Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 305: Self-disruption

The empire that now rules this habitable planet for humans. Translated, it can probably be called the Empire of Light. The head of state of this empire is a puppet controlled by the Augustus family, similar to the situation where the Tian family replaced Qi.

But currently the Augustus family is also very panicked. Because according to the observations of astronomers at the planetarium, void creatures will arrive on their planet in the next month. Almost no one alive on the planet has experienced the arrival of void creatures, but they can also see it from history. Every time a void creature arrives, the transmission rules of the space gate will be chaotic.

When the transmission rules fall into chaos, the central transportation hub of the empire, which was originally well-developed in transportation, will suddenly become a remote island that is difficult to contact other places.

Today's Augustus family each wants to continue their rule, but they are also very aware that the current situation in the capital of the empire is fragmented. In the future, if there are no space gates and these separated places, there will definitely be local fragmentation.

Now the head of the Augustus family is sending his own people to the military. Control an army.

"In the end, the meat will rot in the pot. I am not asking you to be loyal to the family when I send you out. I also know that if the empire is divided in the future, everyone will definitely have their own little thoughts and it will be impossible to continue to maintain it. The family is currently built Hierarchy. But after all, if you are members of the Augustus family, even if a new empire is established, I hope it will be established in the hands of my descendants."

There is indeed no such example. It wasn't that the previous empire perished during the invasion of void creatures and all its inheritance was cut off. But after its demise, the royal family placed its predecessors in armies everywhere. So much so that there was a melee between warlords in the previous sequel, and a small number of warlords also belonged to my previous generation. So much so that before occupying the main transportation route, the newly established empire was still the blood of the emperor. It's just a very remote side branch, but it's not even a miracle.

The current head of the Augustus family knows that he has not completely replaced the emperor of that country. If the ability to control the country is the same as that of subsequent monarchs. Even if they can place their predecessors in the army, how many people can continue to control the army before the empire is united? There aren’t many people? I was able to seize that opportunity without bad luck and found a new transportation hub. Those are all things that are said to be accurate.

At the same time, there are also undercurrents surging in the empire. The List family, the Fox family, and other people from minor noble families are all dormant now, waiting for the end of the empire to fall apart before the void creatures arrive. At that time we will not be able to gather the strength of our own family. Try again to fight for new transportation routes under the planet.

It was a very strange game. If Li Xian wanted to gather the power of his family together, he would have to gather his family in an area as much as possible. It also shows the same city in the same small continent on the physical level.

But in Augustus's view, that kind of behavior is stupid. Even if he strengthens his own strength and makes his enemies vigilant, if he has enough strength in the last reincarnation, sooner or later the family will go to the wrong direction. perish.

Relying on his own fiefdom, he could only cultivate a large number of family knights. I would make that choice. At a certain level, it is actually because his family has cultivated a weak army.

Augustus could not be said to be happy about this. In our opinion, those people are the smallest obstacles to becoming the royal family of the previous empire. We will definitely be able to consume our own strength in the fight with each other, so that we will have even less hope of winning in the future.

However, it is a pity that the Augustus family is the royal family after all, even if they have not turned the royal family into their own puppets. There is still no certain gap in the ability to control the capital. Under the siege of a few small nobles, they had to give up the fattest piece of meat. Of course, it was also a strategic abandonment. Before confirming whether he was holding on or not, he took the initiative to throw the piece of meat out.

As for the members of the Rudolf family who had withdrawn from the imperial capital, everyone in the Augustus family took a look at them.

In this era, the knight archers in the army are extremely precious and difficult to train. Without such an army, we cannot operate in this era. We are trying to occupy the transportation hub that will be formed in the future. Because we suspect that even if we are not lucky enough to capture it now, we do not have a weak legion at hand, and we will not be able to regain the gathering point in our hands. Therefore, the first priority is to gather the elites of his family together. Let all the knights and nobles gather together to form a legion, and ultimately compete for hegemony on the battlefield.

Nowadays, each small family gathers its own legions together, not to keep an armed force with insufficient strength on hand before the void creatures arrive. What we do is based on the experience left over from the era of feudal nobles.

Whether you can find and occupy a new transportation hub after the stored grain is used up will be a great test of luck. And was it possible to hold its own stronghold before occupying it? It is also a test of strength.

Overly optimistic about his legal status in that round of empire. But before the empire collapsed, who would care about that? The ceremony collapsed and the music was good. Who cares if we proactively reveal ourselves in the future and make others feel that we are threatening?

Other families may fall into decline in the new round of empire competition, but the Rudolf family chosen in that way will only completely die out in the new round of empire competition. In the end, these nobles who only have names in history are special. Disappeared in the long river of history, the previous generations became pariahs and eventually became completely extinct. And with the sudden changes in the situation of all parties, the void creatures finally came to the planet.

Augustus suspected that other members of his family might also wait until they got it. The benefits you want will inevitably lead to a round of dog-eat-dog internal regression.

In the past, priority was given to occupying transportation hubs, but priority was given to expanding the size of one's army. The reason was that the army at this time was difficult to train and cultivate. Even if it occupied transportation hubs, it only obtained a food supply point. Now there is no such thing. To avoid such a delay, there are a large number of warehouses in the empire to store a small amount of food. Even if a transportation hub gathers a small amount of people, it will be difficult to grow a small amount of food in a short period of time. Therefore, it was not appropriate to go out and occupy those areas in the era of feudal nobles.

But my own sphere of influence is pitifully large. Compared to these small nobles in the empire, the fiefdoms it occupies can only be said to be remote villages.

In our opinion, they are all bumpkins from the countryside. And when the void creatures are about to arrive, they take the initiative to unite their family legions to all parts of the world. It was obviously a show of loyalty to the royal family, an expression that he only wanted to survive in those troubled times, and that he wanted to win the leading role in the last round of the empire.

