Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 310 1 drums down

Rowling is determined to win the castle in front of her. If she can gain control here, she can help each other with her original portal. Moreover, the distance between the two portals is not far, so some kind of It can be regarded as one of the transportation hubs.

Although this transportation hub is the foundation of the empire, there are still certain differences between transportation hubs.

The center of the previous empire, the imperial capital, was the largest transportation hub, with a total of six portals within a hundred miles.

And there needs to be at least four portals within a hundred miles to have the foundation to build an empire.

Even so, if there are two portals that can help each other, there is also capital to occupy one side and achieve hegemony. When the empire is rebuilt and enfeoffed in the future, he will definitely be able to become a prince, at least a duke.

Relatively speaking, those that only occupy one portal. In the subsequent process of conquering the world, one's own city will often be attacked. Eventually they lost their territory and died in troubled times. So the two portals are a threshold. Those who can step into this threshold in the future will most likely become one of the princes of the new empire.

Of course, this depends not only on strength, but also on luck.

There is a portal in some places. No matter how powerful you are, when there is only one portal nearby, you can only occupy this one and travel hundreds of miles to conquer another portal. The loss would be too great.

According to Rowling's investigation, her luck can be considered relatively good. There is no other portal within 50 meters, which is not enough to form a large transportation hub.

Although apart from that portal, the closest one also costs 200, but it is not acceptable. Although crossing that distance to attack another portal requires crossing simple terrain. There are no considerable requirements for frontline supplies and long-distance travel for the army.

That can be called the foundation of the empire, because the transportation hub of the journey is stable, and the seventh transportation hub cannot be reached until crossing the portal. The effect is worse than seven portals on the same side. The seventh portal is equivalent to an enclave, which is difficult to manage as a whole. Is there any way to help each other?

In my current situation, even if I occupy all eight teleportation gates, and there is not a teleportation channel that is too far behind the first teleportation gate, it can still be regarded as the foundation of the empire.

Luo Lin doesn't care whether future generations are incompetent or not. What I want to do now is not to carve out a world for my descendants and generations before them, and wait until I carve that world to see if there is still a chance to expand?

Therefore, these nobles with weak strength in their hands have actually not settled down yet. Instead, they are looking for transportation hubs with the least concentration of portals all over the world.

It is impossible to be snatched away by the enemy. No one in history has built an empire based on that kind of foundation. But before the empire was established, it was very slow to choose to move the capital. A place in this era where seven portals were gathered together was chosen.

[To be continued]

The other weapon is not the iron thunder we throw from our hands. It is also our most important weapon. In addition, each person is also equipped with a steel sword. Use the blade in your hand to swing before you get close enough, or before you run out of bullets. It is not the most suitable way to fight on the battlefield.

In short, the seven portals gathered together want to serve as the foundation of the empire. First they have to be on the same side.

With the heroic momentum of the group, they rushed down the city. The iron thunder in his hand was thrown out with a loud bang. The defenders in the city were terrified. Plus we can't fire pistols repeatedly. It created an extremely terrifying firepower advantage in a short period of time. The section of the city wall that we captured immediately collapsed, and the small amount of infantry that followed slowly climbed down the city wall. After completing the occupation of that section of the city wall, we also ended our retreat in our direction. Before the gap in the city wall was secured, there was no cavalry to follow the gap into the city.

But it's still a period of chaos. The new world map is still far from being figured out. If something like a world map definitely existed, it would be absolutely worth thousands of gold, even the most precious thing of that era. Because someone knows where the transportation hub of that era was. People who discover a transportation hub will definitely tell others, but they will fight to the death in the distance of the transportation hub, striving to occupy it and establish Hebang. However, it is difficult to ensure that the transportation hub they occupy is not the smallest one. one.

If the opponent is sure to attack weakly, the losses will be small, and my city will definitely be bleeding and drifting. When the time comes, while the opponent's losses are huge and morale is declining, I will definitely not be able to gather the city's elite to retreat and launch a surprise attack. Either fight out of the city, or capture the king first instead of directly capturing the thieves.

And as my legion reached the enemy's city, the city owner was also in panic. What we expect is that no one can sneak attack the opponent's city. In this way, the effect of besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao will be achieved, and the opponent must return to the city to defend.

But if you are sure that your strength spans two small continents, the achievements you will achieve in the future will be as complicated as just dividing one side. Even if no one occupies it, and the area where the seven portals are gathered contains enough power to establish an empire, I can't compete with them. Even an existence that has lost the foundation of the empire within a period of time can still be eliminated. There have been such examples in history. The power that has eight portals has developed weak enough. It was weak enough to develop with the emperor before. It was enough to be on par with the empire, and he was eventually named King Side by Side.

That group of people were all the most heroic people selected by Emperor Ye in the army. None of them were in the hands of the nobles who were captured later. Those people were actually very convinced at first, but after seeing the orderly siege method and comparing it with their own, we must deny the new main attack. Even less capable than the lord we were originally loyal to.

The differences in strategies are small, but there is obviously not a huge difference in the execution of tactics. The square city wall alone is difficult to defend when faced with artillery bombardment. What's more important is that most of the artillery pieces are gathered under the city wall. Before the attack, it was discovered that the bombing did not hit the enemy at all. Compared with the people under the city wall, Diye was more vague about how to retreat and attack the city in that era. He did not have the number of people and firepower configuration I have now, plus the captured artillery. It has absolutely no confidence in taking that city.

What Luo Lin looks forward to is not that he will not have the opportunity to copy the achievements of his ancestor. It's just that it's too far to think about all that. The top priority now is to deal with the city behind him. Whether it is eight cities or seven cities, or even the foundation of the empire, these cannot be discussed until a firm foothold is established. The top priority now is to acquire two teleportation channels that are relatively close to each other and establish their own foundation. Only then can they gradually develop their plans in the future. Since heaven has given me some bad luck, I must grasp it.

There was complete chaos in the city, and there was also a loss of order under the city walls. There were almost no casualties. The city that was supposed to be stronger was attacked. Although there are not many soldiers hiding in the position of the portal, they are ready to rely on the shortcoming of the portal that can only pass through a large number of soldiers at one time to block the opponent.

But it was not us who trained a raw gunner in that era. Deep mathematical knowledge was quite difficult for a small minority of people of that era to learn.

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Before several loud noises, although dozens of Deadpools had been killed or injured, a small part of the city wall collapsed during the loud noises.

But judging from the distance between the various portals, I think they are quite close. And based on judgment, the other portal leads to another small continent. The portal can control another small continent and is also the foundation of the empire. Therefore, my area is not at least developed to the extent of controlling eight portals.

A soldier holding a grenade-like grenade in his hand. Rushed down the city wall. We carry a total of eight kinds of weapons, one is a musket that can only be fired eight times. Nothing like a revolver. It was extremely rare equipment. After all, there were a lot of qualified springs in that era, and many of them required magician regression enchantment. At a certain level, that thing is not even half an enchanted weapon. It is the most precious thing in the hands of soldiers.

I came here because the previous generation was truly talented. This has led to a deterioration in domestic business capabilities. So before the death of the founder of the country, the country declined for a generation, and was eventually raided to kill the headquarters. The outside should be combined with the inside, and the transportation hub was taken away. Only then was it annexed by the empire, allowing the empire to complete the unification of the entire world.

We are bandits, we intend to dominate the mountain and become the king, but we intend to truly achieve Rowling's success. Because of this, no one knows where each city is without a world map. When a city is under siege, the probability of expecting someone to surround Wei and save Zhao from one's neighbor's city is too high. The city lord who was now under siege even knew who to call for help.

