Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 312 Blood Comes

Rowling has mixed feelings about her current situation. What's good is that he is now in the finals. As long as he can win the opponent on the other side, he can build his own era of empire. Really won, there are eight cities here. Completely open up the transportation network, even if you don't have many troops on hand now. Then no one else can build their own network.

At that time, you just need to develop slowly, let your power gradually grow and do things, and the heroes of the world will fight against each other. It will definitely be able to unify the world in the end.

What worries me is that I am in the finals and have a life-or-death relationship with my opponent.

If the system he currently occupies is in a relatively distant place, then his opponent is extremely powerful and occupies the five-city system. He doesn't have anything to worry about. By then, I will definitely be a feudal noble. Maybe at the level of Duke Protector.

But the problem is that now both sides are stuck in the finals. That is completely the rhythm of whether you die or I die. If they don't kill each other, then they will not achieve the foundation of the empire. In this case, there is no possibility of peaceful coexistence with each other so close.

The struggle for hegemony between the two sides naturally started from this hub city asking for help. Rowling has a very clear judgment on the current situation. If there is no way to save this hub city, then there will be no hope for him. Now he only has three cities at hand. After the opponent takes this, he will have five cities, and his three cities are still on the same side. With the opponent's power, it can definitely develop rapidly. When the time comes, hitting me will be like crushing Special.

Even if Luo Lin takes that city, she will at least have seven cities like her opponent. Moreover, her seven cities are not yet on the same side, so it cannot be said that the disadvantage is extremely small. And even if the city is taken, it is an away game, one against seven, but no matter what, the city must be taken, otherwise there will be doubts.

The main force was dispatched directly by me. Upon the other party's request for help, I directly opened the city gate and retreated into the city, passing through the portal to the other side. At this time, a fierce battle was raging in the city. The city wall over there is still an old-fashioned seven-square city wall. Facing the attacks in today's firepower era, there is really nothing that is enough to see.

Fortunately, the strength of the troops attacking the city on the opposite side is not good or weak. To be honest, do they generally understand how to apply the tactics of that era? The trenches were not dug, but were filled with human lives. Fortunately, it could be seen that the besieging enemy was indeed very weak. The small army surrounding the city alone exceeded 70,000, which was even compared to several cities in Luo Lin. The number of residents among them is even smaller.

It is conceivable that those who occupied these seven cities should be the previous generation of a certain small noble. In this way, there will not be such a small number of troops on hand.

Although the good and honest people in that world have no limit to their understanding of the imperial structure. But it's also very vague. The probability of winning one against seven is not that high. Also very vague. What are the requirements for the capital of an empire?

Luo Lin was also very anxious at that time. My teammate over there also falls into the category of being able to get off the wall while holding on to the mud. If so, they would have stood in that city even though there were not thousands of warriors at the beginning. Fortunately, if there is one less city on the opposite side as a support point, I can still find a way to defend it. But now there is only that one city. There is no other way except to hold on. We can only wait for no one else to support us. Or no one made a sneak attack.

But as for what the empires and humans outside there did before the space was redistributed, I can only make guesses.

If it is not necessary, I will try to unify that world myself. After that, the information I learned at close range was relatively unlimited. At least they knew about the invasion of void creatures. There is no certain understanding of the consequences of the invasion of void creatures, and it may be due to the redistribution of space.

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But that at least gives us a little bit of relief. The retreat will begin completely. The other party cannot continue to cultivate extraordinary people. And I can't say that I'm quite disadvantaged in that regard. Although my father passed on to me many of the skills needed for warfare in the age of firepower, my family is not a small noble. So there is no limit to the inheritance of ordinary people. There are no limits on the techniques to practice or the various materials used to train magicians. In short, it is not poverty. If the efficiency of cultivating ordinary people is higher than that of the opposite party. Before the opposite period of cultivation, the number of extraordinary people may be even smaller than now. At this time, it is even better to hold on to the city wall.

I am also sending messengers everywhere to inquire about the surrounding information. Look at the weaklings who have no possibility of competing for supremacy. Occupying a hub with sufficient transportation facilities. We cannot try to borrow troops here at that time. Come and besiege Wei to rescue Zhao.

Luo Lin naturally didn't have any intention of letting go before he came to support later. The number of troops on the city was almost ten times less than the number of troops below the city. In that case, even using the human sea tactic, a seven-square city wall would probably be difficult to defend.

The opponent has strong military strength and occupies so few cities. There is really no hope of becoming a new emperor. It seemed too wise to continue resisting at that time, but at that moment, a small group of reinforcements suddenly appeared outside the city. Although the number was only less than 8,000, they brought a small amount of artillery and ammunition. It was really Before retreating to fight, we realized how important those things were to defending the city.

Those animals tend to be more nutritious. As a result, the ant colony cannot grow any slower before there is enough food. The size of our king is also constantly expanding. The smaller the size, the smaller the brain, and the lower the intelligence. Gradually, I got rid of my instinct.

[To be continued]

Yes, the sudden appearance of a small amount of artillery did indeed turn the tide of the battle to a considerable extent. The opponent did not expect that they could not dig trenches and get closer to the city wall through relatively large oblique angles. We did end up digging on top of the city, trying to evade shooting from the top of the city that way. But he directly asked the engineers to run over and dig out the areas exposed within the shooting range. After the trench is successfully excavated, a small amount of casualties will be incurred. More importantly, if there is definitely not enough counterattack force at the top of the city, it is completely impossible to send people out of the city to attack and fill in the trenches when night is coming. That means that all the casualties paid before then were in vain.

In that process, the smallest ant, which was also the emperor of the colony, was the first to undergo changes. I am the least intelligent among all the ants. Before I was gradually taken over by human wisdom, I ended up unconsciously adjusting the reproduction of my previous generations.

Cheng Ying felt as if he had fallen under a flower. I have only one drop of blood left. The perception of the surroundings is very sharp. It can only be started from scratch and developed again.

But passing that can only relieve the temporary difficulties. The opponent has seven cities at its back, so they need to worry about any frontline supply issues. Being blocked at the city gate is absolutely no way to leave. On the other side, although we cannot obtain enough supplies from the portal on the back of the city. But production in the captured city was bound to be slightly affected. Supplies for my front office. Also if there are not as many as the little nobles. After all, the army can pull out so few people, and the rest of the craftsmen and the like are even less. If those people gather together, they will definitely be able to show extremely weak productivity. Even if there are not eight cities on their side that cannot stop production, the population size is simply not comparable to that of the opposite side. If such a protracted battle continues, the opponent's weapons will become weaker and weaker, the number of artillery will become less and less, and the city wall on your side will become more and more brutal during the bombing. With or without reinforcements from inside, it was almost possible to hold on to the city.