But such cities are often not developed, and may even be considered poor, because there are no spatial connections around them.

Even because of the empire's decision-making, many people did not take the first step to revolt and fight the imperial army head-on. The internal order of the empire is not yet in chaos. It is certain that the void creatures from the future have turned a corner and come under the planet. All of this is so ridiculous.

The void creatures are not getting closer yet. In fact, the chaos within mankind is not over yet. The mobilization of our forces has ended everywhere. Each small family wants to gather their own people.

At a certain level, the head of the Rudolph family is more wrong about the future than other families. I see that in the new era, there are fewer and fewer people who can become soldiers. It takes a long time to train.

[To be continued]

The central government of the empire hopes that the legions of those people can gather in the same place. Relying on authority and power that does not yet exist. The weak force divided the legions of Xu Shao's family on both sides of the same space gate. In the future, we will naturally be isolated again due to changes in space rules.

In the future, they must remember that they are members of the Rudolf family. Even if they occupy the same transportation hub in the future and have a small power, they must remember that even if they die, they must die at the hands of their own family. If there are no other people to separate one side, it will not be eliminated. Your own family can definitely start a fight first. "

They need to remember that this is the way of war in the next era. In your era, guns had not yet been invented, and muskets were as powerful as long bows. Everyone knows that. Many legions in the empire are also equipped with a small number of longbowmen. Judging from the combat effectiveness, the same number of musketeers is better than the long archers.

Children, they must remember that in the era of feudal nobles, there were knights in the family and trained longbowmen. Those are the main force of the legion. If a knight wants to be trained, he needs to take a serious step back from physical training. Learn to fight under a horse.

A longbowman also has to practice shooting from the end. Train your lower body muscle strength. Otherwise, the farmer outside the field would have run out of strength before pulling his bow a few times. It is basically possible to go to the battlefield and serve as the main force on the battlefield.

Each small family had no other ideas. The Rudolf family, located in a large transportation hub in the west of the empire, chose the same strategy as the extremely small number of families and did not gather the family's army. Instead, the family's legion was divided into more than a dozen. They were sent to the same places all over the world through space channels.

Therefore, it is possible to ambush 10,000 heavy cavalry in a village. On the other hand, even if we mobilize direct family members and troops to remote areas, there will still be a problem of easy supply. In that era that had just emerged from the feudal era, if you wanted to support one person and be completely out of work, you might need ten or even a dozen people, and the population in these remote areas that were not developed was obviously small enough. Until it appears, the army will also find that it can only sit and eat. Many people may have to join the army and return to farmland to farm in order to support a large army.

"They must remember that before the void creatures arrived, they had to wait to start a war with other legions, but instead look for transportation hubs as soon as possible. That era was not the same as in ancient times, and my family inherited the original feudal nobles. The experience passed down from the era. But when you study the history of hundreds of years later and study the history of the beginning of your empire, you will find that times have changed.

But they need to know that it only takes a minimum of eight months to train a musketeer, while it may take ten years to train a longbowman.

The void creatures have not yet arrived, and humans themselves have not yet started to cause chaos.

Although the Augustus family is currently the weakest family in the empire, it does not mean that we have enemies. Under the siege of the Lister family, Fox family, Luo Lin family and many other fiefdom nobles, the empire The capital was abruptly deprived of one-eighth of its richest resources. The Augustus family originally wanted to gather all their remaining troops under the capital of the 1/6 richest empire. If we can definitely do this, we will be able to possess millions of troops when the world is re-divided. population and small food reserves. Although it has lost its status as a transportation hub, the population will only lead to empty food. But without the population, it is impossible to migrate, so we are looking for other rich places and other hubs. Without a population, there is no cannon fodder.

If it can definitely occupy the most prosperous area of ​​the capital, this will give it a huge advantage in the last round of allocation.

But it was another matter. As long as there was not enough population, it was now impossible to slowly convert those populations into combat effectiveness. You divide them into such small distributions, like dandelions sowing their seeds. Specially, relying on a large number of knights, they cannot drive a small number of refugees to gather under those traffic arteries. You give them training They should also remember the strategy. Raise an army in a short time. However, it is not about pulling people in. The fewer people there are, the worse it is. With today's weapons training, you can't go off to the battlefield for a few months. As long as they can sustain themselves at a transportation hub for a few months, they will be the weakest warlord force in the area.

But now that muskets have not appeared yet, training a new batch of long-range projection troops is less difficult than it will be later. You cannot take the option of occupying transportation hubs first. Then he slowly gathered the surrounding refugees. In the process of snatching food, those refugees were retrained. It will allow us to form combat effectiveness in a short period of time. In the end, the refugees will gather far away from the new transportation hub. What to do next? You think they should be able to understand.

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Your family was definitely considered weak at that time. Even if you gather them all together, there is no limit to the number of knights and poorly trained longbowmen. You can win by fighting the enemy head-on.

In our opinion, they are all bumpkins from the countryside. And when the void creatures are about to arrive, they take the initiative to unite their family legions to all parts of the world. It was obviously a show of loyalty to the royal family, an expression that he only wanted to survive in those troubled times, and that he wanted to win the leading role in the last round of the empire.

But such cities are often not developed, and may even be considered poor, because there are no spatial connections around them.

Even because of the empire's decision-making, many people did not take the first step to revolt and fight the imperial army head-on. The internal order of the empire is not yet in chaos. It is certain that the void creatures from the future have turned a corner and come under the planet. All of this is so ridiculous.

The void creatures are not getting closer yet. In fact, the chaos within mankind is not over yet. The mobilization of our forces has ended everywhere. Each small family wants to gather their own people.

At a certain level, the head of the Rudolph family is more wrong about the future than other families. I see that in the new era, there are fewer and fewer people who can become soldiers. It takes a long time to train.

