Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 330 Economic plunder

Advanced countries support backward countries, often because the backward countries are too poor. Even if you want to plunder, you still need something to plunder. When an industrial country faces a group of primitive people, the only thing it can plunder is its population. That is, like the triangular trade, people are captured and used as slaves.

But this actually comes at a cost. The only ones that can be targeted are those tribes whose civilization is low enough to a certain level and can be easily conquered by force, or even allowed to fight and capture their own people.

For cities like these that have occupied cities and can develop independently, it is very difficult to capture the population through force. What's more important is that slavery is impossible in the territory.

Because after truly mobilizing the subjective initiative of workers, we will discover the wealth created by slaves in the production process. There are simply too few.

Compared with the wealth created by ordinary people's independent productive labor under the urging of needs, the wealth created is really much less.

In terms of pure work efficiency, the efficiency of modern free people is actually much higher than that of ancient slaves, and these are not achieved with whips. Since there is the threat of force, better methods can be developed. The value of a person’s labor. Then there is no need to use force to coerce.

Chengying's external strategy is also a method of economic plunder, just like the initial export of things like iron pots and bicycles. Without these things at the earliest, the residents of these cities could still live abnormally. But when you see those commodities, you will find that before you get rid of those commodities, your living standard will go up or down a level.

Even if we have no demand for those goods after that, demand will be created before we gradually become accustomed to the use of those goods.

In fact, there are not many models that create demand like this. For example, things like soap are in the wasteland territory where the chemical industry is complete. It is very difficult to produce. In order to promote those things, we have done a lot of work under public opinion. Those were not completely beyond the cognitive scope of the territorial lords of that era.

The work done under public opinion is also complex. If you can't add soft hair and smooth skin to human aesthetics, that itself is in line with human aesthetic tendencies, so it is very difficult to do, but it cannot be done in small quantities in the wilderness territory. Through printing, a small number of portraits were printed. These exquisitely made and beautiful portraits looked like real people. Before they gradually spread in the surrounding cities, people's aesthetics gradually deviated.

You can only take out those lands. And if the lifeblood of food is controlled, it will be true in the future, and the two sides will conflict. As long as the other party agrees to sell food, there is nothing we can do.

The combat effectiveness that residents who need to fulfill their military obligations today have not become more and more comparable to those of the next era. In the future, professional soldiers are actually more suitable.

So after coming and going, those countries that were originally unable to be self-sufficient in food. But you have to buy food from inside. And if we definitely want to grow our own food, we will find that the cost of growing our own food is too low. The cost price has not exceeded the price of grain, and the related industries are completely losing money.

As a result, not a small amount of land in the surrounding cities was left barren.

Later, the small army of the Wilder family sent to attack the front of the Luo Lin family was inexplicably completely covered, causing the balance that had not been tilted towards the Augustus family to turn back again. The entire 50,000-strong army was covered, but the impact was very small. This directly changed the situation of the battle. Now Luo Lin's side has the advantage.

After several small armies invaded the territory, they almost captured one of the seven cities owned by the Augustus family. Even if it was not completed yet, they still managed to withstand the pressure from the Augustus family and complete the task. The siege of one of the cities cut the original seven cities into a 3+1 format.

That matter should also start with the subsequent economic plunder. Because various agricultural machinery are more developed. The yield of mechanical planting here in Wasteland City is even lower. Food prices are also higher. As a result, surrounding farmers found that they no longer needed to farm. You can't go out to work and buy food here in Wasteland City. Use the purchased grain to pay the tax. And the money you earn from working on your own is much less than what you will have left over from farming.

Even if they still have certain military armaments. In a situation where administrative capabilities are completely controlled by the opponent, there is no limit to what can be done.

It's just us. The less demand that was created affected our lords and affected the local nobles.

Because the meaning of those people to the lord is only to provide wealth. The more important meaning is that we have no military obligations to the lord.

At a certain level, the wasteland becomes a city-state that physically occupies the surrounding areas. But it has not yet substantially completed control of those city-states.

Even some people who cannot afford to leave the city quietly will choose to work in Wasteland City. Those people will soon find that the income from working is much lower than the income from working in the territory.

So he had to accept some of Wasteland City's plans. We are planned to be part of the future industrial chain, and during the planning process, each industry will have at least two cities responsible for production. It’s not that those two cities are competing with each other. During the acquisition, they have to bid against each other, and the person with the highest bid will be the first to get the right to acquire. It cannot be said that the labor force in the surrounding cities was squeezed to the extreme.

Augustus wanted to lift the siege of his city. One way was not to go all out on the eight cities on the same side to attack the Luolin warriors who besieged his city, but the other side was determined to attack the city that time. I took a bite of meat from under my body and thought that I would go all out to attack with a small army. The worst result would be a crazy fight on the city wall. The besieged city has not yet been blocked from both ends, and there are no resources inside. It will definitely take a few months for the siege to be relieved. If the food outside is exhausted, I am afraid we will have no choice but to surrender. At that time, the small army that besieged the city retreated into the city. Before the siege was lifted, Luo Lin had no two supporting points there. The advantages and disadvantages between the two sides immediately changed completely.

Chengying still has no experience in the construction of water conservancy facilities. It's just that we can't build dams to control the hydrological environment upstream. It is also impossible to build hydropower stations under dams. Although its territory has not completely retreated into the electric age, there are only a few factories, such as synthetic aluminum factories, that require a small amount of electricity.

