Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 470: Flowering on multiple lines

Lan Nuo is thinking about what the goddess of magic means? Now he still doesn't know whether there is a real god in this world? But judging from what the teacher means, it seems that he can truly communicate with gods.

Although he was a little nervous, after completing today's homework, he came to the so-called Magic Temple and tried to connect with the Goddess of Magic.

As he silently recited the name of the goddess of magic in his heart, a subtle connection was quickly established between them. At the same time, he also received one of the tasks from the goddess, but at the same time, after his spirit connected to the existence of the goddess, he vaguely felt himself in another world.

At that moment, he suddenly realized that he had traveled through many worlds at the same time, but in order to cover up the secret of his travels and ensure his own safety, a large number of his memories had been erased.

While accepting the mission of the goddess, another self also woke up confused in the process. His name is also Lan Nuo, but his world view is completely different from the world view of the world he is currently experiencing.

Dozens of men, women, old and children crowded in front of a luxurious spire building. They looked anxious, but no one dared to speak loudly. At the door of the spire building, two people wearing white robes with gold patterns stood quietly. He is the Skitarii of the Church of Life, and the golden six-leaf clover on his chest is the emblem of the Church of Life.

The flawless white robes of the two Skitarii soldiers formed a sharp contrast with the half-clothed people covered in mud at the door of the building. This made Lan Nuo, who was also in the crowd, couldn't help but whisper: "God stick!"

"Shh!" The woman next to Lan Nuo nervously held his hand: "God is watching us, and talking nonsense will attract divine punishment!"

"Really?" Lan Nuo, who looked only thirteen years old, asked in an innocent and rebellious tone unique to adolescence.

The woman nodded seriously, squatted down, held his face with her hands and said, "God is always there. He will remember the bad things we said and our piety. We must be a pious child, so that God will I will bless you! Come and pray with your mother to the God of Life for your father!”

Lan Nuo pursed his lips, but still recited the prayer in a low voice along with his mother.

"You are the origin of life and the destination of life. Rebirth is your grace, and death is your admonition. I, Anna (Lano), am willing to follow your teachings, cherish the life you have given, and never waste my time. Do not harm yourself, do not harm others, and do not abuse all sentient beings.

I pray to you and ask you to resurrect my husband (father). From now on, I will repay your grace with this life! "

Lan Nuo tried his best to make his prayers more pious, because he was grateful to the man who had provided for his family, but the memories in his mind from his previous life prevented him from praying piously, so he finally asked Doubts in my heart.

"Doctrine says that God doesn't need anything. As long as we believe in Him, He will bless us. But why does the resurrected father have to pay five thousand copper fish?"

Copper fish is the currency of the Kingdom of Roland. Roland has a developed fishery with dense water networks, so the fish is printed on the copper coins and becomes currency. Five thousand copper fish is the wealth that ordinary people can accumulate after working hard for a lifetime, but it is just a stepping stone for the resurrection ceremony. Those waiting here are all those who have died and prayed for the resurrection of their loved ones.

The more devout one's faith was during his lifetime, and the more property his family gave to the church, the greater the chance of a successful resurrection.

Anna touched Lan Nuo's head: "That is God's test for us! We have completed such a difficult test, and your father will definitely be resurrected successfully!"

Lan Nuo couldn't help but close his eyes as he listened to Anna's comforting words. He didn't want to tell Anna that he had actually seen the actions of others secretly giving money to the priest. It was very possible that his father would be resurrected in this life. Slim.

The memory of his previous life told him that the church collected huge amounts of wealth not to test everyone, but because the operation of the church required money, and it cost a lot of money to decommission the pastors and the skitarii!

Without enough pastors, the name of the God of Life will not be widely spread. Without a strong army, the Church of the God of Life will not be able to suppress those competing churches.

God may just want faith, or there may have been gods who were kind and honest, asking for nothing in return, but how can these churches of Gods compete with those churches that actively amass wealth and build weapons?

In the end, these kind gods will only fall in the battles between gods because they lose the source of their faith.

Lan Nuo hopes that he can believe in a good god who is selfless, but the memory of his past life tells him that a god who can survive competition must not be selfless.

"Without bottom-up supervision, crime and corruption will definitely breed. The gods of this world are too free..."

It was precisely because of this understanding that Lan Nuo was unable to maintain his piety to God, but until his father died in this life, he had no ill will towards God.

The God of Nature bestows crops with abundant harvests, the God of Commerce oversees the fairness of transactions, the God of Life saves many patients, and the God of Holy Light maintains social order...

