The special ecological environment of this world has also allowed the development of special technology trees here, such as trains driven by the heat of magma. The construction method is quite strange. The train tracks are built above the magma river.

Even when the train is advancing for a considerable distance, it is advancing on the top of the magma. The heat-absorbing grid of the engine is placed on the chassis of the vehicle. When passing over the magma, it does not require any external power. Can advance automatically.

This completely separates railways and highways into two systems.

The road system should avoid underground magma rivers as much as possible. Only in this way can the road be kept safe and smooth, and the road will not be suddenly surrounded by lava while driving.

But the railway system must guide the flow of the magma river and travel along the magma river above the river. Most of the railways are made of high-temperature-resistant materials. The closer they are to the surface of the magma river, the more efficiently they use the heat energy below. The higher it is, and this means that the trains do not need to carry too much fuel most of the time. They only need to absorb some magma at the parked stations to keep these trains moving.

On a certain level, this thing can still be called a train. After all, it really travels by burning fire. Not only that, it also travels on flames and magma.

Because of the harsh environment inside this kind of vehicle, there are basically only people in the front of the vehicle. It is not used to carry passengers, but to transport various industrial materials.

With the construction of these railways, various ores and finished materials needed in industry can be transported to various places at high speed.

It is also quite energy-saving and cost-saving. It hardly consumes any additional energy for one transportation. Deliver the transported items to the place.

This is an unimaginable environment on earth. Of course, it is unimaginable on earth that it is such a cold and freezing environment, but the temperature difference has a great impact on human beings.

The roar of the train connects the underground caves together. With the emergence of these subways, a small number of subways away from the magma are also being constructed as underground public transportation networks, which can further expand the scale of the city.

Let more people live and work in the same cave. The more people an industrial system can accommodate, and if these people can be put to their best use, the faster industrial progress can be promoted.

But now the location of population concentration is gradually shifting. The construction along the roads gradually moved towards the ocean. The industrial centers on the land can only become secondary industrial centers in the end. With the discovery of the ocean, the ocean will become the real industrial focus. In the sea water, Humans can live comfortably for long periods of time. The temperature can be extremely comfortable.

At the same time, in this environment, various processing industries are also very easy to carry out.

What needs to be considered when processing underwater is not how to soften the metal, but how to make the softened metal hard after mixing.

At this time, you can’t just consider metal materials. Not all metal materials can withstand high temperatures. At such high temperatures, sometimes the alloy must be doped with some non-metallic substances.

The physical conditions of this world are so strange. Human beings are not yet capable of building cities underwater, but they have determined their own development direction. Human beings in this world will develop towards aquatic life.

As they get out of the trough under the on-demand service, the human beings in this world also begin to gradually move towards their own prosperity. When the IQ is not suppressed, human beings are actually a very tenacious species. Even in extremely harsh natural environments, without the interference of thousands of races, we can still find little by little in the complex and peculiar natural environment. own way of survival.

As the population gradually increased, human industrial technology in this world also began to continue to develop and become more and more advanced.

People also began to develop in directions other than basic necessities, food, housing and transportation. In addition to basic survival needs such as food, clothing, housing and transportation, people also need more convenient access to knowledge. In the past, the knowledge of this world was recorded on paper-like fiber material.

But this kind of thing is too inconvenient after all, especially in underground environments or water.

Needless to say in water, if paper made of this fiber is placed in water, it will be soaked immediately like a puddle of mud.

In particular, the water temperature in this world is still very high. Even plant fibers can withstand this high temperature to a certain extent and can adapt to this high temperature like the human body. It is also definitely not suitable for use in water.

In addition, if it is used in a relatively dry place in a cave, it must be stored in a place that is quite cold for humans. Because in places that are quite cold for humans, the temperature can drop below fifty degrees, which is equivalent to this world. If these papers are stored in places where the temperature is higher and very new, they will burn involuntarily.

When people get close to Lianjiang, they will feel dryness on their skin, and the same is true for these papers. If you want to preserve them for a long time, you need to soak them in water. After soaking them in water, freeze them one by one in a relatively cold environment, freeze them into ice cubes, and then store them.

The possibility of damage to frozen paper is greatly reduced. Even if it is placed near magma, at most the water that froze the paper will slowly melt. It will not burn the paper directly.

But there is also a problem, that is, during such freezing, one of the flexible characteristics of paper is lost.

In such an environment, paper becomes cardboard that is difficult to fold. If you fold it hard, it may break into two sections.

In addition, another problem is that after freezing, the surface of the paper is as smooth as ice, and there is no fiber to absorb ink. In this case, writing on paper is no longer possible.

Relatively speaking, in such a harsh environment, you need to first write down what you want to record on paper, and then completely freeze and seal it.

