Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 303 Space Chaos

After the birth of the Han Empire in this world, it was actually basically on the right track. After realizing the limitations of the environment, it protected the natural environment to a certain extent, and also explored and cherished the space. Then humans in this world can basically develop normally, and as long as humans in this world can continue to exist for a long time, then in the future process of world integration, humans can still be used as the anchor of this world, through Driven by the world engine, the integration of worlds is completed.

After Cheng Ying secretly completed the construction of the world engine in this world, he was ready to leave this world, although the secrets in this world have not yet been fully explored. For example, why did the Han Empire revive in this world, and why did it have a history similar to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period?

But these can all be studied slowly in the future. What he has to do now is to find all 13 worlds as soon as possible. Then let them all fuse together to build the original world.

The blood of the God Emperor in this world is contained in everyone's body. Just like in the dark world. So you only need to take out part of the blood of these people to get a hint of the blood of the God Emperor. Through this breath, it merges with the previous part. This will enhance his ability to explore these worlds ready for integration.

Entropy has long been impatient with this world that seems to have nothing new. Although he cares a little about the Han Empire in this world, the Han Empire in this world is still far from the powerful empire that appeared in history and pushed the Dragon and Phoenix tribes off the stage of history.

Even development in the future is extremely limited. He didn't pay too much attention and continued to explore other worlds in the ruins. After having enough blood sensing, it will become easier to discover the next world. But before heading to that world, the two of them entered a few more. In a post-apocalyptic world where there are also a few remaining humans.

Some are wastelands in the midst of war. Almost all planets in the entire universe have been affected by the flames of war. Most viable places are filled with terrible radiation or pollution.

There are also parts of the rules of the universe that have fallen into strange distortions. These weird universes. It's like a low-latitude world. Even more terrifying than that, twisted rules. It has been with people in this world from the first moment they were born.

This is normal, after all, low latitudes themselves contain these doomsday worlds. It is normal for them to have similar crazy rules. Although the doomsday has come, there are relatively few worlds that are still relatively orderly. Only these worlds are likely to be selected by the God Emperor as the future fusion of the original world. s material.

After passing through several too crazy worlds, Cheng Ying finally came to a divided world that he sensed. As soon as he entered here, he felt that the rules here were a bit strange. He just took a step forward, and found that he who was originally in space suddenly appeared in front of a star. Continuing to take a step forward, he did not fall into the stars. Instead, it appeared inexplicably in the deep void of nothingness. Continuing to take a few steps forward, I found that the starry sky around me was constantly flickering and changing. After a while, bright stars appeared in my field of vision again.

"What does this mean? Is this world the kind of world with chaotic space? It is possible to take a random step and suddenly appear in any corner of the universe?" He found that after his spiritual power spread out, it was difficult to control the universe. Make effective sense. The same goes for entropy.

It's not that their strength cannot cover the entire universe. Rather, because of the chaos in space, the information transmitted back by one's own spirit is also chaotic, as if the universe is a puzzle piece that has been put together incorrectly, with different locations and connections being completely different. So much so that the information they obtained became confused in the process.

"What kind of weird rule is this? It seems that special space rules only apply to living things. I observed other planets and other things in the universe, and they all operate in the same condition, and they are not affected by this weird rule. "

Entropy nodded, he also discovered this problem. If other celestial bodies in the universe would also be affected by this chaotic space, those huge planets in operation would have been cut into fragments and scattered around in the universe.

This kind of influence on intelligent creatures is not too strange. In such a multiverse that can give birth to creation gods, it is possible for such rules specifically aimed at life to appear. However, this can be considered a rather strange type among many universes.

After Cheng Ying's spiritual power was cut into pieces, although he discovered the area where intelligent creatures gathered in the world, he had no way to go there. Under normal circumstances, he could travel through space by teleporting directly. But the spatial rules of this world are chaotic.

So he traveled through one dimension and the location he appeared in was completely different from where he expected.

"I don't know if the chaotic space has its own rules. So far, I haven't summarized any effective rules. Even if I use acquired spiritual treasures to calculate, it seems that there is no set that can be summarized for the time being. The existing space rules of this universe rules.

From what I have experienced so far, it is indeed possible to construct a model of the universe to explain the chaotic rules of this space. And made sense of everything I was going through. But the problem is that this model has no way of predicting the future. "

"What does it mean?" Although entropy has a long life and vast knowledge, its intuition for mathematics is still relatively limited.

"In short, my model is wrong. Based on existing experience, we can indeed summarize a system that conforms to existing laws. For example, people with insufficient knowledge in ancient times lived on the earth and could see the sun rising in the east. When the sun sets in the west, I sum up the rules and think that I live in a huge star space. I think that the sky is round and the earth is round. I think that the sun has a total of seven orbits, and it will constantly switch between these seven orbits every year. In this way, there is The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, creating the rotation of the four seasons. It can explain the movement of many stars in the sky.