[To be continued]

The central government of the empire hopes that the legions of those people can gather in the same place. Relying on authority and power that does not yet exist. The weak force divided the legions of Xu Shao's family on both sides of the same space gate. In the future, we will naturally be isolated again due to changes in space rules.

In the future, they must remember that they are members of the Rudolf family. Even if they occupy the same transportation hub in the future and have a small power, they must remember that even if they die, they must die at the hands of their own family. If there are no other people to separate one side, it will not be eliminated. Your own family can definitely start a fight first. "

They need to remember that this is the way of war in the next era. In your era, guns had not yet been invented, and muskets were as powerful as long bows. Everyone knows that. Many legions in the empire are also equipped with a small number of longbowmen. Judging from the combat effectiveness, the same number of musketeers is better than the long archers.

Children, they must remember that in the era of feudal nobles, there were knights in the family and trained longbowmen. Those are the main force of the legion. If a knight wants to be trained, he needs to take a serious step back from physical training. Learn to fight under a horse.

A longbowman also has to practice shooting from the end. Train your lower body muscle strength. Otherwise, the farmer outside the field would have run out of strength before pulling his bow a few times. It is basically possible to go to the battlefield and serve as the main force on the battlefield.

Each small family had no other ideas. The Rudolf family, located in a large transportation hub in the west of the empire, chose the same strategy as the extremely small number of families and did not gather the family's army. Instead, the family's legion was divided into more than a dozen. They were sent to the same places all over the world through space channels.

Therefore, it is possible to ambush 10,000 heavy cavalry in a village. On the other hand, even if we mobilize direct family members and troops to remote areas, there will still be a problem of easy supply. In that era that had just emerged from the feudal era, if you wanted to support one person and be completely out of work, you might need ten or even a dozen people, and the population in these remote areas that were not developed was obviously small enough. Until it appears, the army will also find that it can only sit and eat. Many people may have to join the army and return to farmland to farm in order to support a large army.

"They must remember that before the void creatures arrived, they had to wait to start a war with other legions, but instead look for transportation hubs as soon as possible. That era was not the same as in ancient times, and my family inherited the original feudal nobles. The experience passed down from the era. But when you study the history of hundreds of years later and study the history of the beginning of your empire, you will find that times have changed.

But they need to know that it only takes a minimum of eight months to train a musketeer, while it may take ten years to train a longbowman.

The void creatures have not yet arrived, and humans themselves have not yet started to cause chaos.

Although the Augustus family is currently the weakest family in the empire, it does not mean that we have enemies. Under the siege of the Lister family, Fox family, Luo Lin family and many other fiefdom nobles, the empire The capital was abruptly deprived of one-eighth of its richest resources. The Augustus family originally wanted to gather all their remaining troops under the capital of the 1/6 richest empire. If we can definitely do this, we will be able to possess millions of troops when the world is re-divided. population and small food reserves. Although it has lost its status as a transportation hub, the population will only lead to empty food. But without the population, it is impossible to migrate, so we are looking for other rich places and other hubs. Without a population, there is no cannon fodder.

If it can definitely occupy the most prosperous area of ​​the capital, this will give it a huge advantage in the last round of allocation.

But it was another matter. As long as there was not enough population, it was now impossible to slowly convert those populations into combat effectiveness. You divide them into such small distributions, like dandelions sowing their seeds. Specially, relying on a large number of knights, they cannot drive a small number of refugees to gather under those traffic arteries. You give them training They should also remember the strategy. Raise an army in a short time. However, it is not about pulling people in. The fewer people there are, the worse it is. With today's weapons training, you can't go off to the battlefield for a few months. As long as they can sustain themselves at a transportation hub for a few months, they will be the weakest warlord force in the area.

But now that muskets have not appeared yet, training a new batch of long-range projection troops is less difficult than it will be later. You cannot take the option of occupying transportation hubs first. Then he slowly gathered the surrounding refugees. In the process of snatching food, those refugees were retrained. It will allow us to form combat effectiveness in a short period of time. In the end, the refugees will gather far away from the new transportation hub. What to do next? You think they should be able to understand.

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Your family was definitely considered weak at that time. Even if you gather them all together, there is no limit to the number of knights and poorly trained longbowmen. You can win by fighting the enemy head-on.

In our opinion, they are all bumpkins from the countryside. And when the void creatures are about to arrive, they take the initiative to unite their family legions to all parts of the world. It was obviously a show of loyalty to the royal family, an expression that he only wanted to survive in those troubled times, and that he wanted to win the leading role in the last round of the empire.

But such cities are often not developed, and may even be considered poor, because there are no spatial connections around them.

Even because of the empire's decision-making, many people did not take the first step to revolt and fight the imperial army head-on. The internal order of the empire is not yet in chaos. It is certain that the void creatures from the future have turned a corner and come under the planet. All of this is so ridiculous.

The void creatures are not getting closer yet. In fact, the chaos within mankind is not over yet. The mobilization of our forces has ended everywhere. Each small family wants to gather their own people.

At a certain level, the head of the Rudolph family is more wrong about the future than other families. I see that in the new era, there are fewer and fewer people who can become soldiers. It takes a long time to train.

[To be continued]

The central government of the empire hopes that the legions of those people can gather in the same place. Relying on authority and power that does not yet exist. The weak force divided the legions of Xu Shao's family on both sides of the same space gate. In the future, we will naturally be isolated again due to changes in space rules.

In the future, they must remember that they are members of the Rudolf family. Even if they occupy the same transportation hub in the future and have a small power, they must remember that even if they die, they must die at the hands of their own family. If there are no other people to separate one side, it will not be eliminated. Your own family can definitely start a fight first. "

They need to remember that this is the way of war in the next era. In your era, guns had not yet been invented, and muskets were as powerful as long bows. Everyone knows that. Many legions in the empire are also equipped with a small number of longbowmen. Judging from the combat effectiveness, the same number of musketeers is better than the long archers.