There were less than 2,000 troops in the city, which was seven times as many as me. At this time, I was not at a loss, but I knew how to deal with it. I can only be glad that I immediately evaporated the nation before discovering the portal and built a fairly thick city wall. Even in peacetime and prosperity, the city wall could not be considered small and majestic. In my opinion, I shouldn't be able to defend my city.

At that time, I was able to achieve Rowling's success because the real transportation hub was occupied by two small forces. They were pulling each other, and neither one could kill the other. As a result, I was the one who picked the peach.

I could only watch helplessly as the excavation reached a very short distance from the city. No one stopped digging out the soil outside the ditches and piled them into forts. The artillery was set up one after another and aimed at the city head to launch a counterattack. The artillery on the siege side was obviously fewer. The cannons at the top of the city were immediately suppressed, and a few unlucky ones were hit and misfired. In fact, it was not necessarily the cannons that were hit and exploded. It was even more likely that the gunners were injured in the process.

Amidst the continuous bombings. It has not yet taken an absolute advantage. At the same time, the artillery continued to bombard the city walls, causing the original city walls to collapse. During that process, warriors were organized on the city to place bombs on the city walls and blast them backwards.

Until I take over that city, I don't have the confidence to disperse enough of the population to bring out the technology of the handicraft industry. At the same time, I can't try to make weapons, firearms, cannons and the like myself. It's theoretically impossible to make them at all.

How deep the trench should be dug, and at what angle should the trench be dug, were all calculated through precise mathematics. So much so that neither artillery nor crossbow arrows could hit under the city wall.

If the gunner is not familiar with the retreat control, the result is that our output is as fierce as a tiger, and the record is 0-5. It means knowing how to calculate the octagonal function, and knowing how to look up the octagonal function table. To such a small extent, the impact of the shell is not a metaphysical problem. Even if the distance between the two sides is not very close, the fight should be fought. On the contrary, Luo Lin's team had no relevant experience. And a set of weak but still wrong function tables was passed on. On the battlefield, I say we are like a fish in water. The gunner's hit rate was completely lower than his opponent's.

By the time such a zigzag trench is reached, it will be close. The difficulty of hitting through projectiles becomes smaller and smaller. Although we can't shoot directly from under the city wall, the angle of the trench is just right, making it difficult for us to reach it.

I immediately chose a corner of the wall before observing the artillery under the wall. Then finish digging the trench. Although things like trenches have long since disappeared, the method of use has always been unclear. And that time I showed a textbook way of using it. Zigzag trenches were dug, each trench almost parallel to the city wall. That way, it would be difficult for the weapons under the city wall to attack us. But we cannot take this opportunity to get dangerously close to the city wall. Whether it is a bow or arrow, it is difficult to shoot into a bad trench at that angle. Even if something like a bow and arrow is at such a small angle, it can only be thrown. And the attack power of that method is too much but too little. Just hold a board-like shield above your head. Bows and arrows falling from the sky will hardly cause any harm to the people above. The number of artifacts in the city must be unlimited. It takes a few rounds before you have to shoot at all costs, and the error rate of such a long distance shot is extremely unlimited. Basically, it is a retreat that will hinder the excavation.

In short, the distance between our seven portals is quite close. And the worst possible situation for me now is not to be on the back of one of the eight portals on my current side. There is no closer portal.

But as a small amount of explosives were thrown from the portal, the warriors who followed rushed out again, their hands not yet fully loaded. The firearm did not fire immediately, but used the smoke of the explosion to throw out several special smoke bombs, reducing the surrounding visibility to the highest level. Taking advantage of the chaos portal, the legions on the other side rushed slowly. Come in, we are cavalry. In a short time, a small number of people passed through the portal and rushed to the city opposite the portal. The infantry followed and retreated. A small number of artillery was brought over, and soon there was no one to rely on. The portal is fortified there, and if it takes a while the portal can be occupied. There is too little difference in the tactical level between the two sides.

Because those are not considered seven portals gathered together.

That group of people were all the most heroic people selected by Emperor Ye in the army. None of them were in the hands of the nobles who were captured later. Those people were actually very convinced at first, but after seeing the orderly siege method and comparing it with their own, we must deny the new main attack. Even less capable than the lord we were originally loyal to.

The differences in strategies are small, but there is obviously not a huge difference in the execution of tactics. The square city wall alone is difficult to defend when faced with artillery bombardment. What's more important is that most of the artillery pieces are gathered under the city wall. Before the attack, it was discovered that the bombing did not hit the enemy at all. Compared with the people under the city wall, Diye was more vague about how to retreat and attack the city in that era. He did not have the number of people and firepower configuration I have now, plus the captured artillery. It has absolutely no confidence in taking that city.

What Luo Lin looks forward to is not that he will not have the opportunity to copy the achievements of his ancestor. It's just that it's too far to think about all that. The top priority now is to deal with the city behind him. Whether it is eight cities or seven cities, or even the foundation of the empire, these cannot be discussed until a firm foothold is established. The top priority now is to acquire two teleportation channels that are relatively close to each other and establish their own foundation. Only then can they gradually develop their plans in the future. Since heaven has given me some bad luck, I must grasp it.

There was complete chaos in the city, and there was also a loss of order under the city walls. There were almost no casualties. The city that was supposed to be stronger was attacked. Although there are not many soldiers hiding in the position of the portal, they are ready to rely on the shortcoming of the portal that can only pass through a large number of soldiers at one time to block the opponent.

But it was not us who trained a raw gunner in that era. Deep mathematical knowledge was quite difficult for a small minority of people of that era to learn.

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Before several loud noises, although dozens of Deadpools had been killed or injured, a small part of the city wall collapsed during the loud noises.

But judging from the distance between the various portals, I think they are quite close. And based on judgment, the other portal leads to another small continent. The portal can control another small continent and is also the foundation of the empire. Therefore, my area is not at least developed to the extent of controlling eight portals.

A soldier holding a grenade-like grenade in his hand. Rushed down the city wall. We carry a total of eight kinds of weapons, one is a musket that can only be fired eight times. Nothing like a revolver. It was extremely rare equipment. After all, there were a lot of qualified springs in that era, and many of them required magician regression enchantment. At a certain level, that thing is not even half an enchanted weapon. It is the most precious thing in the hands of soldiers.

I came here because the previous generation was truly talented. This has led to a deterioration in domestic business capabilities. So before the death of the founder of the country, the country declined for a generation, and was eventually raided to kill the headquarters. The outside should be combined with the inside, and the transportation hub was taken away. Only then was it annexed by the empire, allowing the empire to complete the unification of the entire world.

We are bandits, we intend to dominate the mountain and become the king, but we intend to truly achieve Rowling's success. Because of this, no one knows where each city is without a world map. When a city is under siege, the probability of expecting someone to surround Wei and save Zhao from one's neighbor's city is too high. The city lord who was now under siege even knew who to call for help.

There were less than 2,000 troops in the city, which was seven times as many as me. At this time, I was not at a loss, but I knew how to deal with it. I can only be glad that I immediately evaporated the nation before discovering the portal and built a fairly thick city wall. Even in peacetime and prosperity, the city wall could not be considered small and majestic. In my opinion, I shouldn't be able to defend my city.

At that time, I was able to achieve Rowling's success because the real transportation hub was occupied by two small forces. They were pulling each other, and neither one could kill the other. As a result, I was the one who picked the peach.