This theory is sufficient to explain the existing phenomena discovered by people of that era. But as more astronomical discoveries followed. There is no way to explain such a mathematical model. Later, people realized that they lived on a planet, and that the sun and moon were also celestial bodies. After that, they summarized a set of laws based on classical mechanics and universal gravitation, but later they discovered that in the process of observing the transit of Mercury. There is a difference between the predicted time and the actual time. Once again, existing mathematical models fail to explain the world. So it is necessary to add the content of the theory of relativity into it.

Through the patterns I have observed now, I can indeed summarize a set of mathematical models that can explain everything that exists. But I will discover more in the future. This information is inconsistent with my mathematical model. So in short, my model is wrong, but the frequency of model updates is too fast. Basically, I just updated my mathematical model, and I discovered completely new phenomena that didn't fit my model. There is a certain probability that this universe operates irregularly. is almost completely random.

However, it seems that I do not agree with this view at present. From my view of the universe, nothing in the world is completely random. In other words, no matter what the event is, it is actually pseudo-random, and the laws can be found in the real situation.

A simple explanation is that the random numbers in the computer are not truly random, but a number intercepted from an irrational number or under certain special conditions. After all, this process has its own rules.

As for other situations besides that. That's different again. Just like throwing a dice, it looks random. But in fact, if we are asked to throw it, we can completely decide how many points it will have after it falls to the ground. Because for us, it is not random, but can completely calculate how it will bounce and flip after colliding with the table. thus giving a definite answer. Although this involves chaos effects and is very difficult to calculate, it can be calculated for us.

No matter how chaotic the space in this world is, it is at best the level of chaos effect. There is no truly absolutely random thing in the entire universe, so I believe that given enough time we can summarize the laws of the chaotic space in this world. "

Entropy shook his head: "I agree with your point of view. After all, I am Entropy. Nothing is absolutely random. Everything will eventually return to me. After the end of the world, everything will become a part of me, so I agree that there are no truly random events. Yes. But the laws of this world are too confusing. If you want to calculate, you can do it yourself. I will only watch from the side."

Obviously calculating the random laws in this world's universe is really boring. At least Entropy has no such interest. He can still watch patiently, but he is just worried that he has missed the things that may be hidden in this world. nice one.

He could tell that the person next to him must be lucky. Otherwise, you can't just search in these garbage dump-like worlds and find the reincarnation disk, one of the top ten innate spiritual treasures.

But even if he stares, it will have no additional impact on Cheng Ying, and it will not affect his ability to calculate his spatial position in this world, and then try to jump to an area in this world where humans exist through teleportation.

Although he has no way to directly space transfer, he can now spread his spiritual power to the entire universe through himself. Observed the human beings living in this world.

They do not live in a chaotic space area, but live on an isolated island in these chaotic spaces that are like currents in sea water.

Although the spatial rules in these areas may be disordered to a certain extent, they are generally relatively normal. Generally speaking, this normal and regular space area usually only covers a week-sized range. If it exceeds this range, the space will often fall into chaos.

Human beings in this world live in these ordered worlds. To say that the spatial rules here are ordered is just relative. Compared to the chaotic situation where Cheng Ying couldn't even find Bei, it was much more orderly, at least it wouldn't be like taking a random step and ending up in space.

For ordinary people without any additional protection, sudden entry into space is almost fatal. Even if they have many opportunities for space transfer to change their current situation, even if they can step in a vacuum and achieve teleportation in this way, the probability that the weakness of teleportation is the planet that allows them to survive is really very slim.

The greatest probability is to jump back and forth in a void of space. Eventually turning into a frozen corpse.

Most areas in the universe are void, which can be said to be exactly the opposite of the previous material world. Therefore, if you perform a random space walk here, the greatest probability is that you will accidentally enter space. Moreover, no matter how many consecutive random transmissions, it is difficult to land on the planet. Even if it falls on the planet, there is a greater probability that it will fall directly in the sun.

After all, a star usually occupies more than 99 percent of its volume and mass in a week.

As for relatively orderly areas, they are areas where space transmission channels appear regularly. In most places, if you walk forward, you can reach the normal front position. It only appears on rare occasions. Extra space doors allow people to enter and suddenly appear in other places.

The relative order here means that even if you enter the space gate, there is a high probability that you will only appear in another location on the planet, and will not appear directly in space or other extremely distant galaxies.

But this probability is not 100%. There is still a certain possibility of completely disappearing from this planet in the chaotic space.

The civilization living on this planet has gradually come into contact with the threshold of industry. The first industrial revolution does not seem far away. Many theories in classical physics have also been proposed, but they are still questioned. Because cluttered spaces are everywhere. The knowledge of classical physics cannot explain what is going on in these chaotic spaces.