Children, they must remember that in the era of feudal nobles, there were knights in the family and trained longbowmen. Those are the main force of the legion. If a knight wants to be trained, he needs to take a serious step back from physical training. Learn to fight under a horse.

A longbowman also has to practice shooting from the end. Train your lower body muscle strength. Otherwise, the farmer outside the field would have run out of strength before pulling his bow a few times. It is basically possible to go to the battlefield and serve as the main force on the battlefield.

Each small family had no other ideas. The Rudolf family, located in a large transportation hub in the west of the empire, chose the same strategy as the extremely small number of families and did not gather the family's army. Instead, the family's legion was divided into more than a dozen. They were sent to the same places all over the world through space channels.

Therefore, it is possible to ambush 10,000 heavy cavalry in a village. On the other hand, even if we mobilize direct family members and troops to remote areas, there will still be a problem of easy supply. In that era that had just emerged from the feudal era, if you wanted to support one person and be completely out of work, you might need ten or even a dozen people, and the population in these remote areas that were not developed was obviously small enough. Until it appears, the army will also find that it can only sit and eat. Many people may have to join the army and return to farmland to farm in order to support a large army.

"They must remember that before the void creatures arrived, they had to wait to start a war with other legions, but instead look for transportation hubs as soon as possible. That era was not the same as in ancient times, and my family inherited the original feudal nobles. The experience passed down from the era. But when you study the history of hundreds of years later and study the history of the beginning of your empire, you will find that times have changed.

But they need to know that it only takes a minimum of eight months to train a musketeer, while it may take ten years to train a longbowman.

The void creatures have not yet arrived, and humans themselves have not yet started to cause chaos.

Although the Augustus family is currently the weakest family in the empire, it does not mean that we have enemies. Under the siege of the Lister family, Fox family, Luo Lin family and many other fiefdom nobles, the empire The capital was abruptly deprived of one-eighth of its richest resources. The Augustus family originally wanted to gather all their remaining troops under the capital of the 1/6 richest empire. If we can definitely do this, we will be able to possess millions of troops when the world is re-divided. population and small food reserves. Although it has lost its status as a transportation hub, the population will only lead to empty food. But without the population, it is impossible to migrate, so we are looking for other rich places and other hubs. Without a population, there is no cannon fodder.

If it can definitely occupy the most prosperous area of ​​the capital, this will give it a huge advantage in the last round of allocation.

But it was another matter. As long as there was not enough population, it was now impossible to slowly convert those populations into combat effectiveness. You divide them into such small distributions, like dandelions sowing their seeds. Specially, relying on a large number of knights, they cannot drive a small number of refugees to gather under those traffic arteries. You give them training They should also remember the strategy. Raise an army in a short time. However, it is not about pulling people in. The fewer people there are, the worse it is. With today's weapons training, you can't go off to the battlefield for a few months. As long as they can sustain themselves at a transportation hub for a few months, they will be the weakest warlord force in the area.

But now that muskets have not appeared yet, training a new batch of long-range projection troops is less difficult than it will be later. You cannot take the option of occupying transportation hubs first. Then he slowly gathered the surrounding refugees. In the process of snatching food, those refugees were retrained. It will allow us to form combat effectiveness in a short period of time. In the end, the refugees will gather far away from the new transportation hub. What to do next? You think they should be able to understand.

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Your family was definitely considered weak at that time. Even if you gather them all together, there is no limit to the number of knights and poorly trained longbowmen. You can win by fighting the enemy head-on.

In our opinion, they are all bumpkins from the countryside. And when the void creatures are about to arrive, they take the initiative to unite their family legions to all parts of the world. It was obviously a show of loyalty to the royal family, an expression that he only wanted to survive in those troubled times, and that he wanted to win the leading role in the last round of the empire.

But such cities are often not developed, and may even be considered poor, because there are no spatial connections around them.

Even because of the empire's decision-making, many people did not take the first step to revolt and fight the imperial army head-on. The internal order of the empire is not yet in chaos. It is certain that the void creatures from the future have turned a corner and come under the planet. All of this is so ridiculous.

The void creatures are not getting closer yet. In fact, the chaos within mankind is not over yet. The mobilization of our forces has ended everywhere. Each small family wants to gather their own people.

At a certain level, the head of the Rudolph family is more wrong about the future than other families. I see that in the new era, there are fewer and fewer people who can become soldiers. It takes a long time to train.

[To be continued]

The central government of the empire hopes that the legions of those people can gather in the same place. Relying on authority and power that does not yet exist. The weak force divided the legions of Xu Shao's family on both sides of the same space gate. In the future, we will naturally be isolated again due to changes in space rules.

In the future, they must remember that they are members of the Rudolf family. Even if they occupy the same transportation hub in the future and have a small power, they must remember that even if they die, they must die at the hands of their own family. If there are no other people to separate one side, it will not be eliminated. Your own family can definitely start a fight first. "

They need to remember that this is the way of war in the next era. In your era, guns had not yet been invented, and muskets were as powerful as long bows. Everyone knows that. Many legions in the empire are also equipped with a small number of longbowmen. Judging from the combat effectiveness, the same number of musketeers is better than the long archers.

Children, they must remember that in the era of feudal nobles, there were knights in the family and trained longbowmen. Those are the main force of the legion. If a knight wants to be trained, he needs to take a serious step back from physical training. Learn to fight under a horse.

A longbowman also has to practice shooting from the end. Train your lower body muscle strength. Otherwise, the farmer outside the field would have run out of strength before pulling his bow a few times. It is basically possible to go to the battlefield and serve as the main force on the battlefield.

Each small family had no other ideas. The Rudolf family, located in a large transportation hub in the west of the empire, chose the same strategy as the extremely small number of families and did not gather the family's army. Instead, the family's legion was divided into more than a dozen. They were sent to the same places all over the world through space channels.