Books in this world cannot be bound. Instead, put the leaves you want to read in the book in a box, like playing cards. When you need to look at it, pull out the contents. have. A small number of books are bound together like normal books. It's just that their binding method is not to glue one side together, and these frozen papers are almost inelastic. Their binding method is to punch holes in the paper, and then connect them in series with something like a spring, so that the page turning effect can be achieved. When turning the pages of this kind of book, although it will not forget every detail, Disrupting the order will also face some problems. For example, if you use too much force, the joints will easily break. Paper that has lost its flexibility will have such problems.

And even if this thing has been improved in this way, it cannot be used underwater. People in this world have also begun to explore in the field of chemical industry. Because the various properties of water have become unique, their chemical industry The roads are also very strange.

Plastic is very difficult to make because there is no petroleum, but they extracted similar chemicals from the inside of a certain plant they grew. Because it contains crystal water inside, it has certain high-temperature resistance. , some properties close to plastic make it more suitable for recording than ordinary paper, and its high temperature resistance makes it not easy to burn. It can be easily stored even if it is not exposed to water. It's just a little troublesome to write. Without the properties of fiber, the things written on it can only float on the surface, and you can only write on it with something similar to a marker.

But anyway, it is difficult to write on paper with fibers even under water. If you want to write on plastic-like paper without fibers, you must also use high-concentration pigments, or you must find a completely new way. It is also possible to leave traces on such materials through a method similar to engraving. When making these papers, the manufacturers have already considered the possibility of being used underwater. All pens will leak ink when underwater. Even special ballpoint pens will face similar problems.

So what should be done to solve this problem? I simply gave up the ink in the pen. Instead, make a fuss on paper.

If you write on a piece of white paper, you don't have to consider the possibility that the paper will be missed. It will also be quite difficult to distinguish the characters engraved on it. Carvings on stone slabs can be easily distinguished because the unevenness on the slab is more obvious. As long as you look at it slightly from the side, you can easily distinguish the uneven marks on it, and naturally it is relatively easy to identify what is written on it.

But if you look at it from another angle, if there can be obvious optical phenomena after engraving on paper, then writing on paper through engraving will become one of the feasible solutions. The original engineer thought that it should be made A material that changes color under pressure, or that may change color when cut.

After developing this idea for a long time, they discovered that this idea was not feasible. It was almost impossible to create brand new compounds simply relying on this pressure, or even to synthesize new elements for labeling in this way. .

Technology in this area theoretically exists, but existing civilization cannot develop it. The temporary technology that replaces this aspect is actually quite simple. It only takes a little thinking to solve this difficult problem that may require a lot of technology to solve.

The solution given by engineers in this world is to replace ordinary paper with two or three layers of paper.

The outside of the finger is normal white. But the inside of the paper is black or other colors. Then place the two pieces of paper facing each other so that only the white side is exposed.

In this way, when using these papers, you only need to scratch the paper through engraving, and you can see the white paper, leaving dark writing on the paper.

In this way, you can leave what you want to write on the paper. The technical difficulty of doing this is obviously much simpler than changing the color of the paper surface by compressing the paper surface and maintaining it continuously.

It can be seen from this that humans in this world do not lack creativity at all. Although this brand-new material is difficult to apply paint on, as long as the two sheets are put together, it is actually a perfect writing material, and even the back can be written on. However, this will cause some topological problems during the writing process. If there are equally vacant positions inside some words, writing on them may cause the paper in the vacant positions in the middle to fall off. What needs to be tested is the adhesive. You must ensure that the two pieces of paper are strong enough when stuck together. It won't break even if it gets wet.

Okay, once the chess is done here, it will be much easier to write underwater. At present, this kind of plastic-like paper has no big problem in writing. It is easy to scratch the paper on the surface. After leaving marks on the paper, it is not so easy to be damaged. Find Bookstore However, compared to traditional paper, the information stored in this way is still more susceptible to damage.

And people in this world are not limited to storing information through paper. They want more efficient information storage devices. And through the invention of this brand-new paper, they were thinking about whether information could be stored on paper tape? The writing they used before was still hieroglyphics. So writing on paper takes up more space. It is also inconvenient for mechanical equipment to read the writing on it.

But on the other hand, if the text is converted into another form, such as a binary form, the space occupied by a text should be compressed smaller, and it will be easier to convert the text under special circumstances. Write about success.

So their development direction began to develop in the direction of tape. Magnets must exist in this world. After all, they made the earliest generators that way.

But when used underwater, it is often not suitable. Current generators are rarely used underwater. On the one hand, there is leakage of electricity, and on the other hand, the relative temperature of water in this world is very high. Demagnetization often occurs at high temperatures. If you want to make magnets or tapes out of conventional particulate matter, you need to consider whether demagnetization will occur due to high temperatures when used underwater.

So much so that tapes in this world have taken some different paths in their development. It is also a carrier for storing information. There is no need to use a magnetic presence. In theory, any material that can leave traces can be used as a medium to store information. Materials with a certain degree of magnetism only make the reading and writing processes easier.

[To be continued]

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