The good power contained in the blood is coupled with certain talents that the bug itself possesses. Make the size of the previous generation smaller after adjustments. Has less aggressiveness.

If Luo Lin dares to go on an expedition, he will wait until his entire expeditionary force is destroyed. In that situation, besides sticking to my guns, I also thought of other, worse ways. It's also bad that although the opponent's number is small, there is still not a big gap between them and me in terms of tactical command.

Rollin is tactically weaker than those on either side. Before joining the city defense, the city wall was quickly re-stabilized and all the engineering facilities built by the enemy inside the city wall were destroyed.

"Your Lord Shuntian obeyed his command, and a portal appeared directly where he was stationed. There are not even seven portals within a hundred miles away. This is the foundation of the emperor. If you surrender quickly and surrender, you will still be able to achieve the feat of following the dragon. If you continue to be in vain, Resistance, hum!" The generals on the city sent people to shout to the top of the city. In this way, the effect of disintegrating the morale in the city is very significant.

While those people were enjoying themselves fighting for hegemony in the sky, no one noticed. In a remote city, not a drop of blood fell outside.

The flower infected by my blood. Very slowly a small number of ants were attracted. We slowly transport the blood-stained petals into our caves. And fed as food to larvae and kings.

Now I am just a little ant. The cerebellum really has no limits, and it gives me a headache to think about simple questions like that. Even so, I persist in thinking and expand my tribe. Let the body you occupy develop and grow as much as possible. Before it has a smaller brain capacity, it can better adapt to that world. I can be considered the luckiest person among all the bloodless people. Others either fell into the infinite void, or fell under living and inanimate celestial bodies. Some of them were unlucky and might even fall directly into a white hole. And as the only lucky person, if I want to seize the opportunity.

Tolerance must have been trained, and the soldiers were able to maintain discipline even when facing the weak. Facing such a terrifying enemy, Rowling might not even be able to defend the city wall. That's bad, I don't have any weak generals in my hands. Although the quantity is not that small. But the strength is not far behind that group of extraordinary beings. Follow the soldiers to defend the city wall. Finally, he defended several waves of retreating attacks. The opponent suffered many casualties due to the ferocious firepower. It seemed that he also felt sorry for those ordinary people, and finally gave up the continuous retreat.

It's just that although we ate the blood, it couldn't be digested. Instead, it was gradually eroded by the blood. The end is assimilated into the blood and becomes a part of itself.

There is no way to get reinforcements from outside. We are indeed trying to send reinforcements, but the problem is that the city is on the opposite side, an isolated island in the sea. If we can get back through conventional means, , the distance is so good that it is almost one hundred and four thousand miles away, which is enough to get here.

I can only choose to strengthen the city defense as soon as possible. The artillery that he transported was arranged under the city wall. At the same time, craftsmen outside the city are required to relocate. Moved to the hub city I occupied. At this time, the industrial system must be fully mobilized. On the one hand, fewer soldiers are trained to supplement urban defenses. On the other hand, make fewer guns. to deal with the enemy's siege.

There was only a drop of blood and it was not because it was severely injured. It's because the space rules of that world are too twisted and chaotic. I want the main body to cross a long distance and land accurately in a relatively stable area of ​​space, and I can do it. Now I have concluded a lot of rules. Now I can only try to send a drop of blood back. Fortunately, it should be said that a small amount of blood should be given out to test the probability. To this end, I created extremely small blood cells that looked like planets, divided us into droplets, and launched them towards the universe. Rely on the little rules and probabilities you have mastered. Finally, he succeeded in getting a drop of blood into the stable space.

It's just that he is not as powerful as a minor noble. We trained a small number of knights. Many of those people have mastered extraordinary powers. The speed and strength are simply incomparable to those of good men. Even if there is no fierce firepower under the city wall, there is only a small amount of artillery. No one among those people could rush down the city wall. Use the heavy weapons you carry to destroy the artillery. The bad thing is that those extraordinary beings do not have enemies. Before climbing down the city wall, they encountered fierce fire, but they escaped before destroying one or two cannons. Those who didn't were directly bombarded under the city wall.

Small quantities of food were shipped back. Those less aggressive ants cannot rely on their own venom to hunt relatively small animals. They are then cut into large pieces and transported to the cave.

And after producing such a large amount of blood, every drop of blood contains quite a lot of my power. It is difficult to stop growth from scratch.

As he got rid of his primitive instincts, Chengying finally gradually recalled what he really was? I also thought about what I was going to do there. I don't intend to unify that world personally. The main purpose is to understand that world. And where are the obstacles and impetus for the continuation of humanity in understanding that world?

It's not terrible to go under the city wall alone. What's terrible is that the weak ones gather together and launch an attack together.

In that process, the smallest ant, which was also the emperor of the colony, was the first to undergo changes. I am the least intelligent among all the ants. Before I was gradually taken over by human wisdom, I ended up unconsciously adjusting the reproduction of my previous generations.

Cheng Ying felt as if he had fallen under a flower. I have only one drop of blood left. The perception of the surroundings is very sharp. It can only be started from scratch and developed again.

But passing that can only relieve the temporary difficulties. The opponent has seven cities at its back, so they need to worry about any frontline supply issues. Being blocked at the city gate is absolutely no way to leave. On the other side, although we cannot obtain enough supplies from the portal on the back of the city. But production in the captured city was bound to be slightly affected. Supplies for my front office. Also if there are not as many as the little nobles. After all, the army can pull out so few people, and the rest of the craftsmen and the like are even less. If those people gather together, they will definitely be able to show extremely weak productivity. Even if there are not eight cities on their side that cannot stop production, the population size is simply not comparable to that of the opposite side. If such a protracted battle continues, the opponent's weapons will become weaker and weaker, the number of artillery will become less and less, and the city wall on your side will become more and more brutal during the bombing. With or without reinforcements from inside, it was almost possible to hold on to the city.

The good power contained in the blood is coupled with certain talents that the bug itself possesses. Make the size of the previous generation smaller after adjustments. Has less aggressiveness.

If Luo Lin dares to go on an expedition, he will wait until his entire expeditionary force is destroyed. In that situation, besides sticking to my guns, I also thought of other, worse ways. It's also bad that although the opponent's number is small, there is still not a big gap between them and me in terms of tactical command.

Rollin is tactically weaker than those on either side. Before joining the city defense, the city wall was quickly re-stabilized and all the engineering facilities built by the enemy inside the city wall were destroyed.