Therefore, it is possible to ambush 10,000 heavy cavalry in a village. On the other hand, even if we mobilize direct family members and troops to remote areas, there will still be a problem of easy supply. In that era that had just emerged from the feudal era, if you wanted to support one person and be completely out of work, you might need ten or even a dozen people, and the population in these remote areas that were not developed was obviously small enough. Until it appears, the army will also find that it can only sit and eat. Many people may have to join the army and return to farmland to farm in order to support a large army.

"They must remember that before the void creatures arrived, they had to wait to start a war with other legions, but instead look for transportation hubs as soon as possible. That era was not the same as in ancient times, and my family inherited the original feudal nobles. The experience passed down from the era. But when you study the history of hundreds of years later and study the history of the beginning of your empire, you will find that times have changed.

But they need to know that it only takes a minimum of eight months to train a musketeer, while it may take ten years to train a longbowman.

The void creatures have not yet arrived, and humans themselves have not yet started to cause chaos.

Although the Augustus family is currently the weakest family in the empire, it does not mean that we have enemies. Under the siege of the Lister family, Fox family, Luo Lin family and many other fiefdom nobles, the empire The capital was abruptly deprived of one-eighth of its richest resources. The Augustus family originally wanted to gather all their remaining troops under the capital of the 1/6 richest empire. If we can definitely do this, we will be able to possess millions of troops when the world is re-divided. population and small food reserves. Although it has lost its status as a transportation hub, the population will only lead to empty food. But without the population, it is impossible to migrate, so we are looking for other rich places and other hubs. Without a population, there is no cannon fodder.

If it can definitely occupy the most prosperous area of ​​the capital, this will give it a huge advantage in the last round of allocation.

But it was another matter. As long as there was not enough population, it was now impossible to slowly convert those populations into combat effectiveness. You divide them into such small distributions, like dandelions sowing their seeds. Specially, relying on a large number of knights, they cannot drive a small number of refugees to gather under those traffic arteries. You give them training They should also remember the strategy. Raise an army in a short time. However, it is not about pulling people in. The fewer people there are, the worse it is. With today's weapons training, you can't go off to the battlefield for a few months. As long as they can sustain themselves at a transportation hub for a few months, they will be the weakest warlord force in the area.

But now that muskets have not appeared yet, training a new batch of long-range projection troops is less difficult than it will be later. You cannot take the option of occupying transportation hubs first. Then he slowly gathered the surrounding refugees. In the process of snatching food, those refugees were retrained. It will allow us to form combat effectiveness in a short period of time. In the end, the refugees will gather far away from the new transportation hub. What to do next? You think they should be able to understand.

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Your family was definitely considered weak at that time. Even if you gather them all together, there is no limit to the number of knights and poorly trained longbowmen. You can win by fighting the enemy head-on.

In our opinion, they are all bumpkins from the countryside. And when the void creatures are about to arrive, they take the initiative to unite their family legions to all parts of the world. It was obviously a show of loyalty to the royal family, an expression that he only wanted to survive in those troubled times, and that he wanted to win the leading role in the last round of the empire.

But such cities are often not developed, and may even be considered poor, because there are no spatial connections around them.

Even because of the empire's decision-making, many people did not take the first step to revolt and fight the imperial army head-on. The internal order of the empire is not yet in chaos. It is certain that the void creatures from the future have turned a corner and come under the planet. All of this is so ridiculous.

The void creatures are not getting closer yet. In fact, the chaos within mankind is not over yet. The mobilization of our forces has ended everywhere. Each small family wants to gather their own people.

At a certain level, the head of the Rudolph family is more wrong about the future than other families. I see that in the new era, there are fewer and fewer people who can become soldiers. It takes a long time to train.

[To be continued]

The central government of the empire hopes that the legions of those people can gather in the same place. Relying on authority and power that does not yet exist. The weak force divided the legions of Xu Shao's family on both sides of the same space gate. In the future, we will naturally be isolated again due to changes in space rules.

In the future, they must remember that they are members of the Rudolf family. Even if they occupy the same transportation hub in the future and have a small power, they must remember that even if they die, they must die at the hands of their own family. If there are no other people to separate one side, it will not be eliminated. Your own family can definitely start a fight first. "

They need to remember that this is the way of war in the next era. In your era, guns had not yet been invented, and muskets were as powerful as long bows. Everyone knows that. Many legions in the empire are also equipped with a small number of longbowmen. Judging from the combat effectiveness, the same number of musketeers is better than the long archers.

Children, they must remember that in the era of feudal nobles, there were knights in the family and trained longbowmen. Those are the main force of the legion. If a knight wants to be trained, he needs to take a serious step back from physical training. Learn to fight under a horse.

A longbowman also has to practice shooting from the end. Train your lower body muscle strength. Otherwise, the farmer outside the field would have run out of strength before pulling his bow a few times. It is basically possible to go to the battlefield and serve as the main force on the battlefield.

Each small family had no other ideas. The Rudolf family, located in a large transportation hub in the west of the empire, chose the same strategy as the extremely small number of families and did not gather the family's army. Instead, the family's legion was divided into more than a dozen. They were sent to the same places all over the world through space channels.

Therefore, it is possible to ambush 10,000 heavy cavalry in a village. On the other hand, even if we mobilize direct family members and troops to remote areas, there will still be a problem of easy supply. In that era that had just emerged from the feudal era, if you wanted to support one person and be completely out of work, you might need ten or even a dozen people, and the population in these remote areas that were not developed was obviously small enough. Until it appears, the army will also find that it can only sit and eat. Many people may have to join the army and return to farmland to farm in order to support a large army.

"They must remember that before the void creatures arrived, they had to wait to start a war with other legions, but instead look for transportation hubs as soon as possible. That era was not the same as in ancient times, and my family inherited the original feudal nobles. The experience passed down from the era. But when you study the history of hundreds of years later and study the history of the beginning of your empire, you will find that times have changed.

