Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 308: The straw man borrows arrows

Calculating the enemy's position by direction requires a considerable degree of mathematical ability, and Rowling's retainers are pretty good at this. During the excavation process, they would stop to listen to the sound from time to time, and then constantly correct the direction of the excavation in the process. Finally, I am convinced that the direction of my excavation is generally fine, and the deviation length should be within 1 to 2. This level of deviation is completely acceptable. At such a close distance, the sound of the other party digging is already obvious. He roughly adjusted the position of his cave to be right in front of the opponent's dig. Then the intense preparations began.

The fired pipes were sent to the tunnel. At the same time, there is a blower at the other end of the pipe. In front of the blower is a combustion chamber, which burns things like mugwort and pepper that can produce pungent odors.

These materials are then quickly circulated along the pipes through the blower. Once the channels are connected, the pipe blows the gas to the other end. Compared with ordinary smoke bombs, this has an even more exaggerated stimulating effect on people.

The people who were ambushing in the tunnel had already put on gas masks made of activated carbon and glass glasses that were relatively expensive in this era.

Just like a gas mask, it can still ensure that they can see clearly in such a harsh environment.

In this way, it can basically be said to be foolproof. As the cave was about to be dug, the people on the other side of the cave immediately dug quickly with shovels and other tools. While the other side was surprised, they directly dug through the cave. At the same time, the pipe was also passed through, and a small amount of thick smoke hit the enemy. The astonished digger spurted out.

The diggers had no weapons at all. Apart from hoes and other digging tools, they had nothing in their hands that could be used to fight back. They were choked by the smoke and couldn't open their eyes. At the same time, there were no spears or muskets there. After firing, there was a scream from the other side, a small number of people fell to the ground, and the people over there were holding heavy shields. There was a gap under the shield. This was the gap where thick smoke sometimes spewed out. Holding such a shield, it was broken and backwards. At the same time, no one stuck their head in front of the shield to shoot in.

While shooting, no one stretched out a spear from the gap in the shield to retreat and attack the opponent.

After such a push back, except for some people in the front row who fled, almost all the diggers were stabbed to death in the hole.

The attackers had no intention of giving up the opportunity. It was night and they could not rush from the cave to the enemy camp and retreat to harass them.

At this time, even if you are beating drums in the city, what kind of commotion will there be in the city? I'm afraid we will also come to see it. Then your scarecrow borrowed so few bows and arrows. And because you were playing drums outside at night, we thought that no one would attack us and we wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully. At that time, they will definitely think you are bluffing, and then you will actually send people out to attack. How could we not be prepared enough? "

If we can fight back then. And you definitely need real people, you just need to put up scarecrows one by one from under the bed, and you can't wait until daybreak to take those scarecrows back.

Even these patrolling soldiers relaxed their vigilance, but we never thought that the real attack would not be complete until we relaxed our vigilance.

As if they had practiced several times in the city before, they gathered on the city and formed a chaotic formation. Before confirming the direction of the enemy, they headed in this direction. Launched his own charge.

And the party that came to attack the city in those days was actually quite anxious. We were indeed able to gain a certain advantage in the process of retreating. Kill some soldiers under the wall. But the efficiency is too fast, and it takes a short time to hit that city. And if we get support from the people on the other side, or if they reach an agreement with us, it will be completely impossible for us to attack.

After beating gongs and drums for a while, I realized that no one paid any attention to me. The people below the city climbed up from the top of the city noiselessly. That time the drums were not beaten at all, and no sound was made.

Just when Luo Lin was worrying about how to make the enemy relax their vigilance, his own hand. In other words, one of the advisers gave him a suggestion.

My soldiers came and were harassed throughout the night. He is not extremely tired now. He must have taken a good rest. If the opponent goes out to fight in the city, his condition will be bad. I'm afraid the loss will be small. Even if you can take that city, if you definitely have enough troops on hand, how can you hold it?

At the same time, the city was not completely surrounded. On the other side, the city was not yet accessible. So I collected materials and made some temporary crossbows. Although the effects of those materials that had not been processed for a long time were worse than those used in the army, those bows and arrows cost money anyway, and it would be painful to consume them.

At worst, you have to paralyze the opponent first, and then retreat and make a sneak attack before being alert. Otherwise, if the effect of the sneak attack is bad, it will probably destroy the most elite people in the city in the sneak attack.

Both sides were bragging, but that meant something to Luo Lin in the city. I had never considered what kind of effect this subsequent night attack could achieve. At least let your soldiers be strangers and fight at night.

If you are sure that your opponent is Qi Gaoang, you can kill him yourself. It would also be meaningless.

At that time, a small number of soldiers in the enemy camp were asleep. We didn't even hear the chaotic footsteps. The patrol soldiers who were still awake were all dozing off. Before hearing the light classical music, they thought the other party was going to disturb our sleep again, but when they saw a dense crowd of people rushing towards us. Then he uttered the smallest cry he could make: "Enemy attack!"

Before the soldiers got the news that they could not sleep abnormally tonight, they were all relieved. I haven't slept badly in those days. I really can fall asleep lying on the ground.

"That's wrong. Of course your plan ends here. You can't use those straw men to borrow arrows, but sooner or later we will find out that the sneak attack you made late at night was just some scarecrows. Until we find out, you can continue With little fanfare, a scarecrow was used to launch a night attack.

[To be continued]

"Little man, these people outside the city didn't really come out to attack at all. We just put up scarecrows from under the bed to make you think that we were preparing to attack, but in fact we were using those scarecrows to steal your bows and arrows."

Before this time, I played the drum every night and prepared for a sneak attack, so that every day there would be a small number of feather arrows stuck on the city wall, and the scarecrows we put up were also full of arrows. Find these people in the city who have participated in military training and know how to use a bow. Let us use it to reduce the weakness of the city defense.

You can't even use those scarecrows to borrow our arrows, even though a small part of your army uses muskets. But there is still no one who can shoot an arrow. You choose those people to form your army. And it's because archers are like muskets. But archers are too difficult to train and bows are extremely expensive. Compared to lead bullets, bows and arrows are too expensive. But if you don't have enough bows and arrows, they won't be of much use to you in defending the city. "

Before falling asleep one by one, they were almost unaware of everything in the outside world. Basically, we know what we may face next. I heard the drum beat at the top of the city again, but this time no one responded. He just thought it was the people under the city and was bluffing. After a while, he didn't see anyone making a sneak attack, and finally confirmed that the people outside the city were not exhausted.

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When Luo Lin heard this, she immediately clapped her hands and smiled: "What a brilliant idea! Just do what he said. Then go and ask the young and old in the city to make scarecrows, and then send a group of people to the city for a sneak attack tomorrow night. You will definitely call us before." You have to sleep peacefully at night."

