Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 244 The Perfect Giant Body

Chengying performed in a high-profile manner during this reincarnation. Naturally, he had already prepared for being targeted. Under his design, his army was the most deceptive and the most convenient for him to escape. First of all, the base vehicle that serves as the command headquarters has many clones. Every base vehicle is exactly the same, including the people inside, and those people are all temporary clones he made.

After experiencing the painful experience of the geniuses on their side being hunted down to death again and again, and ultimately having their memories completely erased, the humans here have also developed corresponding methods to deal with this situation.

That's using clones. In the case of using clones, there is no need to worry about the original body being discovered immediately and then killed again and again, completely erasing the memory.

Even Merlin found it difficult to tell the difference between the clone and the original body, and the most important significance of the existence of this thing was to dilute the probability of the original being killed. If there are no clones, being discovered means that the body will be killed. If it is discovered once, it will basically die once. If it is discovered continuously, it will be killed continuously. In the case of clones, it will be killed. The interval between deaths will be greatly increased.

Because after resurrection, the main body will be resurrected directly in the clones. If there are many clones, the opponent has no idea which clone the main body will be resurrected in, so they must kill all the clones. Only once can you ensure that you have killed the main body once.

And this takes time. If the interval between deaths is not particularly short, the loss of personal will to survive is not particularly large. In this case, even a whole reincarnation may not be able to If a person is killed to death, if the reincarnation lasts long enough, then the number of geniuses born is likely to be more than one. Even if Merlin wanted to hunt them all down, he couldn't kill them all. new

And in front of such a base vehicle with clones, even Merlin couldn't tell which one was the real person. Chengying and his clones are present along the entire front. He can be seen everywhere, even in the rear.

And these people, including clones, actually have very strong command abilities, and it is impossible to judge who is the real person through their operations.

In fact, for him, everyone is the real body, and even if he is killed here, it will not have any impact on him, because for the real Chengying, being killed does not mean real death at all. He even He won't feel the pain of death. Even if Merlin keeps killing him, killing him once every second, it won't have the slightest impact on him. So he can spread his will among each clone. No matter which one he killed, it would be meaningless to Merlin.

On the battlefield, the one who performs best is the one who is most targeted. When Merlin takes action personally, it is no longer a small fight between those monsters. A large number of monsters merge into one on the battlefield. A huge monster then gave birth to a soft egg in the body of the mushroom. Inside this egg was an extremely powerful creature, and this was where Merlin truly hid his body.

In this egg, a powerful creature was born. As the carrier of Merlin's will, although this cannot bring out the full strength of his body, it is also something he has developed through the experience he has accumulated in many years of confrontation.

Relying on such a clone, he can bring his will to multiple locations. Used to fight against clones created by humans and kill multiple clones at the same time.

Of course, this will also disperse his power to a certain extent, making each giant less powerful.

Faced with a large number of monsters fused together into a huge creature, the Great Border Wall sent a large number of troops to bombard the giant day and night, but the giant was too big. This huge size makes any conventional attack ineffective against him. Especially now that we are still in the early stages of reincarnation. The power of the magic originally designed in this world has not yet been fully exerted. Even if they go all out to bombard it, it is not enough to release the power of a world-destroying level. In addition, it also has magic defense. Even if he could create a magic attack that could destroy the world, his body would be severely damaged if it hit him.

As the giant gradually takes shape, the giant's abdomen has begun to expand. A huge egg with a height of several hundred meters is produced there. It can be seen that huge magic power is gathering in it. Merlin has mastered this to a considerable extent through learning. World rules. Even relying on the power of bending the rules, he has stronger magic power than the most powerful magician in mankind today.

The magic power of nature poured into the egg crazily, making the egg become stronger and stronger. The creature bred inside did not look like a monster, but looked closer and closer to a well-built human being.

Obviously according to the rules of this world, the human form is the end of evolution, a symbol of advanced and perfect. Evolving from these strange monsters into human form means that we have almost reached the end of evolution, possessing the strongest power. the power of.

Even if the human form has not been fully gestated, and even if the contents of the egg have not yet broken out, the mechanized legions on the human side have nothing to do with him.

There were even tanks that successfully broke through the defense line and transported a large amount of explosives to the bottom of the dome. However, after detonating these explosives, they failed to produce the expected destructive effect. This huge egg seems to have infinite defense power. Even during the bombing, it still remains motionless.

The maturity level of the things inside can obviously be seen getting higher and higher. Through the eggshell that has begun to become translucent, you can see that the huge human body inside has grown from the form of an embryo, and is inside the eggshell. Completed growth from childhood to adulthood.

The muscle lines began to become smooth. Perhaps the only thing that was different from ordinary humans was that his right hand had a scar on the palm of his right hand. There is one more eye in the scar than ordinary people. In every previous battle experience, this eye has extremely powerful power.

Merlin has fought in this form in the past, and the conventional human armies are almost unable to compete with him, and there is a gulf-like gap in combat effectiveness between them.

