Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 332: Vivid Seafood

On the brand new steam-powered ship, many extraordinary people gathered on the ship. In order to explore relatively dangerous places overseas, a large number of extraordinary humans have gathered. This is because the ocean is more dangerous than land.

The evolution and extinction of living things actually depend to a large extent on the influence of intelligent creatures. The large-scale reproduction of intelligent creatures led to the extinction of those dangerous animals on the former planet. It is similar on the ancient continent, whether it is human beings or other intelligent creatures. On land, humans have multiplied on a large scale, and a large number of humans occupy the land. But being in the ocean is another story. Human beings in the ocean obviously have no way to survive on a large scale.

Such dangerous creatures in the ocean are not as completely hunted by humans as they are on land.

There are also a large number of powerful extraordinary creatures in the ocean. Many of them are legendary sea monsters. Some of these extraordinary creatures even reach the legendary level. This is one of the important reasons why a considerable number of extraordinary beings must be sent out together when going to sea.

If you encounter these powerful extraordinary creatures and do not have enough extraordinary power to fight against them, the fleet will end up being buried under the sea.

For these extraordinary creatures, the flesh, blood and brains of intelligent creatures are the best food, not just humans, but humans are the only intelligent creatures here. Therefore, even if the organic matter contained in the people on the ship is not much compared to other organisms in the ocean, it will still lead to the destruction of those organisms.

In fact, the same is true for humans. For humans, the flesh and blood of those monsters will not help humans improve themselves and acquire extraordinary abilities. If they encounter a lone monster, humans will definitely let it go. In the small sea, the initiative and responsibility are reversed. In order to ensure survival in the ocean, in addition to powerful artillery, the battleship is also equipped with a large number of gliders.

Those gliders are driven by extraordinary beings. While we are controlling the flight of the glider, we cannot retreat from the sky to conduct reconnaissance in the sea, or retreat to attack the monsters outside. The range is probably the only advantage of human warships under the sea. If they are facing a legendary-level weakling, it is impossible for that warship alone to stop the opponent. It must be coordinated with the extraordinary. possible.

Although there are still weak people without legendary level in the territory, but based on the corresponding tactical system, there are weak people without legendary level and corresponding technological equipment. In theory, the legendary level cannot be defeated by numerical superiority.

In fact, it is almost possible to cross-level challenges in other areas in the ancient continent and at the legendary level. Because they are used to that kind of common sense, a small number of people are considering the possibility of relying on fewer high-level extraordinary beings to fight against the legend. After all, is it possible for the extraordinary beings at this time to split together, defy a leader, and If we act according to orders, we only control a weak productivity in society, and we hold a lofty status that exceeds our productivity.

The power of the low-pressure water column is extremely weak, even enough to tear apart steel, but the barrier of the shield allows the water column to separate only a few meters behind the battleship.

Extraordinary beings are also unable to participate in social production, and even find ways to participate in relatively basic parts of social production. For example, some mages find ways to participate in agricultural production or the chemical industry. Our abilities cannot serve as catalysts. , to make the yield of crops lower, or to make the chemical reaction process faster and to make the conditions more flexible.

For example, if the physics department simply weakens its own body, it will become more and more lonely, but it does not mean that weakening the individual's combat effectiveness is meaningless. Adding weaker combat effectiveness within a larger range will make it more and more desolate in any era. It's all meaningless, just like the ordinary combat methods of special operations. In terms of expression, every era will be different, but there are no similar tactics in every era.

In the future, with the development of the times, the classification of extraordinary people will be further refined, and it will not be the same as now. Now it is the productive force of the Middle Ages. A small number of extraordinary people are divided according to the way of knights and magicians in the Middle Ages. But as productivity develops, careers will also change with it.

Even if it reaches a very low level, it still cannot guarantee the stability of the entire structure, and that is like a miracle to a child. Those thinkers in the physics department are in a similar situation compared to special people. Therefore, the precision of most parts processed by our lathes is much lower than that of special people, and that is in some low-precision industries. is pretty useless.

The javelin drew straight trajectories in mid-air, and the pusher was activated at the tail. Spiralna plunged towards the target. These, lodged beneath the nautilus's inner shell, caused an explosion. However, it did not cause much damage, but the Nautilus did not have a huge body in the inner shell. The javelins that hit the original body exploded before they penetrated deep into the body, sending out blood all over the sky.

As for extraordinary people in the physics department, they are less likely to obey military obligations, but it is also possible to participate in production work in factories. For example, we have weaker control over our bodies and cannot control our bodies more precisely. Body, just try to work as a very important mechanic under some lathes.

On the planet in front of you, the treatment of extraordinary people is actually based on the productivity and military obligations we can provide. It does not mean that the social status of extraordinary people is lower than that of ordinary people, because we are indeed It cannot provide less productivity and lower military obligations than special people, but it is not what we are aiming for. Royal nobles.

What we benchmark is the help that our social obligations can bring to society. For example, extraordinary people engaged in the production industry benchmark the rights and interests that a factory can obtain.

For that kind of long-range attack, the captain of the battleship had not expected it for a long time. The magic operators gathered outside the magic circle in the cabin, stretched out their palms, and dissolved the magic power under the crystal in the center.

That kind of lofty status did not help convert our abilities into productivity and improve social production at the beginning. But as time goes by, as we gradually become greedy for our status and rights, that It becomes an obstacle for us to participate in social cooperation.

As we gathered our strength together, an ellipsoidal shield suddenly enveloped the battleship.

Just like those fierce seafood that managed to get under the ground, they are also extraordinary weak people of the same level.

The giant beast in the sea also realized that its target that time was a bone that was difficult to chew. Unless it was a legendary level, it would be ready to escape if it could be defeated. However, none of the javelins exploded into my body, and it bounced out of my body. prick.

In the future, no one will specifically weaken their spiritual thinking, turn themselves into artificial intelligence, and become otherworldly beings in information warfare. They will be completely different from other extraordinary beings.

At that time, there will no longer be such a rough division between combat professions and mages among extraordinary people. There will be various production professions and various combat professions that are the same. Just like there will be a unity among mages who are good at perception. It is a type that will play a special role as radar in the future and cannot rely on its own perception spells to be the first to discover the enemy in an interstellar war.