But as those portraits spread, people's aesthetic gradually shifted from the aspect of body to the aspect of appearance. Look at a person's face, see whether a person's hair is smooth, and whether the body is clean?

When the lord needs to fight, he will recruit us into the army. It's a bit similar to the reserve force, but the actual situation is actually different.

There are no competitors that cannot imitate, and those goods that are easy to lift cannot be exchanged for a small amount of labor. The residents of those cities must do a small amount of originally heavy labor in order to be able to enjoy those newly created goods. Consumer demand.

Although there are a small number of times when it is necessary to use those methods. But without such means at hand, the small city-states in the upper reaches would just dare to make trouble, hoping that there would be no water source for irrigation. Naturally, it is possible to change your mind when your life is in the hands of others.

Without railways to facilitate transportation, we cannot occupy some lowlands where it is difficult to survive, where the source of the river is, and building dams there will not serve as an important water conservancy facility to improve the surrounding water temperature environment. The other side is when necessary. We cannot directly cut off the river water, causing the upper reaches of the river to suffer from drought and water shortage, and we cannot directly release the flood water when needed. Completely destroy the upper reaches.

Finally, pay attention to whether there is no ordinary smell under a person's private parts, or the smell of perfume. In some rumors or stories circulated in the market, it is described that these real beautiful men do not have the fragrance of flowers under their private parts. .

[To be continued]

It's just that those lords can't raise professional soldiers at all. Generally, when they are so close to a behemoth and suffer economic plunder, if they want to raise their own professional soldiers, the money they earn is basically enough.

The local nobles need those toiletries, perfumes, glass, mirrors, fine porcelain and silk, and cloth with beautiful patterns. But we are not capable of producing those things ourselves, and if we want to buy them, the prices are quite high. It's expensive, so you can only regress and exploit the people in your own territory.

While Cheng Ying is controlling food, he is also taking a step back to try to control water sources.

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As a result, the lords from all over the country have also expressed their refusal. Why should we agree to the payment of money? But the problem is that the fields in your territory have been overtaken by others, and the food produced has been transported away by others. If you want to use the food, you have to spend money to buy it.

So demand was created where there was no demand originally, and it was not demand for toiletries and perfumes. And those things need to be obtained through alcohol distillation or chemical techniques. Garden City is equivalent to a regression to a tolerant technology monopoly.

Originally, the aesthetics of people of that era paid more attention to body shape, and they did not even consider the convenience of childbearing. Those who were slightly fatter and plump would be more popular.

Taking advantage of that opportunity, Wasteland City took the initiative to take over. Instead, they sent people to those cities to farm the land, and promised that they would pay directly before farming, and the amount paid was less than what was expected under abnormal circumstances.

Those territories themselves have also considered relying on military force to achieve independence. So I just let the plunder go unchecked.

But it is an inevitable trend to retreat into the electric age in the future. The technology required for generators is actually not very low. When a hydropower station can be built, the amount of power generated in a short period of time is not even a small amount of surplus. It is almost meaningless far away from the power station. To realize the free use of electricity.

Not many people even accepted the oppression of the lord and ended up fleeing towards Wasteland City. And there are ways to prevent that kind of thing. The Wasteland City must have encountered people who were fleeing, and they were directly transformed into their own citizens. They will basically be put back.

When the railways are built to the doorsteps of those cities, our population will basically be completely annexed. As for the ownership of our cities, they are still in our hands in name. But in reality Xia Yi Xing does not have any administrative ability.

It must be some nobles who have no intention of retreating. What if they would refuse that method, and the people under their own territory would quit and work. On the surface, it is intentional actions that bring less money to oneself. But in reality, this is basically the case. The population under the territory, as a lord who has no intention of retreating, will definitely try his best to bind us to his own land.

It's a pity that the entire area seems quite remote and deserted. Even though all the city-states surrounding the Wasteland Park have chosen to comply with the will of Wasteland City, they still have little influence on the small continent. Find Shuyuan On the contrary, the conflict between Luo Lin's group and the Augustus family intensified.

Even if you are sure that there will be a war in the future, you cannot directly ask us to send troops. Even though the small family is equal in name, in reality it has become the crowned king of that area.

And to obtain labor force, it also needs to be plundered, and it must be done through war. The workforce is even less motivated to work. Why use violence at the end?

At a certain level, the current situation, those city-states are like those countries that were on the verge of super small countries in a certain era. There is no way to say that they are too far from heaven and too close to a certain country. Our current situation is also very different. Chengying They also hope that a weak political power will emerge in those city-states, so while plundering through economic means, they are also working hard to disintegrate our cohesion and absorb our population, so that those cities become healthier and healthier.

Therefore, in addition to controlling the upstream, those hydropower stations are also surrounded by a small number of low-end laboratories and factories. We are the first product production base to retreat in the territory. A small number of factories use electric energy as power. Compared with those that still use steam engines, they can produce a smaller variety of products with lower technical content.

Not many people started thinking about it. Go out to work by yourself, and then earn money through working. To pay taxes, then related work within the territory is needed. The rest of the money was earned by myself. A lord who is not yet used to trading through currency regression. I am happy to accept that method. I only need to pay a part of the tax burden, and I can't quit working.

As the economy gradually comes under complete control, the military may be cut off by the enemy's sending of troops and supplies.

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