Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 290: Stand out

Root had his own understanding of all levels of society. Even if you blend in with people who live relatively poor lives, such as porters, you can still find your niche and quickly blend in quite well among this group.

Relying on the assistance of spells, even if he doesn't have crystals. to absorb the harsh sunlight. I haven't suffered any damage during these days of work.

And because he can use magic to reduce the weight of the objects being transported to a certain extent, although it is the simplest physical labor, he still made some savings for himself in the process.

When getting along with others, he showed enough loyalty that other porters around him also recognized him. It was also through this opportunity that he successfully obtained temporary status. After a few more workers proved it for him, he successfully obtained the official identity certificate of this world. And the files were entered into the city.

In fact, if you really want to obtain a reliable enough identity, there is a simpler solution than this, which is to spend enough money to smoothen the relationship. With enough social resources and enough connections, this kind of thing can be done easily.

However, he has just participated in this social production and has not yet understood all common sense. He rashly took out many precious metals for trade. Instead, big problems will arise.

And now he has slowly integrated into this society. Then, under the rule structure of this social system, we gradually climb to a higher position. Master more social resources. The difficulty in this aspect is greatly reduced. At least it won't cause you any extra trouble.

After selling my labor force for a period of time, I have a reasonable reason to turn my savings into reasonable assets. And in the process, I have learned most of the common sense of the world.

Just as he guessed, this world was in eternal daylight many years ago. And in the eternal day, the overflow of light will destroy all life. Until their civilization discovered a plant that could grow at extremely high speeds. Only then did he survive the flood of light. Relying on this plant, they can offset the influence of light, so that the extra light power in the flood of light will not cause harm to them, but will erode these plants first, so that they can take refuge in the plant-constructed shelter. The institute developed normally.

As for the black crystals worn by each of them, they were originally things that would be left behind after they died. This black crystal can absorb light to a certain extent. Maintain an area suitable for their survival.

After plants create shelters, these black crystals can ensure that the light inside the shelter is not scarce enough, allowing them to survive and reproduce.

Recently, the light from the outside world has begun to fade away. Correspondingly, the protective effect of these black crystals is not that important. Even without the existence of these pitch-black crystals, they could still live normally on the surface under the current intensity of sunlight.

So those massive plants that shrouded the buildings began to be removed one after another. Except for a few large cities that have been set up as refuges, a large number of plant structures have been retained to avoid the sudden onset of sunlight again. The rest of the railways, stations, towns and other areas need to be cleared of the huge vegetation around them to allow the towns to expand and develop outward.

In addition, there are many underground cities in the world, which are also built to resist the flood of light. Those cities are also refuges. Because it is built underground, demolition is not required. There are no plans to expand these cities in the future.

Prepare as a place to take shelter in the event of new natural disasters in the future.

After establishing these basic common sense cognitions, Root deduced based on his own experience that the construction industry should usher in a round of prosperity next, and various infrastructure constructions are very suitable as investment targets. And having various knowledge of classical physics, he believes that the next development trend should be towards the electric age.

Although steam trains will not be replaced, widespread use of electricity in the future should soon be available.

Investing in this industry can also make a lot of money. The premise of these is that he can complete primitive capital accumulation in a short period of time.

It is difficult for normal industries to complete primitive capital accumulation. Under this social structure, one can honestly rely on work to make money. It is indeed possible to live a life without worries about food and clothing. After all, the sun is no longer so scary now, and people in this world can free up a lot of labor. This caused productivity to flourish to a considerable extent, and the prices of products on the market began to drop rapidly. Although a large number of workers poured into the factory, the wages of the workers themselves also dropped to a certain extent. But under the regulation of this world's governments, overall individual purchasing power has increased.

But this does not mean that you can make a lot of money in a short time by working hard. It is obviously impossible to achieve a high enough status in this society.

To do this, you must rely on less formal means. While Root was working as a porter at the station, he gradually understood the forces around him. Some underground forces outside the government would definitely exist. After all, communication capabilities and transportation capabilities in this era are limited. Impossible to complete, complete killing of gangs and the like, this is determined by productivity. If the economic foundation is sufficient, some dynamic social groups will definitely be supported in cities and towns.

The stevedores themselves have their own organizations. There is a certain gang nature, and Root has gained a high status in the process by relying on his experience. In particular, he has a considerable advantage in terms of force.

On the one hand, it can cast some simple spells. On the other hand, before he became an exploration member, his living conditions were not bad, and he exercised regularly and received systematic training in the legion. In terms of fighting, he is far beyond the people here.

At least far beyond the lack of organization in these gangs, in this case it can easily rely on its physical advantages to gain status within the gang.