Those were all launched from under the boat, and were now connected under me, leaving me with nowhere to escape.

Such a division will also remain unchanged with the changes of the times based on the productivity and military tasks that extraordinary people can provide. In that dynamic system, although extraordinary people have a lower social status than special people, no one is convinced by this. After all, they have earned it through their own labor and hard work.

The physical supernatural beings need to protect the legal supernatural beings from danger during that process. In the air combat, although the legal supernatural beings cannot use weaker long-range attacks, due to their own body coordination and physical fitness There is no limit, the flight flexibility is sufficient, and a transcendent of the physics department is required to be able to control the retreat of his glider more powerfully.

And now the people in that group have gathered almost half of the essence of the entire territory. If the entire army is covered under the sea, the territory will be slightly weakened, but only the combatants, including the production staff, will not be affected. Many young people gathered under the boat.

For example, if today's warships come out, it would be exaggerated to think that the technical level of his time could produce a propeller engine. It must be the weak processing capabilities of those people in low-precision industries, and it is very possible to construct those things.

Before being attacked, the Nautilus on the water also realized that it was discovered that it was lurking again and surfaced. At the same time, he changed his direction so that the shell was facing forward and the body was facing backward. He squeezed his body fiercely in the direction of the battleship, and moved the extremely low-pressure water column to spray out from under the sea. It was basically a parabola, but it drew a straight line and bombed in the direction of the battleship.

One of the flight formations discovered the extraordinary creature approaching the ship. Looking down at the sea from a low altitude cannot see the shadow of the bottom of the water in a relatively wide perspective. If you only observe it from a place close to the water surface, the shadow under the water is not very obvious. Even if you can see it, you will think it is a reef on the water or something else. Only at low altitude and without a relatively wide field of view can the outline of the shadow be seen.

Why do physics system operators fly with legal system super benders? Legal system super benders will use ultrasonic waves or electromagnetic waves to imitate things like radar sonar to detect regression at sea, and will communicate immediately before discovering the target. to the ship.

[To be continued]

There are no eighth-level weaklings under the ship, but fighting with marine creatures of the same level below the sea surface is easy.

Before the electromagnetic wave is transmitted back to the battleship, the battleship's main gun also tries to adjust and prepare to fire towards the target's retreating rear. While monitoring the location of the target in real time, the battleship adjusts its gun muzzle. The probability of hitting is still very small. The shells with slightly different emission angles were launched at the same time. In just a short period of time, there were painful water columns under the sea. Two of the water columns were turbid and had not hit the target, but one of the water columns was bright red. That meant that a shell hit the target and exploded inside the target. The seawater around the target was dyed red with the huge amount of fresh plasma brought by the explosion.

It is not easier to distinguish what kind of creatures are hidden in the water through sonar. Through the detection just now, the mage has not determined that there is something like a nautilus on the water, which is slowly approaching the ship. And unlike the heroic snails in the abnormal ocean, that one is extremely small. The length from beginning to end is less than 100 meters. It can even catch up with the boats that everyone is riding on. It must be an extraordinary marine creature, and it should be a strong type. Maybe he hasn't reached the legendary level yet, but he shouldn't have reached the eighth level yet.

After all, it is very difficult for someone with a low-level position to ask me to risk my life and safety to fight on the battlefield, or to participate in tiring industrial production. And if those extraordinary people find ways to compare themselves to special people, it is equivalent to A separatist warlord with no industrial production capacity and no military power. It is possible for a being like that to be arrogant.

Future physics-based extraordinary persons will also be equipped with various kinds of extraordinary equipment and serve as vanguard soldiers in assault operations. By then, the destructive power we can exert will not be significantly different from the simple exercise of our bodies now. And these are all the previous words. Now what we are facing under the small sea are all kinds of giant oceans. When monsters attack, gliders in the sky detect enemy situations through telescopes and will pass through them immediately.

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Similarly, I also need to bear corresponding social obligations. It does not mean that when I obtain rights, I also need to undertake the production tasks of an entire factory. If there is a way to complete the corresponding tasks, then I can obtain all the rights, but it should be corresponding. Downgrade.

That kind of weak body control ability is almost like an adult and a baby. If the baby is asked to go to the small building blocks, the building block will rarely be touched, but it will definitely be replaced by an adult. If you come, you will actually find that it is quite a difficult task.

Although the impact of the water column is weak, there is no limit to the amount of water that this giant beast can spray out at one time. Among the legal supernatural beings responsible for defense, there are eighth-level extraordinary beings. Therefore, in terms of the total amount of extraordinary power, the battleship actually occupies an absolute advantage. Before being attacked, it was definitely not a counterattack. And that counterattack was launched by these gliders in the sky. The glider tried to swoop down, and the war-time superman ended up throwing his javelin installed under the glider.

Just like those fierce seafood that managed to get under the ground, they are also extraordinary weak people of the same level.

The giant beast in the sea also realized that its target that time was a bone that was difficult to chew. Unless it was a legendary level, it would be ready to escape if it could be defeated. However, none of the javelins exploded into my body, and it bounced out of my body. prick.

In the future, no one will specifically weaken their spiritual thinking, turn themselves into artificial intelligence, and become otherworldly beings in information warfare. They will be completely different from other extraordinary beings.

At that time, there will no longer be such a rough division between combat professions and mages among extraordinary people. There will be various production professions and various combat professions that are the same. Just like there will be a unity among mages who are good at perception. It is a type that will play a special role as radar in the future and cannot rely on its own perception spells to be the first to discover the enemy in an interstellar war.

Those were all launched from under the boat, and were now connected under me, leaving me with nowhere to escape.

Such a division will also remain unchanged with the changes of the times based on the productivity and military tasks that extraordinary people can provide. In that dynamic system, although extraordinary people have a lower social status than special people, no one is convinced by this. After all, they have earned it through their own labor and hard work.

The physical supernatural beings need to protect the legal supernatural beings from danger during that process. In the air combat, although the legal supernatural beings cannot use weaker long-range attacks, due to their own body coordination and physical fitness There is no limit, the flight flexibility is sufficient, and a transcendent of the physics department is required to be able to control the retreat of his glider more powerfully.