In this case, civilizations living in chaotic spaces subconsciously regard these chaotic spaces as their own common sense. Try to explain why these spaces have such strange phenomena.

[To be continued]

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However, it seems that I do not agree with this view at present. From my view of the universe, nothing in the world is completely random. In other words, no matter what the event is, it is actually pseudo-random, and the laws can be found in the real situation.

A simple explanation is that the random numbers in the computer are not truly random, but a number intercepted from an irrational number or under certain special conditions. After all, this process has its own rules.

As for other situations besides that. That's different again. Just like throwing a dice, it looks random. But in fact, if we are asked to throw it, we can completely decide how many points it will have after it falls to the ground. Because for us, it is not random, but can completely calculate how it will bounce and flip after colliding with the table. thus giving a definite answer. Although this involves chaos effects and is very difficult to calculate, it can be calculated for us.

No matter how chaotic the space in this world is, it is at best the level of chaos effect. There is no truly absolutely random thing in the entire universe, so I believe that given enough time we can summarize the laws of the chaotic space in this world. "

Entropy shook his head: "I agree with your point of view. After all, I am Entropy. Nothing is absolutely random. Everything will eventually return to me. After the end of the world, everything will become a part of me, so I agree that there are no truly random events. Yes. But the laws of this world are too confusing. If you want to calculate, you can do it yourself. I will only watch from the side."

Obviously calculating the random laws in this world's universe is really boring. At least Entropy has no such interest. He can still watch patiently, but he is just worried that he has missed the things that may be hidden in this world. nice one.

He could tell that the person next to him must be lucky. Otherwise, you can't just search in these garbage dump-like worlds and find the reincarnation disk, one of the top ten innate spiritual treasures.

But even if he stares, it will have no additional impact on Cheng Ying, and it will not affect his ability to calculate his spatial position in this world, and then try to jump to an area in this world where humans exist through teleportation.

Although he has no way to directly space transfer, he can now spread his spiritual power to the entire universe through himself. Observed the human beings living in this world.

They do not live in a chaotic space area, but live on an isolated island in these chaotic spaces that are like currents in sea water.

Although the spatial rules in these areas may be disordered to a certain extent, they are generally relatively normal. Generally speaking, this normal and regular space area usually only covers a week-sized range. If it exceeds this range, the space will often fall into chaos.

Human beings in this world live in these ordered worlds. To say that the spatial rules here are ordered is just relative. Compared to the chaotic situation where Cheng Ying couldn't even find Bei, it was much more orderly, at least it wouldn't be like taking a random step and ending up in space.

For ordinary people without any additional protection, sudden entry into space is almost fatal. Even if they have many opportunities for space transfer to change their current situation, even if they can step in a vacuum and achieve teleportation in this way, the probability that the weakness of teleportation is the planet that allows them to survive is really very slim.

The greatest probability is to jump back and forth in a void of space. Eventually turning into a frozen corpse.

Most areas in the universe are void, which can be said to be exactly the opposite of the previous material world. Therefore, if you perform a random space walk here, the greatest probability is that you will accidentally enter space. Moreover, no matter how many consecutive random transmissions, it is difficult to land on the planet. Even if it falls on the planet, there is a greater probability that it will fall directly in the sun.

After all, a star usually occupies more than 99 percent of its volume and mass in a week.

As for relatively orderly areas, they are areas where space transmission channels appear regularly. In most places, if you walk forward, you can reach the normal front position. It only appears on rare occasions. Extra space doors allow people to enter and suddenly appear in other places.

The relative order here means that even if you enter the space gate, there is a high probability that you will only appear in another location on the planet, and will not appear directly in space or other extremely distant galaxies.

But this probability is not 100%. There is still a certain possibility of completely disappearing from this planet in the chaotic space.

The civilization living on this planet has gradually come into contact with the threshold of industry. The first industrial revolution does not seem far away. Many theories in classical physics have also been proposed, but they are still questioned. Because cluttered spaces are everywhere. The knowledge of classical physics cannot explain what is going on in these chaotic spaces.

In this case, civilizations living in chaotic spaces subconsciously regard these chaotic spaces as their own common sense. Try to explain why these spaces have such strange phenomena.

[To be continued]

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However, it seems that I do not agree with this view at present. From my view of the universe, nothing in the world is completely random. In other words, no matter what the event is, it is actually pseudo-random, and the laws can be found in the real situation.

A simple explanation is that the random numbers in the computer are not truly random, but a number intercepted from an irrational number or under certain special conditions. After all, this process has its own rules.