But they need to know that it only takes a minimum of eight months to train a musketeer, while it may take ten years to train a longbowman.

The void creatures have not yet arrived, and humans themselves have not yet started to cause chaos.

Although the Augustus family is currently the weakest family in the empire, it does not mean that we have enemies. Under the siege of the Lister family, Fox family, Luo Lin family and many other fiefdom nobles, the empire The capital was abruptly deprived of one-eighth of its richest resources. The Augustus family originally wanted to gather all their remaining troops under the capital of the 1/6 richest empire. If we can definitely do this, we will be able to possess millions of troops when the world is re-divided. population and small food reserves. Although it has lost its status as a transportation hub, the population will only lead to empty food. But without the population, it is impossible to migrate, so we are looking for other rich places and other hubs. Without a population, there is no cannon fodder.

If it can definitely occupy the most prosperous area of ​​the capital, this will give it a huge advantage in the last round of allocation.

But it was another matter. As long as there was not enough population, it was now impossible to slowly convert those populations into combat effectiveness. You divide them into such small distributions, like dandelions sowing their seeds. Specially, relying on a large number of knights, they cannot drive a small number of refugees to gather under those traffic arteries. You give them training They should also remember the strategy. Raise an army in a short time. However, it is not about pulling people in. The fewer people there are, the worse it is. With today's weapons training, you can't go off to the battlefield for a few months. As long as they can sustain themselves at a transportation hub for a few months, they will be the weakest warlord force in the area.

But now that muskets have not appeared yet, training a new batch of long-range projection troops is less difficult than it will be later. You cannot take the option of occupying transportation hubs first. Then he slowly gathered the surrounding refugees. In the process of snatching food, those refugees were retrained. It will allow us to form combat effectiveness in a short period of time. In the end, the refugees will gather far away from the new transportation hub. What to do next? You think they should be able to understand.

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Your family was definitely considered weak at that time. Even if you gather them all together, there is no limit to the number of knights and poorly trained longbowmen. You can win by fighting the enemy head-on.

In our opinion, they are all bumpkins from the countryside. And when the void creatures are about to arrive, they take the initiative to unite their family legions to all parts of the world. It was obviously a show of loyalty to the royal family, an expression that he only wanted to survive in those troubled times, and that he wanted to win the leading role in the last round of the empire.

But such cities are often not developed, and may even be considered poor, because there are no spatial connections around them.

Even because of the empire's decision-making, many people did not take the first step to revolt and fight the imperial army head-on. The internal order of the empire is not yet in chaos. It is certain that the void creatures from the future have turned a corner and come under the planet. All of this is so ridiculous.

The void creatures are not getting closer yet. In fact, the chaos within mankind is not over yet. The mobilization of our forces has ended everywhere. Each small family wants to gather their own people.

At a certain level, the head of the Rudolph family is more wrong about the future than other families. I see that in the new era, there are fewer and fewer people who can become soldiers. It takes a long time to train.

[To be continued]

The central government of the empire hopes that the legions of those people can gather in the same place. Relying on authority and power that does not yet exist. The weak force divided the legions of Xu Shao's family on both sides of the same space gate. In the future, we will naturally be isolated again due to changes in space rules.

In the future, they must remember that they are members of the Rudolf family. Even if they occupy the same transportation hub in the future and have a small power, they must remember that even if they die, they must die at the hands of their own family. If there are no other people to separate one side, it will not be eliminated. Your own family can definitely start a fight first. "

They need to remember that this is the way of war in the next era. In your era, guns had not yet been invented, and muskets were as powerful as long bows. Everyone knows that. Many legions in the empire are also equipped with a small number of longbowmen. Judging from the combat effectiveness, the same number of musketeers is better than the long archers.

Children, they must remember that in the era of feudal nobles, there were knights in the family and trained longbowmen. Those are the main force of the legion. If a knight wants to be trained, he needs to take a serious step back from physical training. Learn to fight under a horse.

A longbowman also has to practice shooting from the end. Train your lower body muscle strength. Otherwise, the farmer outside the field would have run out of strength before pulling his bow a few times. It is basically possible to go to the battlefield and serve as the main force on the battlefield.

Each small family had no other ideas. The Rudolf family, located in a large transportation hub in the west of the empire, chose the same strategy as the extremely small number of families and did not gather the family's army. Instead, the family's legion was divided into more than a dozen. They were sent to the same places all over the world through space channels.

Therefore, it is possible to ambush 10,000 heavy cavalry in a village. On the other hand, even if we mobilize direct family members and troops to remote areas, there will still be a problem of easy supply. In that era that had just emerged from the feudal era, if you wanted to support one person and be completely out of work, you might need ten or even a dozen people, and the population in these remote areas that were not developed was obviously small enough. Until it appears, the army will also find that it can only sit and eat. Many people may have to join the army and return to farmland to farm in order to support a large army.

"They must remember that before the void creatures arrived, they had to wait to start a war with other legions, but instead look for transportation hubs as soon as possible. That era was not the same as in ancient times, and my family inherited the original feudal nobles. The experience passed down from the era. But when you study the history of hundreds of years later and study the history of the beginning of your empire, you will find that times have changed.

But they need to know that it only takes a minimum of eight months to train a musketeer, while it may take ten years to train a longbowman.

The void creatures have not yet arrived, and humans themselves have not yet started to cause chaos.

Although the Augustus family is currently the weakest family in the empire, it does not mean that we have enemies. Under the siege of the Lister family, Fox family, Luo Lin family and many other fiefdom nobles, the empire The capital was abruptly deprived of one-eighth of its richest resources. The Augustus family originally wanted to gather all their remaining troops under the capital of the 1/6 richest empire. If we can definitely do this, we will be able to possess millions of troops when the world is re-divided. population and small food reserves. Although it has lost its status as a transportation hub, the population will only lead to empty food. But without the population, it is impossible to migrate, so we are looking for other rich places and other hubs. Without a population, there is no cannon fodder.