And now the people in that group have gathered almost half of the essence of the entire territory. If the entire army is covered under the sea, the territory will be slightly weakened, but only the combatants, including the production staff, will not be affected. Many young people gathered under the boat.

For example, if today's warships come out, it would be exaggerated to think that the technical level of his time could produce a propeller engine. It must be the weak processing capabilities of those people in low-precision industries, and it is very possible to construct those things.

Before being attacked, the Nautilus on the water also realized that it was discovered that it was lurking again and surfaced. At the same time, he changed his direction so that the shell was facing forward and the body was facing backward. He squeezed his body fiercely in the direction of the battleship, and moved the extremely low-pressure water column to spray out from under the sea. It was basically a parabola, but it drew a straight line and bombed in the direction of the battleship.

One of the flight formations discovered the extraordinary creature approaching the ship. Looking down at the sea from a low altitude cannot see the shadow of the bottom of the water in a relatively wide perspective. If you only observe it from a place close to the water surface, the shadow under the water is not very obvious. Even if you can see it, you will think it is a reef on the water or something else. Only at low altitude and without a relatively wide field of view can the outline of the shadow be seen.

Why do physics system operators fly with legal system super benders? Legal system super benders will use ultrasonic waves or electromagnetic waves to imitate things like radar sonar to detect regression at sea, and will communicate immediately before discovering the target. to the ship.

[To be continued]

There are no eighth-level weaklings under the ship, but fighting with marine creatures of the same level below the sea surface is easy.

Before the electromagnetic wave is transmitted back to the battleship, the battleship's main gun also tries to adjust and prepare to fire towards the target's retreating rear. While monitoring the location of the target in real time, the battleship adjusts its gun muzzle. The probability of hitting is still very small. The shells with slightly different emission angles were launched at the same time. In just a short period of time, there were painful water columns under the sea. Two of the water columns were turbid and had not hit the target, but one of the water columns was bright red. That meant that a shell hit the target and exploded inside the target. The seawater around the target was dyed red with the huge amount of fresh plasma brought by the explosion.

It is not easier to distinguish what kind of creatures are hidden in the water through sonar. Through the detection just now, the mage has not determined that there is something like a nautilus on the water, which is slowly approaching the ship. And unlike the heroic snails in the abnormal ocean, that one is extremely small. The length from beginning to end is less than 100 meters. It can even catch up with the boats that everyone is riding on. It must be an extraordinary marine creature, and it should be a strong type. Maybe he hasn't reached the legendary level yet, but he shouldn't have reached the eighth level yet.

After all, it is very difficult for someone with a low-level position to ask me to risk my life and safety to fight on the battlefield, or to participate in tiring industrial production. And if those extraordinary people find ways to compare themselves to special people, it is equivalent to A separatist warlord with no industrial production capacity and no military power. It is possible for a being like that to be arrogant.

Future physics-based extraordinary persons will also be equipped with various kinds of extraordinary equipment and serve as vanguard soldiers in assault operations. By then, the destructive power we can exert will not be significantly different from the simple exercise of our bodies now. And these are all the previous words. Now what we are facing under the small sea are all kinds of giant oceans. When monsters attack, gliders in the sky detect enemy situations through telescopes and will pass through them immediately.

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Similarly, I also need to bear corresponding social obligations. It does not mean that when I obtain rights, I also need to undertake the production tasks of an entire factory. If there is a way to complete the corresponding tasks, then I can obtain all the rights, but it should be corresponding. Downgrade.

That kind of weak body control ability is almost like an adult and a baby. If the baby is asked to go to the small building blocks, the building block will rarely be touched, but it will definitely be replaced by an adult. If you come, you will actually find that it is quite a difficult task.

Although the impact of the water column is weak, there is no limit to the amount of water that this giant beast can spray out at one time. Among the legal supernatural beings responsible for defense, there are eighth-level extraordinary beings. Therefore, in terms of the total amount of extraordinary power, the battleship actually occupies an absolute advantage. Before being attacked, it was definitely not a counterattack. And that counterattack was launched by these gliders in the sky. The glider tried to swoop down, and the war-time superman ended up throwing his javelin installed under the glider.

Just like those fierce seafood that managed to get under the ground, they are also extraordinary weak people of the same level.

The giant beast in the sea also realized that its target that time was a bone that was difficult to chew. Unless it was a legendary level, it would be ready to escape if it could be defeated. However, none of the javelins exploded into my body, and it bounced out of my body. prick.

In the future, no one will specifically weaken their spiritual thinking, turn themselves into artificial intelligence, and become otherworldly beings in information warfare. They will be completely different from other extraordinary beings.

At that time, there will no longer be such a rough division between combat professions and mages among extraordinary people. There will be various production professions and various combat professions that are the same. Just like there will be a unity among mages who are good at perception. It is a type that will play a special role as radar in the future and cannot rely on its own perception spells to be the first to discover the enemy in an interstellar war.

Those were all launched from under the boat, and were now connected under me, leaving me with nowhere to escape.

Such a division will also remain unchanged with the changes of the times based on the productivity and military tasks that extraordinary people can provide. In that dynamic system, although extraordinary people have a lower social status than special people, no one is convinced by this. After all, they have earned it through their own labor and hard work.

The physical supernatural beings need to protect the legal supernatural beings from danger during that process. In the air combat, although the legal supernatural beings cannot use weaker long-range attacks, due to their own body coordination and physical fitness There is no limit, the flight flexibility is sufficient, and a transcendent of the physics department is required to be able to control the retreat of his glider more powerfully.

And now the people in that group have gathered almost half of the essence of the entire territory. If the entire army is covered under the sea, the territory will be slightly weakened, but only the combatants, including the production staff, will not be affected. Many young people gathered under the boat.

For example, if today's warships come out, it would be exaggerated to think that the technical level of his time could produce a propeller engine. It must be the weak processing capabilities of those people in low-precision industries, and it is very possible to construct those things.

Before being attacked, the Nautilus on the water also realized that it was discovered that it was lurking again and surfaced. At the same time, he changed his direction so that the shell was facing forward and the body was facing backward. He squeezed his body fiercely in the direction of the battleship, and moved the extremely low-pressure water column to spray out from under the sea. It was basically a parabola, but it drew a straight line and bombed in the direction of the battleship.