I could only watch helplessly as the excavation reached a very short distance from the city. No one stopped digging out the soil outside the ditches and piled them into forts. The artillery was set up one after another and aimed at the city head to launch a counterattack. The artillery on the siege side was obviously fewer. The cannons at the top of the city were immediately suppressed, and a few unlucky ones were hit and misfired. In fact, it was not necessarily the cannons that were hit and exploded. It was even more likely that the gunners were injured in the process.

Amidst the continuous bombings. It has not yet taken an absolute advantage. At the same time, the artillery continued to bombard the city walls, causing the original city walls to collapse. During that process, warriors were organized on the city to place bombs on the city walls and blast them backwards.

Until I take over that city, I don't have the confidence to disperse enough of the population to bring out the technology of the handicraft industry. At the same time, I can't try to make weapons, firearms, cannons and the like myself. It's theoretically impossible to make them at all.

How deep the trench should be dug, and at what angle should the trench be dug, were all calculated through precise mathematics. So much so that neither artillery nor crossbow arrows could hit under the city wall.

If the gunner is not familiar with the retreat control, the result is that our output is as fierce as a tiger, and the record is 0-5. It means knowing how to calculate the octagonal function, and knowing how to look up the octagonal function table. To such a small extent, the impact of the shell is not a metaphysical problem. Even if the distance between the two sides is not very close, the fight should be fought. On the contrary, Luo Lin's team had no relevant experience. And a set of weak but still wrong function tables was passed on. On the battlefield, I say we are like a fish in water. The gunner's hit rate was completely lower than his opponent's.

By the time such a zigzag trench is reached, it will be close. The difficulty of hitting through projectiles becomes smaller and smaller. Although we can't shoot directly from under the city wall, the angle of the trench is just right, making it difficult for us to reach it.

I immediately chose a corner of the wall before observing the artillery under the wall. Then finish digging the trench. Although things like trenches have long since disappeared, the method of use has always been unclear. And that time I showed a textbook way of using it. Zigzag trenches were dug, each trench almost parallel to the city wall. That way, it would be difficult for the weapons under the city wall to attack us. But we cannot take this opportunity to get dangerously close to the city wall. Whether it is a bow or arrow, it is difficult to shoot into a bad trench at that angle. Even if something like a bow and arrow is at such a small angle, it can only be thrown. And the attack power of that method is too much but too little. Just hold a board-like shield above your head. Bows and arrows falling from the sky will hardly cause any harm to the people above. The number of artifacts in the city must be unlimited. It takes a few rounds before you have to shoot at all costs, and the error rate of such a long distance shot is extremely unlimited. Basically, it is a retreat that will hinder the excavation.

In short, the distance between our seven portals is quite close. And the worst possible situation for me now is not to be on the back of one of the eight portals on my current side. There is no closer portal.

But as a small amount of explosives were thrown from the portal, the warriors who followed rushed out again, their hands not yet fully loaded. The firearm did not fire immediately, but used the smoke of the explosion to throw out several special smoke bombs, reducing the surrounding visibility to the highest level. Taking advantage of the chaos portal, the legions on the other side rushed slowly. Come in, we are cavalry. In a short time, a small number of people passed through the portal and rushed to the city opposite the portal. The infantry followed and retreated. A small number of artillery was brought over, and soon there was no one to rely on. The portal is fortified there, and if it takes a while the portal can be occupied. There is too little difference in the tactical level between the two sides.

Because those are not considered seven portals gathered together.

That group of people were all the most heroic people selected by Emperor Ye in the army. None of them were in the hands of the nobles who were captured later. Those people were actually very convinced at first, but after seeing the orderly siege method and comparing it with their own, we must deny the new main attack. Even less capable than the lord we were originally loyal to.

The differences in strategies are small, but there is obviously not a huge difference in the execution of tactics. The square city wall alone is difficult to defend when faced with artillery bombardment. What's more important is that most of the artillery pieces are gathered under the city wall. Before the attack, it was discovered that the bombing did not hit the enemy at all. Compared with the people under the city wall, Diye was more vague about how to retreat and attack the city in that era. He did not have the number of people and firepower configuration I have now, plus the captured artillery. It has absolutely no confidence in taking that city.

What Luo Lin looks forward to is not that he will not have the opportunity to copy the achievements of his ancestor. It's just that it's too far to think about all that. The top priority now is to deal with the city behind him. Whether it is eight cities or seven cities, or even the foundation of the empire, these cannot be discussed until a firm foothold is established. The top priority now is to acquire two teleportation channels that are relatively close to each other and establish their own foundation. Only then can they gradually develop their plans in the future. Since heaven has given me some bad luck, I must grasp it.

There was complete chaos in the city, and there was also a loss of order under the city walls. There were almost no casualties. The city that was supposed to be stronger was attacked. Although there are not many soldiers hiding in the position of the portal, they are ready to rely on the shortcoming of the portal that can only pass through a large number of soldiers at one time to block the opponent.

But it was not us who trained a raw gunner in that era. Deep mathematical knowledge was quite difficult for a small minority of people of that era to learn.

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Before several loud noises, although dozens of Deadpools had been killed or injured, a small part of the city wall collapsed during the loud noises.

But judging from the distance between the various portals, I think they are quite close. And based on judgment, the other portal leads to another small continent. The portal can control another small continent and is also the foundation of the empire. Therefore, my area is not at least developed to the extent of controlling eight portals.

A soldier holding a grenade-like grenade in his hand. Rushed down the city wall. We carry a total of eight kinds of weapons, one is a musket that can only be fired eight times. Nothing like a revolver. It was extremely rare equipment. After all, there were a lot of qualified springs in that era, and many of them required magician regression enchantment. At a certain level, that thing is not even half an enchanted weapon. It is the most precious thing in the hands of soldiers.

I came here because the previous generation was truly talented. This has led to a deterioration in domestic business capabilities. So before the death of the founder of the country, the country declined for a generation, and was eventually raided to kill the headquarters. The outside should be combined with the inside, and the transportation hub was taken away. Only then was it annexed by the empire, allowing the empire to complete the unification of the entire world.

We are bandits, we intend to dominate the mountain and become the king, but we intend to truly achieve Rowling's success. Because of this, no one knows where each city is without a world map. When a city is under siege, the probability of expecting someone to surround Wei and save Zhao from one's neighbor's city is too high. The city lord who was now under siege even knew who to call for help.

There were less than 2,000 troops in the city, which was seven times as many as me. At this time, I was not at a loss, but I knew how to deal with it. I can only be glad that I immediately evaporated the nation before discovering the portal and built a fairly thick city wall. Even in peacetime and prosperity, the city wall could not be considered small and majestic. In my opinion, I shouldn't be able to defend my city.

At that time, I was able to achieve Rowling's success because the real transportation hub was occupied by two small forces. They were pulling each other, and neither one could kill the other. As a result, I was the one who picked the peach.

I could only watch helplessly as the excavation reached a very short distance from the city. No one stopped digging out the soil outside the ditches and piled them into forts. The artillery was set up one after another and aimed at the city head to launch a counterattack. The artillery on the siege side was obviously fewer. The cannons at the top of the city were immediately suppressed, and a few unlucky ones were hit and misfired. In fact, it was not necessarily the cannons that were hit and exploded. It was even more likely that the gunners were injured in the process.

