Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 810: Desperate Virus

The Ice Emperor liked the new toy very much and kept playing with it in her hands. She could easily absorb the pure power of frost in the Ice Box and strengthen her own origin.

The energy of the Ice Box is pseudo-infinite. If the Ice Emperor can fuse it, his own power will also enter this level. The strength that can be exerted by then will probably not be considered weak at Odin's level.

While the Ice Emperor was absorbing the Ice Box to improve his own cultivation, Chengying was also trying to absorb the Mind Stone. In terms of settings, you cannot have two Infinity Stones at the same time unless you have the Infinity Gauntlet. Although Chengying does not have the Infinity Gauntlet , but relying on the strength of Best Metal, he still captured the Mind Stone alive.

I just want to make the Mind Stone obedient, but it is not that easy. The Infinity Stones are all unruly masters. Chengying smells of other gems. The Mind Stone says that I don't want to cooperate at all.

But Chengying doesn't need its cooperation. He stimulates the soul gem through mental power. Every time, it seems to poke its G-spot, causing it to release a large amount of pure soul power.

Cheng Ying swallows this part of the soul's power, strengthens his own mental power, and controls his mental power.

To be honest, there is a world-destroying demon like Ultron in the Mind Stone. If he cooperates obediently, Chengying will worry about his conspiracy.

In contrast, now using the Mind Stone as RBQ to extract mental power makes Chengying feel at ease. Although the Infinity Stones also have dignity, the problem is that dignity is useless in the face of absolute characteristics. The Infinity Stones themselves cannot be considered individuals. There is no way to control Best Metal, which means that the Mind Stone is absolutely unable to break free from the shackles of Best Metal.

With no one controlling it, the Mind Stone's counterattack was just not enough to hurt Cheng Ying, which allowed Cheng Ying to squeeze infinite mental power from it. In a short period of time, the mental power increased sharply again, reaching an incredible level. degree.

The two of them were practicing in seclusion in Tony's villa, and they were very comfortable, while Tony continued to suffer from anxiety attacks.

Originally, he became anxious because of the Battle of New York and seeing a large number of aliens. Now because Cheng Ying told him about the dangers of the earth in advance, he was mentally prepared, and his anxiety was not so serious.

It's just that I keep developing new armor every day. I want to wear the armor when I eat and go to the bathroom, and I also want to make the armor more portable.

In the original work, his steel suit relies on the installation of thrusters on every part, making it portable and wearable. Controlling the suit's flight is like controlling magic, and he also needs to coordinate with gestures. It is simply magical.

After acquiring space technology, this kind of magical operation was no longer possible. Tony released the armor directly from the storage soul guide on his body, which also gave him a lot more sense of security.

In addition, there is a fleet of Lao Zongzi in front of him in space. If the sky falls, there will be tall people to support him. This also makes Tony relax a lot, so much that he is even in the mood to hold a party in the villa.

Little Pepper, who had become his official wife in name, was helpless about Tony's flirtatiousness, but she didn't stop him. She just went to the top floor to ask Cheng Ying if he was interested in participating.

It's a pity that both of them are obsessed with cultivation and have no interest in Tony's troubles. Pepper Pepper is very disappointed with this. Without the elder Cheng Ying present, who knows what Tony will do at the banquet? Once, he demonstrated how to pee in a steel suit in front of a group of girls.

This simply made Pepper want to explode on the spot, and this party seemed to have an uninvited guest, a girl whose looks were even better than Pepper's.

In fact, most of the girls present are more beautiful than Pepper. There is no way that white women age much faster than other races after entering middle age. Although Pepper pays great attention to maintenance, she still cannot compete with those women. Young little bitch compared.

This time the uninvited guest was said to have had a relationship with Tony, which made Pepper's teeth itch. Fortunately, Tony had even forgotten this girl's name, so he thought it was Kidney who came and left...

The girl is helpless,

She could only re-introduce herself. Her name was Maya, a botanist who had a good relationship with Tony. When they were smoking afterwards, Tony once pointed out the formula of a plant virus.

When it comes to one-shot favors, Tony, who had a kidney transplant, must have forgotten it, but when it came to the formula, he remembered it in a hurry.

"Are you the potato bomb expert?" Tony, who had learned some of the dirty talk from Cheng Ying, choked Maya when he opened his mouth.

The virus she cultivated, after being injected into plants, is indeed likely to cause violent explosions in the plants, but that can't be said to be because she is tired of studying potatoes! After all, he is also researching cherry bombs!

"Okay! I roughly understand your situation. The virus is out of control, right? Or, someone used your virus on people and conducted human experiments?" Tony has experienced a lot of storms recently, and Maya is here The reason for finding him was almost immediately guessed.

"That's true. I call those viruses terminal viruses. They can greatly improve human physiological functions and even regenerate lost limbs."

Maya played the video of herself stealing it at the risk of her life to Tony. She saw two people, a man and a woman, tied to two strong iron frames. When the camera zoomed out, it could be seen that the man and the woman were missing an arm. A short leg.

They were all firmly fixed on the iron frame by leather straps, leaving no room for Mei Mu to struggle.

Soon, a man in a white coat with a syringe appeared on the screen and began to inject them with a virus called the Extremis virus. After the virus was injected into their bodies, both of them showed extreme pain.

The blood vessels under the skin began to glow, as if what was flowing inside was no longer blood, but magma. The sight of the whole body glowing made people shudder.

Among them, the shoulder of the woman without an arm seemed to have melted and stretched, then reassembled after deformation, turning into a brand new arm.

The orange-red light also dissipated as she healed, but the man next to her was different from her. His calves grew back, but they were still like lava.

The desire to kill lingered in his heart and could not be dispelled. His emotions became more and more aroused until he could no longer control it.

The surface of his body began to heat up rapidly, causing distorted ripples to appear in the air. His skin began to peel off little by little, revealing the magma-like flesh and blood inside. Then, his strength increased and he easily broke free from the belt.

Immediately, the whole person expanded rapidly in the roar, and with a final blast, it turned into a huge piece of art, and the video had to fall into a black screen.

[To be continued]

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