"Your Lord Shuntian obeyed his command, and a portal appeared directly where he was stationed. There are not even seven portals within a hundred miles away. This is the foundation of the emperor. If you surrender quickly and surrender, you will still be able to achieve the feat of following the dragon. If you continue to be in vain, Resistance, hum!" The generals on the city sent people to shout to the top of the city. In this way, the effect of disintegrating the morale in the city is very significant.

While those people were enjoying themselves fighting for hegemony in the sky, no one noticed. In a remote city, not a drop of blood fell outside.

The flower infected by my blood. Very slowly a small number of ants were attracted. We slowly transport the blood-stained petals into our caves. And fed as food to larvae and kings.

Now I am just a little ant. The cerebellum really has no limits, and it gives me a headache to think about simple questions like that. Even so, I persist in thinking and expand my tribe. Let the body you occupy develop and grow as much as possible. Before it has a smaller brain capacity, it can better adapt to that world. I can be considered the luckiest person among all the bloodless people. Others either fell into the infinite void, or fell under living and inanimate celestial bodies. Some of them were unlucky and might even fall directly into a white hole. And as the only lucky person, if I want to seize the opportunity.

Tolerance must have been trained, and the soldiers were able to maintain discipline even when facing the weak. Facing such a terrifying enemy, Rowling might not even be able to defend the city wall. That's bad, I don't have any weak generals in my hands. Although the quantity is not that small. But the strength is not far behind that group of extraordinary beings. Follow the soldiers to defend the city wall. Finally, he defended several waves of retreating attacks. The opponent suffered many casualties due to the ferocious firepower. It seemed that he also felt sorry for those ordinary people, and finally gave up the continuous retreat.

It's just that although we ate the blood, it couldn't be digested. Instead, it was gradually eroded by the blood. The end is assimilated into the blood and becomes a part of itself.

There is no way to get reinforcements from outside. We are indeed trying to send reinforcements, but the problem is that the city is on the opposite side, an isolated island in the sea. If we can get back through conventional means, , the distance is so good that it is almost one hundred and four thousand miles away, which is enough to get here.

I can only choose to strengthen the city defense as soon as possible. The artillery that he transported was arranged under the city wall. At the same time, craftsmen outside the city are required to relocate. Moved to the hub city I occupied. At this time, the industrial system must be fully mobilized. On the one hand, fewer soldiers are trained to supplement urban defenses. On the other hand, make fewer guns. to deal with the enemy's siege.

There was only a drop of blood and it was not because it was severely injured. It's because the space rules of that world are too twisted and chaotic. I want the main body to cross a long distance and land accurately in a relatively stable area of ​​space, and I can do it. Now I have concluded a lot of rules. Now I can only try to send a drop of blood back. Fortunately, it should be said that a small amount of blood should be given out to test the probability. To this end, I created extremely small blood cells that looked like planets, divided us into droplets, and launched them towards the universe. Rely on the little rules and probabilities you have mastered. Finally, he succeeded in getting a drop of blood into the stable space.

It's just that he is not as powerful as a minor noble. We trained a small number of knights. Many of those people have mastered extraordinary powers. The speed and strength are simply incomparable to those of good men. Even if there is no fierce firepower under the city wall, there is only a small amount of artillery. No one among those people could rush down the city wall. Use the heavy weapons you carry to destroy the artillery. The bad thing is that those extraordinary beings do not have enemies. Before climbing down the city wall, they encountered fierce fire, but they escaped before destroying one or two cannons. Those who didn't were directly bombarded under the city wall.

Small quantities of food were shipped back. Those less aggressive ants cannot rely on their own venom to hunt relatively small animals. They are then cut into large pieces and transported to the cave.

And after producing such a large amount of blood, every drop of blood contains quite a lot of my power. It is difficult to stop growth from scratch.

As he got rid of his primitive instincts, Chengying finally gradually recalled what he really was? I also thought about what I was going to do there. I don't intend to unify that world personally. The main purpose is to understand that world. And where are the obstacles and impetus for the continuation of humanity in understanding that world?

It's not terrible to go under the city wall alone. What's terrible is that the weak ones gather together and launch an attack together.

In that process, the smallest ant, which was also the emperor of the colony, was the first to undergo changes. I am the least intelligent among all the ants. Before I was gradually taken over by human wisdom, I ended up unconsciously adjusting the reproduction of my previous generations.

Cheng Ying felt as if he had fallen under a flower. I have only one drop of blood left. The perception of the surroundings is very sharp. It can only be started from scratch and developed again.

But passing that can only relieve the temporary difficulties. The opponent has seven cities at its back, so they need to worry about any frontline supply issues. Being blocked at the city gate is absolutely no way to leave. On the other side, although we cannot obtain enough supplies from the portal on the back of the city. But production in the captured city was bound to be slightly affected. Supplies for my front office. Also if there are not as many as the little nobles. After all, the army can pull out so few people, and the rest of the craftsmen and the like are even less. If those people gather together, they will definitely be able to show extremely weak productivity. Even if there are not eight cities on their side that cannot stop production, the population size is simply not comparable to that of the opposite side. If such a protracted battle continues, the opponent's weapons will become weaker and weaker, the number of artillery will become less and less, and the city wall on your side will become more and more brutal during the bombing. With or without reinforcements from inside, it was almost possible to hold on to the city.

The good power contained in the blood is coupled with certain talents that the bug itself possesses. Make the size of the previous generation smaller after adjustments. Has less aggressiveness.

If Luo Lin dares to go on an expedition, he will wait until his entire expeditionary force is destroyed. In that situation, besides sticking to my guns, I also thought of other, worse ways. It's also bad that although the opponent's number is small, there is still not a big gap between them and me in terms of tactical command.

Rollin is tactically weaker than those on either side. Before joining the city defense, the city wall was quickly re-stabilized and all the engineering facilities built by the enemy inside the city wall were destroyed.

"Your Lord Shuntian obeyed his command, and a portal appeared directly where he was stationed. There are not even seven portals within a hundred miles away. This is the foundation of the emperor. If you surrender quickly and surrender, you will still be able to achieve the feat of following the dragon. If you continue to be in vain, Resistance, hum!" The generals on the city sent people to shout to the top of the city. In this way, the effect of disintegrating the morale in the city is very significant.

While those people were enjoying themselves fighting for hegemony in the sky, no one noticed. In a remote city, not a drop of blood fell outside.

The flower infected by my blood. Very slowly a small number of ants were attracted. We slowly transport the blood-stained petals into our caves. And fed as food to larvae and kings.