But I am sure that if I can even occupy a transportation hub, it will only depend on my few people. Competing with these small families on the plains is a complete competition.

"The order is for a sneak attack under the control of the city. Those cunning rats can only use conspiracy and tricks. Except for the patrolling soldiers at night, the rest of the soldiers sleep on time, adjust their state, and continue to attack the city tomorrow!"

Luo Lin nodded when he heard this. That plan was wrong: "In this case, you can't use the scarecrow to borrow arrows, but his plan shouldn't stop there." Luo Lin hadn't even guessed yet. , what does his adviser want to do. Suddenly I felt that that idea was quite wrong.

Just like we planned. No one opened the city gate that night. After retreating from a night attack, the night was completely dark, and it was difficult to distinguish the enemy during the battle. Therefore, the results of that night attack were not ideal. Although it relied on a relatively more reasonable military system, it took a big advantage and had a slight advantage in the exchange pen. But overall, it is still enough. The opponent's number exceeds his own by eight times. And since I have an exchange ratio of 1.5, I still win even if I kill all my people.

"The main attack is not what we said. Even if you are going to a banquet, the other party will be on guard. After all, night attacks are not a very novel method now. Before you attack us once, the other party will subconsciously think that There is no restlessness at night. It is not a night attack launched by you, but do you really need to send people out every night? There are not many things around you that can be illuminated in the dark night. We only need to hear your words The sound of drums, when I hear your shouts, I will think that none of you are coming up from under the city wall to attack.

The raid over there didn't intend to gain much. The Warring States Period was just to suppress the morale of the city. Before throwing these miserable corpses out of the cave, we immediately went back from the cave. And a strict defense has been built in the cave. It is true that the enemy cannot attack the city through that cave, but the cave is spacious and has not been occupied by us. If no one dares to retreat and attack through that, it will definitely cost a huge amount of money. Small casualties, and any results will be achieved.

But how could anyone else have time at that time?

And I must have been trapped in the long vacation for too long, but it is just that the food and grass cannot be exhausted. If discovered by other forces, they would probably be completely annihilated out there.

Because the cave is so spacious, only two people can walk side by side. As long as the defending side defends on the side of the cave that is relatively narrow and wide. No matter how many people there are, they all die.

Therefore, the publicity on both sides was that they had a huge advantage in the subsequent night banquets.

Hearing those words, Yao Feng immediately shook his head: "What you want to do is to capture the thief first. You have to capture it all at once. How can you let the other party know whether you have the ability to attack at night? Is that just trying to scare the snake away? ?”

Naturally, that tunnel had to be abandoned. If you definitely keep that tunnel, your side may be raided by people rushing out of the tunnel at night, in order to drive out the defenders occupying the tunnel from the tunnel. The commander of the army besieging the city must choose to pour water into the tunnel and bury the tunnel before driving the opponent away. In this way, although we can continue to use that tunnel, we also have to worry about our enemies using that tunnel. The burrow attacked itself.

We rushed out of the cave with our shields, and then fired muskets at the surroundings. Not many people were hit, but it brought panic to the camp. At the same time, no one threw anything like a grenade. Since there were no bombs in that era, naturally they couldn't be made into grenades. Rumbling explosions sounded in the camp, and everyone who was close was killed on the spot. The military formation was basically organized in the chaos. Although the number of people was small, it was beaten by the disorderly raiders. They were caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties.

Just when the commander was in a good mood, no officer hurried into the camp. Then he saw that the officer was holding a scarecrow in his hand, with a few bows and arrows stuck under the scarecrow.

The publicity outside the city was that he had won a small victory and killed many of the opponent's generals. The publicity in the city was that it had resisted the opponent's sneak attack and wiped out all the attacking troops.

After all, there are many people on his side, and the number of cavalry is only 20% of the opponent's. In a real frontal field battle, the effect is very poor. The worst way is not to make a surprise attack at night to capture the thief first.

"My lord, you can't do that. First organize an elite attack to harass the enemy's retreat and show your ability to attack at night."

The commander almost vomited blood when he saw that scene. I could sleep peacefully all night long those days. You have to be wary of sneak attacks from people outside the city. But I didn’t expect that the other party was just using a straw man like that to deceive me. If you think about it that way, people outside the city came to recharge their batteries during those days. However, his own army was exhausted from the sneak attack. It’s no wonder that in those days, attack was basically the best.

Before Luo Lin saw the low morale of the enemies besieging the city, he was relieved. His plan had finally succeeded in the first step. First of all, it is not possible to achieve sufficient results in a raid by letting your opponent overshadow you.

"Little man, these people outside the city didn't really come out to attack at all. We just put up scarecrows from under the bed to make you think that we were preparing to attack, but in fact we were using those scarecrows to steal your bows and arrows."

Before this time, I played the drum every night and prepared for a sneak attack, so that every day there would be a small number of feather arrows stuck on the city wall, and the scarecrows we put up were also full of arrows. Find these people in the city who have participated in military training and know how to use a bow. Let us use it to reduce the weakness of the city defense.

You can't even use those scarecrows to borrow our arrows, even though a small part of your army uses muskets. But there is still no one who can shoot an arrow. You choose those people to form your army. And it's because archers are like muskets. But archers are too difficult to train and bows are extremely expensive. Compared to lead bullets, bows and arrows are too expensive. But if you don't have enough bows and arrows, they won't be of much use to you in defending the city. "

Before falling asleep one by one, they were almost unaware of everything in the outside world. Basically, we know what we may face next. I heard the drum beat at the top of the city again, but this time no one responded. He just thought it was the people under the city and was bluffing. After a while, he didn't see anyone making a sneak attack, and finally confirmed that the people outside the city were not exhausted.

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When Luo Lin heard this, she immediately clapped her hands and smiled: "What a brilliant idea! Just do what he said. Then go and ask the young and old in the city to make scarecrows, and then send a group of people to the city for a sneak attack tomorrow night. You will definitely call us before." You have to sleep peacefully at night."

But I am sure that if I can even occupy a transportation hub, it will only depend on my few people. Competing with these small families on the plains is a complete competition.

"The order is for a sneak attack under the control of the city. Those cunning rats can only use conspiracy and tricks. Except for the patrolling soldiers at night, the rest of the soldiers sleep on time, adjust their state, and continue to attack the city tomorrow!"

Luo Lin nodded when he heard this. That plan was wrong: "In this case, you can't use the scarecrow to borrow arrows, but his plan shouldn't stop there." Luo Lin hadn't even guessed yet. , what does his adviser want to do. Suddenly I felt that that idea was quite wrong.

