After gaining vision, Chen Xi found that he could clearly feel the movement process when he moved. This feeling of having vision in the spiritual world was very strange, although he was not fully adapted to the special spirits he had constructed. Structure to experience the vision of this world. But his spirit is gradually adapting to this special perception, and then transforming these perceptions into his impression of his own vision in reality.

This is a very consistent feeling, as if it is an extra sense of my own, and then this sense is being transformed into the five senses of sight and hearing by my familiarity and fairy tales. Become your own instinct.

After we gradually transform these abilities into instincts, we can control the structure of the spiritual world as well as our own body. He is now getting familiar with the muscles on his wheels. Gradually, I found the rules and the corresponding rhythm, pulled those muscles, and made the wheel rotate rhythmically. And there seemed to be inertia in this world. After the wheel started spinning, this special mental structure gradually moved at a faster speed. Speed ​​up, and the distance between the part that originally fell off and the main body is not too far. It didn't take long for the car to move to the corresponding position and successfully contact the part that fell off before. The rest is It's simple. Since that part was Chen Xi's former mental structure, it is simply a matter of course to merge it back now.

As he manipulated his mental structure, they merged with each other in an instant. It instantly restored him to the level three super power, and even improved on this basis, almost reaching the level of the fourth level super power.

This was within his expectation, after all, his current changes could be called revolutionary from any angle. After the current changes in his super power, he also realized that adding a movement structure to the super power was costly.

"In the process of moving the mobile structure I just built using my super power, part of the super power structure stored in me was consumed. This means that this world is similar to the real world outside. When we move, the same It also consumes the energy we have stored. In this case, it is not worthwhile to use my own super energy structure to provide energy for this movement. Instead, a super energy structure that is simple to synthesize and easy to transform should be specially synthesized to provide energy for this movement. Movement provides energy."

Although Chen Xi does not know what entropy of matter is, it can be seen from his summary that he has a certain understanding of this aspect in terms of instinct. Just like life in reality, most of them need to replenish energy. Some need to replenish energy through light, etc., while others need to eat. There seems to be a similar truth in that world. Nothing can grow out of thin air, and he recalled that when he was increasing his super structure before, sometimes he would take simple structures from the outside and splice them together, and sometimes he would automatically add them under certain stimulation. It absorbs some of the simplest basic structures from the outside world and splices them together.

The last remaining part is that he actively uses his own spiritual power to combine external matter with himself. Without these, external substances will not actively integrate into his mental structure. If there is no interference for a long time, his own mental structure will gradually fall apart under the impact of external substances.

"I understand that in this spiritual world, it is also a world where the weak eat the strong. In this case, I must become the predator. Judging from everyone's current development, almost everyone is playing the role of plants in the real world. This character can become larger through the stimulation of certain external energy sources in this world. In this process, they have almost no defense against their own mental structure. After the previous disaster This has been proven by the collapse of a large number of people's mental structures, which means that now he only needs to transform into a predator, and there will be endless mental structures that can serve as its food. These are the superpowers of this world. Built. But if this opportunity is missed, after everyone reacts, there will be no first-mover advantage. They will definitely build corresponding defense structures after reacting, build a hard shell for themselves, or Internally added toxins similar to superstructures that can destroy other people.”

By then, his first-mover advantage will of course be gone. At that time, the strong will still be the strong, and they will have more super structures that they can adjust for themselves. Making himself more complex and powerful, but he has no advantage in this regard, exhausting his super structure. After completing the transformation, it is equivalent to exhausting his potential. If there is not enough food source , it may even lead to the loss of one's own super power.

"Thinking about it this way, the changes I'm making now have pros and cons. If I don't have a first-mover advantage and make such changes, then if I don't get enough food in the future, my super structure will shrink little by little. , eventually completely losing activity and becoming the same as before, a lifeless, inactive structure.

But it is impossible not to carry out such transformation. If not to carry out such transformation, it will be equivalent to being a plant in nature forever. Even if it grows too fast, it will soon be destroyed when it encounters a predator. Completely digested. As a population, there is no problem in becoming a plant. After all, compared to animals, plants are less likely to be extinct and easier to survive as a population.

But for a person, as long as an individual in the population dies, it is equivalent to the collapse of his own super power, and he must start from scratch. Plants are not a suitable choice. There are too many plants in the biosphere that die due to being eaten. Individually, the survival rate is much smaller than that of animals. If I don't want to fall prey to others in the future, I need to make changes now and quickly. "

Chen Xi was not the only one to discover this phenomenon. In fact, during the last super power collapse, many people had similar doubts, and he could only be regarded as one of the first. Several people in the same batch as him also discovered a similar phenomenon. Some of them were stronger than him, and some were not as strong as him. And these people's decisions were almost unanimous, which was to adjust their super structures. , add more movement structures and digestive structures, used to prey on other people's super structures.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, they can make rapid progress in a short period of time. If they can seize this trend, they will definitely become one of the many strong players in the two kingdoms in the future.