Now I am just a little ant. The cerebellum really has no limits, and it gives me a headache to think about simple questions like that. Even so, I persist in thinking and expand my tribe. Let the body you occupy develop and grow as much as possible. Before it has a smaller brain capacity, it can better adapt to that world. I can be considered the luckiest person among all the bloodless people. Others either fell into the infinite void, or fell under living and inanimate celestial bodies. Some of them were unlucky and might even fall directly into a white hole. And as the only lucky person, if I want to seize the opportunity.

Tolerance must have been trained, and the soldiers were able to maintain discipline even when facing the weak. Facing such a terrifying enemy, Rowling might not even be able to defend the city wall. That's bad, I don't have any weak generals in my hands. Although the quantity is not that small. But the strength is not far behind that group of extraordinary beings. Follow the soldiers to defend the city wall. Finally, he defended several waves of retreating attacks. The opponent suffered many casualties due to the ferocious firepower. It seemed that he also felt sorry for those ordinary people, and finally gave up the continuous retreat.

It's just that although we ate the blood, it couldn't be digested. Instead, it was gradually eroded by the blood. The end is assimilated into the blood and becomes a part of itself.

There is no way to get reinforcements from outside. We are indeed trying to send reinforcements, but the problem is that the city is on the opposite side, an isolated island in the sea. If we can get back through conventional means, , the distance is so good that it is almost one hundred and four thousand miles away, which is enough to get here.

I can only choose to strengthen the city defense as soon as possible. The artillery that he transported was arranged under the city wall. At the same time, craftsmen outside the city are required to relocate. Moved to the hub city I occupied. At this time, the industrial system must be fully mobilized. On the one hand, fewer soldiers are trained to supplement urban defenses. On the other hand, make fewer guns. to deal with the enemy's siege.

There was only a drop of blood and it was not because it was severely injured. It's because the space rules of that world are too twisted and chaotic. I want the main body to cross a long distance and land accurately in a relatively stable area of ​​space, and I can do it. Now I have concluded a lot of rules. Now I can only try to send a drop of blood back. Fortunately, it should be said that a small amount of blood should be given out to test the probability. To this end, I created extremely small blood cells that looked like planets, divided us into droplets, and launched them towards the universe. Rely on the little rules and probabilities you have mastered. Finally, he succeeded in getting a drop of blood into the stable space.

It's just that he is not as powerful as a minor noble. We trained a small number of knights. Many of those people have mastered extraordinary powers. The speed and strength are simply incomparable to those of good men. Even if there is no fierce firepower under the city wall, there is only a small amount of artillery. No one among those people could rush down the city wall. Use the heavy weapons you carry to destroy the artillery. The bad thing is that those extraordinary beings do not have enemies. Before climbing down the city wall, they encountered fierce fire, but they escaped before destroying one or two cannons. Those who didn't were directly bombarded under the city wall.

Small quantities of food were shipped back. Those less aggressive ants cannot rely on their own venom to hunt relatively small animals. They are then cut into large pieces and transported to the cave.

And after producing such a large amount of blood, every drop of blood contains quite a lot of my power. It is difficult to stop growth from scratch.

As he got rid of his primitive instincts, Chengying finally gradually recalled what he really was? I also thought about what I was going to do there. I don't intend to unify that world personally. The main purpose is to understand that world. And where are the obstacles and impetus for the continuation of humanity in understanding that world?

It's not terrible to go under the city wall alone. What's terrible is that the weak ones gather together and launch an attack together.

In that process, the smallest ant, which was also the emperor of the colony, was the first to undergo changes. I am the least intelligent among all the ants. Before I was gradually taken over by human wisdom, I ended up unconsciously adjusting the reproduction of my previous generations.

Cheng Ying felt as if he had fallen under a flower. I have only one drop of blood left. The perception of the surroundings is very sharp. It can only be started from scratch and developed again.

But passing that can only relieve the temporary difficulties. The opponent has seven cities at its back, so they need to worry about any frontline supply issues. Being blocked at the city gate is absolutely no way to leave. On the other side, although we cannot obtain enough supplies from the portal on the back of the city. But production in the captured city was bound to be slightly affected. Supplies for my front office. Also if there are not as many as the little nobles. After all, the army can pull out so few people, and the rest of the craftsmen and the like are even less. If those people gather together, they will definitely be able to show extremely weak productivity. Even if there are not eight cities on their side that cannot stop production, the population size is simply not comparable to that of the opposite side. If such a protracted battle continues, the opponent's weapons will become weaker and weaker, the number of artillery will become less and less, and the city wall on your side will become more and more brutal during the bombing. With or without reinforcements from inside, it was almost possible to hold on to the city.

The good power contained in the blood is coupled with certain talents that the bug itself possesses. Make the size of the previous generation smaller after adjustments. Has less aggressiveness.

If Luo Lin dares to go on an expedition, he will wait until his entire expeditionary force is destroyed. In that situation, besides sticking to my guns, I also thought of other, worse ways. It's also bad that although the opponent's number is small, there is still not a big gap between them and me in terms of tactical command.

Rollin is tactically weaker than those on either side. Before joining the city defense, the city wall was quickly re-stabilized and all the engineering facilities built by the enemy inside the city wall were destroyed.

"Your Lord Shuntian obeyed his command, and a portal appeared directly where he was stationed. There are not even seven portals within a hundred miles away. This is the foundation of the emperor. If you surrender quickly and surrender, you will still be able to achieve the feat of following the dragon. If you continue to be in vain, Resistance, hum!" The generals on the city sent people to shout to the top of the city. In this way, the effect of disintegrating the morale in the city is very significant.

While those people were enjoying themselves fighting for hegemony in the sky, no one noticed. In a remote city, not a drop of blood fell outside.

The flower infected by my blood. Very slowly a small number of ants were attracted. We slowly transport the blood-stained petals into our caves. And fed as food to larvae and kings.

Now I am just a little ant. The cerebellum really has no limits, and it gives me a headache to think about simple questions like that. Even so, I persist in thinking and expand my tribe. Let the body you occupy develop and grow as much as possible. Before it has a smaller brain capacity, it can better adapt to that world. I can be considered the luckiest person among all the bloodless people. Others either fell into the infinite void, or fell under living and inanimate celestial bodies. Some of them were unlucky and might even fall directly into a white hole. And as the only lucky person, if I want to seize the opportunity.