One of the flight formations discovered the extraordinary creature approaching the ship. Looking down at the sea from a low altitude cannot see the shadow of the bottom of the water in a relatively wide perspective. If you only observe it from a place close to the water surface, the shadow under the water is not very obvious. Even if you can see it, you will think it is a reef on the water or something else. Only at low altitude and without a relatively wide field of view can the outline of the shadow be seen.

Why do physics system operators fly with legal system super benders? Legal system super benders will use ultrasonic waves or electromagnetic waves to imitate things like radar sonar to detect regression at sea, and will communicate immediately before discovering the target. to the ship.

[To be continued]

There are no eighth-level weaklings under the ship, but fighting with marine creatures of the same level below the sea surface is easy.

Before the electromagnetic wave is transmitted back to the battleship, the battleship's main gun also tries to adjust and prepare to fire towards the target's retreating rear. While monitoring the location of the target in real time, the battleship adjusts its gun muzzle. The probability of hitting is still very small. The shells with slightly different emission angles were launched at the same time. In just a short period of time, there were painful water columns under the sea. Two of the water columns were turbid and had not hit the target, but one of the water columns was bright red. That meant that a shell hit the target and exploded inside the target. The seawater around the target was dyed red with the huge amount of fresh plasma brought by the explosion.

It is not easier to distinguish what kind of creatures are hidden in the water through sonar. Through the detection just now, the mage has not determined that there is something like a nautilus on the water, which is slowly approaching the ship. And unlike the heroic snails in the abnormal ocean, that one is extremely small. The length from beginning to end is less than 100 meters. It can even catch up with the boats that everyone is riding on. It must be an extraordinary marine creature, and it should be a strong type. Maybe he hasn't reached the legendary level yet, but he shouldn't have reached the eighth level yet.

After all, it is very difficult for someone with a low-level position to ask me to risk my life and safety to fight on the battlefield, or to participate in tiring industrial production. And if those extraordinary people find ways to compare themselves to special people, it is equivalent to A separatist warlord with no industrial production capacity and no military power. It is possible for a being like that to be arrogant.

Future physics-based extraordinary persons will also be equipped with various kinds of extraordinary equipment and serve as vanguard soldiers in assault operations. By then, the destructive power we can exert will not be significantly different from the simple exercise of our bodies now. And these are all the previous words. Now what we are facing under the small sea are all kinds of giant oceans. When monsters attack, gliders in the sky detect enemy situations through telescopes and will pass through them immediately.

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Similarly, I also need to bear corresponding social obligations. It does not mean that when I obtain rights, I also need to undertake the production tasks of an entire factory. If there is a way to complete the corresponding tasks, then I can obtain all the rights, but it should be corresponding. Downgrade.

That kind of weak body control ability is almost like an adult and a baby. If the baby is asked to go to the small building blocks, the building block will rarely be touched, but it will definitely be replaced by an adult. If you come, you will actually find that it is quite a difficult task.

Although the impact of the water column is weak, there is no limit to the amount of water that this giant beast can spray out at one time. Among the legal supernatural beings responsible for defense, there are eighth-level extraordinary beings. Therefore, in terms of the total amount of extraordinary power, the battleship actually occupies an absolute advantage. Before being attacked, it was definitely not a counterattack. And that counterattack was launched by these gliders in the sky. The glider tried to swoop down, and the war-time superman ended up throwing his javelin installed under the glider.

Just like those fierce seafood that managed to get under the ground, they are also extraordinary weak people of the same level.

The giant beast in the sea also realized that its target that time was a bone that was difficult to chew. Unless it was a legendary level, it would be ready to escape if it could be defeated. However, none of the javelins exploded into my body, and it bounced out of my body. prick.

In the future, no one will specifically weaken their spiritual thinking, turn themselves into artificial intelligence, and become otherworldly beings in information warfare. They will be completely different from other extraordinary beings.

At that time, there will no longer be such a rough division between combat professions and mages among extraordinary people. There will be various production professions and various combat professions that are the same. Just like there will be a unity among mages who are good at perception. It is a type that will play a special role as radar in the future and cannot rely on its own perception spells to be the first to discover the enemy in an interstellar war.

Those were all launched from under the boat, and were now connected under me, leaving me with nowhere to escape.

Such a division will also remain unchanged with the changes of the times based on the productivity and military tasks that extraordinary people can provide. In that dynamic system, although extraordinary people have a lower social status than special people, no one is convinced by this. After all, they have earned it through their own labor and hard work.

The physical supernatural beings need to protect the legal supernatural beings from danger during that process. In the air combat, although the legal supernatural beings cannot use weaker long-range attacks, due to their own body coordination and physical fitness There is no limit, the flight flexibility is sufficient, and a transcendent of the physics department is required to be able to control the retreat of his glider more powerfully.

And now the people in that group have gathered almost half of the essence of the entire territory. If the entire army is covered under the sea, the territory will be slightly weakened, but only the combatants, including the production staff, will not be affected. Many young people gathered under the boat.

For example, if today's warships come out, it would be exaggerated to think that the technical level of his time could produce a propeller engine. It must be the weak processing capabilities of those people in low-precision industries, and it is very possible to construct those things.

Before being attacked, the Nautilus on the water also realized that it was discovered that it was lurking again and surfaced. At the same time, he changed his direction so that the shell was facing forward and the body was facing backward. He squeezed his body fiercely in the direction of the battleship, and moved the extremely low-pressure water column to spray out from under the sea. It was basically a parabola, but it drew a straight line and bombed in the direction of the battleship.

One of the flight formations discovered the extraordinary creature approaching the ship. Looking down at the sea from a low altitude cannot see the shadow of the bottom of the water in a relatively wide perspective. If you only observe it from a place close to the water surface, the shadow under the water is not very obvious. Even if you can see it, you will think it is a reef on the water or something else. Only at low altitude and without a relatively wide field of view can the outline of the shadow be seen.

Why do physics system operators fly with legal system super benders? Legal system super benders will use ultrasonic waves or electromagnetic waves to imitate things like radar sonar to detect regression at sea, and will communicate immediately before discovering the target. to the ship.