If it can definitely occupy the most prosperous area of ​​the capital, this will give it a huge advantage in the last round of allocation.

But it was another matter. As long as there was not enough population, it was now impossible to slowly convert those populations into combat effectiveness. You divide them into such small distributions, like dandelions sowing their seeds. Specially, relying on a large number of knights, they cannot drive a small number of refugees to gather under those traffic arteries. You give them training They should also remember the strategy. Raise an army in a short time. However, it is not about pulling people in. The fewer people there are, the worse it is. With today's weapons training, you can't go off to the battlefield for a few months. As long as they can sustain themselves at a transportation hub for a few months, they will be the weakest warlord force in the area.

But now that muskets have not appeared yet, training a new batch of long-range projection troops is less difficult than it will be later. You cannot take the option of occupying transportation hubs first. Then he slowly gathered the surrounding refugees. In the process of snatching food, those refugees were retrained. It will allow us to form combat effectiveness in a short period of time. In the end, the refugees will gather far away from the new transportation hub. What to do next? You think they should be able to understand.

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Your family was definitely considered weak at that time. Even if you gather them all together, there is no limit to the number of knights and poorly trained longbowmen. You can win by fighting the enemy head-on.

In our opinion, they are all bumpkins from the countryside. And when the void creatures are about to arrive, they take the initiative to unite their family legions to all parts of the world. It was obviously a show of loyalty to the royal family, an expression that he only wanted to survive in those troubled times, and that he wanted to win the leading role in the last round of the empire.

But such cities are often not developed, and may even be considered poor, because there are no spatial connections around them.

Even because of the empire's decision-making, many people did not take the first step to revolt and fight the imperial army head-on. The internal order of the empire is not yet in chaos. It is certain that the void creatures from the future have turned a corner and come under the planet. All of this is so ridiculous.

The void creatures are not getting closer yet. In fact, the chaos within mankind is not over yet. The mobilization of our forces has ended everywhere. Each small family wants to gather their own people.

At a certain level, the head of the Rudolph family is more wrong about the future than other families. I see that in the new era, there are fewer and fewer people who can become soldiers. It takes a long time to train.

[To be continued]

The central government of the empire hopes that the legions of those people can gather in the same place. Relying on authority and power that does not yet exist. The weak force divided the legions of Xu Shao's family on both sides of the same space gate. In the future, we will naturally be isolated again due to changes in space rules.

In the future, they must remember that they are members of the Rudolf family. Even if they occupy the same transportation hub in the future and have a small power, they must remember that even if they die, they must die at the hands of their own family. If there are no other people to separate one side, it will not be eliminated. Your own family can definitely start a fight first. "

They need to remember that this is the way of war in the next era. In your era, guns had not yet been invented, and muskets were as powerful as long bows. Everyone knows that. Many legions in the empire are also equipped with a small number of longbowmen. Judging from the combat effectiveness, the same number of musketeers is better than the long archers.

Children, they must remember that in the era of feudal nobles, there were knights in the family and trained longbowmen. Those are the main force of the legion. If a knight wants to be trained, he needs to take a serious step back from physical training. Learn to fight under a horse.

A longbowman also has to practice shooting from the end. Train your lower body muscle strength. Otherwise, the farmer outside the field would have run out of strength before pulling his bow a few times. It is basically possible to go to the battlefield and serve as the main force on the battlefield.

Each small family had no other ideas. The Rudolf family, located in a large transportation hub in the west of the empire, chose the same strategy as the extremely small number of families and did not gather the family's army. Instead, the family's legion was divided into more than a dozen. They were sent to the same places all over the world through space channels.

Therefore, it is possible to ambush 10,000 heavy cavalry in a village. On the other hand, even if we mobilize direct family members and troops to remote areas, there will still be a problem of easy supply. In that era that had just emerged from the feudal era, if you wanted to support one person and be completely out of work, you might need ten or even a dozen people, and the population in these remote areas that were not developed was obviously small enough. Until it appears, the army will also find that it can only sit and eat. Many people may have to join the army and return to farmland to farm in order to support a large army.

"They must remember that before the void creatures arrived, they had to wait to start a war with other legions, but instead look for transportation hubs as soon as possible. That era was not the same as in ancient times, and my family inherited the original feudal nobles. The experience passed down from the era. But when you study the history of hundreds of years later and study the history of the beginning of your empire, you will find that times have changed.

But they need to know that it only takes a minimum of eight months to train a musketeer, while it may take ten years to train a longbowman.

The void creatures have not yet arrived, and humans themselves have not yet started to cause chaos.

Although the Augustus family is currently the weakest family in the empire, it does not mean that we have enemies. Under the siege of the Lister family, Fox family, Luo Lin family and many other fiefdom nobles, the empire The capital was abruptly deprived of one-eighth of its richest resources. The Augustus family originally wanted to gather all their remaining troops under the capital of the 1/6 richest empire. If we can definitely do this, we will be able to possess millions of troops when the world is re-divided. population and small food reserves. Although it has lost its status as a transportation hub, the population will only lead to empty food. But without the population, it is impossible to migrate, so we are looking for other rich places and other hubs. Without a population, there is no cannon fodder.

If it can definitely occupy the most prosperous area of ​​the capital, this will give it a huge advantage in the last round of allocation.

But it was another matter. As long as there was not enough population, it was now impossible to slowly convert those populations into combat effectiveness. You divide them into such small distributions, like dandelions sowing their seeds. Specially, relying on a large number of knights, they cannot drive a small number of refugees to gather under those traffic arteries. You give them training They should also remember the strategy. Raise an army in a short time. However, it is not about pulling people in. The fewer people there are, the worse it is. With today's weapons training, you can't go off to the battlefield for a few months. As long as they can sustain themselves at a transportation hub for a few months, they will be the weakest warlord force in the area.