Amidst the continuous bombings. It has not yet taken an absolute advantage. At the same time, the artillery continued to bombard the city walls, causing the original city walls to collapse. During that process, warriors were organized on the city to place bombs on the city walls and blast them backwards.

Until I take over that city, I don't have the confidence to disperse enough of the population to bring out the technology of the handicraft industry. At the same time, I can't try to make weapons, firearms, cannons and the like myself. It's theoretically impossible to make them at all.

How deep the trench should be dug, and at what angle should the trench be dug, were all calculated through precise mathematics. So much so that neither artillery nor crossbow arrows could hit under the city wall.

If the gunner is not familiar with the retreat control, the result is that our output is as fierce as a tiger, and the record is 0-5. It means knowing how to calculate the octagonal function, and knowing how to look up the octagonal function table. To such a small extent, the impact of the shell is not a metaphysical problem. Even if the distance between the two sides is not very close, the fight should be fought. On the contrary, Luo Lin's team had no relevant experience. And a set of weak but still wrong function tables was passed on. On the battlefield, I say we are like a fish in water. The gunner's hit rate was completely lower than his opponent's.

By the time such a zigzag trench is reached, it will be close. The difficulty of hitting through projectiles becomes smaller and smaller. Although we can't shoot directly from under the city wall, the angle of the trench is just right, making it difficult for us to reach it.

I immediately chose a corner of the wall before observing the artillery under the wall. Then finish digging the trench. Although things like trenches have long since disappeared, the method of use has always been unclear. And that time I showed a textbook way of using it. Zigzag trenches were dug, each trench almost parallel to the city wall. That way, it would be difficult for the weapons under the city wall to attack us. But we cannot take this opportunity to get dangerously close to the city wall. Whether it is a bow or arrow, it is difficult to shoot into a bad trench at that angle. Even if something like a bow and arrow is at such a small angle, it can only be thrown. And the attack power of that method is too much but too little. Just hold a board-like shield above your head. Bows and arrows falling from the sky will hardly cause any harm to the people above. The number of artifacts in the city must be unlimited. It takes a few rounds before you have to shoot at all costs, and the error rate of such a long distance shot is extremely unlimited. Basically, it is a retreat that will hinder the excavation.

In short, the distance between our seven portals is quite close. And the worst possible situation for me now is not to be on the back of one of the eight portals on my current side. There is no closer portal.

But as a small amount of explosives were thrown from the portal, the warriors who followed rushed out again, their hands not yet fully loaded. The firearm did not fire immediately, but used the smoke of the explosion to throw out several special smoke bombs, reducing the surrounding visibility to the highest level. Taking advantage of the chaos portal, the legions on the other side rushed slowly. Come in, we are cavalry. In a short time, a small number of people passed through the portal and rushed to the city opposite the portal. The infantry followed and retreated. A small number of artillery was brought over, and soon there was no one to rely on. The portal is fortified there, and if it takes a while the portal can be occupied. There is too little difference in the tactical level between the two sides.

Because those are not considered seven portals gathered together.

That group of people were all the most heroic people selected by Emperor Ye in the army. None of them were in the hands of the nobles who were captured later. Those people were actually very convinced at first, but after seeing the orderly siege method and comparing it with their own, we must deny the new main attack. Even less capable than the lord we were originally loyal to.

The differences in strategies are small, but there is obviously not a huge difference in the execution of tactics. The square city wall alone is difficult to defend when faced with artillery bombardment. What's more important is that most of the artillery pieces are gathered under the city wall. Before the attack, it was discovered that the bombing did not hit the enemy at all. Compared with the people under the city wall, Diye was more vague about how to retreat and attack the city in that era. He did not have the number of people and firepower configuration I have now, plus the captured artillery. It has absolutely no confidence in taking that city.

What Luo Lin looks forward to is not that he will not have the opportunity to copy the achievements of his ancestor. It's just that it's too far to think about all that. The top priority now is to deal with the city behind him. Whether it is eight cities or seven cities, or even the foundation of the empire, these cannot be discussed until a firm foothold is established. The top priority now is to acquire two teleportation channels that are relatively close to each other and establish their own foundation. Only then can they gradually develop their plans in the future. Since heaven has given me some bad luck, I must grasp it.

There was complete chaos in the city, and there was also a loss of order under the city walls. There were almost no casualties. The city that was supposed to be stronger was attacked. Although there are not many soldiers hiding in the position of the portal, they are ready to rely on the shortcoming of the portal that can only pass through a large number of soldiers at one time to block the opponent.

But it was not us who trained a raw gunner in that era. Deep mathematical knowledge was quite difficult for a small minority of people of that era to learn.

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Before several loud noises, although dozens of Deadpools had been killed or injured, a small part of the city wall collapsed during the loud noises.

But judging from the distance between the various portals, I think they are quite close. And based on judgment, the other portal leads to another small continent. The portal can control another small continent and is also the foundation of the empire. Therefore, my area is not at least developed to the extent of controlling eight portals.

A soldier holding a grenade-like grenade in his hand. Rushed down the city wall. We carry a total of eight kinds of weapons, one is a musket that can only be fired eight times. Nothing like a revolver. It was extremely rare equipment. After all, there were a lot of qualified springs in that era, and many of them required magician regression enchantment. At a certain level, that thing is not even half an enchanted weapon. It is the most precious thing in the hands of soldiers.

I came here because the previous generation was truly talented. This has led to a deterioration in domestic business capabilities. So before the death of the founder of the country, the country declined for a generation, and was eventually raided to kill the headquarters. The outside should be combined with the inside, and the transportation hub was taken away. Only then was it annexed by the empire, allowing the empire to complete the unification of the entire world.

We are bandits, we intend to dominate the mountain and become the king, but we intend to truly achieve Rowling's success. Because of this, no one knows where each city is without a world map. When a city is under siege, the probability of expecting someone to surround Wei and save Zhao from one's neighbor's city is too high. The city lord who was now under siege even knew who to call for help.

There were less than 2,000 troops in the city, which was seven times as many as me. At this time, I was not at a loss, but I knew how to deal with it. I can only be glad that I immediately evaporated the nation before discovering the portal and built a fairly thick city wall. Even in peacetime and prosperity, the city wall could not be considered small and majestic. In my opinion, I shouldn't be able to defend my city.

At that time, I was able to achieve Rowling's success because the real transportation hub was occupied by two small forces. They were pulling each other, and neither one could kill the other. As a result, I was the one who picked the peach.

I could only watch helplessly as the excavation reached a very short distance from the city. No one stopped digging out the soil outside the ditches and piled them into forts. The artillery was set up one after another and aimed at the city head to launch a counterattack. The artillery on the siege side was obviously fewer. The cannons at the top of the city were immediately suppressed, and a few unlucky ones were hit and misfired. In fact, it was not necessarily the cannons that were hit and exploded. It was even more likely that the gunners were injured in the process.

Amidst the continuous bombings. It has not yet taken an absolute advantage. At the same time, the artillery continued to bombard the city walls, causing the original city walls to collapse. During that process, warriors were organized on the city to place bombs on the city walls and blast them backwards.

Until I take over that city, I don't have the confidence to disperse enough of the population to bring out the technology of the handicraft industry. At the same time, I can't try to make weapons, firearms, cannons and the like myself. It's theoretically impossible to make them at all.

How deep the trench should be dug, and at what angle should the trench be dug, were all calculated through precise mathematics. So much so that neither artillery nor crossbow arrows could hit under the city wall.

