Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 815: Eat double portions

"Hey! How did you get in! I thought my stealth skills were already very good! I didn't even notice your movements!

You see, this is my employee ID. I came here to collect tips from those guys in white coats cleaning cars! How about it? Isn’t my technique amazing?

what about you? Don't tell me that you came in over the wall. The barbed wire above is difficult to deal with. It's also live. Did you bring a vise? Won't you get electrocuted? "Eddie is indeed the fifth of Marvel's four chatty people.

That mouth is as if he is renting something and is eager to pay it back. He speaks like a crosstalk speaker. Those who don't know better think he is here to sign up for the dishes!

"Stop! Stop talking! We have super powers and we teleported in!" Cheng Ying was telling the truth, but Eddie thought they were talking nonsense. Even if the Battle of New York had already happened, Eddie didn't think so. Anyone around you has superpowers.

"If you have superpowers, why are you hiding here with me? Go directly to stop Killian's experiment! Is your infiltration method a company secret? If you can't tell it, forget it.

Although it makes me curious and uncomfortable if you hide it from me, I don't mind. Everyone has their own secrets, and so do I. It's like you don't know that I have a beautiful and rich wife! "Eddie wants to continue, but Cheng Ying stuffs his mouth. If it weren't for the fact that he is one of the protagonists and can perfectly integrate with the venom, Cheng Ying promises to immediately seal his mouth and anus. Together, let him press against his vagina.

"Since you don't believe that we have superpowers, how about the two of us take down Killian's laboratory ourselves?"

"Huh? Do you dare to make a bet with me?" Eddie obviously didn't believe it. Chengying and Bingdi were dressed in ordinary clothes. They didn't think of superheroes at all. Superheroes either wore underwear outside or only had underwear for a day. The worst ones looked like A guy like Tony, who also has a pair of iron trousers, has the nerve to say that he is a superpower without wearing fancy clothes?

"If you don't dare to do it, you'll eat shit live! How about that?" Eddie stimulated the two of them.

"Huh? That won't work! What if we take away Killian's laboratory? We can't let you have sex for nothing, right?" Cheng Ying said happily. Some people wanted to eat shit, but he didn't force them.

"If I lose, I will eat shit on live broadcast!" Eddie sneered, who doesn't know how to bluff? Why can't you use superpowers?

"No fair, there are two of us, if we win, you have to eat double."

Eddie: "???"

Cheng Ying nodded: "The second cup is half price!"

Eddie: "?"

What kind of group of players are these?

"Okay! I want to see if you guys dare to go up and challenge me!" Eddie thought very well. He would lose if he destroyed this laboratory anyway. It was a laboratory guarded by brutal mercenaries. , where is it so easy to break through? Even if these two people really have super powers, it is almost impossible to be that strong. Otherwise, there is no need to lurk in. Wouldn't it be better to just break in?

"Yeah! I remember what you said. Just wait and eat a double portion!" Cheng Ying happily pulled the Ice Emperor and walked towards the direction of the laboratory. He was so close that he seemed to be able to hear the bursts of noise. A shrill scream.

The injection of the Extremis virus is very painful. Even if it is successful, it is likely to go out of control and explode on the spot. Therefore, even the actors who have adapted to the Extremis virus will be contained as dangerous weapons until needed. Activating in progress.

"I'm going! No! It's really over!" Eddie watched the two people strutting towards the direction of the laboratory, and couldn't help but regret a little. If the two of them were brave, the end would definitely be very miserable. If they were caught, The consequences would be unimaginable, and the two of them might even suffer irreversible damage.

But Eddie could only watch on the spot. He was just an ordinary person and couldn't do anything at all. He had previously investigated the remains of Killian's other laboratories. There were horrific explosion traces there, and there were even human figures on the walls. black traces,

Those were the traces left on the wall by people who were turned to ashes in an instant. This shows how dangerous the human experiment of Extremis virus is. If the experiment happens to fail, it is very likely that there will be no intact body.

However, the next moment, he was stunned, because he saw that Cheng Ying stretched out his hand a little, and all the walls and gates in front of him turned into powder in an instant, like fine sand, piled up on the ground, revealing an unobstructed path. The feeling of walking on this powder is like walking on snow.

"Who!" Killian, who was supervising the experiment, shouted. Although he had completed his transformation and almost perfectly adapted to the Extremis virus, he did not give up and continued the experiment. The Extremis virus still had room for improvement, but To this extent, there is no guarantee that killing Tony will repay all the humiliation he has brought to her.

Facing the sudden intruder, Killian did not panic. Although the Extremis virus still had room for improvement, it did not mean that the current Extremis virus was weak.

His body surface can easily emit thousands of degrees of heat, he is extremely powerful, and his reactions are very fast. He can also regenerate his limbs after severed limbs. His self-healing ability is comparable to that of a starfish. He can barely grow two of them with one cut. He is confident that even if he can't defeat him, he can Run away.

What's more, I still have many qualified people who have successfully experimented. It's just right to release them as cannon fodder at this time. If I can't beat them, they can still self-destruct.

Each of these guys is a humanoid C4, and the explosion power is comparable to that of a missile. It can easily level his laboratory to the ground. Only an "immortal" like him can survive the high temperature of the explosion.

Cheng Ying watched as four humans who were all red and looked like red buffs rushed towards him. It felt like they were going to shout, Allahu Akbar, at any moment!

"It's so hot! Annoying!"

The Ice Emperor hates this kind of hot enemy and shows no mercy. As soon as the four Extremis warriors infected with the Extremis virus rushed in front of her, they felt that their bodies could not move. Even if they tried their best to use the heat in their bodies, they could not break free. , and they felt that the heat in their bodies was passing away rapidly, and in less than a second, there was no trace left.

Their bodies were so cold that even their thoughts came to a standstill in the next moment, and turned into dust in the sky with the Ice Emperor's wave.

Killian is also a man who can bend and bend. When he saw the terrifying strength displayed by the Ice King, he immediately turned around and ran away without any intention of fighting.

But after he ran out of the laboratory, he felt why the corridor in front of him was so long, as if he could never reach the end no matter how hard he ran. Looking back, he saw that the distance between him and the two demons had not changed at all after running for so long. Far.

"It's your first time rubbing your hands against a wall. How was your experience?"

[To be continued]

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