Just like we planned. No one opened the city gate that night. After retreating from a night attack, the night was completely dark, and it was difficult to distinguish the enemy during the battle. Therefore, the results of that night attack were not ideal. Although it relied on a relatively more reasonable military system, it took a big advantage and had a slight advantage in the exchange pen. But overall, it is still enough. The opponent's number exceeds his own by eight times. And since I have an exchange ratio of 1.5, I still win even if I kill all my people.

"The main attack is not what we said. Even if you are going to a banquet, the other party will be on guard. After all, night attacks are not a very novel method now. Before you attack us once, the other party will subconsciously think that There is no restlessness at night. It is not a night attack launched by you, but do you really need to send people out every night? There are not many things around you that can be illuminated in the dark night. We only need to hear your words The sound of drums, when I hear your shouts, I will think that none of you are coming up from under the city wall to attack.

The raid over there didn't intend to gain much. The Warring States Period was just to suppress the morale of the city. Before throwing these miserable corpses out of the cave, we immediately went back from the cave. And a strict defense has been built in the cave. It is true that the enemy cannot attack the city through that cave, but the cave is spacious and has not been occupied by us. If no one dares to retreat and attack through that, it will definitely cost a huge amount of money. Small casualties, and any results will be achieved.

But how could anyone else have time at that time?

And I must have been trapped in the long vacation for too long, but it is just that the food and grass cannot be exhausted. If discovered by other forces, they would probably be completely annihilated out there.

Because the cave is so spacious, only two people can walk side by side. As long as the defending side defends on the side of the cave that is relatively narrow and wide. No matter how many people there are, they all die.

Therefore, the publicity on both sides was that they had a huge advantage in the subsequent night banquets.

Hearing those words, Yao Feng immediately shook his head: "What you want to do is to capture the thief first. You have to capture it all at once. How can you let the other party know whether you have the ability to attack at night? Is that just trying to scare the snake away? ?”

Naturally, that tunnel had to be abandoned. If you definitely keep that tunnel, your side may be raided by people rushing out of the tunnel at night, in order to drive out the defenders occupying the tunnel from the tunnel. The commander of the army besieging the city must choose to pour water into the tunnel and bury the tunnel before driving the opponent away. In this way, although we can continue to use that tunnel, we also have to worry about our enemies using that tunnel. The burrow attacked itself.

We rushed out of the cave with our shields, and then fired muskets at the surroundings. Not many people were hit, but it brought panic to the camp. At the same time, no one threw anything like a grenade. Since there were no bombs in that era, naturally they couldn't be made into grenades. Rumbling explosions sounded in the camp, and everyone who was close was killed on the spot. The military formation was basically organized in the chaos. Although the number of people was small, it was beaten by the disorderly raiders. They were caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties.

Just when the commander was in a good mood, no officer hurried into the camp. Then he saw that the officer was holding a scarecrow in his hand, with a few bows and arrows stuck under the scarecrow.

The publicity outside the city was that he had won a small victory and killed many of the opponent's generals. The publicity in the city was that it had resisted the opponent's sneak attack and wiped out all the attacking troops.

After all, there are many people on his side, and the number of cavalry is only 20% of the opponent's. In a real frontal field battle, the effect is very poor. The worst way is not to make a surprise attack at night to capture the thief first.

"My lord, you can't do that. First organize an elite attack to harass the enemy's retreat and show your ability to attack at night."

The commander almost vomited blood when he saw that scene. I could sleep peacefully all night long those days. You have to be wary of sneak attacks from people outside the city. But I never thought that the other party would just use that straw man to deceive me. If you think about it that way, people outside the city came to recharge their batteries during those days. However, his own army was exhausted from the sneak attack. It’s no wonder that in those days, attack was basically the best.

Before Luo Lin saw the low morale of the enemies besieging the city, he was relieved. His plan had finally succeeded in the first step. First of all, it is not possible to achieve sufficient results in a raid by letting your opponent overshadow you.

"Little man, these people outside the city didn't really come out to attack at all. We just put up scarecrows from under the bed to make you think that we were preparing to attack, but in fact we were using those scarecrows to steal your bows and arrows."

Before this time, I played the drum every night and prepared for a sneak attack, so that every day there would be a small number of feather arrows stuck on the city wall, and the scarecrows we put up were also full of arrows. Find these people in the city who have participated in military training and know how to use a bow. Let us use it to reduce the weakness of the city defense.

You can't even use those scarecrows to borrow our arrows, even though a small part of your army uses muskets. But there is still no one who can shoot an arrow. You choose those people to form your army. And it's because archers are like muskets. But archers are too difficult to train and bows are extremely expensive. Compared to lead bullets, bows and arrows are too expensive. But if you don't have enough bows and arrows, they won't be of much use to you in defending the city. "

Before falling asleep one by one, they were almost unaware of everything in the outside world. Basically, we know what we may face next. I heard the drum beat at the top of the city again, but this time no one responded. He just thought it was the people under the city and was bluffing. After a while, he didn't see anyone making a sneak attack, and finally confirmed that the people outside the city were not exhausted.

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When Luo Lin heard this, she immediately clapped her hands and smiled: "What a brilliant idea! Just do what he said. Then go and ask the young and old in the city to make scarecrows, and then send a group of people to the city for a sneak attack tomorrow night. You will definitely call us before." You have to sleep peacefully at night."

But I am sure that if I can even occupy a transportation hub, it will only depend on my few people. Competing with these small families on the plains is a complete competition.

"The order is for a sneak attack under the city guard, those cunning rats. They only use conspiracy and tricks. Except for the patrolling soldiers at night, the rest of the soldiers sleep on time, adjust their state, and continue to attack the city tomorrow!"

Luo Lin nodded when he heard this. That plan was wrong: "In this case, you can't use the scarecrow to borrow arrows, but his plan shouldn't stop there." Luo Lin hadn't even guessed yet. , what does his adviser want to do. Suddenly I felt that that idea was quite wrong.

Just like we planned. No one opened the city gate that night. After retreating from a night attack, the night was completely dark, and it was difficult to distinguish the enemy during the battle. Therefore, the results of that night attack were not ideal. Although it relied on a relatively more reasonable military system, it took a big advantage and had a slight advantage in the exchange pen. But overall, it is still enough. The opponent's number exceeds his own by eight times. And since I have an exchange ratio of 1.5, I still win even if I kill all my people.