Although you want to be the boss, it is impossible to do so in a short time. But after gaining certain rights, he immediately rectified the internal system and changed the original loose style into a more organized one. In several competitions with other station workers, subordinates like him who were organized and trained easily gained an absolute advantage in a group fight by relying on their tactical advantages.

There is no doubt that he trained his gang members the same way he trained the army. Although he had only a dozen men under his command, the weapons they used were wooden sticks at most, and they were arranged in a neat formation and attacked under corresponding commands. The effect is much better than those in melee.

Root also won the unanimous support of the station workers in the process, and even the gang boss once wanted to marry his daughter to him. This was the simplest marriage.

And he also relied on the advantages established by the system he was familiar with to quickly integrate the underground world in the town.

"It's not that I demand too much from my brothers. You all know that existence like ours cannot be exposed to the sun or bully men and women. To put it bluntly, everyone still has to support their families. For people like us, the most important thing is It’s not just about fighting and killing, you still have to make money in the end.

That's why I have set so many rules for everyone, because some lines cannot be touched. If we touch them, we may face the army.

Do you know why the local government doesn't care about us? Because we help them maintain order in the community. Without our presence, there would be no such things as theft, robbery, and fraud. It will happen more frequently in the dark world, which has a very adverse impact on their governance.

And if our existence leads to the occurrence of more serious such incidents, then the significance of our existence to the local government will disappear. Even if they pay higher costs to manage the local order, they will not be able to manage this. Give us another piece.

At our current stage, the most important thing is not to fight and kill, but to clear the name quickly. We need to have enough profitable industry on the surface to support the lives of the brothers.

We don’t need so many people fighting. As you have seen, with military training, we can use half the number of people on the other side to make them run away, and everyone has to support their families. If everyone We are all responsible for fighting. Do you think we can still feed so many people?

So some people must continue to work, but I can guarantee that they can get more comfortable jobs, they don’t have to work so hard, and they can have better treatment than people other than us, but the premise is that everyone You have to abide by the rules, otherwise what will be the consequences? I think you all know it too. "Rutte can be said to have broken apart how to be a gangster, crushed it into pieces, and handed over to these people.

What they want to do is not to dominate one party. In the final analysis, it is to make money, and the best way to make money is to monopolize the most profitable local industries. Monopolizing related industries will offend people, so violent conflicts may break out. This is why gang members require a certain degree of armed force.

But if you put everything into strengthening your own force. It is obvious that the cart is put before the horse. The greater the scale of development, the whiter the forces in these underground world will be, and the more they will look like serious business people.

And this group of people was originally organized by porters at the station. They were not involved in any illegal industry, but they monopolized the porters to a certain extent. They could negotiate better prices in this way, or they could rely on There is strength in numbers to occupy some of the more profitable industries.

Root's purpose is naturally not to be a gang leader here. The influence he can exert in this world will not extend beyond this town at most, and if he goes too far, he will be annihilated.

With the gradual arrival of the electric power age, according to his experience, the planet is gradually ushering in the capital age. Taking advantage of the times, becoming the big capitalists and big trusts in the world can truly control this world. social resources of the world.

What he is doing now is actually just completing the initial accumulation of capital. The next thing he wants to do is to invest, or even attract investment to a certain extent.

Their apparent identity is not a gang, but a legal company, and a security company with certain rights to hold weapons.

Under their influence, local security is actually better than most places, and the so-called protection fees have even been integrated with local taxes to a certain extent.

That is, government departments directly outsource tax collection because local officials find themselves doing the work themselves. You will encounter a lot of resistance when looking for Shuyuan, but if you outsource it, you only need to wait to collect the money. It can be said that the work was done while lying down.

This is also caused by the limited ability of the central government to control local governments and local governments in this era. Especially during the budding period of capital, there was a considerable degree of chaos, which gave Root an opportunity, and his current development is somewhat beyond his expectations.

He did not expect that the local government would not react excessively to the fact that he had gathered so many people. But I soon thought of it. The officials of this era probably did not have a deep understanding of the system and the power of population as he did, so they were not aware of the dangers that he might bring by gathering so many people.

From his own point of view, his current primitive accumulation of capital is not even more valuable than the people he has gathered.

Originally, his plan was to carry out primitive accumulation in this way. Then he got himself a brand new false identity, then got rid of it completely, ran to another town, changed his appearance, and invested and built factories as a businessman.

But he didn't expect that the situation was different from what he imagined. The people he organized under the name of the security company were not suppressed by official forces at all. Then in the development process of this era, what could he do? There are too many operations to do.

Among the people who entered the world of light flooding in the world of reincarnation, he was the only one who took the gangster path. The rest followed the official path according to their habits, or directly invested as businessmen with potential. In emerging industries, he does not have so much available labor force, which can be organized by him to do big things.

[To be continued]

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