[To be continued]

There are no eighth-level weaklings under the ship, but fighting with marine creatures of the same level below the sea surface is easy.

Before the electromagnetic wave is transmitted back to the battleship, the battleship's main gun also tries to adjust and prepare to fire towards the target's retreating rear. While monitoring the location of the target in real time, the battleship adjusts its gun muzzle. The probability of hitting is still very small. The shells with slightly different emission angles were launched at the same time. In just a short period of time, there were painful water columns under the sea. Two of the water columns were turbid and had not hit the target, but one of the water columns was bright red. That meant that a shell hit the target and exploded inside the target. The seawater around the target was dyed red with the huge amount of fresh plasma brought by the explosion.

It is not easier to distinguish what kind of creatures are hidden in the water through sonar. Through the detection just now, the mage has not determined that there is something like a nautilus on the water, which is slowly approaching the ship. And unlike the heroic snails in the abnormal ocean, that one is extremely small. The length from beginning to end is less than 100 meters. It can even catch up with the boats that everyone is riding on. It must be an extraordinary marine creature, and it should be a strong type. Maybe he hasn't reached the legendary level yet, but he shouldn't have reached the eighth level yet.

After all, it is very difficult for someone with a low-level position to ask me to risk my life and safety to fight on the battlefield, or to participate in tiring industrial production. And if those extraordinary people find ways to compare themselves to special people, it is equivalent to A separatist warlord with no industrial production capacity and no military power. It is possible for a being like that to be arrogant.

Future physics-based extraordinary persons will also be equipped with various kinds of extraordinary equipment and serve as vanguard soldiers in assault operations. By then, the destructive power we can exert will not be significantly different from the simple exercise of our bodies now. And these are all the previous words. Now what we are facing under the small sea are all kinds of giant oceans. When monsters attack, gliders in the sky detect enemy situations through telescopes and will pass through them immediately.

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Similarly, I also need to bear corresponding social obligations. It does not mean that when I obtain rights, I also need to undertake the production tasks of an entire factory. If there is a way to complete the corresponding tasks, then I can obtain all the rights, but it should be corresponding. Downgrade.

That kind of weak body control ability is almost like an adult and a baby. If the baby is asked to go to the small building blocks, the building block will rarely be touched, but it will definitely be replaced by an adult. If you come, you will actually find that it is quite a difficult task.

Although the impact of the water column is weak, there is no limit to the amount of water that this giant beast can spray out at one time. Among the legal supernatural beings responsible for defense, there are eighth-level extraordinary beings. Therefore, in terms of the total amount of extraordinary power, the battleship actually occupies an absolute advantage. Before being attacked, it was definitely not a counterattack. And that counterattack was launched by these gliders in the sky. The glider tried to swoop down, and the war-time superman ended up throwing his javelin installed under the glider.

Just like those fierce seafood that managed to get under the ground, they are also extraordinary weak people of the same level.

The giant beast in the sea also realized that its target that time was a bone that was difficult to chew. Unless it was a legendary level, it would be ready to escape if it could be defeated. However, none of the javelins exploded into my body, and it bounced out of my body. prick.

In the future, no one will specifically weaken their spiritual thinking, turn themselves into artificial intelligence, and become otherworldly beings in information warfare. They will be completely different from other extraordinary beings.

At that time, there will no longer be such a rough division between combat professions and mages among extraordinary people. There will be various production professions and various combat professions that are the same. Just like there will be a unity among mages who are good at perception. It is a type that will play a special role as radar in the future and cannot rely on its own perception spells to be the first to discover the enemy in an interstellar war.

Those were all launched from under the boat, and were now connected under me, leaving me with nowhere to escape.

Such a division will also remain unchanged with the changes of the times based on the productivity and military tasks that extraordinary people can provide. In that dynamic system, although extraordinary people have a lower social status than special people, no one is convinced by this. After all, they have earned it through their own labor and hard work.

The physical supernatural beings need to protect the legal supernatural beings from danger during that process. In the air combat, although the legal supernatural beings cannot use weaker long-range attacks, due to their own body coordination and physical fitness There is no limit, the flight flexibility is sufficient, and a transcendent of the physics department is required to be able to control the retreat of his glider more powerfully.

And now the people in that group have gathered almost half of the essence of the entire territory. If the entire army is covered under the sea, the territory will be slightly weakened, but only the combatants, including the production staff, will not be affected. Many young people gathered under the boat.

For example, if today's warships come out, it would be exaggerated to think that the technical level of his time could produce a propeller engine. It must be the weak processing capabilities of those people in low-precision industries, and it is very possible to construct those things.

Before being attacked, the Nautilus on the water also realized that it was discovered that it was lurking again and surfaced. At the same time, he changed his direction so that the shell was facing forward and the body was facing backward. He squeezed his body fiercely in the direction of the battleship, and moved the extremely low-pressure water column to spray out from under the sea. It was basically a parabola, but it drew a straight line and bombed in the direction of the battleship.

One of the flight formations discovered the extraordinary creature approaching the ship. Looking down at the sea from a low altitude cannot see the shadow of the bottom of the water in a relatively wide perspective. If you only observe it from a place close to the water surface, the shadow under the water is not very obvious. Even if you can see it, you will think it is a reef on the water or something else. Only at low altitude and without a relatively wide field of view can the outline of the shadow be seen.

Why do physics system operators fly with legal system super benders? Legal system super benders will use ultrasonic waves or electromagnetic waves to imitate things like radar sonar to detect regression at sea, and will communicate immediately before discovering the target. to the ship.

[To be continued]

There are no eighth-level weaklings under the ship, but fighting with marine creatures of the same level below the sea surface is easy.

Before the electromagnetic wave is transmitted back to the battleship, the battleship's main gun also tries to adjust and prepare to fire towards the target's retreating rear. While monitoring the location of the target in real time, the battleship adjusts its gun muzzle. The probability of hitting is still very small. The shells with slightly different emission angles were launched at the same time. In just a short period of time, there were painful water columns under the sea. Two of the water columns were turbid and had not hit the target, but one of the water columns was bright red. That meant that a shell hit the target and exploded inside the target. The seawater around the target was dyed red with the huge amount of fresh plasma brought by the explosion.