If the gunner is not familiar with the retreat control, the result is that our output is as fierce as a tiger, and the record is 0-5. It means knowing how to calculate the octagonal function, and knowing how to look up the octagonal function table. To such a small extent, the impact of the shell is not a metaphysical problem. Even if the distance between the two sides is not very close, the fight should be fought. On the contrary, Luo Lin's team had no relevant experience. And a set of weak but still wrong function tables was passed on. On the battlefield, I say we are like a fish in water. The gunner's hit rate was completely lower than his opponent's.

By the time such a zigzag trench is reached, it will be close. The difficulty of hitting through projectiles becomes smaller and smaller. Although we can't shoot directly from under the city wall, the angle of the trench is just right, making it difficult for us to reach it.

I immediately chose a corner of the wall before observing the artillery under the wall. Then finish digging the trench. Although things like trenches have long since disappeared, the method of use has always been unclear. And that time I showed a textbook way of using it. Zigzag trenches were dug, each trench almost parallel to the city wall. That way, it would be difficult for the weapons under the city wall to attack us. But we cannot take this opportunity to get dangerously close to the city wall. Whether it is a bow or arrow, it is difficult to shoot into a bad trench at that angle. Even if something like a bow and arrow is at such a small angle, it can only be thrown. And the attack power of that method is too much but too little. Just hold a board-like shield above your head. Bows and arrows falling from the sky will hardly cause any harm to the people above. The number of artifacts in the city must be unlimited. It takes a few rounds before you have to shoot at all costs, and the error rate of such a long distance shot is extremely unlimited. Basically, it is a retreat that will hinder the excavation.

In short, the distance between our seven portals is quite close. And the worst possible situation for me now is not to be on the back of one of the eight portals on my current side. There is no closer portal.

But as a small amount of explosives were thrown from the portal, the warriors who followed rushed out again, their hands not yet fully loaded. The firearm did not fire immediately, but used the smoke of the explosion to throw out several special smoke bombs, reducing the surrounding visibility to the highest level. Taking advantage of the chaos portal, the legions on the other side rushed slowly. Come in, we are cavalry. In a short time, a small number of people passed through the portal and rushed to the city opposite the portal. The infantry followed and retreated. A small number of artillery was brought over, and soon there was no one to rely on. The portal is fortified there, and if it takes a while the portal can be occupied. There is too little difference in the tactical level between the two sides.

Because those are not considered seven portals gathered together.

That group of people were all the most heroic people selected by Emperor Ye in the army. None of them were in the hands of the nobles who were captured later. Those people were actually very convinced at first, but after seeing the orderly siege method and comparing it with their own, we must deny the new main attack. Even less capable than the lord we were originally loyal to.

The differences in strategies are small, but there is obviously not a huge difference in the execution of tactics. The square city wall alone is difficult to defend when faced with artillery bombardment. What's more important is that most of the artillery pieces are gathered under the city wall. Before the attack, it was discovered that the bombing did not hit the enemy at all. Compared with the people under the city wall, Diye was more vague about how to retreat and attack the city in that era. He did not have the number of people and firepower configuration I have now, plus the captured artillery. It has absolutely no confidence in taking that city.

What Luo Lin looks forward to is not that he will not have the opportunity to copy the achievements of his ancestor. It's just that it's too far to think about all that. The top priority now is to deal with the city behind him. Whether it is eight cities or seven cities, or even the foundation of the empire, these cannot be discussed until a firm foothold is established. The top priority now is to acquire two teleportation channels that are relatively close to each other and establish their own foundation. Only then can they gradually develop their plans in the future. Since heaven has given me some bad luck, I must grasp it.

There was complete chaos in the city, and there was also a loss of order under the city walls. There were almost no casualties. The city that was supposed to be stronger was attacked. Although there are not many soldiers hiding in the position of the portal, they are ready to rely on the shortcoming of the portal that can only pass through a large number of soldiers at one time to block the opponent.

But it was not us who trained a raw gunner in that era. Deep mathematical knowledge was quite difficult for a small minority of people of that era to learn.

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Before several loud noises, although dozens of Deadpools had been killed or injured, a small part of the city wall collapsed during the loud noises.

But judging from the distance between the various portals, I think they are quite close. And based on judgment, the other portal leads to another small continent. The portal can control another small continent and is also the foundation of the empire. Therefore, my area is not at least developed to the extent of controlling eight portals.

A soldier holding a grenade-like grenade in his hand. Rushed down the city wall. We carry a total of eight kinds of weapons, one is a musket that can only be fired eight times. Nothing like a revolver. It was extremely rare equipment. After all, there were a lot of qualified springs in that era, and many of them required magician regression enchantment. At a certain level, that thing is not even half an enchanted weapon. It is the most precious thing in the hands of soldiers.

I came here because the previous generation was truly talented. This has led to a deterioration in domestic business capabilities. So before the death of the founder of the country, the country declined for a generation, and was eventually raided to kill the headquarters. The outside should be combined with the inside, and the transportation hub was taken away. Only then was it annexed by the empire, allowing the empire to complete the unification of the entire world.

We are bandits, we intend to dominate the mountain and become the king, but we intend to truly achieve Rowling's success. Because of this, no one knows where each city is without a world map. When a city is under siege, the probability of expecting someone to surround Wei and save Zhao from one's neighbor's city is too high. The city lord who was now under siege even knew who to call for help.

There were less than 2,000 troops in the city, which was seven times as many as me. At this time, I was not at a loss, but I knew how to deal with it. I can only be glad that I immediately evaporated the nation before discovering the portal and built a fairly thick city wall. Even in peacetime and prosperity, the city wall could not be considered small and majestic. In my opinion, I shouldn't be able to defend my city.

At that time, I was able to achieve Rowling's success because the real transportation hub was occupied by two small forces. They were pulling each other, and neither one could kill the other. As a result, I was the one who picked the peach.

I could only watch helplessly as the excavation reached a very short distance from the city. No one stopped digging out the soil outside the ditches and piled them into forts. The artillery was set up one after another and aimed at the city head to launch a counterattack. The artillery on the siege side was obviously fewer. The cannons at the top of the city were immediately suppressed, and a few unlucky ones were hit and misfired. In fact, it was not necessarily the cannons that were hit and exploded. It was even more likely that the gunners were injured in the process.

Amidst the continuous bombings. It has not yet taken an absolute advantage. At the same time, the artillery continued to bombard the city walls, causing the original city walls to collapse. During that process, warriors were organized on the city to place bombs on the city walls and blast them backwards.

Until I take over that city, I don't have the confidence to disperse enough of the population to bring out the technology of the handicraft industry. At the same time, I can't try to make weapons, firearms, cannons and the like myself. It's theoretically impossible to make them at all.

How deep the trench should be dug, and at what angle should the trench be dug, were all calculated through precise mathematics. So much so that neither artillery nor crossbow arrows could hit under the city wall.

If the gunner is not familiar with the retreat control, the result is that our output is as fierce as a tiger, and the record is 0-5. It means knowing how to calculate the octagonal function, and knowing how to look up the octagonal function table. To such a small extent, the impact of the shell is not a metaphysical problem. Even if the distance between the two sides is not very close, the fight should be fought. On the contrary, Luo Lin's team had no relevant experience. And a set of weak but still wrong function tables was passed on. On the battlefield, I say we are like a fish in water. The gunner's hit rate was completely lower than his opponent's.

By the time such a zigzag trench is reached, it will be close. The difficulty of hitting through projectiles becomes smaller and smaller. Although we can't shoot directly from under the city wall, the angle of the trench is just right, making it difficult for us to reach it.