"The main attack is not what we said. Even if you are going to a banquet, the other party will be on guard. After all, night attacks are not a very novel method now. Before you attack us once, the other party will subconsciously think that There is no restlessness at night. It is not a night attack launched by you, but do you really need to send people out every night? There are not many things around you that can be illuminated in the dark night. We only need to hear your words The sound of drums, when I hear your shouts, I will think that none of you are coming up from under the city wall to attack.

The raid over there didn't intend to gain much. The Warring States Period was just to suppress the morale of the city. Before throwing these miserable corpses out of the cave, we immediately went back from the cave. And a strict defense has been built in the cave. It is true that the enemy cannot attack the city through that cave, but the cave is spacious and has not been occupied by us. If no one dares to retreat and attack through that, it will definitely cost a huge amount of money. Small casualties, and any results will be achieved.

But how could anyone else have time at that time?

And I must have been trapped in the long vacation for too long, but it is just that the food and grass cannot be exhausted. If discovered by other forces, they would probably be completely annihilated out there.

Because the cave is so spacious, only two people can walk side by side. As long as the defending side defends on the side of the cave that is relatively narrow and wide. No matter how many people there are, they all die.

Therefore, the publicity on both sides was that they had a huge advantage in the subsequent night banquets.

Hearing those words, Yao Feng immediately shook his head: "What you want to do is to capture the thief first. You have to capture it all at once. How can you let the other party know whether you have the ability to attack at night? Is that just trying to scare the snake away? ?”

Naturally, that tunnel had to be abandoned. If you definitely keep that tunnel, your side may be raided by people rushing out of the tunnel at night, in order to drive out the defenders occupying the tunnel from the tunnel. The commander of the army besieging the city must choose to pour water into the tunnel and bury the tunnel before driving the opponent away. In this way, although we can continue to use that tunnel, we also have to worry about our enemies using that tunnel. The burrow attacked itself.

We rushed out of the cave with our shields, and then fired muskets at the surroundings. Not many people were hit, but it brought panic to the camp. At the same time, no one threw anything like a grenade. Since there were no bombs in that era, naturally they couldn't be made into grenades. Rumbling explosions sounded in the camp, and everyone who was close was killed on the spot. The military formation was basically organized in the chaos. Although the number of people was small, it was beaten by the disorderly raiders. They were caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties.

Just when the commander was in a good mood, no officer hurried into the camp. Then he saw that the officer was holding a scarecrow in his hand, with a few bows and arrows stuck under the scarecrow.

The publicity outside the city was that he had won a small victory and killed many of the opponent's generals. The publicity in the city was that it had resisted the opponent's sneak attack and wiped out all the attacking troops.

After all, there are many people on his side, and the number of cavalry is only 20% of the opponent's. In a real frontal field battle, the effect is very poor. The worst way is not to make a surprise attack at night to capture the thief first.

"My lord, you can't do that. First organize an elite attack to harass the enemy's retreat and show your ability to attack at night."

The commander almost vomited blood when he saw that scene. I could sleep peacefully all night long those days. You have to be wary of sneak attacks from people outside the city. But I didn’t expect that the other party was just using a straw man like that to deceive me. If you think about it that way, people outside the city came to recharge their batteries during those days. However, his own army was exhausted from the sneak attack. It’s no wonder that in those days, attack was basically the best.

Before Luo Lin saw the low morale of the enemies besieging the city, he was relieved. His plan had finally succeeded in the first step. First of all, it is not possible to achieve sufficient results in a raid by letting your opponent overshadow you.

"Little man, these people outside the city didn't really come out to attack at all. We just put up scarecrows from under the bed to make you think that we were preparing to attack, but in fact we were using those scarecrows to steal your bows and arrows."

Before this time, I played the drum every night and prepared for a sneak attack, so that every day there would be a small number of feather arrows stuck on the city wall, and the scarecrows we put up were also full of arrows. Find these people in the city who have participated in military training and know how to use a bow. Let us use it to reduce the weakness of the city defense.

You can't even use those scarecrows to borrow our arrows, even though a small part of your army uses muskets. But there is still no one who can shoot an arrow. You choose those people to form your army. And it's because archers are like muskets. But archers are too difficult to train and bows are extremely expensive. Compared to lead bullets, bows and arrows are too expensive. But if you don't have enough bows and arrows, they won't be of much use to you in defending the city. "

Before falling asleep one by one, they were almost unaware of everything in the outside world. Basically, we know what we may face next. I heard the drum beat at the top of the city again, but this time no one responded. He just thought it was the people under the city and was bluffing. After a while, he didn't see anyone making a sneak attack, and finally confirmed that the people outside the city were not exhausted.

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When Luo Lin heard this, she immediately clapped her hands and smiled: "What a brilliant idea! Just do what he said. Then go and ask the young and old in the city to make scarecrows, and then send a group of people to the city for a sneak attack tomorrow night. You will definitely call us before." You have to sleep peacefully at night."

But I am sure that if I can even occupy a transportation hub, it will only depend on my few people. Competing with these small families on the plains is a complete competition.

"The order is for a sneak attack under the city guard, those cunning rats. They only use conspiracy and tricks. Except for the patrolling soldiers at night, the rest of the soldiers sleep on time, adjust their state, and continue to attack the city tomorrow!"

Luo Lin nodded when he heard this. That plan was wrong: "In this case, you can't use the scarecrow to borrow arrows, but his plan shouldn't stop there." Luo Lin hadn't even guessed yet. , what does his adviser want to do. Suddenly I felt that that idea was quite wrong.

Just like we planned. No one opened the city gate that night. After retreating from a night attack, the night was completely dark, and it was difficult to distinguish the enemy during the battle. Therefore, the results of that night attack were not ideal. Although it relied on a relatively more reasonable military system, it took a big advantage and had a slight advantage in the exchange pen. But overall, it is still enough. The opponent's number exceeds his own by eight times. And since I have an exchange ratio of 1.5, I still win even if I kill all my people.

"The main attack is not what we said. Even if you are going to a banquet, the other party will be on guard. After all, night attacks are not a very novel method now. Before you attack us once, the other party will subconsciously think that There is no restlessness at night. It is not a night attack launched by you, but do you really need to send people out every night? There are not many things around you that can be illuminated in the dark night. We only need to hear your words The sound of drums, when I hear your shouts, I will think that none of you are coming up from under the city wall to attack.

The raid over there didn't intend to gain much. The Warring States Period was just to suppress the morale of the city. Before throwing these miserable corpses out of the cave, we immediately went back from the cave. And a strict defense has been built in the cave. It is true that the enemy cannot attack the city through that cave, but the cave is spacious and has not been occupied by us. If no one dares to retreat and attack through that, it will definitely cost a huge amount of money. Small casualties, and any results will be achieved.

But how could anyone else have time at that time?