It is not easier to distinguish what kind of creatures are hidden in the water through sonar. Through the detection just now, the mage has not determined that there is something like a nautilus on the water, which is slowly approaching the ship. And unlike the heroic snails in the abnormal ocean, that one is extremely small. The length from beginning to end is less than 100 meters. It can even catch up with the boats that everyone is riding on. It must be an extraordinary marine creature, and it should be a strong type. Maybe he hasn't reached the legendary level yet, but he shouldn't have reached the eighth level yet.

After all, it is very difficult for someone with a low-level position to ask me to risk my life and safety to fight on the battlefield, or to participate in tiring industrial production. And if those extraordinary people find ways to compare themselves to special people, it is equivalent to A separatist warlord with no industrial production capacity and no military power. It is possible for a being like that to be arrogant.

Future physics-based extraordinary persons will also be equipped with various kinds of extraordinary equipment and serve as vanguard soldiers in assault operations. By then, the destructive power we can exert will not be significantly different from the simple exercise of our bodies now. And these are all the previous words. Now what we are facing under the small sea are all kinds of giant oceans. When monsters attack, gliders in the sky detect enemy situations through telescopes and will pass through them immediately.

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Similarly, I also need to bear corresponding social obligations. It does not mean that when I obtain rights, I also need to undertake the production tasks of an entire factory. If there is a way to complete the corresponding tasks, then I can obtain all the rights, but it should be corresponding. Downgrade.

That kind of weak body control ability is almost like an adult and a baby. If the baby is asked to go to the small building blocks, the building block will rarely be touched, but it will definitely be replaced by an adult. If you come, you will actually find that it is quite a difficult task.

Although the impact of the water column is weak, there is no limit to the amount of water that this giant beast can spray out at one time. Among the legal supernatural beings responsible for defense, there are eighth-level extraordinary beings. Therefore, in terms of the total amount of extraordinary power, the battleship actually occupies an absolute advantage. Before being attacked, it was definitely not a counterattack. And that counterattack was launched by these gliders in the sky. The glider tried to swoop down, and the war-time superman ended up throwing his javelin installed under the glider.

Just like those fierce seafood that managed to get under the ground, they are also extraordinary weak people of the same level.

The giant beast in the sea also realized that its target that time was a bone that was difficult to chew. Unless it was a legendary level, it would be ready to escape if it could be defeated. However, none of the javelins exploded into my body, and it bounced out of my body. prick.

In the future, no one will specifically weaken their spiritual thinking, turn themselves into artificial intelligence, and become otherworldly beings in information warfare. They will be completely different from other extraordinary beings.

At that time, there will no longer be such a rough division between combat professions and mages among extraordinary people. There will be various production professions and various combat professions that are the same. Just like there will be a unity among mages who are good at perception. It is a type that will play a special role as radar in the future and cannot rely on its own perception spells to be the first to discover the enemy in an interstellar war.

Those were all launched from under the boat, and were now connected under me, leaving me with nowhere to escape.

Such a division will also remain unchanged with the changes of the times based on the productivity and military tasks that extraordinary people can provide. In that dynamic system, although extraordinary people have a lower social status than special people, no one is convinced by this. After all, they have earned it through their own labor and hard work.

The physical supernatural beings need to protect the legal supernatural beings from danger during that process. In the air combat, although the legal supernatural beings cannot use weaker long-range attacks, due to their own body coordination and physical fitness There is no limit, the flight flexibility is sufficient, and a transcendent of the physics department is required to be able to control the retreat of his glider more powerfully.

And now the people in that group have gathered almost half of the essence of the entire territory. If the entire army is covered under the sea, the territory will be slightly weakened, but only the combatants, including the production staff, will not be affected. Many young people gathered under the boat.

For example, if today's warships come out, it would be exaggerated to think that the technical level of his time could produce a propeller engine. It must be the weak processing capabilities of those people in low-precision industries, and it is very possible to construct those things.

Before being attacked, the Nautilus on the water also realized that it was discovered that it was lurking again and surfaced. At the same time, he changed his direction so that the shell was facing forward and the body was facing backward. He squeezed his body fiercely in the direction of the battleship, and moved the extremely low-pressure water column to spray out from under the sea. It was basically a parabola, but it drew a straight line and bombed in the direction of the battleship.

One of the flight formations discovered the extraordinary creature approaching the ship. Looking down at the sea from a low altitude cannot see the shadow of the bottom of the water in a relatively wide perspective. If you only observe it from a place close to the water surface, the shadow under the water is not very obvious. Even if you can see it, you will think it is a reef on the water or something else. Only at low altitude and without a relatively wide field of view can the outline of the shadow be seen.

Why do physics system operators fly with legal system super benders? Legal system super benders will use ultrasonic waves or electromagnetic waves to imitate things like radar sonar to detect regression at sea, and will communicate immediately before discovering the target. to the ship.

[To be continued]

There are no eighth-level weaklings under the ship, but fighting with marine creatures of the same level below the sea surface is easy.

Before the electromagnetic wave is transmitted back to the battleship, the battleship's main gun also tries to adjust and prepare to fire towards the target's retreating rear. While monitoring the location of the target in real time, the battleship adjusts its gun muzzle. The probability of hitting is still very small. The shells with slightly different emission angles were launched at the same time. In just a short period of time, there were painful water columns under the sea. Two of the water columns were turbid and had not hit the target, but one of the water columns was bright red. That meant that a shell hit the target and exploded inside the target. The seawater around the target was dyed red with the huge amount of fresh plasma brought by the explosion.

It is not easier to distinguish what kind of creatures are hidden in the water through sonar. Through the detection just now, the mage has not determined that there is something like a nautilus on the water, which is slowly approaching the ship. And unlike the heroic snails in the abnormal ocean, that one is extremely small. The length from beginning to end is less than 100 meters. It can even catch up with the boats that everyone is riding on. It must be an extraordinary marine creature, and it should be a strong type. Maybe he hasn't reached the legendary level yet, but he shouldn't have reached the eighth level yet.

After all, it is very difficult for someone with a low-level position to ask me to risk my life and safety to fight on the battlefield, or to participate in tiring industrial production. And if those extraordinary people find ways to compare themselves to special people, it is equivalent to A separatist warlord with no industrial production capacity and no military power. It is possible for a being like that to be arrogant.

