Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 239 The most simple and unpretentious change

After everyone entered the dreamland, the form of the war also changed. The magician can no longer devour and sacrifice this soul. And there is no need to pay such a heavy price for using magic here.

This is essentially a fantasy world. So everything is based on fantasy rules.

Under the rules of fantasy, so far it is just an incomplete world without magic. Therefore, if people want to use magic, they need to borrow the power in reality. The greater the power in reality, the more distorted it is in this world. The power of world rules becomes even greater.

There is no doubt that Merlin is still an extremely powerful being here. Countless mortals are helpless in front of him. Only former magicians can fight against him, but they are not without advantages on the side of mortals, because they The number of people is much greater than before, and those magicians who were once killed are now standing up again.

Even those who stood up again included those who had defeated Merlin. Although their physical bodies were lost, their experience in this dream world still existed. One by one, powerful magicians, with the help of With the guidance of their experience, their strength has improved to a higher level. Now the confrontation between Merlin and Merlin in the dream world turns out to be a state where the outcome is almost indistinguishable.

An epic and huge war is unfolding on this dream continent, and what is interesting is that death here is not death in the true sense, but will be resurrected at the point of one's birth, until it is completely impossible to resurrect, and one's own spirit It is completely unable to withstand one death before it finally dissipates. If such a person comes to the next reincarnation, he will not be able to retain his memory. This time he is equivalent to completely dead, and he will be copied again in the next reincarnation. Completely different individuals.

It is precisely because of this knowledge that the war becomes more and more tragic. Although they can be resurrected, every soldier who steps on the battlefield is fighting desperately. They want to make their death meaningful, so that they will not be killed again and again. Lost in death and ultimately dissipated.

Merlin also controls his army. The battle in the dream is a battle of rules. The world of the dream is a more imperfectly woven world. Compared with the physical laws of the outside world, which are extremely stable, the physical laws here have become It's easy to interfere.

But here, what the magician can achieve are far more devastating abilities.

Outside, the magician in this world summoned a meteorite with a diameter of several kilometers, which had almost reached its limit. It was the most powerful magic in the world.

In the dream world, even the planet can be destroyed, and the destroyed planet can be restored with more powerful power.

Because the rules of the world are unstable, a powerful magician can directly rely on his huge magic power to change the rules of the world within his area.

Merlin can make his wishes come true within a certain range. His huge magic power makes the area where he is almost invincible. In reality, if there is no magician who can challenge him, he will not be able to match him. If his power enters his domain, as long as he has a thought, it will be instantly wiped out. Quantity cannot make up for the gap in quality.

The young people who built this dream world even felt that they had made a wrong decision at this time. The power of the devil here became even more terrifying, as if he was even more invincible.

But not everyone is pessimistic about the current situation. The young man who has been building this dream is now a middle-aged man, and he has his own views on the future of the world.

"Since we can bring our memories to the next reincarnation, then in the next reincarnation, we can decide the venue for the decisive battle ourselves.

The rules of this world are indeed weak, but that is because we have no experience in the process of formulating the rules. Although this is just a dream, as long as our rules are complete enough, as long as our rules are reasonable enough, we can be sufficient internally. Self-consistent, then the effect of external magic power will be smaller.

In addition, another point is that the vast group of people who have lost their magic power have not exerted their true power in this battle.

There are too many magicians who have died in history. They were killed by others and then lived in the arms of other people. They are still alive today. They have rich knowledge of magic and powerful spell-casting abilities, but this The rules of the world would exist without magic.

If this world has corresponding rules for the use of magic, they can use these rules to also master powerful power.

And what about Merlin? He can indeed have this powerful power, but he is only one person, while we have countless people.

The higher the upper limit of the world's own power system, the smaller his advantage will be.

So what we need is to compile more detailed world rules and weave a normal magic system for this world that can be promoted through practice. Merlin can indeed make himself into this by directly interfering with the underlying logic of the rules. Logic makes oneself the most powerful being in this magic system.

But he cannot prevent others from becoming equally powerful beings through their own training and learning. The more such people there are, the greater the power he has to exert to distort reality and deny reality, and the closer we are. Defeat him, and discuss defeating him in such a dream world, then where will his soul go? Will we continue to stay in this dream world and lose contact with the outside body, or will we continue to face the choice of sacrifice and redemption? "

The Red Riding Hood Witch could not give an answer to the question raised by her network engineer, but she recognized the other party's thinking: "We need non-combatants and someone to carry this memory to the next reincarnation.

If we continue to fight like this again and again, our souls will eventually be wiped out, and the person whose soul has been wiped out will be completely different even if he reappears in the next reincarnation. The other person cannot carry any memories from here. .

This is a new way of thinking. You are the most suitable candidate. Quietly wait for the world to restart. You must survive no matter what. Then in the next reincarnation, tell me what kind of world should be built and how should this world be. What kind of power system, we will one day completely defeat him, and then get the answer to your question. "

The two people who have been watching can also observe everything that happens in the dream through their own powerful power, and all this brings people not only inspiration, but also shock.