As for other situations besides that. That's different again. Just like throwing a dice, it looks random. But in fact, if we are asked to throw it, we can completely decide how many points it will have after it falls to the ground. Because for us, it is not random, but can completely calculate how it will bounce and flip after colliding with the table. thus giving a definite answer. Although this involves chaos effects and is very difficult to calculate, it can be calculated for us.

No matter how chaotic the space in this world is, it is at best the level of chaos effect. There is no truly absolutely random thing in the entire universe, so I believe that given enough time we can summarize the laws of the chaotic space in this world. "

Entropy shook his head: "I agree with your point of view. After all, I am Entropy. Nothing is absolutely random. Everything will eventually return to me. After the end of the world, everything will become a part of me, so I agree that there are no truly random events. Yes. But the laws of this world are too confusing. If you want to calculate, you can do it yourself. I will only watch from the side."

Obviously calculating the random laws in this world's universe is really boring. At least Entropy has no such interest. He can still watch patiently, but he is just worried that he has missed the things that may be hidden in this world. nice one.

He could tell that the person next to him must be lucky. Otherwise, you can't just search in these garbage dump-like worlds and find the reincarnation disk, one of the top ten innate spiritual treasures.

But even if he stares, it will have no additional impact on Cheng Ying, and it will not affect his ability to calculate his spatial position in this world, and then try to jump to an area in this world where humans exist through teleportation.

Although he has no way to directly space transfer, he can now spread his spiritual power to the entire universe through himself. Observed the human beings living in this world.

They do not live in a chaotic space area, but live on an isolated island in these chaotic spaces that are like currents in sea water.

Although the spatial rules in these areas may be disordered to a certain extent, they are generally relatively normal. Generally speaking, this normal and regular space area usually only covers a week-sized range. If it exceeds this range, the space will often fall into chaos.

Human beings in this world live in these ordered worlds. To say that the spatial rules here are ordered is just relative. Compared to the chaotic situation where Cheng Ying couldn't even find Bei, it was much more orderly, at least it wouldn't be like taking a random step and ending up in space.

For ordinary people without any additional protection, sudden entry into space is almost fatal. Even if they have many opportunities for space transfer to change their current situation, even if they can step in a vacuum and achieve teleportation in this way, the probability that the weakness of teleportation is the planet that allows them to survive is really very slim.

The greatest probability is to jump back and forth in a void of space. Eventually turning into a frozen corpse.

Most areas in the universe are void, which can be said to be exactly the opposite of the previous material world. Therefore, if you perform a random space walk here, the greatest probability is that you will accidentally enter space. Moreover, no matter how many consecutive random transmissions, it is difficult to land on the planet. Even if it falls on the planet, there is a greater probability that it will fall directly in the sun.

After all, a star usually occupies more than 99 percent of its volume and mass in a week.

As for relatively orderly areas, they are areas where space transmission channels appear regularly. In most places, if you walk forward, you can reach the normal front position. It only appears on rare occasions. Extra space doors allow people to enter and suddenly appear in other places.

The relative order here means that even if you enter the space gate, there is a high probability that you will only appear in another location on the planet, and will not appear directly in space or other extremely distant galaxies.

But this probability is not 100%. There is still a certain possibility of completely disappearing from this planet in the chaotic space.

The civilization living on this planet has gradually come into contact with the threshold of industry. The first industrial revolution does not seem far away. Many theories in classical physics have also been proposed, but they are still questioned. Because cluttered spaces are everywhere. The knowledge of classical physics cannot explain what is going on in these chaotic spaces.

In this case, civilizations living in chaotic spaces subconsciously regard these chaotic spaces as their own common sense. Try to explain why these spaces have such strange phenomena.

[To be continued]

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However, it seems that I do not agree with this view at present. From my view of the universe, nothing in the world is completely random. In other words, no matter what the event is, it is actually pseudo-random, and the laws can be found in the real situation.

A simple explanation is that the random numbers in the computer are not truly random, but a number intercepted from an irrational number or under certain special conditions. After all, this process has its own rules.

As for other situations besides that. That's different again. Just like throwing a dice, it looks random. But in fact, if we are asked to throw it, we can completely decide how many points it will have after it falls to the ground. Because for us, it is not random, but can completely calculate how it will bounce and flip after colliding with the table. thus giving a definite answer. Although this involves chaos effects and is very difficult to calculate, it can be calculated for us.

No matter how chaotic the space in this world is, it is at best the level of chaos effect. There is no truly absolutely random thing in the entire universe, so I believe that given enough time we can summarize the laws of the chaotic space in this world. "

Entropy shook his head: "I agree with your point of view. After all, I am Entropy. Nothing is absolutely random. Everything will eventually return to me. After the end of the world, everything will become a part of me, so I agree that there are no truly random events. Yes. But the laws of this world are too confusing. If you want to calculate, you can do it yourself. I will only watch from the side."