Future physics-based extraordinary persons will also be equipped with various kinds of extraordinary equipment and serve as vanguard soldiers in assault operations. By then, the destructive power we can exert will not be significantly different from the simple exercise of our bodies now. And these are all the previous words. Now what we are facing under the small sea are all kinds of giant oceans. When monsters attack, gliders in the sky detect enemy situations through telescopes and will pass through them immediately.

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Similarly, I also need to bear corresponding social obligations. It does not mean that when I obtain rights, I also need to undertake the production tasks of an entire factory. If there is a way to complete the corresponding tasks, then I can obtain all the rights, but it should be corresponding. Downgrade.

That kind of weak body control ability is almost like an adult and a baby. If the baby is asked to go to the small building blocks, the building block will rarely be touched, but it will definitely be replaced by an adult. If you come, you will actually find that it is quite a difficult task.

Although the impact of the water column is weak, there is no limit to the amount of water that this giant beast can spray out at one time. Among the legal supernatural beings responsible for defense, there are eighth-level extraordinary beings. Therefore, in terms of the total amount of extraordinary power, the battleship actually occupies an absolute advantage. Before being attacked, it was definitely not a counterattack. And that counterattack was launched by these gliders in the sky. The glider tried to swoop down, and the war-time superman ended up throwing his javelin installed under the glider.

Just like those fierce seafood that managed to get under the ground, they are also extraordinary weak people of the same level.

The giant beast in the sea also realized that its target that time was a bone that was difficult to chew. Unless it was a legendary level, it would be ready to escape if it could be defeated. However, none of the javelins exploded into my body, and it bounced out of my body. prick.

In the future, no one will specifically weaken their spiritual thinking, turn themselves into artificial intelligence, and become otherworldly beings in information warfare. They will be completely different from other extraordinary beings.

At that time, there will no longer be such a rough division between combat professions and mages among extraordinary people. There will be various production professions and various combat professions that are the same. Just like there will be a unity among mages who are good at perception. It is a type that will play a special role as radar in the future and cannot rely on its own perception spells to be the first to discover the enemy in an interstellar war.

Those were all launched from under the boat, and were now connected under me, leaving me with nowhere to escape.

Such a division will also remain unchanged with the changes of the times based on the productivity and military tasks that extraordinary people can provide. In that dynamic system, although extraordinary people have a lower social status than special people, no one is convinced by this. After all, they have earned it through their own labor and hard work.

The physical supernatural beings need to protect the legal supernatural beings from danger during that process. In the air combat, although the legal supernatural beings cannot use weaker long-range attacks, due to their own body coordination and physical fitness There is no limit, the flight flexibility is sufficient, and a transcendent of the physics department is required to be able to control the retreat of his glider more powerfully.

And now the people in that group have gathered almost half of the essence of the entire territory. If the entire army is covered under the sea, the territory will be slightly weakened, but only the combatants, including the production staff, will not be affected. Many young people gathered under the boat.

For example, if today's warships come out, it would be exaggerated to think that the technical level of his time could produce a propeller engine. It must be the weak processing capabilities of those people in low-precision industries, and it is very possible to construct those things.

Before being attacked, the Nautilus on the water also realized that it was discovered that it was lurking again and surfaced. At the same time, he changed his direction so that the shell was facing forward and the body was facing backward. He squeezed his body fiercely in the direction of the battleship, and moved the extremely low-pressure water column to spray out from under the sea. It was basically a parabola, but it drew a straight line and bombed in the direction of the battleship.

One of the flight formations discovered the extraordinary creature approaching the ship. Looking down at the sea from a low altitude cannot see the shadow of the bottom of the water in a relatively wide perspective. If you only observe it from a place close to the water surface, the shadow under the water is not very obvious. Even if you can see it, you will think it is a reef on the water or something else. Only at low altitude and without a relatively wide field of view can the outline of the shadow be seen.

Why do physics system operators fly with legal system super benders? Legal system super benders will use ultrasonic waves or electromagnetic waves to imitate things like radar sonar to detect regression at sea, and will communicate immediately before discovering the target. to the ship.

[To be continued]

There are no eighth-level weaklings under the ship, but fighting with marine creatures of the same level below the sea surface is easy.

Before the electromagnetic wave is transmitted back to the battleship, the battleship's main gun also tries to adjust and prepare to fire towards the target's retreating rear. While monitoring the location of the target in real time, the battleship adjusts its gun muzzle. The probability of hitting is still very small. The shells with slightly different emission angles were launched at the same time. In just a short period of time, there were painful water columns under the sea. Two of the water columns were turbid and had not hit the target, but one of the water columns was bright red. That meant that a shell hit the target and exploded inside the target. The seawater around the target was dyed red with the huge amount of fresh plasma brought by the explosion.

It is not easier to distinguish what kind of creatures are hidden in the water through sonar. Through the detection just now, the mage has not determined that there is something like a nautilus on the water, which is slowly approaching the ship. And unlike the heroic snails in the abnormal ocean, that one is extremely small. The length from beginning to end is less than 100 meters. It can even catch up with the boats that everyone is riding on. It must be an extraordinary marine creature, and it should be a strong type. Maybe he hasn't reached the legendary level yet, but he shouldn't have reached the eighth level yet.

After all, it is very difficult for someone with a low-level position to ask me to risk my life and safety to fight on the battlefield, or to participate in tiring industrial production. And if those extraordinary people find ways to compare themselves to special people, it is equivalent to A separatist warlord with no industrial production capacity and no military power. It is possible for a being like that to be arrogant.

Future physics-based extraordinary persons will also be equipped with various kinds of extraordinary equipment and serve as vanguard soldiers in assault operations. By then, the destructive power we can exert will not be significantly different from the simple exercise of our bodies now. And these are all the previous words. Now what we are facing under the small sea are all kinds of giant oceans. When monsters attack, gliders in the sky detect enemy situations through telescopes and will pass through them immediately.

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Similarly, I also need to bear corresponding social obligations. It does not mean that when I obtain rights, I also need to undertake the production tasks of an entire factory. If there is a way to complete the corresponding tasks, then I can obtain all the rights, but it should be corresponding. Downgrade.