And I must have been trapped in the long vacation for too long, but it is just that the food and grass cannot be exhausted. If discovered by other forces, they would probably be completely annihilated out there.

Because the cave is so spacious, only two people can walk side by side. As long as the defending side defends on the side of the cave that is relatively narrow and wide. No matter how many people there are, they all die.

Therefore, the publicity on both sides was that they had a huge advantage in the subsequent night banquets.

Hearing those words, Yao Feng immediately shook his head: "What you want to do is to capture the thief first. You have to capture it all at once. How can you let the other party know whether you have the ability to attack at night? Is that just trying to scare the snake away? ?”

Naturally, that tunnel had to be abandoned. If you definitely keep that tunnel, your side may be raided by people rushing out of the tunnel at night, in order to drive out the defenders occupying the tunnel from the tunnel. The commander of the army besieging the city must choose to pour water into the tunnel and bury the tunnel before driving the opponent away. In this way, although we can continue to use that tunnel, we also have to worry about our enemies using that tunnel. The burrow attacked itself.

We rushed out of the cave with our shields, and then fired muskets at the surroundings. Not many people were hit, but it brought panic to the camp. At the same time, no one threw anything like a grenade. Since there were no bombs in that era, naturally they couldn't be made into grenades. Rumbling explosions sounded in the camp, and everyone who was close was killed on the spot. The military formation was basically organized in the chaos. Although the number of people was small, it was beaten by the disorderly raiders. They were caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties.

Just when the commander was in a good mood, no officer hurried into the camp. Then he saw that the officer was holding a scarecrow in his hand, with a few bows and arrows stuck under the scarecrow.

The publicity outside the city was that he had won a small victory and killed many of the opponent's generals. The publicity in the city was that it had resisted the opponent's sneak attack and wiped out all the attacking troops.

After all, there are many people on his side, and the number of cavalry is only 20% of the opponent's. In a real frontal field battle, the effect is very poor. The worst way is not to make a surprise attack at night to capture the thief first.

"My lord, you can't do that. First organize an elite attack to harass the enemy's retreat and show your ability to attack at night."

The commander almost vomited blood when he saw that scene. I could sleep peacefully all night long those days. You have to be wary of sneak attacks from people outside the city. But I didn’t expect that the other party was just using a straw man like that to deceive me. If you think about it that way, people outside the city came to recharge their batteries during those days. However, his own army was exhausted from the sneak attack. It’s no wonder that in those days, attack was basically the best.

Before Luo Lin saw the low morale of the enemies besieging the city, he was relieved. His plan had finally succeeded in the first step. First of all, it is not possible to achieve sufficient results in a raid by letting your opponent overshadow you.

"Little man, these people outside the city didn't really come out to attack at all. We just put up scarecrows from under the bed to make you think that we were preparing to attack, but in fact we were using those scarecrows to steal your bows and arrows."

Before this time, I played the drum every night and prepared for a sneak attack, so that every day there would be a small number of feather arrows stuck on the city wall, and the scarecrows we put up were also full of arrows. Find these people in the city who have participated in military training and know how to use a bow. Let us use it to reduce the weakness of the city defense.

You can't even use those scarecrows to borrow our arrows, even though a small part of your army uses muskets. But there is still no one who can shoot an arrow. You choose those people to form your army. And it's because archers are like muskets. But archers are too difficult to train and bows are extremely expensive. Compared to lead bullets, bows and arrows are too expensive. But if you don't have enough bows and arrows, they won't be of much use to you in defending the city. "

Before falling asleep one by one, they were almost unaware of everything in the outside world. Basically, we know what we may face next. I heard the drum beat at the top of the city again, but this time no one responded. He just thought it was the people under the city and was bluffing. After a while, he didn't see anyone making a sneak attack, and finally confirmed that the people outside the city were not exhausted.

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When Luo Lin heard this, she immediately clapped her hands and smiled: "What a brilliant idea! Just do what he said. Then go and ask the young and old in the city to make scarecrows, and then send a group of people to the city for a sneak attack tomorrow night. You will definitely call us before." You have to sleep peacefully at night."

But I am sure that if I can even occupy a transportation hub, it will only depend on my few people. Competing with these small families on the plains is a complete competition.

"The order is for a sneak attack under the city guard, those cunning rats. They only use conspiracy and tricks. Except for the patrolling soldiers at night, the rest of the soldiers sleep on time, adjust their state, and continue to attack the city tomorrow!"

Luo Lin nodded when he heard this. That plan was wrong: "In this case, you can't use the scarecrow to borrow arrows, but his plan shouldn't stop there." Luo Lin hadn't even guessed yet. , what does his adviser want to do. Suddenly I felt that that idea was quite wrong.

Just like we planned. No one opened the city gate that night. After retreating from a night attack, the night was completely dark, and it was difficult to distinguish the enemy during the battle. Therefore, the results of that night attack were not ideal. Although it relied on a relatively more reasonable military system, it took a big advantage and had a slight advantage in the exchange pen. But overall, it is still enough. The opponent's number exceeds his own by eight times. And since I have an exchange ratio of 1.5, I still win even if I kill all my people.

"The main attack is not what we said. Even if you are going to a banquet, the other party will be on guard. After all, night attacks are not a very novel method now. Before you attack us once, the other party will subconsciously think that There is no restlessness at night. It is not a night attack launched by you, but do you really need to send people out every night? There are not many things around you that can be illuminated in the dark night. We only need to hear your words The sound of drums, when I hear your shouts, I will think that none of you are coming up from under the city wall to attack.

The raid over there didn't intend to gain much. The Warring States Period was just to suppress the morale of the city. Before throwing these miserable corpses out of the cave, we immediately went back from the cave. And a strict defense has been built in the cave. It is true that the enemy cannot attack the city through that cave, but the cave is spacious and has not been occupied by us. If no one dares to retreat and attack through that, it will definitely cost a huge amount of money. Small casualties, and any results will be achieved.

But how could anyone else have time at that time?

And I must have been trapped in the long vacation for too long, but it is just that the food and grass cannot be exhausted. If discovered by other forces, they would probably be completely annihilated out there.

Because the cave is so spacious, only two people can walk side by side. As long as the defending side defends on the side of the cave that is relatively narrow and wide. No matter how many people there are, they all die.

Therefore, the publicity on both sides was that they had a huge advantage in the subsequent night banquets.

Hearing those words, Yao Feng immediately shook his head: "What you want to do is to capture the thief first. You have to capture it all at once. How can you let the other party know whether you have the ability to attack at night? Is that just trying to scare the snake away? ?”