Obviously calculating the random laws in this world's universe is really boring. At least Entropy has no such interest. He can still watch patiently, but he is just worried that he has missed the things that may be hidden in this world. nice one.

He could tell that the person next to him must be lucky. Otherwise, you can't just search in these garbage dump-like worlds and find the reincarnation disk, one of the top ten innate spiritual treasures.

But even if he stares, it will have no additional impact on Cheng Ying, and it will not affect his ability to calculate his spatial position in this world, and then try to jump to an area in this world where humans exist through teleportation.

Although he has no way to directly space transfer, he can now spread his spiritual power to the entire universe through himself. Observed the human beings living in this world.

They do not live in a chaotic space area, but live on an isolated island in these chaotic spaces that are like currents in sea water.

Although the spatial rules in these areas may be disordered to a certain extent, they are generally relatively normal. Generally speaking, this normal and regular space area usually only covers a week-sized range. If it exceeds this range, the space will often fall into chaos.

Human beings in this world live in these ordered worlds. To say that the spatial rules here are ordered is just relative. Compared to the chaotic situation where Cheng Ying couldn't even find Bei, it was much more orderly, at least it wouldn't be like taking a random step and ending up in space.

For ordinary people without any additional protection, sudden entry into space is almost fatal. Even if they have many opportunities for space transfer to change their current situation, even if they can step in a vacuum and achieve teleportation in this way, the probability that the weakness of teleportation is the planet that allows them to survive is really very slim.

The greatest probability is to jump back and forth in a void of space. Eventually turning into a frozen corpse.

Most areas in the universe are void, which can be said to be exactly the opposite of the previous material world. Therefore, if you perform a random space walk here, the greatest probability is that you will accidentally enter space. Moreover, no matter how many consecutive random transmissions, it is difficult to land on the planet. Even if it falls on the planet, there is a greater probability that it will fall directly in the sun.

After all, a star usually occupies more than 99 percent of its volume and mass in a week.

As for relatively orderly areas, they are areas where space transmission channels appear regularly. In most places, if you walk forward, you can reach the normal front position. It only appears on rare occasions. Extra space doors allow people to enter and suddenly appear in other places.

The relative order here means that even if you enter the space gate, there is a high probability that you will only appear in another location on the planet, and will not appear directly in space or other extremely distant galaxies.

But this probability is not 100%. There is still a certain possibility of completely disappearing from this planet in the chaotic space.

The civilization living on this planet has gradually come into contact with the threshold of industry. The first industrial revolution does not seem far away. Many theories in classical physics have also been proposed, but they are still questioned. Because cluttered spaces are everywhere. The knowledge of classical physics cannot explain what is going on in these chaotic spaces.

In this case, civilizations living in chaotic spaces subconsciously regard these chaotic spaces as their own common sense. Try to explain why these spaces have such strange phenomena.

[To be continued]

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However, it seems that I do not agree with this view at present. From my view of the universe, nothing in the world is completely random. In other words, no matter what the event is, it is actually pseudo-random, and the laws can be found in the real situation.

A simple explanation is that the random numbers in the computer are not truly random, but a number intercepted from an irrational number or under certain special conditions. After all, this process has its own rules.

As for other situations besides that. That's different again. Just like throwing a dice, it looks random. But in fact, if we are asked to throw it, we can completely decide how many points it will have after it falls to the ground. Because for us, it is not random, but can completely calculate how it will bounce and flip after colliding with the table. thus giving a definite answer. Although this involves chaos effects and is very difficult to calculate, it can be calculated for us.

No matter how chaotic the space in this world is, it is at best the level of chaos effect. There is no truly absolutely random thing in the entire universe, so I believe that given enough time we can summarize the laws of the chaotic space in this world. "

Entropy shook his head: "I agree with your point of view. After all, I am Entropy. Nothing is absolutely random. Everything will eventually return to me. After the end of the world, everything will become a part of me, so I agree that there are no truly random events. Yes. But the laws of this world are too confusing. If you want to calculate, you can do it yourself. I will only watch from the side."

Obviously calculating the random laws in this world's universe is really boring. At least Entropy has no such interest. He can still watch patiently, but he is just worried that he has missed the things that may be hidden in this world. nice one.

He could tell that the person next to him must be lucky. Otherwise, you can't just search in these garbage dump-like worlds and find the reincarnation disk, one of the top ten innate spiritual treasures.

But even if he stares, it will have no additional impact on Cheng Ying, and it will not affect his ability to calculate his spatial position in this world, and then try to jump to an area in this world where humans exist through teleportation.

Although he has no way to directly space transfer, he can now spread his spiritual power to the entire universe through himself. Observed the human beings living in this world.