"If they are allowed to continue to develop, a transcendent system with self-consistent logic will appear in this world, and it will be a transcendent system that can be broken through by practicing according to normal logic.

Do you think that such a system is very similar to our current world? People with authority and the power to directly interfere with the rules are above all practitioners. The gap between them cannot be bridged through practice. , and those people can truly rewrite the reality they want directly from the bottom of the universe's rules. "

Cheng Ying's statement made Entropy fall into thinking: "What you said can only be regarded as a conjecture about the world view, and the connection between it and the real situation. I cannot give a guarantee. I can only say that there is such a possibility. , but it’s hard to say how likely it is.

I am an innate demon god who has existed since ancient times, so the memory of the beginning of the birth of heaven and earth exists. At that time, there was no dream-like process. Our world is most likely real, and there is no one in the outside world. The so-called real world houses our bodies.

Of course, if you think about it from a philosophical perspective, you can also think that everything except yourself is illusory, and the world itself is your own dream, but I think such philosophical speculation is meaningless. , indeed no one can refute your statement, but this will not help you change the world. "

"Okay, I just said it casually. I just gave a guess about the expansion of combat power. The extraordinary power may not be as strong as we imagined. It only becomes so after a layer of dream amplification. Destroying the world, perhaps the existence in reality does not have such a strong ability to interfere with the material world. It is only because everyone is dreaming that this ability to interfere becomes stronger."

"If you say so, this theory really does have some meaning. There is an extremely powerful mythical beast living in the ancient continent. People call it Mengdie. No one knows how many forms it has, but At least one form is that of a butterfly. And his power is his dream.

Some people say that the butterfly is his dream, and that he is a real person. Some people say that the powerful power he displayed was actually just a butterfly's dream.

He does this by turning dreams into reality. to gain powerful extraordinary power. They are one of the few, even if they have not broken through to the Holy Level, the power they display makes even the Holy Level unable to figure it out. I once caught a dream butterfly, but it suddenly disappeared one day. I don't know if he died or if he woke up from a dream. Or maybe for this creature, waking up from a dream means death. "

Cheng Ying has not heard of this kind of creature. Although he is already relatively knowledgeable, he is still far away from acquiring all the knowledge on the ancient continent. There is still a considerable gap. Based on this, when I think about the situation of the world in front of me, I can't help but shake my head.

"They haven't found the key to the real solution to the problem. Merlin may indeed be the key to the reincarnation of the world, but killing him or defeating him will not solve the problem of reincarnation. If Merlin is gone, there will still be Meimu, Mason, If the Holy Grail still exists, it will always lead the world to reincarnation. It may not be as subtle as this time, but after countless years of evolution, it will still form an extremely strong closed loop. If you really want to break the reincarnation, the most important thing is In fact, it is to find the entity of this Holy Grail, or to make it appear in the form of entity.

They actually have a chance to break the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail will take the initiative to find those who have strong desires, and then use their most difficult choices to let them realize their wishes. The parties involved can see the Holy Grail and even interact with it. The Holy Grail makes physical contact and can theoretically destroy the person involved if he wants to.

But the problem is that this thing is very cunning, or it is just its characteristics. It will only appear in front of those who have the strongest desires, and will only appear in front of those who have the most desired wishes, and destroy them. After that, those unattainable wishes become complete and impossible to realize. In this way, it is absolutely impossible for anyone who sees him to take the initiative to destroy him.

If you want to change this, what is needed is the transformation of the entire society. Transform the entire world, and they are probably still far away from realizing this. "

Cheng Ying is also a little helpless. Even he has no good solution, but the seeds of power have been sown. Looking for Shuyuan The blood of the God Emperor retains not only memories for the people of this world, but also retains memories. It is also experience. After waking up again and having a lot of experience, a person can naturally become stronger. It is like letting any adult be reborn as a child. Even if he was a scumbag before rebirth, he was in kindergarten. , you can still become a top student in primary schools and other places.

This experience is extremely valuable, so it allows people to become truly powerful beings in reincarnation after reincarnation, and after doing this, their strength will also accumulate in reincarnation again and again, and the strength of Accumulation often means one thing in this world, and that is using force to overcome skill.

This is also the only thing that is close to the truth in the world of the Prehistoric series. Once the power is strong enough, it can do almost anything. The same goes for the Holy Grail of this world. Entropy can theoretically easily destroy the Holy Grail of this world, but because it is not clear This thing had some weird properties. He didn't want to touch it and stayed away from this completely unknown thing.

In fact, you don’t need to be as strong as him at all. You only need to be close to the Saint, and you have a high probability of destroying the Holy Grail of this world by your own strength, but the premise is that the Holy Grail must appear in front of such a strong person, and When he appeared, such a powerful being wanted to destroy the Holy Grail rather than fulfill his wish.

The people in the dream world have not seen through this step yet, so they still spend their energy on the war with the Demon King for a long time. Defeat will be a matter of time, but this time and again During the battle, people in this world also accumulated a lot of knowledge and experience.

[To be continued]

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