Although many gods are selfish, they have actually made this world better than the ancient times in Lan Nuo's previous life. Therefore, at that time, he had no ill intentions towards the gods. He knew that this was a manifestation of his weakness and compromise. .

Who would be willing to put their head in their belt and go against God if they could live a good life?

But reality finally told him that as a proletarian, he had no way out!

Today, Lan Nuo has to face reality, face his own heart, and solemnly say to himself: "The gods have indeed brought to this world productivity that exceeds the current technological level, but this is not the reason for them to occupy the throne of gods!

The power that can change nature belongs to each of us! Depriving us of our power and trying to make us cry with small favors is oppression! "

Among the ragged crowds and in the minds of skinny children, the basic theory of credibility-based replacing belief-based... was born! Right now:

"The ability to change nature with belief is the right that every human being is born with! It cannot be forcibly taken away by any existence."

There were no tragic battlefields with thousands of troops, nor magnificent heroic epics. This theory that changed the entire era was born in the mind of an ordinary child who prayed for his father to be resurrected.

Those in power who were overthrown but survived by chance in later generations wanted to find out the priest who had accepted bribes, causing Lan Nuo's father's quota to be resurrected to be squeezed out, and eat his flesh and sleep on his skin.

Without that priest, Lan Nuo might not have understood the basic theory of credibility, and the gods would not have experienced the bloody storms of later generations.

Of course, everyone knows that this is impossible. As a proletarian, Lan Nuo's life cannot be smooth sailing. Such people will wake up sooner or later. If those people can go back to the past, the first one to be killed must be Lanno.


In the crowded crowd, a poisoned dagger quietly approached...

Under the burlap robe is an exquisite mechanical exoskeleton. The dagger in the hand not only quenches poison, but also can inject air through the blood groove after piercing the enemy's body, creating a cavity in the wound, ensuring a one-shot kill.

The shimmering blade dilated in Lan Nuo's stunned pupils, and he could clearly see that the eyes under the assassin's hood were shining with excitement that would change history.

The power provided by the exoskeleton made the dagger move so fast that it was unavoidable. Lan Nuo watched helplessly as the blade pierced his eyes. His desire to survive made him retreat desperately, but the approach of death seemed to be unstoppable.

At the moment when the blade was only one centimeter away from Lan Nuo's pupil, everything became silent, the sky and the earth lost color, and everything fell into stasis, like an exquisite ink painting.

A familiar voice sounded in Lan Nuo's ears: "Finally caught up!"

That was... his own voice!

"Who! Who is talking?" Lan Nuo sat down on the ground, and then he realized that in this still space, he was the only one who could move.

"Of course I'm talking." In front of Lan Nuo, the blue data flow converged and gradually turned into a translucent holographic projection that only existed in science fiction movies.

The appearance of the projection is very similar to Lan Nuo. It seems that he is the grown-up, but in terms of temperament, he appears more cheerful and open-minded.

"Who are you?" Lan Nuo got up from the ground, grabbed the dagger from the assassin in front of him, and stared at the holographic projection warily.

"Me? I am you, you in the parallel world." The holographic projection smiled: "You still remember what you just realized! The right of belief to change nature is everyone's natural right, and it cannot be forcibly taken away by any existence.

In the parallel world, I also realized this. You should understand yourself. After realizing this, what will we do? "

Lan Nuo's eyes widened and he looked at the holographic projection in shock. He was silent for a moment and said: "We will go pee and take a look at ourselves to see clearly who we are and calm down."

Holographic projection:"……"

"As expected of me, I'm really cowardly! I didn't think I could change anything at the time, but living in this world, we all have no control over ourselves. My relatives, partners, and even other people who believe in me, In the end, I was pushed and embarked on the path of fighting against the gods.

I have to say that I am lucky. Although we paid huge sacrifices, we successfully overthrew the rule of the gods, swept the princes and generals into the garbage dump of history, killed and expelled the gods one by one, and established a new world. A prosperous nation where credibility controls the power of faith. "

Lan Nuo put down the dagger in his hand slightly and licked his dry lips: "Am I so awesome? But what does this have to do with you finding me?"

Faced with this problem, the holographic projection showed a helpless expression: "As I said, we did not succeed in killing all the gods. The power of many gods is deeply rooted. Even if the credibility standard has become popular, we still cannot cut off the source of their power, such as Says...the Lord of Time.

As we all know, time is an illusion, but we have believed in time since ancient times. This also makes the Lord of Time still possess powerful power after being exiled.

Relying on all his strength, he opened up another timeline, which is the one you live in. And those gods who had the chance to escape fled to the gap between the two timelines, trying to take away the time you are living in. Line, transform into a world where gods are supreme to resist the suppression of the country of credibility.