They do not live in a chaotic space area, but live on an isolated island in these chaotic spaces that are like currents in sea water.

Although the spatial rules in these areas may be disordered to a certain extent, they are generally relatively normal. Generally speaking, this normal and regular space area usually only covers a week-sized range. If it exceeds this range, the space will often fall into chaos.

Human beings in this world live in these ordered worlds. To say that the spatial rules here are ordered is just relative. Compared to the chaotic situation where Cheng Ying couldn't even find Bei, it was much more orderly, at least it wouldn't be like taking a random step and ending up in space.

For ordinary people without any additional protection, sudden entry into space is almost fatal. Even if they have many opportunities for space transfer to change their current situation, even if they can step in a vacuum and achieve teleportation in this way, the probability that the weakness of teleportation is the planet that allows them to survive is really very slim.

The greatest probability is to jump back and forth in a void of space. Eventually turning into a frozen corpse.

Most areas in the universe are void, which can be said to be exactly the opposite of the previous material world. Therefore, if you perform a random space walk here, the greatest probability is that you will accidentally enter space. Moreover, no matter how many consecutive random transmissions, it is difficult to land on the planet. Even if it falls on the planet, there is a greater probability that it will fall directly in the sun.

After all, a star usually occupies more than 99 percent of its volume and mass in a week.

As for relatively orderly areas, they are areas where space transmission channels appear regularly. In most places, if you walk forward, you can reach the normal front position. It only appears on rare occasions. Extra space doors allow people to enter and suddenly appear in other places.

The relative order here means that even if you enter the space gate, there is a high probability that you will only appear in another location on the planet, and will not appear directly in space or other extremely distant galaxies.

But this probability is not 100%. There is still a certain possibility of completely disappearing from this planet in the chaotic space.

The civilization living on this planet has gradually come into contact with the threshold of industry. The first industrial revolution does not seem far away. Many theories in classical physics have also been proposed, but they are still questioned. Because cluttered spaces are everywhere. The knowledge of classical physics cannot explain what is going on in these chaotic spaces.

In this case, civilizations living in chaotic spaces subconsciously regard these chaotic spaces as their own common sense. Try to explain why these spaces have such strange phenomena.

[To be continued]

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However, it seems that I do not agree with this view at present. From my view of the universe, nothing in the world is completely random. In other words, no matter what the event is, it is actually pseudo-random, and the laws can be found in the real situation.

A simple explanation is that the random numbers in the computer are not truly random, but a number intercepted from an irrational number or under certain special conditions. After all, this process has its own rules.

As for other situations besides that. That's different again. Just like throwing a dice, it looks random. But in fact, if we are asked to throw it, we can completely decide how many points it will have after it falls to the ground. Because for us, it is not random, but can completely calculate how it will bounce and flip after colliding with the table. thus giving a definite answer. Although this involves chaos effects and is very difficult to calculate, it can be calculated for us.

No matter how chaotic the space in this world is, it is at best the level of chaos effect. There is no truly absolutely random thing in the entire universe, so I believe that given enough time we can summarize the laws of the chaotic space in this world. "

Entropy shook his head: "I agree with your point of view. After all, I am Entropy. Nothing is absolutely random. Everything will eventually return to me. After the end of the world, everything will become a part of me, so I agree that there are no truly random events. Yes. But the laws of this world are too confusing. If you want to calculate, you can do it yourself. I will only watch from the side."

Obviously calculating the random laws in this world's universe is really boring. At least Entropy has no such interest. He can still watch patiently, but he is just worried that he has missed the things that may be hidden in this world. nice one.

He could tell that the person next to him must be lucky. Otherwise, you can't just search in these garbage dump-like worlds and find the reincarnation disk, one of the top ten innate spiritual treasures.

But even if he stares, it will have no additional impact on Cheng Ying, and it will not affect his ability to calculate his spatial position in this world, and then try to jump to an area in this world where humans exist through teleportation.

Although he has no way to directly space transfer, he can now spread his spiritual power to the entire universe through himself. Observed the human beings living in this world.

They do not live in a chaotic space area, but live on an isolated island in these chaotic spaces that are like currents in sea water.

Although the spatial rules in these areas may be disordered to a certain extent, they are generally relatively normal. Generally speaking, this normal and regular space area usually only covers a week-sized range. If it exceeds this range, the space will often fall into chaos.

Human beings in this world live in these ordered worlds. To say that the spatial rules here are ordered is just relative. Compared to the chaotic situation where Cheng Ying couldn't even find Bei, it was much more orderly, at least it wouldn't be like taking a random step and ending up in space.

For ordinary people without any additional protection, sudden entry into space is almost fatal. Even if they have many opportunities for space transfer to change their current situation, even if they can step in a vacuum and achieve teleportation in this way, the probability that the weakness of teleportation is the planet that allows them to survive is really very slim.