Tolerance must have been trained, and the soldiers were able to maintain discipline even when facing the weak. Facing such a terrifying enemy, Rowling might not even be able to defend the city wall. That's bad, I don't have any weak generals in my hands. Although the quantity is not that small. But the strength is not far behind that group of extraordinary beings. Follow the soldiers to defend the city wall. Finally, he defended several waves of retreating attacks. The opponent suffered many casualties due to the ferocious firepower. It seemed that he also felt sorry for those ordinary people, and finally gave up the continuous retreat.

It's just that although we ate the blood, it couldn't be digested. Instead, it was gradually eroded by the blood. The end is assimilated into the blood and becomes a part of itself.

There is no way to get reinforcements from outside. We are indeed trying to send reinforcements, but the problem is that the city is on the opposite side, an isolated island in the sea. If we can get back through conventional means, , the distance is so good that it is almost one hundred and four thousand miles away, which is enough to get here.

I can only choose to strengthen the city defense as soon as possible. The artillery that he transported was arranged under the city wall. At the same time, craftsmen outside the city are required to relocate. Moved to the hub city I occupied. At this time, the industrial system must be fully mobilized. On the one hand, fewer soldiers are trained to supplement urban defenses. On the other hand, make fewer guns. to deal with the enemy's siege.

There was only a drop of blood and it was not because it was severely injured. It's because the space rules of that world are too twisted and chaotic. I want the main body to cross a long distance and land accurately in a relatively stable area of ​​space, and I can do it. Now I have concluded a lot of rules. Now I can only try to send a drop of blood back. Fortunately, it should be said that a small amount of blood should be given out to test the probability. To this end, I created extremely small blood cells that looked like planets, divided us into droplets, and launched them towards the universe. Rely on the little rules and probabilities you have mastered. Finally, he succeeded in getting a drop of blood into the stable space.

It's just that he is not as powerful as a minor noble. We trained a small number of knights. Many of those people have mastered extraordinary powers. The speed and strength are simply incomparable to those of good men. Even if there is no fierce firepower under the city wall, there is only a small amount of artillery. No one among those people could rush down the city wall. Use the heavy weapons you carry to destroy the artillery. The bad thing is that those extraordinary beings do not have enemies. Before climbing down the city wall, they encountered fierce fire, but they escaped before destroying one or two cannons. Those who didn't were directly bombarded under the city wall.

Small quantities of food were shipped back. Those less aggressive ants cannot rely on their own venom to hunt relatively small animals. They are then cut into large pieces and transported to the cave.

And after producing such a large amount of blood, every drop of blood contains quite a lot of my power. It is difficult to stop growth from scratch.

As he got rid of his primitive instincts, Chengying finally gradually recalled what he really was? I also thought about what I was going to do there. I don't intend to unify that world personally. The main purpose is to understand that world. And where are the obstacles and impetus for the continuation of humanity in understanding that world?

It's not terrible to go under the city wall alone. What's terrible is that the weak ones gather together and launch an attack together.

In that process, the smallest ant, which was also the emperor of the colony, was the first to undergo changes. I am the least intelligent among all the ants. Before I was gradually taken over by human wisdom, I ended up unconsciously adjusting the reproduction of my previous generations.

Cheng Ying felt as if he had fallen under a flower. I have only one drop of blood left. The perception of the surroundings is very sharp. It can only be started from scratch and developed again.

But passing that can only relieve the temporary difficulties. The opponent has seven cities at its back, so they need to worry about any frontline supply issues. Being blocked at the city gate is absolutely no way to leave. On the other side, although we cannot obtain enough supplies from the portal on the back of the city. But production in the captured city was bound to be slightly affected. Supplies for my front office. Also if there are not as many as the little nobles. After all, the army can pull out so few people, and the rest of the craftsmen and the like are even less. If those people gather together, they will definitely be able to show extremely weak productivity. Even if there are not eight cities on their side that cannot stop production, the population size is simply not comparable to that of the opposite side. If such a protracted battle continues, the opponent's weapons will become weaker and weaker, the number of artillery will become less and less, and the city wall on your side will become more and more brutal during the bombing. With or without reinforcements from inside, it was almost possible to hold on to the city.

The good power contained in the blood is coupled with certain talents that the bug itself possesses. Make the size of the previous generation smaller after adjustments. Has less aggressiveness.

If Luo Lin dares to go on an expedition, he will wait until his entire expeditionary force is destroyed. In that situation, besides sticking to my guns, I also thought of other, worse ways. It's also bad that although the opponent's number is small, there is still not a big gap between them and me in terms of tactical command.

Rollin is tactically weaker than those on either side. Before joining the city defense, the city wall was quickly re-stabilized and all the engineering facilities built by the enemy inside the city wall were destroyed.

"Your Lord Shuntian obeyed his command, and a portal appeared directly where he was stationed. There are not even seven portals within a hundred miles away. This is the foundation of the emperor. If you surrender quickly and surrender, you will still be able to achieve the feat of following the dragon. If you continue to be in vain, Resistance, hum!" The generals on the city sent people to shout to the top of the city. In this way, the effect of disintegrating the morale in the city is very significant.

While those people were enjoying themselves fighting for hegemony in the sky, no one noticed. In a remote city, not a drop of blood fell outside.

The flower infected by my blood. Very slowly a small number of ants were attracted. We slowly transport the blood-stained petals into our caves. And fed as food to larvae and kings.

Now I am just a little ant. The cerebellum really has no limits, and it gives me a headache to think about simple questions like that. Even so, I persist in thinking and expand my tribe. Let the body you occupy develop and grow as much as possible. Before it has a smaller brain capacity, it can better adapt to that world. I can be considered the luckiest person among all the bloodless people. Others either fell into the infinite void, or fell under living and inanimate celestial bodies. Some of them were unlucky and might even fall directly into a white hole. And as the only lucky person, if I want to seize the opportunity.

Tolerance must have been trained, and the soldiers were able to maintain discipline even when facing the weak. Facing such a terrifying enemy, Rowling might not even be able to defend the city wall. That's bad, I don't have any weak generals in my hands. Although the quantity is not that small. But the strength is not far behind that group of extraordinary beings. Follow the soldiers to defend the city wall. Finally, he defended several waves of retreating attacks. The opponent suffered many casualties due to the ferocious firepower. It seemed that he also felt sorry for those ordinary people, and finally gave up the continuous retreat.

It's just that although we ate the blood, it couldn't be digested. Instead, it was gradually eroded by the blood. The end is assimilated into the blood and becomes a part of itself.

There is no way to get reinforcements from outside. We are indeed trying to send reinforcements, but the problem is that the city is on the opposite side, an isolated island in the sea. If we can get back through conventional means, , the distance is so good that it is almost one hundred and four thousand miles away, which is enough to get here.