Among them, Chen Xi is indeed one of the fastest responders. He not only built his own mental structure and transformed his movement structure, but also adjusted and adjusted his overall structure with reference to objects in reality. planning.

According to the appearance of the fish, the shell of his mental structure was constructed into a streamlined shape, and a structure similar to a spine was constructed. Elastic potential energy can be accumulated on this structure like the spine.

This still relies on rocking this spine. It can swim like a fish. But that's not all. He added a water inlet to the belly of his fish-like structure, and then constructed a propeller-like structure in the water inlet. This kind of structure almost never exists in natural creatures, as has been explained before. A propeller is a structure that always rotates in one direction. In essence, it has been separated from the main body. Very few living things have built such a structure that is separated from the main body. Even a structure like hair, which has no nerves or blood vessels, is quite close to the main body at the location of the hair root. contact.

Modified propeller. There was no such connection, but with previous experience using tires, it didn't take much effort for him to get these propellers to rotate.

As the propeller rotates, the water flows along the channel in its belly from front to back. In this channel, the water completes its acceleration and then flows out from the rear, allowing it to move at high speed through reaction force.

Of course, the water flow here is just a relatively vivid metaphor. In this world, they are indeed in a layer of medium that is viscous enough to provide them with reaction force, but there is still a gap between this layer of medium and the water. There are certain differences, and the characteristics they represent are also different.

But no matter what, Chen Xi's movement speed has become many times stronger than at the beginning. He can move more than a dozen positions in an instant, which is an incredible level of agility in this world.

"Then it's time to hunt. It's really convenient to have a sense similar to vision. You can easily find other people's super structures. I guess they still don't know why they have inexplicable super collapse. , after all, the previous super disaster has ended. Even if the super collapse is happening in front of me, all the enjoyment will be deducted from the super disaster. As long as I don't expose myself, it will be difficult for others to find out that there is something wrong with me. So. Next, I will try my best to hunt some larger super structures. After letting them hunt into my own body, I can not only improve my own understanding, but also learn from those strong people who have built huge structures, like them. , and also build huge structures.”

Chen Xi thought very well, and she implemented her ideas to a considerable extent in the process of practice.

Although its size is not too large, its structure is based on jawed fish. The most powerful thing about this species is its mandibles, which can easily crush the enemy's shell. After crushing, the front It just happens to be the mouth. It can be said that from attacking to breaking through the defense to trying out the one-stop service in the stomach, there is no delay value at all.

During this process, many people lost their super structures inexplicably, and they had no perception of their own and had no idea what was happening. Some powerful people also found that their super structures gradually collapsed during this process. They forcibly extracted the elements around them according to the original method and reconstructed their super structures. This method had a certain effect, but it was not as good as before. So easy to use.

The predators they encountered before were all mass-produced models, and they had no conscious control. After being injured to a certain extent, there is no way to repair itself and you will die there.

But there is a personal will controlling the situation in front of me. The difference here is huge.

Under the control of human self-awareness, after being injured, it can be actively repaired according to the individual's will.

At the same time, you can consciously avoid counterattacks during the attack.

This is already a huge advantage. In the process of constant self-repair, relying on the method of extracting surrounding elements to just extract the enemy's skin to resist is no longer in vain.

A legendary powerhouse watched in despair as his super structure collapsed completely, and he didn't even know that his super structure was devoured by others.

After Chen Xi had a big meal, he gradually completed his digestion. He was surprised to find that he had broken through to level four directly after finishing the meal. Now, if a child breaks through in this way, it will be extremely easy to upgrade. I am afraid it will not take long to reach level five at this efficiency.

But after tasting the sweetness this time, he also set his hunting target on larger prey, looking for Shuyuan www. It is the larger super structure built by those legendary level superpowers. It contains more energy, and its complex structure facilitates its evolution.

However, it is still difficult to find the target. Its vision is a big mosaic. As long as the other party is mixed with the terrain, he won't be able to distinguish it.

"It's time to evolve new perceptions. In reality, humans have vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. The senses of smell and taste are actually similar. What I need now is also this kind of perception. After all, various animals use They use their sense of smell to find food, especially sharks. The sense of smell in the ocean is simply ridiculously strong. They can smell the tiniest smell of blood and then find their prey.

Let me think about how the sense of smell should be constructed? It is similar to vision, which is stimulated by radiation such as light. This then leads to changes in the structure I built. Then the sense of smell should be simpler, that is, after being stimulated by the super-energy structure of certain fragments, it can respond accordingly. Everyone who builds a super structure cannot guarantee that a fragment will float out. And these fragments can often represent the research directions of these people. and strength level. "

[To be continued]

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