The greatest probability is to jump back and forth in a void of space. Eventually turning into a frozen corpse.

Most areas in the universe are void, which can be said to be exactly the opposite of the previous material world. Therefore, if you perform a random space walk here, the greatest probability is that you will accidentally enter space. Moreover, no matter how many consecutive random transmissions, it is difficult to land on the planet. Even if it falls on the planet, there is a greater probability that it will fall directly in the sun.

After all, a star usually occupies more than 99 percent of its volume and mass in a week.

As for relatively orderly areas, they are areas where space transmission channels appear regularly. In most places, if you walk forward, you can reach the normal front position. It only appears on rare occasions. Extra space doors allow people to enter and suddenly appear in other places.

The relative order here means that even if you enter the space gate, there is a high probability that you will only appear in another location on the planet, and will not appear directly in space or other extremely distant galaxies.

But this probability is not 100%. There is still a certain possibility of completely disappearing from this planet in the chaotic space.

The civilization living on this planet has gradually come into contact with the threshold of industry. The first industrial revolution does not seem far away. Many theories in classical physics have also been proposed, but they are still questioned. Because cluttered spaces are everywhere. The knowledge of classical physics cannot explain what is going on in these chaotic spaces.

In this case, civilizations living in chaotic spaces subconsciously regard these chaotic spaces as their own common sense. Try to explain why these spaces have such strange phenomena.

[To be continued]

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However, it seems that I do not agree with this view at present. From my view of the universe, nothing in the world is completely random. In other words, no matter what the event is, it is actually pseudo-random, and the laws can be found in the real situation.

A simple explanation is that the random numbers in the computer are not truly random, but a number intercepted from an irrational number or under certain special conditions. After all, this process has its own rules.

As for other situations besides that. That's different again. Just like throwing a dice, it looks random. But in fact, if we are asked to throw it, we can completely decide how many points it will have after it falls to the ground. Because for us, it is not random, but can completely calculate how it will bounce and flip after colliding with the table. thus giving a definite answer. Although this involves chaos effects and is very difficult to calculate, it can be calculated for us.

No matter how chaotic the space in this world is, it is at best the level of chaos effect. There is no truly absolutely random thing in the entire universe, so I believe that given enough time we can summarize the laws of the chaotic space in this world. "

Entropy shook his head: "I agree with your point of view. After all, I am Entropy. Nothing is absolutely random. Everything will eventually return to me. After the end of the world, everything will become a part of me, so I agree that there are no truly random events. Yes. But the laws of this world are too confusing. If you want to calculate, you can do it yourself. I will only watch from the side."

Obviously calculating the random laws in this world's universe is really boring. At least Entropy has no such interest. He can still watch patiently, but he is just worried that he has missed the things that may be hidden in this world. nice one.

He could tell that the person next to him must be lucky. Otherwise, you can't just search in these garbage dump-like worlds and find the reincarnation disk, one of the top ten innate spiritual treasures.

But even if he stares, it will have no additional impact on Cheng Ying, and it will not affect his ability to calculate his spatial position in this world, and then try to jump to an area in this world where humans exist through teleportation.

Although he has no way to directly space transfer, he can now spread his spiritual power to the entire universe through himself. Observed the human beings living in this world.

They do not live in a chaotic space area, but live on an isolated island in these chaotic spaces that are like currents in sea water.

Although the spatial rules in these areas may be disordered to a certain extent, they are generally relatively normal. Generally speaking, this normal and regular space area usually only covers a week-sized range. If it exceeds this range, the space will often fall into chaos.

Human beings in this world live in these ordered worlds. To say that the spatial rules here are ordered is just relative. Compared to the chaotic situation where Cheng Ying couldn't even find Bei, it was much more orderly, at least it wouldn't be like taking a random step and ending up in space.

For ordinary people without any additional protection, sudden entry into space is almost fatal. Even if they have many opportunities for space transfer to change their current situation, even if they can step in a vacuum and achieve teleportation in this way, the probability that the weakness of teleportation is the planet that allows them to survive is really very slim.

The greatest probability is to jump back and forth in a void of space. Eventually turning into a frozen corpse.

Most areas in the universe are void, which can be said to be exactly the opposite of the previous material world. Therefore, if you perform a random space walk here, the greatest probability is that you will accidentally enter space. Moreover, no matter how many consecutive random transmissions, it is difficult to land on the planet. Even if it falls on the planet, there is a greater probability that it will fall directly in the sun.

After all, a star usually occupies more than 99 percent of its volume and mass in a week.

As for relatively orderly areas, they are areas where space transmission channels appear regularly. In most places, if you walk forward, you can reach the normal front position. It only appears on rare occasions. Extra space doors allow people to enter and suddenly appear in other places.