I can only choose to strengthen the city defense as soon as possible. The artillery that he transported was arranged under the city wall. At the same time, craftsmen outside the city are required to relocate. Moved to the hub city I occupied. At this time, the industrial system must be fully mobilized. On the one hand, fewer soldiers are trained to supplement urban defenses. On the other hand, make fewer guns. to deal with the enemy's siege.

There was only a drop of blood and it was not because it was severely injured. It's because the space rules of that world are too twisted and chaotic. I want the main body to cross a long distance and land accurately in a relatively stable area of ​​space, and I can do it. Now I have concluded a lot of rules. Now I can only try to send a drop of blood back. Fortunately, it should be said that a small amount of blood should be given out to test the probability. To this end, I created extremely small blood cells that looked like planets, divided us into droplets, and launched them towards the universe. Rely on the little rules and probabilities you have mastered. Finally, he succeeded in getting a drop of blood into the stable space.

It's just that he is not as powerful as a minor noble. We trained a small number of knights. Many of those people have mastered extraordinary powers. The speed and strength are simply incomparable to those of good men. Even if there is no fierce firepower under the city wall, there is only a small amount of artillery. No one among those people could rush down the city wall. Use the heavy weapons you carry to destroy the artillery. The bad thing is that those extraordinary beings do not have enemies. Before climbing down the city wall, they encountered fierce fire, but they escaped before destroying one or two cannons. Those who didn't were directly bombarded under the city wall.

Small quantities of food were shipped back. Those less aggressive ants cannot rely on their own venom to hunt relatively small animals. They are then cut into large pieces and transported to the cave.

And after producing such a large amount of blood, every drop of blood contains quite a lot of my power. It is difficult to stop growth from scratch.

As he got rid of his primitive instincts, Chengying finally gradually recalled what he really was? I also thought about what I was going to do there. I don't intend to unify that world personally. The main purpose is to understand that world. And where are the obstacles and impetus for the continuation of humanity in understanding that world?

It's not terrible to go under the city wall alone. What's terrible is that the weak ones gather together and launch an attack together.

In that process, the smallest ant, which was also the emperor of the colony, was the first to undergo changes. I am the least intelligent among all the ants. Before I was gradually taken over by human wisdom, I ended up unconsciously adjusting the reproduction of my previous generations.

Cheng Ying felt as if he had fallen under a flower. I have only one drop of blood left. The perception of the surroundings is very sharp. It can only be started from scratch and developed again.

But passing that can only relieve the temporary difficulties. The opponent has seven cities at its back, so they need to worry about any frontline supply issues. Being blocked at the city gate is absolutely no way to leave. On the other side, although we cannot obtain enough supplies from the portal on the back of the city. But production in the captured city was bound to be slightly affected. Supplies for my front office. Also if there are not as many as the little nobles. After all, the army can pull out so few people, and the rest of the craftsmen and the like are even less. If those people gather together, they will definitely be able to show extremely weak productivity. Even if there are not eight cities on their side that cannot stop production, the population size is simply not comparable to that of the opposite side. If such a protracted battle continues, the opponent's weapons will become weaker and weaker, the number of artillery will become less and less, and the city wall on your side will become more and more brutal during the bombing. With or without reinforcements from inside, it was almost possible to hold on to the city.

The good power contained in the blood is coupled with certain talents that the bug itself possesses. Make the size of the previous generation smaller after adjustments. Has less aggressiveness.

If Luo Lin dares to go on an expedition, he will wait until his entire expeditionary force is destroyed. In that situation, besides sticking to my guns, I also thought of other, worse ways. It's also bad that although the opponent's number is small, there is still not a big gap between them and me in terms of tactical command.

Rollin is tactically weaker than those on either side. Before joining the city defense, the city wall was quickly re-stabilized and all the engineering facilities built by the enemy inside the city wall were destroyed.

"Your Lord Shuntian obeyed his command, and a portal appeared directly where he was stationed. There are not even seven portals within a hundred miles away. This is the foundation of the emperor. If you surrender quickly and surrender, you will still be able to achieve the feat of following the dragon. If you continue to be in vain, Resistance, hum!" The generals on the city sent people to shout to the top of the city. In this way, the effect of disintegrating the morale in the city is very significant.

While those people were enjoying themselves fighting for hegemony in the sky, no one noticed. In a remote city, not a drop of blood fell outside.

The flower infected by my blood. Very slowly a small number of ants were attracted. We slowly transport the blood-stained petals into our caves. And fed as food to larvae and kings.

Now I am just a little ant. The cerebellum really has no limits, and it gives me a headache to think about simple questions like that. Even so, I persist in thinking and expand my tribe. Let the body you occupy develop and grow as much as possible. Before it has a smaller brain capacity, it can better adapt to that world. I can be considered the luckiest person among all the bloodless people. Others either fell into the infinite void, or fell under living and inanimate celestial bodies. Some of them were unlucky and might even fall directly into a white hole. And as the only lucky person, if I want to seize the opportunity.

Tolerance must have been trained, and the soldiers were able to maintain discipline even when facing the weak. Facing such a terrifying enemy, Rowling might not even be able to defend the city wall. That's bad, I don't have any weak generals in my hands. Although the quantity is not that small. But the strength is not far behind that group of extraordinary beings. Follow the soldiers to defend the city wall. Finally, he defended several waves of retreating attacks. The opponent suffered many casualties due to the ferocious firepower. It seemed that he also felt sorry for those ordinary people, and finally gave up the continuous retreat.

It's just that although we ate the blood, it couldn't be digested. Instead, it was gradually eroded by the blood. The end is assimilated into the blood and becomes a part of itself.

There is no way to get reinforcements from outside. We are indeed trying to send reinforcements, but the problem is that the city is on the opposite side, an isolated island in the sea. If we can get back through conventional means, , the distance is so good that it is almost one hundred and four thousand miles away, which is enough to get here.

I can only choose to strengthen the city defense as soon as possible. The artillery that he transported was arranged under the city wall. At the same time, craftsmen outside the city are required to relocate. Moved to the hub city I occupied. At this time, the industrial system must be fully mobilized. On the one hand, fewer soldiers are trained to supplement urban defenses. On the other hand, make fewer guns. to deal with the enemy's siege.

There was only a drop of blood and it was not because it was severely injured. It's because the space rules of that world are too twisted and chaotic. I want the main body to cross a long distance and land accurately in a relatively stable area of ​​space, and I can do it. Now I have concluded a lot of rules. Now I can only try to send a drop of blood back. Fortunately, it should be said that a small amount of blood should be given out to test the probability. To this end, I created extremely small blood cells that looked like planets, divided us into droplets, and launched them towards the universe. Rely on the little rules and probabilities you have mastered. Finally, he succeeded in getting a drop of blood into the stable space.