Naturally, that tunnel had to be abandoned. If you definitely keep that tunnel, your side may be raided by people rushing out of the tunnel at night, in order to drive out the defenders occupying the tunnel from the tunnel. The commander of the army besieging the city must choose to pour water into the tunnel and bury the tunnel before driving the opponent away. In this way, although we can continue to use that tunnel, we also have to worry about our enemies using that tunnel. The burrow attacked itself.

We rushed out of the cave with our shields, and then fired muskets at the surroundings. Not many people were hit, but it brought panic to the camp. At the same time, no one threw anything like a grenade. Since there were no bombs in that era, naturally they couldn't be made into grenades. Rumbling explosions sounded in the camp, and everyone who was close was killed on the spot. The military formation was basically organized in the chaos. Although the number of people was small, it was beaten by the disorderly raiders. They were caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties.

Just when the commander was in a good mood, no officer hurried into the camp. Then he saw that the officer was holding a scarecrow in his hand, with a few bows and arrows stuck under the scarecrow.

The publicity outside the city was that he had won a small victory and killed many of the opponent's generals. The publicity in the city was that it had resisted the opponent's sneak attack and wiped out all the attacking troops.

After all, there are many people on his side, and the number of cavalry is only 20% of the opponent's. In a real frontal field battle, the effect is very poor. The worst way is not to make a surprise attack at night to capture the thief first.

"My lord, you can't do that. First organize an elite attack to harass the enemy's retreat and show your ability to attack at night."

The commander almost vomited blood when he saw that scene. I could sleep peacefully all night long those days. You have to be wary of sneak attacks from people outside the city. But I didn’t expect that the other party was just using a straw man like that to deceive me. If you think about it that way, people outside the city came to recharge their batteries during those days. However, his own army was exhausted from the sneak attack. It’s no wonder that in those days, attack was basically the best.

Before Luo Lin saw the low morale of the enemies besieging the city, he was relieved. His plan had finally succeeded in the first step. First of all, it is not possible to achieve sufficient results in a raid by letting your opponent overshadow you.

"Little man, these people outside the city didn't really come out to attack at all. We just put up scarecrows from under the bed to make you think that we were preparing to attack, but in fact we were using those scarecrows to steal your bows and arrows."

Before this time, I played the drum every night and prepared for a sneak attack, so that every day there would be a small number of feather arrows stuck on the city wall, and the scarecrows we put up were also full of arrows. Find these people in the city who have participated in military training and know how to use a bow. Let us use it to reduce the weakness of the city defense.

You can't even use those scarecrows to borrow our arrows, even though a small part of your army uses muskets. But there is still no one who can shoot an arrow. You choose those people to form your army. And it's because archers are like muskets. But archers are too difficult to train and bows are extremely expensive. Compared to lead bullets, bows and arrows are too expensive. But if you don't have enough bows and arrows, they won't be of much use to you in defending the city. "

Before falling asleep one by one, they were almost unaware of everything in the outside world. Basically, we know what we may face next. I heard the drum beat at the top of the city again, but this time no one responded. He just thought it was the people under the city and was bluffing. After a while, he didn't see anyone making a sneak attack, and finally confirmed that the people outside the city were not exhausted.

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When Luo Lin heard this, she immediately clapped her hands and smiled: "What a brilliant idea! Just do what he said. Then go and ask the young and old in the city to make scarecrows, and then send a group of people to the city for a sneak attack tomorrow night. You must have called us before." You have to sleep peacefully at night."

But I am sure that if I can even occupy a transportation hub, it will only depend on my few people. Competing with these small families on the plains is a complete competition.

"The order is for a sneak attack under the city guard, those cunning rats. They only use conspiracy and tricks. Except for the patrolling soldiers at night, the rest of the soldiers sleep on time, adjust their state, and continue to attack the city tomorrow!"

Luo Lin nodded when he heard this. That plan was wrong: "In this case, you can't use the scarecrow to borrow arrows, but his plan shouldn't stop there." Luo Lin hadn't even guessed yet. , what does his adviser want to do. Suddenly I felt that that idea was quite wrong.

Just like we planned. No one opened the city gate that night. After retreating from a night attack, the night was completely dark, and it was difficult to distinguish the enemy during the battle. Therefore, the results of that night attack were not ideal. Although it relied on a relatively more reasonable military system, it took a big advantage and had a slight advantage in the exchange pen. But overall, it is still enough. The opponent's number exceeds his own by eight times. And since I have an exchange ratio of 1.5, I still win even if I kill all my people.

"The main attack is not what we said. Even if you are going to a banquet, the other party will be on guard. After all, night attacks are not a very novel method now. Before you attack us once, the other party will subconsciously think that There is no restlessness at night. It is not a night attack launched by you, but do you really need to send people out every night? There are not many things around you that can be illuminated in the dark night. We only need to hear your words The sound of drums, when I hear your shouts, I will think that none of you are coming up from under the city wall to attack.

The raid over there didn't intend to gain much. The Warring States Period was just to suppress the morale of the city. Before throwing these miserable corpses out of the cave, we immediately went back from the cave. And a strict defense has been built in the cave. It is true that the enemy cannot attack the city through that cave, but the cave is spacious and has not been occupied by us. If no one dares to retreat and attack through that, it will definitely cost a huge amount of money. Small casualties, and any results will be achieved.

But how could anyone else have time at that time?

And I must have been trapped in the long vacation for too long, but it is just that the food and grass cannot be exhausted. If discovered by other forces, they would probably be completely annihilated out there.

Because the cave is so spacious, only two people can walk side by side. As long as the defending side defends on the side of the cave that is relatively narrow and wide. No matter how many people there are, they all die.

Therefore, the publicity on both sides was that they had a huge advantage in the subsequent night banquets.

Hearing those words, Yao Feng immediately shook his head: "What you want to do is to capture the thief first. You have to capture it all at once. How can you let the other party know whether you have the ability to attack at night? Is that just trying to scare the snake away? ?”

Naturally, that tunnel had to be abandoned. If you definitely keep that tunnel, your side may be raided by people rushing out of the tunnel at night, in order to drive out the defenders occupying the tunnel from the tunnel. The commander of the army besieging the city must choose to pour water into the tunnel and bury the tunnel before driving the opponent away. In this way, although we can continue to use that tunnel, we also have to worry about our enemies using that tunnel. The burrow attacked itself.

We rushed out of the cave with our shields, and then fired muskets at the surroundings. Not many people were hit, but it brought panic to the camp. At the same time, no one threw anything like a grenade. Since there were no bombs in that era, naturally they couldn't be made into grenades. Rumbling explosions sounded in the camp, and everyone who was close was killed on the spot. The military formation was basically organized in the chaos. Although the number of people was small, it was beaten by the disorderly raiders. They were caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties.