The relative order here means that even if you enter the space gate, there is a high probability that you will only appear in another location on the planet, and will not appear directly in space or other extremely distant galaxies.

But this probability is not 100%. There is still a certain possibility of completely disappearing from this planet in the chaotic space.

The civilizations living on this planet have gradually come into contact with the threshold of industry. The first industrial revolution does not seem far away. Many theories in classical physics have also been proposed, but they are still questioned. Because cluttered spaces are everywhere. The knowledge of classical physics cannot explain what is going on in these chaotic spaces.

In this case, civilizations living in chaotic spaces subconsciously regard these chaotic spaces as their own common sense. Try to explain why these spaces have such strange phenomena.

[To be continued]

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However, it seems that I do not agree with this view at present. From my view of the universe, nothing in the world is completely random. In other words, no matter what the event is, it is actually pseudo-random, and the laws can be found in the real situation.

A simple explanation is that the random numbers in the computer are not truly random, but a number intercepted from an irrational number or under certain special conditions. This process has its own rules after all.

As for other situations besides that. That's different again. Just like throwing a dice, it looks random. But in fact, if we are asked to throw it, we can completely decide how many points it will have after it falls to the ground. Because for us, it is not random, but can completely calculate how it will bounce and flip after colliding with the table. thus giving a definite answer. Although this involves chaos effects and is very difficult to calculate, it can be calculated for us.

No matter how chaotic the space in this world is, it is at best the level of chaos effect. There is no truly absolutely random thing in the entire universe, so I believe that given enough time we can summarize the laws of the chaotic space in this world. "

Entropy shook his head: "I agree with your point of view. After all, I am Entropy. Nothing is absolutely random. Everything will eventually return to me. After the world ends, everything will become a part of me, so I agree that there are no truly random events. Yes. But the laws of this world are too confusing. If you want to calculate, you can do it yourself. I will only watch from the side."

Obviously calculating the random laws in this world's universe is really boring. At least Entropy has no such interest. He can still watch patiently, but he is just worried that he has missed the things that may be hidden in this world. nice one.

He could tell that the person next to him must be lucky. Otherwise, you can't just search in these garbage dump-like worlds and find the reincarnation disk, one of the top ten innate spiritual treasures.

But even if he stares, it will have no additional impact on Cheng Ying, and it will not affect his ability to calculate his spatial position in this world, and then try to jump to an area in this world where humans exist through teleportation.

Although he has no way to directly space transfer, he can now spread his spiritual power to the entire universe through himself. Observed the human beings living in this world.

They do not live in a chaotic space area, but live on an isolated island in these chaotic spaces that are like currents in sea water.

Although the spatial rules in these areas may be disordered to a certain extent, they are generally relatively normal. Generally, this normal and regular space area usually only covers a week-sized range. If it exceeds this range, the space will often fall into chaos.

Human beings in this world live in these ordered worlds. To say that the spatial rules here are ordered is just relative. Compared to the chaotic situation where Cheng Ying couldn't even find Bei, it was much more orderly, at least it wouldn't be like taking a random step and ending up in space.

For ordinary people without any additional protection, sudden entry into space is almost fatal. Even if they have many opportunities for space transfer to change their current situation, even if they can step in a vacuum and achieve teleportation in this way, the probability that the weakness of teleportation is the planet that allows them to survive is really very slim.

The greatest probability is to jump back and forth in a void of space. Eventually turning into a frozen corpse.

Most areas in the universe are void, which can be said to be exactly the opposite of the previous material world. Therefore, if you perform a random space walk here, the greatest probability is that you will accidentally enter space. Moreover, no matter how many consecutive random transmissions, it is difficult to land on the planet. Even if it falls on the planet, there is a greater probability that it will fall directly in the sun.

After all, a star usually occupies more than 99 percent of its volume and mass in a week.

As for relatively orderly areas, they are areas where space transmission channels appear regularly. Find Shuyuan If you walk forward in most places, you can reach the normal front position. It only appears on rare occasions. Extra space doors allow people to enter and suddenly appear in other places.

The relative order here means that even if you enter the space gate, there is a high probability that you will only appear in another location on the planet, and will not appear directly in space or other extremely distant galaxies.

But this probability is not 100%. There is still a certain possibility of completely disappearing from this planet in the chaotic space.

The civilization living on this planet has gradually come into contact with the threshold of industry. The first industrial revolution does not seem far away. Many theories in classical physics have also been proposed, but they are still questioned. Because cluttered spaces are everywhere. The knowledge of classical physics cannot explain what is going on in these chaotic spaces.

In this case, civilizations living in chaotic spaces subconsciously regard these chaotic spaces as their own common sense. Try to explain why these spaces have such strange phenomena.

[To be continued]

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