It's just that he is not as powerful as a minor noble. We trained a small number of knights. Many of those people have mastered extraordinary powers. The speed and strength are simply incomparable to those of good men. Even if there is no fierce firepower under the city wall, there is only a small amount of artillery. No one among those people could rush down the city wall. Use the heavy weapons you carry to destroy the artillery. The bad thing is that those extraordinary beings do not have enemies. Before climbing down the city wall, they encountered fierce fire, but they escaped before destroying one or two cannons. Those who didn't were directly bombarded under the city wall.

Small quantities of food were shipped back. Those less aggressive ants cannot rely on their own venom to hunt relatively small animals. They are then cut into large pieces and transported to the cave.

And after producing such a large amount of blood, every drop of blood contains quite a lot of my power. It is difficult to stop growth from scratch.

As he got rid of his primitive instincts, Chengying finally gradually recalled what he really was? I also thought about what I was going to do there. I don't intend to unify that world personally. The main purpose is to understand that world. And where are the obstacles and impetus for the continuation of humanity in understanding that world?

It's not terrible to go under the city wall alone. What's terrible is that the weak ones gather together and launch an attack together.

In that process, the smallest ant, which was also the emperor of the colony, was the first to undergo changes. I am the least intelligent among all the ants. Before I was gradually taken over by human wisdom, I ended up unconsciously adjusting the reproduction of my previous generations.

Cheng Ying felt as if he had fallen under a flower. I have only one drop of blood left. The perception of the surroundings is very sharp. It can only be started from scratch and developed again.

But passing that can only relieve the temporary difficulties. The opponent has seven cities at its back, so they need to worry about any frontline supply issues. Being blocked at the city gate is absolutely no way to leave. On the other side, although we cannot obtain enough supplies from the portal on the back of the city. But production in the captured city was bound to be slightly affected. Supplies for my front office. Also if there are not as many as the little nobles. After all, the army can pull out so few people, and the rest of the craftsmen and the like are even less. If those people gather together, they will definitely be able to show extremely weak productivity. Even if there are not eight cities on their side that cannot stop production, the population size is simply not comparable to that of the opposite side. If such a protracted battle continues, the opponent's weapons will become weaker and weaker, the number of artillery will become less and less, and the city wall on your side will become more and more brutal during the bombing. With or without reinforcements from inside, it was almost possible to hold on to the city.

The good power contained in the blood is coupled with certain talents that the bug itself possesses. Make the size of the previous generation smaller after adjustments. Has less aggressiveness.

If Luo Lin dares to go on an expedition, he will wait until his entire expeditionary force is destroyed. In that situation, besides sticking to my guns, I also thought of other, worse ways. It's also bad that although the opponent's number is small, there is still not a big gap between them and me in terms of tactical command.

Rollin is tactically weaker than those on either side. Before joining the city defense, the city wall was quickly re-stabilized and all the engineering facilities built by the enemy inside the city wall were destroyed.

"Your Lord Shuntian obeyed his command, and a portal appeared directly where he was stationed. There are not even seven portals within a hundred miles away. This is the foundation of the emperor. If you surrender quickly and surrender, you will still be able to achieve the feat of following the dragon. If you continue to be in vain, Resistance, hum!" The generals on the city sent people to shout to the top of the city. In this way, the effect of disintegrating the morale in the city is very significant.

While those people were enjoying themselves fighting for hegemony in the sky, no one noticed. In a remote city, not a drop of blood fell outside.

The flower infected by my blood. Very slowly a small number of ants were attracted. We slowly transport the blood-stained petals into our caves. And fed as food to larvae and kings.

Now I am just a little ant. The cerebellum really has no limits, and it gives me a headache to think about simple questions like that. Even so, I persist in thinking and expand my tribe. Let the body you occupy develop and grow as much as possible. Before it has a smaller brain capacity, it can better adapt to that world. I can be considered the luckiest person among all the bloodless people. Others either fell into the infinite void, or fell under living and inanimate celestial bodies. Some of them were unlucky and might even fall directly into a white hole. And as the only lucky person, if I want to seize the opportunity.

Tolerance must have been trained, and the soldiers were able to maintain discipline even when facing the weak. Facing such a terrifying enemy, Rowling might not even be able to defend the city wall. That's bad, I don't have any weak generals in my hands. Although the quantity is not that small. But the strength is not far behind that group of extraordinary beings. Follow the soldiers to defend the city wall. Finally, he defended several waves of retreating attacks. The opponent suffered many casualties due to the ferocious firepower. It seemed that he also felt sorry for those ordinary people, and finally gave up the continuous retreat.

It's just that although we ate the blood, it couldn't be digested. Instead, it was gradually eroded by the blood. The end is assimilated into the blood and becomes a part of itself.

There is no way to get reinforcements from outside. We are indeed trying to send reinforcements, but the problem is that the city is on the opposite side, an isolated island in the sea. If we can get back through conventional means, , the distance is so good that it is almost one hundred and four thousand miles away, which is enough to get here.

I can only choose to strengthen the city defense as soon as possible. The artillery that he transported was arranged under the city wall. At the same time, craftsmen outside the city are required to relocate. Moved to the hub city I occupied. At this time, the industrial system must be fully mobilized. On the one hand, fewer soldiers are trained to supplement urban defenses. On the other hand, make fewer guns. to deal with the enemy's siege.

There was only a drop of blood and it was not because it was severely injured. It's because the space rules of that world are too twisted and chaotic. I want the main body to cross a long distance and land accurately in a relatively stable area of ​​space, and I can do it. Now I have concluded a lot of rules. Now I can only try to send a drop of blood back. Fortunately, it should be said that a small amount of blood should be given out to test the probability. To this end, I created extremely small blood cells that looked like planets, divided us into droplets, and launched them towards the universe. Rely on the little rules and probabilities you have mastered. Finally, he succeeded in getting a drop of blood into the stable space.

It's just that he is not as powerful as a minor noble. We trained a small number of knights. Many of those people have mastered extraordinary powers. The speed and strength are simply incomparable to those of good men. Even if there is no fierce firepower under the city wall, there is only a small amount of artillery. No one among those people could rush down the city wall. Use the heavy weapons you carry to destroy the artillery. The bad thing is that those extraordinary beings do not have enemies. Before climbing down the city wall, they encountered fierce fire, but they escaped before destroying one or two cannons. Those who didn't were directly bombarded under the city wall.