Just when the commander was in a good mood, no officer hurried into the camp. Then he saw that the officer was holding a scarecrow in his hand, with a few bows and arrows stuck under the scarecrow.

The publicity outside the city was that he had won a small victory and killed many of the opponent's generals. The publicity in the city was that it had resisted the opponent's sneak attack and wiped out all the attacking troops.

After all, there are many people on his side, and the number of cavalry is only 20% of the opponent's. In a real frontal field battle, the effect is very poor. The worst way is not to make a surprise attack at night to capture the thief first.

"My lord, you can't do that. First organize an elite attack to harass the enemy's retreat and show your ability to attack at night."

The commander almost vomited blood when he saw that scene. I could sleep peacefully all night long those days. You have to be wary of sneak attacks from people outside the city. But I didn’t expect that the other party was just using a straw man like that to deceive me. If you think about it that way, people outside the city came to recharge their batteries during those days. However, his own army was exhausted from the sneak attack. It’s no wonder that in those days, attack was basically the best.

Before Luo Lin saw the low morale of the enemies besieging the city, he was relieved. His plan had finally succeeded in the first step. First of all, it is not possible to achieve sufficient results in a raid by letting your opponent overshadow you.

"Little man, these people outside the city didn't really come out to attack at all. We just put up scarecrows from under the bed to make you think that we were preparing to attack, but in fact we were using those scarecrows to steal your bows and arrows."

Before this time, I played the drum every night and prepared for a sneak attack, so that every day there would be a small number of feather arrows stuck on the city wall, and the scarecrows we put up were also full of arrows. Find these people in the city who have participated in military training and know how to use a bow. Let us use it to reduce the weakness of the city defense.

You can't even use those scarecrows to borrow our arrows, even though a small part of your army uses muskets. But there is still no one who can shoot an arrow. You choose those people to form your army. And it's because archers are like muskets. But archers are too difficult to train and bows are extremely expensive. Compared to lead bullets, bows and arrows are too expensive. But if you don't have enough bows and arrows, they won't be of much use to you in defending the city. "

Before falling asleep one by one, they were almost unaware of everything in the outside world. Basically, we know what we may face next. I heard the drum beat at the top of the city again, but this time no one responded. He just thought it was the people under the city and was bluffing. After a while, he didn't see anyone making a sneak attack, and finally confirmed that the people outside the city were not exhausted.

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When Luo Lin heard this, she immediately clapped her hands and smiled: "What a brilliant idea! Just do what he said. Then go and ask the young and old in the city to make scarecrows, and then send a group of people to the city for a sneak attack tomorrow night. You will definitely call us before." You have to sleep peacefully at night."

But I am sure that if I can even occupy a transportation hub, it will only depend on my few people. Competing with these small families on the plains is a complete competition.

"The order is for a sneak attack under the city guard, those cunning rats. They only use conspiracy and tricks. Except for the patrolling soldiers at night, the rest of the soldiers sleep on time, adjust their state, and continue to attack the city tomorrow!"

Luo Lin nodded when he heard this. That plan was wrong: "In this case, you can't use the scarecrow to borrow arrows, but his plan shouldn't stop there." Luo Lin hadn't even guessed yet. , what does his adviser want to do. Suddenly I felt that that idea was quite wrong.

Just like we planned. No one opened the city gate that night. After retreating from a night attack, the night was completely dark, and it was difficult to distinguish the enemy during the battle. Therefore, the results of that night attack were not ideal. Although it relied on a relatively more reasonable military system, it took a big advantage and had a slight advantage in the exchange pen. But overall, it is still enough. The opponent's number exceeds his own by eight times. And since I have an exchange ratio of 1.5, I still win even if I kill all my people.

"The main attack is not what we said. Even if you are going to a banquet, the other party will be on guard. After all, night attacks are not a very novel method now. Before you attack us once, the other party will subconsciously think that There is no restlessness at night. It is not a night attack launched by you, but do you really need to send people out every night? There are not many things around you that can be illuminated in the dark night. We only need to hear your words The sound of drums, when I hear your shouts, I will think that none of you are coming up from under the city wall to attack.

The raid over there didn't intend to gain much. The Warring States Period was just to suppress the morale of the city. Before throwing these miserable corpses out of the cave, we immediately went back from the cave. And a strict defense has been built in the cave. It is true that the enemy cannot attack the city through that cave, but the cave is spacious and has not been occupied by us. If no one dares to retreat and attack through that, it will definitely cost a huge amount of money. Small casualties, and any results will be achieved.

But how could anyone else have time at that time?

And I must have been trapped in the long vacation for too long, but it is just that the food and grass cannot be exhausted. If discovered by other forces, they would probably be completely annihilated out there.

Because the cave is so spacious, only two people can walk side by side. As long as the defending side defends on the side of the cave that is relatively narrow and wide. No matter how many people there are, they all die.

Therefore, the publicity on both sides was that they had a huge advantage in the subsequent night banquets.

Hearing those words, Yao Feng immediately shook his head: "What you want to do is to capture the thief first. You have to capture it all at once. How can you let the other party know whether you have the ability to attack at night? Is that just trying to scare the snake away? ?”

Naturally, that tunnel had to be abandoned. If you definitely keep that tunnel, your side may be raided by people rushing out of the tunnel at night, in order to drive out the defenders occupying the tunnel from the tunnel. The commander of the army besieging the city must choose to pour water into the tunnel and bury the tunnel before driving the opponent away. In this way, although we can continue to use that tunnel, we also have to worry about our enemies using that tunnel. The burrow attacked itself.

We rushed out of the cave with our shields, and then fired muskets at the surroundings. Not many people were hit, but it brought panic to the camp. At the same time, no one threw anything like a grenade. Since there were no bombs in that era, naturally they couldn't be made into grenades. Rumbling explosions sounded in the camp, and everyone who was close was killed on the spot. The military formation was basically organized in the chaos. Although the number of people was small, it was beaten by the disorderly raiders. They were caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties.

Just when the commander was in a good mood, no officer hurried into the camp. Then he saw that the officer was holding a scarecrow in his hand, with a few bows and arrows stuck under the scarecrow.

The publicity outside the city was that he had won a small victory and killed many of the opponent's generals. The publicity in the city was that it had resisted the opponent's sneak attack and wiped out all the attacking troops.

After all, there are many people on his side, and the number of cavalry is only 20% of the opponent's. In a real frontal field battle, the effect is very poor. The worst way is not to make a surprise attack at night to capture the thief first.

