Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 808: The cooking class is killing people

It's not just the people on earth who are confused, the Chitauri are even more confused. Intelligence Zhirong, there is no space power at all on the earth, and those satellites can only be regarded as toys in space. Any Chitauri soldier can destroy all of those moons.

But the thing in front of me is obviously not that kind of thing. The volume is much larger and the quantity is much greater.

The most important thing is that all these big guys are carrying weapons and they are firing. The characteristics of spaceships in different worlds are also different. Marvel's spaceships aren't particularly good at remote servers.

Even the flagship used by Thanos only uses missiles to attack. The power of the missiles is at best similar to that of a tactical nuclear bomb. The previous record was that a salvo destroyed the Avengers headquarters.

It can be seen that compared to individual combat capabilities, Marvel's spaceships are actually lacking. There are very few spaceships that can compete with Odin's level of power.

The same is true for the Chitauri's spaceships. Apart from their ability to explode troops, the other attributes of their spaceships are really average. Facing the hulls designed by the God-killing Fleet for space operations, they are really powerless to resist.

Anti-material bombs bombarded the shield, and each shot dealt horrific damage like the Great Ivan. This was because each flagship had been accumulating power and did not release an attack.

The Chitauri tried to have their soldiers ride flying motorcycles to engage in boarding battles, but Cheng Ying knew how to blast troops! Drones are often much easier to use than soldiers. As long as they do not lose to their opponents in electronic warfare, drones can sweep away most ordinary soldiers. Moreover, they do not have a mind and are immune to control similar to Yuri's.

The Chitauri clone warriors fell down in pieces as if they were collectively hit by pesticides. Before they fell, they were still thinking, if we can board the enemy's mothership, we will definitely be able to turn the tide of the war. We focus so much on long-range A capable fleet must have extremely empty internal defenses.

There are also strong ones among the Chitauri! Their strong men all believe that if they want to win, they must concentrate all their strength and invade the opponent's spaceship.

As long as they can destroy the enemy's ship from the inside, they have a chance of victory. There are some powerful people among them who have space abilities and can directly pass through shields.

These strong men are also their ace in the hole when encountering powerful battleships that they cannot beat. They are the ones who penetrated into the enemy's army and disintegrated it from the inside.

This time, they also successfully teleported to the interior of the battleship. The flagship with the largest target became their first choice. In total, a dozen of the top Chitauri warriors appeared inside a Dreadnought-class battleship.

Their purpose is not only to destroy this huge battleship, but also to take control of the entire battleship if there is a chance.

The soldiers who can climb to this position are all experienced in many battles. Each of them has a record of capturing enemy warships. It can be said that everyone is an elite. Faced with the weak pilots and civilian staff in the spacecraft, they As powerful as a god.

They believe they can bring victory to their race this time too. One of the Chitauri spotted a passing orderly.

The orderly was startled by his strange appearance. Everything he was holding fell down. Seeing the panicked look on the orderly's face, she burst out laughing.

"Fish-lipped humans! A spacecraft with such weak internal defenses is still trying to defeat the Chitauri army!" The orderly couldn't understand what the alien creature was chirping at all.

I just saw the opponent's hand touching the weapon at his waist. This alerted the orderly to the enemy and sounded the alarm. In the view of the orderlies, those who dare to penetrate deeply into the warship must be the enemy's top warriors.

In the definition of Douluo, strength must at least be at the level of Ultimate Douluo. At this level, if you want to obtain certain results, you must invade multiple Ultimate Douluo at once. Or there is a demigod-level expert leading the team.

Although Douluo's divine power is incomparable to that of a strong man like Odin, the Supreme God can barely reach this level, and so on.

An Extreme Douluo will never be weaker than a planet-level powerhouse.

That is to say, at the level of superheroes such as Iron Man and the Hulk who have not been modified by magic, at least the orderly believes that the invaders will be this strong.

In order to prevent the invaders from controlling the spacecraft, he also showed an expression as if he was ready to die. As a flagship, the Dreadnought-class battleship must not be captured. In order to stop the invaders, he did not hesitate to pay the price with his life.

A syringe filled with blood appeared in his hand. If he found that he could not contain his opponent, he would not hesitate to inject the blood to temporarily gain the full power of the Hulk.

In addition, he stimulated his normal fighting power to the strongest. The energy amethyst in his body was frantically squeezing out energy, and the energy even materialized on his body surface, condensing into a layer of armor.

Tony's power armor, which has been optimized many times, covers his whole body. Inside the power armor, his muscles also expand rapidly. This is the result of nanomachines combined with Hulk cells.

In addition, two black balls the size of table tennis balls appeared on his shoulders. This is the Tao-seeking jade generated by the soul power infected by a trace of the power of the Ten Tails in his body. It is small in size, but has most of the abilities of the Tao-seeking jade!

"Come on! I won't let you destroy the spaceship. Use whatever tricks you have on me." The serviceman regarded death as if he were dead and rushed towards the intruder with a terrifying momentum.

Chitauri strong man: "?"

Did you do something fucking wrong? Are you an orderly, or a super soldier based on their elite model? It's too much to have so many abilities in one soldier.

The two collided with each other with a loud bang, and the Chitauri felt as if they had been hit head-on by an airship. The irresistible force slapped him against the wall of the spacecraft.

He was like ketchup that had been squeezed out. Blood spurted out from his mouth crazily, and he was already seriously injured and dying. Even now, he still doesn't understand why the enemy's orderlies are so powerful.

Could it be that all of this is a human trap, just to lure them into attacking the interior of the spacecraft? A trap to wipe them out in one fell swoop: "Damn it! Humans are such a barbaric and cunning race."

Even if he died, he would never have thought that he was really just an ordinary orderly delivering instant coffee to his commander...

Even the orderly himself looked confused and looked at his palms at a loss: "What a weak alien!"

Compared to this unlucky guy who was just killed, the luck of the other Chitauri seemed to be worse, because they encountered the more powerful... cooking class...

[To be continued]

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