Small quantities of food were shipped back. Those less aggressive ants cannot rely on their own venom to hunt relatively small animals. They are then cut into large pieces and transported to the cave.

And after producing such a large amount of blood, every drop of blood contains quite a lot of my power. It is difficult to stop growth from scratch.

As he got rid of his primitive instincts, Chengying finally gradually recalled what he really was? I also thought about what I was going to do there. I don't intend to unify that world personally. The main purpose is to understand that world. And where are the obstacles and impetus for the continuation of humanity in understanding that world?

It's not terrible to go under the city wall alone. What's terrible is that the weak ones gather together and launch an attack together.

In that process, the smallest ant, which was also the emperor of the colony, was the first to undergo changes. I am the least intelligent among all the ants. Before I was gradually taken over by human wisdom, I ended up unconsciously adjusting the reproduction of my previous generations.

Cheng Ying felt as if he had fallen under a flower. I have only one drop of blood left. The perception of the surroundings is very sharp. It can only be started from scratch and developed again.

But passing that can only relieve the temporary difficulties. The opponent has seven cities at its back, so they need to worry about any frontline supply issues. Being blocked at the city gate is absolutely no way to leave. On the other side, although we cannot obtain enough supplies from the portal on the back of the city. But production in the captured city was bound to be slightly affected. Supplies for my front office. Also if there are not as many as the little nobles. After all, the army can pull out so few people, and the rest of the craftsmen and the like are even less. If those people gather together, they will definitely be able to show extremely weak productivity. Even if there are not eight cities on their side that cannot stop production, the population size is simply not comparable to that of the opposite side. If such a protracted battle continues, the opponent's weapons will become weaker and weaker, the number of artillery will become less and less, and the city wall on your side will become more and more brutal during the bombing. With or without reinforcements from inside, it was almost possible to hold on to the city.

The good power contained in the blood is coupled with certain talents that the bug itself possesses. Make the size of the previous generation smaller after adjustments. Has less aggressiveness.

If Luo Lin dares to go on an expedition, he will wait until his entire expeditionary force is destroyed. In that situation, besides sticking to my guns, I also thought of other, worse ways. It's also bad that although the opponent's number is small, there is still not a big gap between them and me in terms of tactical command.

Rollin is tactically weaker than those on either side. Before joining the city defense, the city wall was quickly re-stabilized and all the engineering facilities built by the enemy inside the city wall were destroyed.

"Your Lord Shuntian obeyed his command, and a portal appeared directly where he was stationed. There are not even seven portals within a hundred miles away. This is the foundation of the emperor. If you surrender quickly and surrender, you will still be able to achieve the feat of following the dragon. If you continue to be in vain, Resistance, hum!" The generals on the city sent people to shout to the top of the city. In this way, the effect of disintegrating the morale in the city is very significant.

While those people were enjoying themselves fighting for hegemony in the sky, no one noticed. In a remote city, not a drop of blood fell outside.

The flower infected by my blood. Very slowly a small number of ants were attracted. We slowly transport the blood-stained petals into our caves. And fed as food to larvae and kings.

Now I am just a little ant. The cerebellum really has no limits, and it gives me a headache to think about simple questions like that. Even so, I persist in thinking and expand my tribe. Let the body you occupy develop and grow as much as possible. Before it has a smaller brain capacity, it can better adapt to that world. I can be considered the luckiest person among all the bloodless people. Others either fell into the infinite void, or fell under living and inanimate celestial bodies. Some of them were unlucky and might even fall directly into a white hole. And as the only lucky person, if I want to seize the opportunity.

Tolerance must have been trained, and the soldiers were able to maintain discipline even when facing the weak. Facing such a terrifying enemy, Rowling might not even be able to defend the city wall. That's bad, I don't have any weak generals in my hands. Although the quantity is not that small. But the strength is not far behind that group of extraordinary beings. Follow the soldiers to defend the city wall. Finally, he defended several waves of retreating attacks. The opponent suffered many casualties due to the ferocious firepower. It seemed that he also felt sorry for those ordinary people, and finally gave up the continuous retreat.

It's just that although we ate the blood, it couldn't be digested. Instead, it was gradually eroded by the blood. The end is assimilated into the blood and becomes a part of itself.

There is no way to get reinforcements from outside. We are indeed trying to send reinforcements, but the problem is that the city is on the opposite side, an isolated island in the sea. If we can get back through conventional means, , the distance is so good that it is almost one hundred and four thousand miles away, which is enough to get here.

I can only choose to strengthen the city defense as soon as possible. The artillery that he transported was arranged under the city wall. At the same time, craftsmen outside the city are required to relocate. Moved to the hub city I occupied. At this time, the industrial system must be fully mobilized. On the one hand, fewer soldiers are trained to supplement urban defenses. On the other hand, make fewer guns. to deal with the enemy's siege.

There was only a drop of blood and it was not because it was severely injured. It's because the space rules of that world are too twisted and chaotic. I want the main body to cross a long distance and land accurately in a relatively stable area of ​​space, and I can do it. Now I have concluded a lot of rules. Now I can only try to send a drop of blood back. Fortunately, it should be said that a small amount of blood should be given out to test the probability. To this end, I created extremely small blood cells that looked like planets, divided us into droplets, and launched them towards the universe. Rely on the little rules and probabilities you have mastered. Finally, he succeeded in getting a drop of blood into the stable space.

It's just that he is not as powerful as a minor noble. We trained a small number of knights. Find Shuyuan Many of those people have mastered extraordinary powers. The speed and strength are simply incomparable to those of good men. Even if there is no fierce firepower under the city wall, there is only a small amount of artillery. No one among those people could rush down the city wall. Use the heavy weapons you carry to destroy the artillery. The bad thing is that those extraordinary beings do not have enemies. Before climbing down the city wall, they encountered fierce fire, but they escaped before destroying one or two cannons. Those who didn't were directly bombarded under the city wall.

Small quantities of food were shipped back. Those less aggressive ants cannot rely on their own venom to hunt relatively small animals. They are then cut into large pieces and transported to the cave.

And after producing such a large amount of blood, every drop of blood contains quite a lot of my power. It is difficult to stop growth from scratch.

As he got rid of his primitive instincts, Chengying finally gradually recalled what he really was? I also thought about what I was going to do there. I don't intend to unify that world personally. The main purpose is to understand that world. And where are the obstacles and impetus for the continuation of humanity in understanding that world?

It's not terrible to go under the city wall alone. What's terrible is that the weak ones gather together and launch an attack together.

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