I immediately chose a corner of the wall before observing the artillery under the wall. Then finish digging the trench. Although things like trenches have long since disappeared, the method of use has always been unclear. And that time I showed a textbook way of using it. Zigzag trenches were dug, each trench almost parallel to the city wall. That way, it would be difficult for the weapons under the city wall to attack us. But we cannot take this opportunity to get dangerously close to the city wall. Whether it is a bow or arrow, it is difficult to shoot into a bad trench at that angle. Even if something like a bow and arrow is at such a small angle, it can only be thrown. And the attack power of that method is too much but too little. Just hold a board-like shield above your head. Bows and arrows falling from the sky will hardly cause any harm to the people above. The number of artifacts in the city must be unlimited. It takes a few rounds before you have to shoot at all costs, and the error rate of such a long distance shot is extremely unlimited. Basically, it is a retreat that will hinder the excavation.

In short, the distance between our seven portals is quite close. And the worst possible situation for me now is not to be on the back of one of the eight portals on my current side. There is no closer portal.

But as a small amount of explosives were thrown from the portal, the warriors who followed rushed out again, their hands not yet fully loaded. The firearm did not fire immediately, but used the smoke of the explosion to throw out several special smoke bombs, reducing the surrounding visibility to the highest level. Taking advantage of the chaos portal, the legions on the other side rushed slowly. Come in, we are cavalry. In a short time, a small number of people passed through the portal and rushed to the city opposite the portal. The infantry followed and retreated. A small number of artillery was brought over, and soon there was no one to rely on. The portal is fortified there, and if it takes a while the portal can be occupied. There is too little difference in the tactical level between the two sides.

Because those are not considered seven portals gathered together.

That group of people were all the most heroic people selected by Emperor Ye in the army. None of them were in the hands of the nobles who were captured later. Those people were actually very convinced at first, but after seeing the orderly siege method and comparing it with their own, we must deny the new main attack. Even less capable than the lord we were originally loyal to.

The differences in strategies are small, but there is obviously not a huge difference in the execution of tactics. The square city wall alone is difficult to defend when faced with artillery bombardment. What's more important is that most of the artillery pieces are gathered under the city wall. Before the attack, it was discovered that the bombing did not hit the enemy at all. Compared with the people under the city wall, Diye was more vague about how to retreat and attack the city in that era. He did not have the number of people and firepower configuration I have now, plus the captured artillery. It has absolutely no confidence in taking that city.

What Luo Lin looks forward to is not that he will not have the opportunity to copy the achievements of his ancestor. It's just that it's too far to think about all that. The top priority now is to deal with the city behind him. Whether it is eight cities or seven cities, or even the foundation of the empire, these cannot be discussed until a firm foothold is established. The top priority now is to acquire two teleportation channels that are relatively close to each other and establish their own foundation. Only then can they gradually develop their plans in the future. Since heaven has given me some bad luck, I must grasp it.

There was complete chaos in the city, and there was also a loss of order under the city walls. There were almost no casualties. The city that was supposed to be stronger was attacked. Although there are not many soldiers hiding in the position of the portal, they are ready to rely on the shortcoming of the portal that can only pass through a large number of soldiers at one time to block the opponent.

But it was not us who trained a raw gunner in that era. Deep mathematical knowledge was quite difficult for a small minority of people of that era to learn.

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Before several loud noises, although dozens of Deadpools had been killed or injured, a small part of the city wall collapsed during the loud noises.

But judging from the distance between the various portals, I think they are quite close. And based on judgment, the other portal leads to another small continent. The portal can control another small continent and is also the foundation of the empire. Therefore, my area is not at least developed to the extent of controlling eight portals.

A soldier holding a grenade-like grenade in his hand. Rushed down the city wall. We carry a total of eight kinds of weapons, one is a musket that can only be fired eight times. Nothing like a revolver. It was extremely rare equipment. After all, there were a lot of qualified springs in that era, and many of them required magician regression enchantment. At a certain level, that thing is not even half an enchanted weapon. It is the most precious thing in the hands of soldiers.

I came here because the previous generation was truly talented. This has led to a deterioration in domestic business capabilities. So before the death of the founder of the country, the country declined for a generation, and was eventually raided to kill the headquarters. The outside should be combined with the inside, and the transportation hub was taken away. Only then was it annexed by the empire, allowing the empire to complete the unification of the entire world.

We are bandits, we intend to dominate the mountain and become the king, but we intend to truly achieve Rowling's success. Because of this, no one knows where each city is without a world map. When a city is under siege, the probability of expecting someone to surround Wei and save Zhao from one's neighbor's city is too high. The city lord who was now under siege even knew who to call for help.

There were less than 2,000 troops in the city, which was seven times as many as me. At this time, I was not at a loss, but I knew how to deal with it. I can only be glad that I immediately evaporated the nation before discovering the portal and built a fairly thick city wall. Even in peacetime and prosperity, the city wall could not be considered small and majestic. In my opinion, I shouldn't be able to defend my city.

At that time, I was able to achieve Rowling's success because the real transportation hub was occupied by two small forces. They were pulling each other, and neither one could kill the other. As a result, I was the one who picked the peach.

I could only watch helplessly as the excavation reached a very short distance from the city. No one stopped digging out the soil outside the ditches and piled them into forts. The artillery was set up one after another and aimed at the city head to launch a counterattack. The artillery on the siege side was obviously fewer. The cannons at the top of the city were immediately suppressed, and a few unlucky ones were hit and misfired. In fact, it was not necessarily the cannons that were hit and exploded. It was even more likely that the gunners were injured in the process.

Amidst the continuous bombings. It has not yet taken an absolute advantage. At the same time, the artillery continued to bombard the city walls, causing the original city walls to collapse. During that process, warriors were organized on the city to place bombs on the city walls and blast them backwards.

Until I take over that city, I don't have the confidence to disperse enough of the population to bring out the technology of the handicraft industry. At the same time, I can't try to make weapons, firearms, cannons and the like myself. It's theoretically impossible to make them at all.

How deep the trench should be dug, and at what angle should the trench be dug, were all calculated through precise mathematics. So much so that neither artillery nor crossbow arrows could hit under the city wall.

If the gunner is not familiar with the retreat control, the result is that our output is as fierce as a tiger, and the record is 0-5. It means knowing how to calculate the octagonal function, and knowing how to look up the octagonal function table. To such a small extent, the impact of the shell is not a metaphysical problem. Even if the distance between the two sides is not very close, the fight should be fought. On the contrary, Luo Lin's team had no relevant experience. And a set of weak but still wrong function tables was passed on. On the battlefield, I say we are like a fish in water. The gunner's hit rate was completely lower than his opponent's.

By the time such a zigzag trench is reached, it will be close. The difficulty of hitting through projectiles becomes smaller and smaller. Although we can't shoot directly from under the city wall, the angle of the trench is just right, making it difficult for us to reach it.

I immediately chose a corner of the wall before observing the artillery under the wall. Then finish digging the trench. Although things like trenches have long since disappeared, the method of use has always been unclear. And that time I showed a textbook way of using it. Zigzag trenches were dug, each trench almost parallel to the city wall. That way, it would be difficult for the weapons under the city wall to attack us. But we cannot take this opportunity to get dangerously close to the city wall. Whether it is a bow or arrow, it is difficult to shoot into a bad trench at that angle. Even if something like a bow and arrow is at such a small angle, it can only be thrown. And the attack power of that method is too much but too little. Just hold a board-like shield above your head. Bows and arrows falling from the sky will hardly cause any harm to the people above. The number of artifacts in the city must be unlimited. It takes a few rounds before you have to shoot at all costs, and the error rate of such a long distance shot is extremely unlimited. Basically, it is a retreat that will hinder the excavation.

