked like an assassin. Their names were also very characteristic of this world. One is called Deep Blue and the other is called Ice.

This is a very common name in this world. People who live in flames long for coldness, just like people who live in darkness long for light. Therefore, for them, any name that represents coldness . They all have a blessing meaning. The same goes for any color that represents cold. Find Shuyuan Deep Blue and Ice are both very common names, but it does not mean that they have ice attribute abilities.

There are very few people in this world who can awaken the talent of ice attributes.

They can often become powerful warriors or mages. But similarly, living in such a world full of flames, their lifespans are often shorter than ordinary people, and they are often strong men who pass away like meteors. Of course, some people have left behind quite brilliant achievements. Deeds.

However, both of them are obviously not such extremely talented beings. They should only be considered to be at the first level in this world. However, although people in this world also use normal level classification, there are still more requirements for level classification. To be more detailed, each level is divided into 20 levels. The two people in front of them have already reached level 18. They are about to break through the first level and reach the second level. They are pretty good among low-level adventurers.

"Four people are basically enough, let's go!" After Cheng Ying gathered enough people, he decided to set off. He also wanted to have an in-depth understanding of the flame creatures in this world.

In his previous union, he had been given a manual. It is the attack routine of those common flame creatures. Just follow the instructions in these manuals and remember the response plans inside. When facing these flame creatures, they can be dealt with relatively safely.

"I didn't expect that in this era, there are treatment professions and protection professions that have not been matched with teammates. We are really lucky. We have found several teams before, but there are no people in the treatment and protection professions, but the output professions are all full, so we can make It's really rare for both of us to join the team." Although he was still sighing along the way, the weapon he used was a long gun and he was wearing streamlined armor. Seems pretty good at speed.

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