At this point, Merlin has completely constructed his body. The eggshell was torn apart by him, and as he broke out of the shell, his figure was almost perfect. A huge naked humanoid walked out of the eggshell, except for his palms. In addition, there are still some differences between this guy's legs and normal humans.

It was empty there, like a mannequin dummy. Obviously a human body designed for combat would not retain such a weakness. This also means that he will not appear on the battlefield without any clothes and will not appear in any scene that requires harmony.

The height of the hundred-meter-tall giant was even higher than the height of the Great Border Wall. The heavy artillery temporarily built on the Great Border Wall opened fire on the giant. The previous dome was outside the fire range of these heavy artillery, so they did not successfully bombard it. On top of the dome, it was impossible to transport these extremely heavy city defense artillery to the front line. Only when the opponent got close could they exert their power.

Facts have proved that such a giant city defense cannon still poses a certain threat to the incarnation of Merlin. The huge crossbow arrows made of a whole tree were accelerated to supersonic speeds under various enchantments, and they blasted fiercely. On the giant's body, it finally destroyed his skin. It penetrated one of his arms. But this seems to be just the beginning.

More and more such trees flew over and penetrated the giant's body one by one.

However, in the face of these injuries that seemed like fatal injuries, the giant seemed to be unscathed, still maintaining natural actions, pulling out the huge tree trunks on his body one by one, even though the barbs on them made him His body was dripping with blood and looked extremely terrifying, and he seemed to be unable to feel any pain.

After these things left his body, the wound healed almost instantly, making people doubt that even an attack that could cut him in half from the middle would heal instantly as long as the two halves of the body were pressed together.

Cheng Ying faced a desperate enemy, but he was not discouraged at all. He had made his own preparations in the past few days. The huge enemy in front of us naturally needs to use a more special defense formula to fight against it.

But before that, the Great Border Wall needs to resist his attack.

If it were just a giant, even if he was invulnerable, he would not be invincible to the Great Border Wall. What was really difficult to deal with was actually the magic cast by this giant. He could really cast magic. As he cast spells , he has constructed millions of spells that are millions of times more powerful than ordinary magic. Even an ordinary fireball looks like the sun is falling, and his magical ability is far more than just being able to release a fireball. Simple.

Fireballs all over the sky fell from the sky, just like a meteor shower. For ordinary mages, this is already a very difficult magic skill. In ordinary size, the power is already quite terrifying, and At this time, the power of this move was magnified millions of times. One can imagine what kind of pressure the people on the city wall were facing.

Defense is almost impossible. The solid city wall made of the steel of this world cannot be destroyed theoretically even by nuclear bombs. But after these fireballs fell, the city wall began to become red hot, and the people on the wall They had to evacuate quickly because of the high temperature. A fireball might not be enough to cause much damage to the city wall, but the fireballs in the sky fell like rain, as if they were endless, and the ground was burned like magma. The flame city wall also completely turned into molten steel during this violent attack. With this level of magic, this giant seemed to be invincible.

This is something that humans can only fight against in the later stages of development. Merlin obviously attaches great importance to this enemy and used this level of power from the beginning.

However, it was obvious that during the time he was incubating, the people on the defense line were also targeting him accordingly. As he continued to step forward, his feet suddenly sank, and the ground turned into a swamp. Under the ground, a large number of bubbles appeared. As these bubbles emerged, the originally solid ground became like mud. After stepping in, it was impossible to stand firm, and the body would continue to falling towards the ground.

As if sinking into quicksand or a swamp, the giant immediately used the flying technique. Behind his back, a pair of extremely huge wings of light formed. Under normal circumstances, this pair of wings is definitely enough for it to fly. .

But what he faced was not just a trap. It was not just as simple as falling into a big pit. His legs were stuck in the mud. The strength required to break free was much higher than simply climbing out of a hole. The force required is much greater.

Even though he tried his best to conquer his magic, his legs were still sinking deeper and deeper into the earth. After discovering this, Merlin quickly realized that as long as his legs did not break free from the swamp under his feet. It is impossible for him to fly out.

He gave up decisively and continued to conquer his flying magic. Instead, he modified reality, modified the viscosity between his legs and the swamp, and then cast his spell. By this time, he had almost sunk to his chest. After the viscosity dropped, The swamp turned into something like water, which made it sink faster.

In this case, find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com Originally, it only had its feet inserted into it, and it was almost submerged up to its chest. But at this time, its wings were also useful. While flapping its wings, it also began to rise, and it was about to escape from the swamp. However, at this moment, snowflakes fell from the sky, the temperature dropped suddenly, and the originally muddy swamp suddenly froze. In this environment, after the swamp froze, even if the viscosity dropped and turned into a solid swamp, it was not this giant. I can break free.

This itself is a series of traps. A large amount of ice elements and spells have been injected into the swamp, and they were activated immediately after the giant sank to a certain depth.

Originally, they planned to completely submerge the giant in the swamp and then freeze the swamp.

But the opponent obviously reacted faster than expected and took the correct response immediately. Only then could he leave the giant's hands and head outside the swamp, and then freeze the swamp. And the freeze has only just begun. What follows is even more frenzied reinforcement.

[To be continued]

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