In short, the distance between our seven portals is quite close. And the worst possible situation for me now is not to be on the back of one of the eight portals on my current side. There is no closer portal.

But as a small amount of explosives were thrown from the portal, the warriors who followed rushed out again, their hands not yet fully loaded. The firearm did not fire immediately, but used the smoke of the explosion to throw out several special smoke bombs, reducing the surrounding visibility to the highest level. Taking advantage of the chaos portal, the legions on the other side rushed slowly. Come in, we are cavalry. In a short time, a small number of people passed through the portal and rushed to the city opposite the portal. The infantry followed and retreated. A small number of artillery was brought over, and soon there was no one to rely on. The portal is fortified there, and if it takes a while the portal can be occupied. There is too little difference in the tactical level between the two sides.

Because those are not considered seven portals gathered together.

That group of people were all the most heroic people selected by Emperor Ye in the army. None of them were in the hands of the nobles who were captured later. Those people were actually very convinced at first, but after seeing the orderly siege method and comparing it with their own, we must deny the new main attack. Even less capable than the lord we were originally loyal to.

The differences in strategies are small, but there is obviously not a huge difference in the execution of tactics. The square city wall alone is difficult to defend when faced with artillery bombardment. What's more important is that most of the artillery pieces are gathered under the city wall. Before the attack, it was discovered that the bombing did not hit the enemy at all. Compared with the people under the city wall, Diye was more vague about how to retreat and attack the city in that era. He did not have the number of people and firepower configuration I have now, plus the captured artillery. It has absolutely no confidence in taking that city.

What Luo Lin looks forward to is not that he will not have the opportunity to copy the achievements of his ancestor. It's just that it's too far to think about all that. The top priority now is to deal with the city behind him. Whether it is eight cities or seven cities, or even the foundation of the empire, these cannot be discussed until a firm foothold is established. The top priority now is to acquire two teleportation channels that are relatively close to each other and establish their own foundation. Only then can they gradually develop their plans in the future. Since heaven has given me some bad luck, I must grasp it.

There was complete chaos in the city, and there was also a loss of order under the city walls. There were almost no casualties. The city that was supposed to be stronger was attacked. Although there are not many soldiers hiding in the position of the portal, they are ready to rely on the shortcoming of the portal that can only pass through a large number of soldiers at one time to block the opponent.

But it was not us who trained a raw gunner in that era. Deep mathematical knowledge was quite difficult for a small minority of people of that era to learn.

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Before several loud noises, although dozens of Deadpools had been killed or injured, a small part of the city wall collapsed during the loud noises.

But judging from the distance between the various portals, I think they are quite close. And based on judgment, the other portal leads to another small continent. The portal can control another small continent and is also the foundation of the empire. Therefore, my area is not at least developed to the extent of controlling eight portals.

A soldier holding a grenade-like grenade in his hand. Rushed down the city wall. We carry a total of eight kinds of weapons, one is a musket that can only be fired eight times. Nothing like a revolver. It was extremely rare equipment. After all, there were a lot of qualified springs in that era, and many of them required magician regression enchantment. At a certain level, that thing is not even half an enchanted weapon. It is the most precious thing in the hands of soldiers.

I came here because the previous generation was truly talented. This has led to a deterioration in domestic business capabilities. So before the death of the founder of the country, the country declined for a generation, and was eventually raided to kill the headquarters. The outside should be combined with the inside, and the transportation hub was taken away. Only then was it annexed by the empire, allowing the empire to complete the unification of the entire world.

We are bandits, we intend to dominate the mountain and become the king, but we intend to truly achieve Rowling's success. Because of this, no one knows where each city is without a world map. When a city is under siege, the probability of expecting someone to surround Wei and save Zhao from one's neighbor's city is too high. The city lord who was now under siege even knew who to call for help.

There were less than 2,000 troops in the city, which was seven times as many as me. At this time, I was not at a loss, but I knew how to deal with it. I can only be glad that I immediately evaporated the nation before discovering the portal and built a fairly thick city wall. Even in peacetime and prosperity, the city wall could not be considered small and majestic. In my opinion, I shouldn't be able to defend my city.

At that time, I was able to achieve Rowling's success because the real transportation hub was occupied by two small forces. They were pulling each other, and neither one could kill the other. As a result, I was the one who picked the peach.

I could only watch helplessly as the excavation reached a very short distance from the city. No one stopped digging out the soil outside the ditches and piled them into forts. The artillery was set up one after another and aimed at the city head to launch a counterattack. The artillery on the siege side was obviously fewer. The cannons at the top of the city were immediately suppressed, and a few unlucky ones were hit and misfired. In fact, it was not necessarily the cannons that were hit and exploded. It was even more likely that the gunners were injured in the process.

Amidst the continuous bombings. It has not yet taken an absolute advantage. At the same time, the artillery continued to bombard the city walls, causing the original city walls to collapse. During that process, warriors were organized on the city to place bombs on the city walls and blast them backwards.

Until I take over that city, I don't have the confidence to disperse enough of the population to bring out the technology of the handicraft industry. At the same time, I can't try to make weapons, firearms, cannons and the like myself. It's theoretically impossible to make them at all.

How deep the trench should be dug, and at what angle should the trench be dug, were all calculated through precise mathematics. So much so that neither artillery nor crossbow arrows could hit under the city wall.

If the gunner is not familiar with the retreat control, the result is that our output is as fierce as a tiger, and the record is 0-5. It means knowing how to calculate the octagonal function, and knowing how to look up the octagonal function table. To such a small extent, the impact of the shell is not a metaphysical problem. Even if the distance between the two sides is not very close, the fight should be fought. On the contrary, Luo Lin's team had no relevant experience. And a set of weak but still wrong function tables was passed on. On the battlefield, I say we are like a fish in water. The gunner's hit rate was completely lower than his opponent's.

By the time such a zigzag trench is reached, it will be close. The difficulty of hitting through projectiles becomes smaller and smaller. Although we can't shoot directly from under the city wall, the angle of the trench is just right, making it difficult for us to reach it.

I immediately chose a corner of the wall before observing the artillery under the wall. Then finish digging the trench. Although things like trenches have long since disappeared, the method of use has always been unclear. And that time I showed a textbook way of using it. Zigzag trenches were dug, each trench almost parallel to the city wall. That way, it would be difficult for the weapons under the city wall to attack us. But we cannot take this opportunity to get dangerously close to the city wall. Whether it is a bow or arrow, it is difficult to shoot into a bad trench at that angle. Even if something like a bow and arrow is at such a small angle, it can only be thrown. And the attack power of that method is too much but too little. Just hold a board-like shield above your head. Bows and arrows falling from the sky will hardly cause any harm to the people above. The number of artifacts in the city must be unlimited. It takes a few rounds before you have to shoot at all costs, and the error rate of such a long distance shot is extremely unlimited. Basically, it is a retreat that will hinder the excavation.

In short, the distance between our seven portals is quite close. And the worst possible situation for me now is not to be on the back of one of the eight portals on my current side. There is no closer portal.