"My lord, you can't do that. First organize an elite attack to harass the enemy's retreat and show your ability to attack at night."

The commander almost vomited blood when he saw that scene. I could sleep peacefully all night long those days. You have to be wary of sneak attacks from people outside the city. But I never thought that the other party would just use that straw man to deceive me. If you think about it that way, people outside the city came to recharge their batteries during those days. However, his own army was exhausted from the sneak attack. It’s no wonder that in those days, attack was basically the best.

Before Luo Lin saw the low morale of the enemies besieging the city, he was relieved. His plan had finally succeeded in the first step. First of all, it is not possible to achieve sufficient results in a raid by letting your opponent overshadow you.

"Little man, these people outside the city didn't really come out to attack at all. We just put up scarecrows from under the bed to make you think that we were preparing to attack, but in fact we were using those scarecrows to steal your bows and arrows."

Before this time, I played the drum every night and prepared for a sneak attack, so that every day there would be a small number of feather arrows stuck on the city wall, and the scarecrows we put up were also full of arrows. Find these people in the city who have participated in military training and know how to use a bow. Let us use it to reduce the weakness of the city defense.

You can't even use those scarecrows to borrow our arrows, even though a small part of your army uses muskets. But there is still no one who can shoot an arrow. You choose those people to form your army. And it's because archers are like muskets. But archers are too difficult to train and bows are extremely expensive. Compared to lead bullets, bows and arrows are too expensive. But if you don't have enough bows and arrows, they won't be of much use to you in defending the city. "

Before falling asleep one by one, they were almost unaware of everything in the outside world. Basically, we know what we may face next. I heard the drum beat at the top of the city again, but this time no one responded. He just thought it was the people under the city and was bluffing. After a while, he didn't see anyone making a sneak attack, and finally confirmed that the people outside the city were not exhausted.

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When Luo Lin heard this, she immediately clapped her hands and smiled: "What a brilliant idea! Just do what he said. Then go and ask the young and old in the city to make scarecrows, and then send a group of people to the city for a sneak attack tomorrow night. You will definitely call us before." You have to sleep peacefully at night."

But I am sure that if I can even occupy a transportation hub, it will only depend on my few people. Competing with these small families on the plains is a complete competition.

"The order is for a sneak attack under the control of the city. Those cunning rats can only use conspiracy and tricks. Except for the patrolling soldiers at night, the rest of the soldiers sleep on time, adjust their state, and continue to attack the city tomorrow!"

Luo Lin nodded when he heard this. That plan was wrong: "In this case, you can't use the scarecrow to borrow arrows, but his plan shouldn't stop there." Luo Lin hadn't even guessed yet. , what does his adviser want to do. Suddenly I felt that that idea was quite wrong.

Just like we planned. No one opened the city gate that night. After retreating from a night attack, the night was completely dark, and it was difficult to distinguish the enemy during the battle. Therefore, the results of that night attack were not ideal. Although it relied on a relatively more reasonable military system, it took a big advantage and had a slight advantage in the exchange pen. But overall, it is still enough. The opponent's number exceeds his own by eight times. And since I have an exchange ratio of 1.5, I still win even if I kill all my people.

"The main attack is not what we said. Even if you are going to a banquet, the other party will be on guard. After all, night attacks are not a very novel method now. Before you attack us once, the other party will subconsciously think that There is no restlessness at night. It is not a night attack launched by you, but do you really need to send people out every night? There are not many things around you that can be illuminated in the dark night. We only need to hear your words The sound of drums, when I hear your shouts, I will think that none of you are coming up from under the city wall to attack.

The raid over there didn't intend to gain much. The Warring States Period was just to suppress the morale of the city. Before throwing these miserable corpses out of the cave, we immediately went back from the cave. And a strict defense has been built in the cave. It is true that the enemy cannot attack the city through that cave, but the cave is spacious and has not been occupied by us. If no one dares to retreat and attack through that, it will definitely cost a huge amount of money. Small casualties, and any results will be achieved.

But how could anyone else have time at that time?

And I must have been trapped in the long vacation for too long, but it is just that the food and grass cannot be exhausted. If discovered by other forces, they would probably be completely annihilated out there.

Because the cave is so spacious, only two people can walk side by side. As long as the defending side defends on the side of the cave that is relatively narrow and wide. No matter how many people there are, they all die.

Therefore, the publicity on both sides was that they had a huge advantage in the subsequent night banquets.

Hearing those words, Yao Feng immediately shook his head: "What you want to do is to capture the thief first. You have to capture it all at once. How can you let the other party know whether you have the ability to attack at night? Is that just trying to scare the snake away? ?”

Naturally, that tunnel had to be abandoned. If you definitely keep that tunnel, your side may be raided by people rushing out of the tunnel at night, in order to drive out the defenders occupying the tunnel from the tunnel. The commander of the army besieging the city must choose to pour water into the tunnel and bury the tunnel before driving the opponent away. In this way, although we can continue to use that tunnel, we also have to worry about our enemies using that tunnel. The burrow attacked itself.

We rushed out of the cave with our shields, and then fired muskets at the surroundings. Not many people were hit, but it brought panic to the camp. At the same time, no one threw anything like a grenade. Since there were no bombs in that era, naturally they couldn't be made into grenades. Rumbling explosions sounded in the camp, and everyone who was close was killed on the spot. The military formation was basically organized in the chaos. Although the number of people was small, it was beaten by the disorderly raiders. They were caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties.

Just when the commander is in a good mood, go to Shuyuan www.zhaos. com No officer rushed into the camp in a hurry. Then he saw that the officer was holding a scarecrow in his hand, with a few bows and arrows stuck under the scarecrow.

The publicity outside the city was that he had won a small victory and killed many of the opponent's generals. The publicity in the city was that it had resisted the opponent's sneak attack and wiped out all the attacking troops.

After all, there are many people on his side, and the number of cavalry is only 20% of the opponent's. In a real frontal field battle, the effect is very poor. The worst way is not to make a surprise attack at night to capture the thief first.

"My lord, you can't do that. First organize an elite attack to harass the enemy's retreat and show your ability to attack at night."

The commander almost vomited blood when he saw that scene. I could sleep peacefully all night long those days. You have to be wary of sneak attacks from people outside the city. But I didn’t expect that the other party was just using a straw man like that to deceive me. If you think about it that way, people outside the city came to recharge their batteries during those days. However, his own army was exhausted from the sneak attack. It’s no wonder that in those days, attack was basically the best.

Before Luo Lin saw the low morale of the enemies besieging the city, he was relieved. His plan had finally succeeded in the first step. First of all, it is not possible to achieve sufficient results in a raid by letting your opponent overshadow you.

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