That kind of weak body control ability is almost like an adult and a baby. If the baby is asked to go to the small building blocks, the building block will rarely be touched, but it will definitely be replaced by an adult. If you come, you will actually find that it is quite a difficult task.

Although the impact of the water column is weak, there is no limit to the amount of water that this giant beast can spray out at one time. Among the legal supernatural beings responsible for defense, there are eighth-level extraordinary beings. Therefore, in terms of the total amount of extraordinary power, the battleship actually occupies an absolute advantage. Before being attacked, it was definitely not a counterattack. And that counterattack was launched by these gliders in the sky. The glider tried to swoop down, and the war-time superman ended up throwing his javelin installed under the glider.

Just like those fierce seafood that managed to get under the ground, they are also extraordinary weak people of the same level.

The giant beast in the sea also realized that its target that time was a bone that was difficult to chew. Unless it was a legendary level, it would be ready to escape if it could be defeated. However, none of the javelins exploded into my body, and it bounced out of my body. prick.

In the future, no one will specifically weaken their spiritual thinking, turn themselves into artificial intelligence, and become otherworldly beings in information warfare. They will be completely different from other extraordinary beings.

At that time, there will no longer be such a rough division between combat professions and mages among extraordinary people. There will be various production professions and various combat professions that are the same. Just like there will be a unity among mages who are good at perception. It is a type that will play a special role as radar in the future and cannot rely on its own perception spells to be the first to discover the enemy in an interstellar war.

Those were all launched from under the boat, and were now connected under me, leaving me with nowhere to escape.

Such a division will also remain unchanged with the changes of the times based on the productivity and military tasks that extraordinary people can provide. In that dynamic system, although extraordinary people have a lower social status than special people, no one is convinced by this. After all, they have earned it through their own labor and hard work.

The physical supernatural beings need to protect the legal supernatural beings from danger during that process. In the air combat, although the legal supernatural beings cannot use weaker long-range attacks, due to their own body coordination and physical fitness There is no limit, the flight flexibility is sufficient, and a transcendent of the physics department is required to be able to control the retreat of his glider more powerfully.

And now the people in that group have gathered almost half of the essence of the entire territory. If the entire army is covered under the sea, the territory will be slightly weakened, but only the combatants, including the production staff, will not be affected. Many young people gathered under the boat.

For example, if today's warships come out, it would be exaggerated to think that the technical level of his time could produce a propeller engine. It must be the weak processing capabilities of those people in low-precision industries, and it is very possible to construct those things.

Before being attacked, the Nautilus on the water also realized that it was discovered that it was lurking again and surfaced. At the same time, he changed his direction so that the shell was facing forward and the body was facing backward. He squeezed his body fiercely in the direction of the battleship, and moved the extremely low-pressure water column to spray out from under the sea. It was basically a parabola, but it drew a straight line and bombed in the direction of the battleship.

One of the flight formations discovered the extraordinary creature approaching the ship. Looking down at the sea from a low altitude cannot see the shadow of the bottom of the water in a relatively wide perspective. If you only observe it from a place close to the water surface, the shadow under the water is not very obvious. Even if you can see it, you will think it is a reef on the water or something else. Only at low altitude and without a relatively wide field of view can the outline of the shadow be seen.

Why do physics system operators fly with legal system super benders? Legal system super benders will use ultrasonic waves or electromagnetic waves to imitate things like radar sonar to detect regression at sea, and will communicate immediately before discovering the target. to the ship.

[To be continued]

There are no eighth-level weaklings under the ship, but fighting with marine creatures of the same level below the sea surface is easy.

Before the electromagnetic wave is transmitted back to the battleship, the battleship's main gun also tries to adjust and prepare to fire towards the target's retreating rear. While monitoring the location of the target in real time, the battleship adjusts its gun muzzle. The probability of hitting is still very small. The shells with slightly different emission angles were launched at the same time. In just a short period of time, there were painful water columns under the sea. Two of the water columns were turbid and had not hit the target, but one of the water columns was bright red. That meant that a shell hit the target and exploded inside the target. The seawater around the target was dyed red with the huge amount of fresh plasma brought by the explosion.

It is not easier to distinguish what kind of creatures are hidden in the water through sonar. Through the detection just now, the mage has not determined that there is something like a nautilus on the water, which is slowly approaching the ship. And unlike the heroic snails in the abnormal ocean, that one is extremely small. The length from beginning to end is less than 100 meters. It can even catch up with the boats that everyone is riding on. It must be an extraordinary marine creature, and it should be a strong type. Maybe he hasn't reached the legendary level yet, but he shouldn't have reached the eighth level yet.

After all, it is very difficult for someone with a low-level position to ask me to risk my life and safety to fight on the battlefield, or to participate in tiring industrial production. And if those extraordinary people find ways to compare themselves to special people, it is equivalent to A separatist warlord with no industrial production capacity and no military power. It is possible for a being like that to be arrogant.

Future physics-based extraordinary persons will also be equipped with various kinds of extraordinary equipment and serve as vanguard soldiers in assault operations. Find the bookstore The power we can exert by then will not be significantly different from the simple exercise of our bodies now. And these are all the previous words. Now we are facing under the small sea. The enemy is attacked by various giant beasts on the ocean. The glider in the sky detects the enemy situation through the telescope and will pass through it immediately.

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Similarly, I also need to bear corresponding social obligations. It does not mean that when I obtain rights, I also need to undertake the production tasks of an entire factory. If there is a way to complete the corresponding tasks, then I can obtain all the rights, but it should be corresponding. Downgrade.

That kind of weak body control ability is almost like an adult and a baby. If the baby is asked to go to the small building blocks, the building block will rarely be touched, but it will definitely be replaced by an adult. If you come, you will actually find that it is quite a difficult task.

Although the impact of the water column is weak, there is no limit to the amount of water that this giant beast can spray out at one time. Among the legal supernatural beings responsible for defense, there are eighth-level extraordinary beings. Therefore, in terms of the total amount of extraordinary power, the battleship actually occupies an absolute advantage. Before being attacked, it was definitely not a counterattack. And that counterattack was launched by these gliders in the sky. The glider tried to swoop down, and the war-time superman ended up throwing his javelin installed under the glider.

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