But as a small amount of explosives were thrown from the portal, the warriors who followed rushed out again, their hands not yet fully loaded. The firearm did not fire immediately, but used the smoke of the explosion to throw out several special smoke bombs, reducing the surrounding visibility to the highest level. Taking advantage of the chaos portal, the legions on the other side rushed slowly. Come in, we are cavalry. In a short time, a small number of people passed through the portal and rushed to the city opposite the portal. The infantry followed and retreated. A small number of artillery was brought over, and soon there was no one to rely on. The portal is fortified there, and if it takes a while the portal can be occupied. There is too little difference in the tactical level between the two sides.

Because those are not considered seven portals gathered together.

That group of people were all the most heroic people selected by Emperor Ye in the army. None of them were in the hands of the nobles who were captured later. Those people were actually very convinced at first, but after seeing the orderly siege method and comparing it with their own, we must deny the new main attack. Even less capable than the lord we were originally loyal to.

The differences in strategies are small, but there is obviously not a huge difference in the execution of tactics. The square city wall alone is difficult to defend when faced with artillery bombardment. What's more important is that most of the artillery pieces are gathered under the city wall. Before the attack, it was discovered that the bombing did not hit the enemy at all. Compared with the people under the city wall, Diye was more vague about how to retreat and attack the city in that era. He did not have the number of people and firepower configuration I have now, plus the captured artillery. It has absolutely no confidence in taking that city.

What Luo Lin looks forward to is not that he will not have the opportunity to copy the achievements of his ancestor. It's just that it's too far to think about all that. The top priority now is to deal with the city behind him. Whether it is eight cities or seven cities, or even the foundation of the empire, these cannot be discussed until a firm foothold is established. The top priority now is to acquire two teleportation channels that are relatively close to each other and establish their own foundation. Only then can they gradually develop their plans in the future. Since heaven has given me some bad luck, I must grasp it.

There was complete chaos in the city, and there was also a loss of order under the city walls. There were almost no casualties. The city that was supposed to be stronger was attacked. Although there are not many soldiers hiding in the position of the portal, they are ready to rely on the shortcoming of the portal that can only pass through a large number of soldiers at one time to block the opponent.

But it was not us who trained a raw gunner in that era. Deep mathematical knowledge was quite difficult for a small minority of people of that era to learn.

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Before several loud noises, although dozens of Deadpools had been killed or injured, a small part of the city wall collapsed during the loud noises.

But judging from the distance between the various portals, I think they are quite close. And based on judgment, the other portal leads to another small continent. The portal can control another small continent and is also the foundation of the empire. Therefore, my area is not at least developed to the extent of controlling eight portals.

A soldier holding a grenade-like grenade in his hand. Rushed down the city wall. We carry a total of eight kinds of weapons, one is a musket that can only be fired eight times. Nothing like a revolver. It was extremely rare equipment. After all, there were a lot of qualified springs in that era, and many of them required magician regression enchantment. At a certain level, that thing is not even half an enchanted weapon. It is the most precious thing in the hands of soldiers.

I came here because the previous generation was truly talented. This has led to a deterioration in domestic business capabilities. So before the death of the founder of the country, the country declined for a generation, and was eventually raided to kill the headquarters. The outside should be combined with the inside, and the transportation hub was taken away. Only then was it annexed by the empire, allowing the empire to complete the unification of the entire world.

We are bandits, we intend to dominate the mountain and become the king, but we intend to truly achieve Rowling's success. Because of this, no one knows where each city is without a world map. When a city is under siege, the probability of expecting someone to surround Wei and save Zhao from one's neighbor's city is too high. The city lord who was now under siege even knew who to call for help.

There were less than 2,000 troops in the city, which was seven times as many as me. At this time, I was not at a loss, but I knew how to deal with it. I can only be glad that I immediately evaporated the nation before discovering the portal and built a fairly thick city wall. Even in peacetime and prosperity, the city wall could not be considered small and majestic. In my opinion, I shouldn't be able to defend my city.

At that time, I was able to achieve Rowling's success because the real transportation hub was occupied by two small forces. They were pulling each other, and neither one could kill the other. As a result, I was the one who picked the peach.

I could only watch helplessly as the excavation reached a very short distance from the city. No one stopped digging out the soil outside the ditches and piled them into forts. The artillery was set up one after another and aimed at the city head to launch a counterattack. The artillery on the siege side was obviously fewer. The cannons at the top of the city were immediately suppressed, and a few unlucky ones were hit and misfired. In fact, it was not necessarily the cannons that were hit and exploded. It was even more likely that the gunners were injured in the process.

Amidst the continuous bombings. It has not yet taken an absolute advantage. At the same time, the artillery continued to bombard the city walls, causing the original city walls to collapse. During that process, warriors were organized on the city to place bombs on the city walls and blast them backwards.

Until I take over that city, I don't have the confidence to disperse enough of the population to bring out the technology of the handicraft industry. At the same time, I can't try to make weapons, firearms, cannons and the like myself. It's theoretically impossible to make them at all.

How deep the trench should be dug, and at what angle should the trench be dug, were all calculated through precise mathematics. So much so that neither artillery nor crossbow arrows could hit under the city wall.

If the gunner is not familiar with the retreat control, the result is that our output is as fierce as a tiger, and the record is 0-5. It means knowing how to calculate the octagonal function, and knowing how to look up the octagonal function table. To such a small extent, the impact of the shell is not a metaphysical problem. Even if the distance between the two sides is not very close, the fight should be fought. On the contrary, Luo Lin's team had no relevant experience. And a set of weak but still wrong function tables was passed on. On the battlefield, I say we are like a fish in water. The gunner's hit rate was completely lower than his opponent's.

By the time such a zigzag trench is reached, it will be close. The difficulty of hitting through projectiles becomes smaller and smaller. Although we can't shoot directly from under the city wall, the angle of the trench is just right, making it difficult for us to reach it.

I immediately chose a corner of the wall before observing the artillery under the wall. Then finish digging the trench. Although things like trenches have long since disappeared, the method of use has always been unclear. And that time I showed a textbook way of using it. Zigzag trenches were dug, each trench almost parallel to the city wall. That way, it would be difficult for the weapons under the city wall to attack us. But we cannot take this opportunity to get dangerously close to the city wall. Find Book Garden Whether it is a bow or arrow, it is difficult to shoot into a bad trench at that angle. Even if something like a bow and arrow is at such a small angle, it can only be thrown. And the attack power of that method is too much but too little. Just hold a board-like shield above your head. Bows and arrows falling from the sky will hardly cause any harm to the people above. The number of artifacts in the city must be unlimited. It takes a few rounds before you have to shoot at all costs, and the error rate of such a long distance shot is extremely unlimited. Basically, it is a retreat that will hinder the excavation.

In short, the distance between our seven portals is quite close. And the worst possible situation for me now is not to be on the back of one of the eight portals on my current side. There is no closer portal.

But as a small amount of explosives were thrown from the portal, the warriors who followed rushed out again, their hands not yet fully loaded. The firearm did not fire immediately, but used the smoke of the explosion to throw out several special smoke bombs, reducing the surrounding visibility to the highest level. Taking advantage of the chaos portal, the legions on the other side rushed slowly. Come in, we are cavalry. In a short time, a small number of people passed through the portal and rushed to the city opposite the portal. The infantry followed and retreated. A small number of artillery was brought over, and soon there was no one to rely on. The portal is fortified there, and if it takes a while the portal can be occupied. There is too little difference in the tactical level between the two sides.

Because those are not considered seven portals gathered together.

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