Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 806 Infinite Spiritual Power

Loki was confident holding the Mind Scepter. The power of this scepter made him almost lose himself. He could even feel that his strength was worse than when he held the Eternal Spear, which could not be used purely. Be stronger.

His self-confidence also made him seem a little inflated. When he thought about it, using the invincible weapon in his hand to control the mind of a mortal was simply something he could do easily. Therefore, this time he did not even devise a clever plan to cause the Avengers to fight internally, so he went into battle himself. , ready to attack Tony.

"I said, after all, that guy is also my nominal godson. If you let him kill his partner like this, I can't just watch!"

The voice that suddenly appeared in Loki's mind shocked him. He has always been known for his strong mental power. As one of the gods best at illusions in Asgard, his mental power is both offensive and defensive. , are all extremely powerful, but the person in the dark can speak in his mind without even knowing it, leaving no trace, making him unable to even trace it.

This horrified Loki. Not even his adoptive mother, Queen Frigga, who taught him all illusions, could do this.

"Stop looking! Aren't I already in front of you?"

"Fak!" Loki suddenly jumped up from the driver's seat, and the spacecraft rolled and fell to the ground, because he saw a person squatting in front of him, right on the operating table. I'm afraid he had been looking at him for a long time. .

"Alas! It's such a pity that this scepter cannot display its true power in your hands!" Cheng Ying shook his head. Loki's use of the Mind Stone was already very clever.

Even compared to the later Vision, Vision can only shoot lasers with the biubiubiu gem. Loki at least knows that gems should be used at the spiritual level. Even if he doesn't capture the scepter, he can easily control the Avengers. Internal strife.

"Hmph! Then I'll show you how I use him!" As Loki spoke, he had already arrived in front of Cheng Ying, and what was left behind was just a phantom.

The main body stretched out the scepter and tapped Cheng Ying's chest: "Hmph! No matter how strong you are, if you are hit by this scepter, you will turn into my puppet! Rather, the stronger you are, the better!"

Loki, who was just thinking this in his heart, suddenly felt his hand tighten, and his scepter was actually held by someone!

"Do you think your little trick can fool me?" Chengying, wearing a black metal glove on his hand, held the tip of the scepter and refused to let Loki take it back.

"Idiot! Do you think the scepter can only attack you when it touches you? You could have avoided it, but you foolishly chose to hold it! Hahahaha! God helps me!" Loki laughed wildly, and on the scepter was the Mind Stone. It glowed slightly, and as Loki injected power, the Mind Stone also came to life slightly.

Even the power released after just a slight awakening made Cheng Ying feel irresistible. The infinite spiritual power of the Mind Stone was different from the pseudo-infinite power of the Eternal Fire or the Box of Ice, but truly infinite.

Both the Eternal Fire and the Box of Ice can draw power from them endlessly, seemingly endlessly, but there is an upper limit to the output. True infinity is a mathematical concept, which means dividing infinite energy into infinite parts. Each part is still infinite energy. No matter how exaggerated Chengying's mental power is, it has no meaning in the face of positive infinity.

However, no matter how gorgeous the moves are and how powerful the power is, what's the point of not hitting? Loki was horrified to find that his control failed. Even though Cheng Ying was holding the scepter, the control still failed.

"How is it possible! How could you resist!" Loki's attainments in illusion are really high. Regardless of the strength of his mental power, in terms of sophistication alone, he is not much worse than Jinghua Shuiyue and Tsukuyomi of Chengying Village. .

Vaguely, he had already felt the nearly infinite power in the scepter. In theory, no one should be able to resist it!

"No matter how strong the power is, what's the use if you can't hit it?" Cheng Ying happily snatched the scepter from Loki's hand, grabbed the Mind Stone from it, and set it on a bracelet made from the remains of the Destroyer.

Only then did Loki notice that Cheng Ying's hand actually had a layer of black gloves and was not in direct contact with the scepter.

"What is that!" Loki was shocked by the properties of Best Metal. Chengying naturally would not explain it to him. He just unfolded Best Metal and wrapped it around his bracelet to prevent the Mind Stone from escaping.

Theoretically, a person cannot own two Infinity Stones at the same time, unless he has the Infinity Gauntlet.

But some rules are not so absolute, and these non-absolute things can only give in when they encounter the absolutely strong Best Metal. As long as Chengying wants to seal a hundred infinite gems with the sealed Best Metal There is no problem. Of course, there cannot be space gems in these hundred, because space gems can teleport out on their own...

Whether the infinite energy of the Infinity Stones is an absolute characteristic remains to be verified. Judging from the fact that the gems were said to be split by the Furies or born when the universe was born, it is probably not absolute infinite energy.

But this is enough for Cheng Ying.

"Damn it! You!" Loki still wanted to struggle, but Cheng Ying shook his head: "Freeze it! Put it in a freezer, don't kill it."

These words were obviously spoken to Hyokui, rather than an old couple discussing what to do with the leftovers...

Before Loki could react, he felt time and space freeze, and he turned into a lifelike ice sculpture. After being frozen, all his molecular thermal movements almost stopped. Even if he woke up, he probably wouldn't know what happened.

"I don't know what Asgard is planning to exchange for the initiator of this disaster." The Ice Emperor tapped the ice sculpture lightly. In fact, she didn't need to be so careful at all. The ice sculpture was so strong that it couldn't even swing Thor's hammer. Xu, don't worry about accidentally crushing Loki's little brother.

"What do you think of the Ice Box?" Cheng Ying rubbed the Best Metal, letting the Mind Stone continuously release high-quality psychic power, trying to absorb these powers.

"I want that too, I hope this guy is worth so much money!" Ice Emperor's eyes were bright. As a "money printing" Ice Emperor has gradually lost interest in money and turned to collecting various precious treasures. .

Thanos collected six Infinity Stones in order to snap his fingers and wipe out half of all living things in the world. It can be said that he has lofty ambitions and has made outstanding contributions to family planning. But if a woman says she wants to collect six Infinity Stones, it will be very difficult for her to do so. Maybe I just think they look good...

[To be continued]

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