So, you should now understand why you were assassinated! "

Lan Nuo: "..."

He wanted to complain now: "You led the Japs here?" But his heavy heart made him unable to complain. Being regarded as a thorn in the side of a group of old gods was really not a pleasant thing.

It is a matter of course that Lan Nuo was assassinated. Just like if modern people invented a time machine, they would probably go to assassinate Mustache. An island country that was bombed by an atomic bomb would most likely assassinate Einstein. Lan Nuo is the standard of credibility. The founder of the theory may not be cut to pieces by the superiors of the old era.

"So, you come here to... save yourself?" Lan Nuo said uncertainly.

The holographic projection shook his head: "You can't say that. Although I have killed more than one god, I am not a god. My power comes from the trust of the people, so when I use this power, I must represent the interests of the people.

You will be selected because you are my different time and space counterpart, and the power projected on you is a hundred times more efficient than others, so you were selected and saved by me. "

As the founder of Credibility-Based, Lanno immediately understood the meaning of holographic projection even though he had never experienced an epic war against the gods.

"In other words, if I can't set an example for this world to fight against the gods, you will no longer protect me or even help me?" Lan Nuo felt very aggrieved. If fighting against the gods was his own, If he chooses to do so, he will never regret it, but the feeling of being forced into the line of fire is really not a good one.

"That's not necessarily the case. I can be considered a sage in my own plane. Considering that you are my counterpart in different time and space, most citizens of the Reputation Country are still willing to put their faith in to protect your safety, even if you do nothing. , and no one will have any objections. In everyone’s words, no one can force a hero to sacrifice twice.”

When Lan Nuo heard this, he scratched his head in embarrassment. It was indeed embarrassing that he was treated like the family members of martyrs without doing anything.

"If I... can help, I will definitely help!"

The holographic projection nodded: "Your citizen evaluation in the credibility country has increased by 0.3 percentage points. I will strengthen your protection level accordingly!"

Lan Nuo: "?!"

"Wait a minute! Is there such a hidden setting? Doesn't that mean that if I behaved very badly just now and made you disillusioned with the sages, my evaluation would drop so much that I would lose my protection?"

"It is indeed possible, but if you act like a waste, the gods' assassination efforts on you will definitely be reduced.

And you don’t have to worry too much about your image being disillusioned, because everyone has almost accepted that the leader who leads the people out of ignorance is a funny setting.

By the way, the part where you were complaining in your heart just now, that you led the Japs here, was also broadcast live. "The holographic projection used a serious tone and said words that made people's blood pressure explode.

Lan Nuo was silent for a moment, his expression distorted: "Let's continue talking about how to fight against the gods! How can I get your help?"

He did not say, "Since I in another world can overthrow the gods without cheating, I can do the same." Back then, there were no gods chasing after and assassinating such stupid words.

"It's very simple. As long as you can get more people to recognize the credibility standard, I can provide you with more help. The recognition here does not mean fully recognizing your theory. It can also mean recognizing your credibility and abiding by your rules. The rules and specific circumstances require your exploration. Find Shuyuan

I will use numerical values ​​to measure the help I can provide you. The help you can get will also be marked with different prices in the mall, so that you can choose freely when I am not around.

I must remind you that the power that I can descend increases with the number of people who recognize the credibility standard. The power that the gods can descend increases linearly with the distance from the point in time when the timeline splits.

To put it simply, the time you are in now is still the past to the gods. The Lord of Time has opened up a new timeline, but what the gods can come to is the same as when the timeline was opened in this plane. The point in time is when they were overthrown and expelled.

When they come to assassinate you, it is equivalent to traveling back in time to change history. The closer you are to this past time point, the easier it will be to travel through it. The effect reflected on you is that as time goes by, the intensity of the assassination of the gods will increase. Linear enhancement.

Therefore, if you choose to fight against the gods, you must hurry up. "

Lan Nuo was silent for a moment and summed up: "You are equivalent to my time travel system. When I complete the task of spreading the credibility standard, I can get reward points. I can use the reward points to exchange for cheats, and my enemies will follow. As time goes by, version updates are carried out again and again. If you don’t keep up with the version strength, you will be abused. That’s roughly true, right?”

The holographic projection nodded: "As expected of me! The brain circuit is Qingqi. Since you said so, then I will directly design your redemption interface into the style of the system mall! I don't have much time. I will do it later. If you want to have a conversation with me, you need to spend points to redeem it! Come on! Let those gods know that if I can kill them once, I can kill them the second time!"

[To be continued]

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