But now that muskets have not appeared yet, training a new batch of long-range projection troops is less difficult than it will be later. You cannot take the option of occupying transportation hubs first. Then he slowly gathered the surrounding refugees. In the process of snatching food, those refugees were retrained. It will allow us to form combat effectiveness in a short period of time. In the end, the refugees will gather far away from the new transportation hub. What to do next? You think they should be able to understand.

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Your family was definitely considered weak at that time. Even if you gather them all together, there is no limit to the number of knights and poorly trained longbowmen. You can win by fighting the enemy head-on.

In our opinion, they are all bumpkins from the countryside. And when the void creatures are about to arrive, they take the initiative to unite their family legions to all parts of the world. It was obviously a show of loyalty to the royal family, an expression that he only wanted to survive in those troubled times, and that he wanted to win the leading role in the last round of the empire.

But such cities are often not developed, and may even be considered poor, because there are no spatial connections around them.

Even because of the empire's decision-making, many people did not take the first step to revolt and fight the imperial army head-on. The internal order of the empire is not yet in chaos. It is certain that the void creatures from the future have turned a corner and come under the planet. All of this is so ridiculous.

The void creatures are not getting closer yet. In fact, the chaos within mankind is not over yet. The mobilization of our forces has ended everywhere. Each small family wants to gather their own people.

At a certain level, the head of the Rudolph family is more wrong about the future than other families. I see that in the new era, there are fewer and fewer people who can become soldiers. It takes a long time to train.

[To be continued]

The central government of the empire hopes that the legions of those people can gather in the same place. Relying on authority and power that does not yet exist. The weak force divided the legions of Xu Shao's family on both sides of the same space gate. In the future, we will naturally be isolated again due to changes in space rules.

In the future, they must remember that they are members of the Rudolf family. Even if they occupy the same transportation hub in the future and have a small power, they must remember that even if they die, they must die at the hands of their own family. If there are no other people to separate one side, it will not be eliminated. Your own family can definitely start a fight first. "

They need to remember that this is the way of war in the next era. In your era, guns had not yet been invented, and muskets were as powerful as long bows. Everyone knows that. Many legions in the empire are also equipped with a small number of longbowmen. Judging from the combat effectiveness, the same number of musketeers is better than the long archers.

Children, they must remember that in the era of feudal nobles, there were knights in the family and trained longbowmen. Those are the main force of the legion. If a knight wants to be trained, he needs to take a serious step back from physical training. Learn to fight under a horse.

A longbowman also has to practice shooting from the end. Train your lower body muscle strength. Otherwise, the farmer outside the field would have run out of strength before pulling his bow a few times. It is basically possible to go to the battlefield and serve as the main force on the battlefield.

Each small family had no other ideas. The Rudolf family, located in a large transportation hub in the west of the empire, chose the same strategy as the extremely small number of families and did not gather the family's army. Instead, the family's legion was divided into more than a dozen. They were sent to the same places all over the world through space channels.

Therefore, it is possible to ambush 10,000 heavy cavalry in a village. On the other hand, even if we mobilize direct family members and troops to remote areas, there will still be a problem of easy supply. In that era that had just emerged from the feudal era, if you wanted to support one person and be completely out of work, you might need ten or even a dozen people, and the population in these remote areas that were not developed was obviously small enough. Until it appears, the army will also find that it can only sit and eat. Many people may have to join the army and return to farmland to farm in order to support a large army.

"They must remember that before the void creatures arrived, they had to wait to start a war with other legions, but instead look for transportation hubs as soon as possible. That era was not the same as in ancient times, and my family inherited the original feudal nobles. The experience passed down from the era. But when you study the history of hundreds of years later and study the history of the beginning of your empire, you will find that times have changed.

But they need to know that it only takes a minimum of eight months to train a musketeer, while it may take ten years to train a longbowman.

The void creatures have not yet arrived, and humans themselves have not yet started to cause chaos.

Although the Augustus family is currently the weakest family in the empire, it does not mean that we have enemies. Under the siege of the Lister family, Fox family, Luo Lin family and many other fiefdom nobles, the empire The capital was abruptly deprived of one-eighth of its richest resources. The Augustus family originally wanted to gather all their remaining troops under the capital of the 1/6 richest empire. If we can definitely do this, we will be able to possess millions of troops when the world is re-divided. population and small food reserves. Although it has lost its status as a transportation hub, the population will only lead to empty food. But without the population, it is impossible to migrate, so we are looking for other rich places and other hubs. Without a population, there is no cannon fodder.

If it can definitely occupy the most prosperous area of ​​the capital, this will give it a huge advantage in the last round of allocation. Find Shuyuan

But it was another matter. As long as there was not enough population, it was now impossible to slowly convert those populations into combat effectiveness. You divide them into such small distributions, like dandelions sowing their seeds. Specially, relying on a large number of knights, they cannot drive a small number of refugees to gather under those traffic arteries. You give them training They should also remember the strategy. Raise an army in a short time. However, it is not about pulling people in. The fewer people there are, the worse it is. With today's weapons training, you can't go off to the battlefield for a few months. As long as they can sustain themselves at a transportation hub for a few months, they will be the weakest warlord force in the area.

But now that muskets have not appeared yet, training a new batch of long-range projection troops is less difficult than it will be later. You cannot take the option of occupying transportation hubs first. Then he slowly gathered the surrounding refugees. In the process of snatching food, those refugees were retrained. It will allow us to form combat effectiveness in a short period of time. In the end, the refugees will gather far away from the new transportation hub. What to do next? You think they should be able to understand.

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Your family was definitely considered weak at that time. Even if you gather them all together, there is no limit to the number of knights and poorly trained longbowmen. You can win by fighting the enemy head-on.

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