Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 818 I wish you a happy life

After Eddie found evidence that the Life Foundation was conducting dangerous human experiments, he attempted to hand over the evidence to his editor-in-chief and expose the evidence.

His reports are so sharp, but he can still do well in the reporter industry. It is not difficult to see that his ability is actually pretty good. The editor-in-chief also took a fancy to this and did not fire him. But this time, the editor-in-chief was uncharacteristically , and had absolutely no intention of reporting his big news.

"Who is the informant?" his editor asked him in an almost pitiful tone.

"Actually, I don't have an informant, but my instinct tells me that he is very bad, and I..." Eddie couldn't say that he got the evidence from his girlfriend.

"We are not making a survival film in the wild. We don't need intuition. What we need is evidence, substantive accusations." The editor stood up, turned his back to Eddie, and looked down at the city below through the floor-to-ceiling windows: "Eddie, you Very smart, but in this case, you're stupid and you're fired! Have a nice life."

The last words of the editor-in-chief were exactly the same as what Drake said when he drove him away, as if he was full of malice towards him. There was no doubt that they were colluding, or that Drake only needed one word to make him lose job.

Eddie left the company in despair. When Americans lost their jobs, they often lost everything. They lacked savings, had no real estate, and were always overdrafting their future consumption. Losing his job was a nightmare for Eddie.

But even worse things were waiting for him later. As soon as he came downstairs, he saw his girlfriend holding luggage and walking angrily: "You are a sick narcissist, you just want to increase your presence! And stubborn as a jackass, but I'm willing to put up with it because I love you, Eddie!"

"What does it mean to have loved me?" Eddie had a bad feeling.

His girlfriend was silent for a long time, then suddenly threw her luggage on the ground: "What you did caused me to be fired. You took advantage of me."

She took off the ring on her finger, gave it back to Eddie, picked up her luggage and turned around to leave.

"Annie! Annie!" Eddie shouted in the direction his girlfriend left, but received no response.

While Eddie fell into a low point in his life, the Life Foundation also obtained the first batch of alien biological samples, which were slime-like existences in glass tubes. They could deform at will and use mucus to form Countless slime tentacles stuck to the glass surface, rolling and crawling.

When Derek saw them, his whole body became abnormal, as if he had seen an ancient god, admiring the perfection of alien creatures.

"The 36th experiment is the combination of two organisms. This organism seems to be combined with the organisms on the earth in order to adapt to the oxygen environment." A female researcher explained the phenomenon happening inside the tempered glass.

A lump of yellow-green disgusting mucus quickly crawled towards a rabbit. The rabbit as a test subject was unconsciously attached to the mucus, and then let the mucus penetrate into its body.

But this made the white fur on its body begin to change color, and something seemed to be flowing under the skin.

"But why is there such a strong rejection reaction between them?" Drake looked at the rabbit's various physiological functions displayed on the screen, which were rapidly declining.

"This is exactly what we want to know." The female researcher stared at the screen. The rabbit's various physical signs fluctuated, and unnatural lumps appeared under the body surface. But the goddess of luck seemed to be on the rabbit's side. After staggering a few steps, the rabbit began to become stable, and the data on the screen began to turn green.

"Successful! This is like an organ transplant, we need to find a suitable candidate." said the female researcher.

"If we integrate with them, we may be able to adapt to their environment. This is good news. I mean, we can prepare to start human experiments." Drake's ambitions are obviously not limited to the medical field.

The female researcher shook her head repeatedly: "No matter how you look at it, this is too hasty."

"Dr. Six,

You're on the brink of a technological breakthrough, and I hope you'll be brave, okay? "

"I understand, but this involves ethics and..." Sax still wanted to continue to persuade Drake to give up human experimentation.

"Think about our future generations, think about our children, how are your children doing? Prepare for human experiments! Happy work!" Drake was saying on the surface that alien creatures can help humans expand colonies and fight for future generations. Living space, but Dr. Six's expression froze because of this. This was Hong Guoguo's threat. If she did not cooperate with the experiment, the child lying on the experimental table would soon become her child.

After Drake left, two figures appeared out of thin air behind Dr. Six.

"What an interesting creature. It is obviously an organism, but its genetic material is completely different from DNA. It is actually in the form of energy, and it can also share databases. It seems that they actually have their own civilization and technology, but it is different from our cognition. Huge difference."

Chengying was very interested in sharing his understanding of these alien creatures with the Ice Emperor commentator. He had already judged so much just by looking at them, which shows the wealth of information that can be obtained with atomic-level perception.

"If you say that, it will be difficult for us to capture a few of them and raise them! If we capture one, wouldn't they all know about it?" Ice Emperor looked at the squirming creatures inside through the tempered glass: "It's so disgusting, I really don't want to Merge with them.”

"It depends on whether they cooperate. Just like when we go online, our mobile phones will not upload everything captured by the camera to the Internet. That is our privacy."

"Does this kind of thing have privacy?" Ice Emperor complained.

"Of course, don't think of them as wild animals just because they look like ooze monsters. They are intelligent creatures, and their level of civilization is higher than that of humans on this planet. The only difference lies in their life forms."

The two people's unbridled conversation finally made Dr. Six in front of them unable to sit still. However, the content of the conversation between the two people was so unbelievable that she was stunned for a while and forgot to question.

"Who are you, and why do you appear in the company's important place!" Dr. Six showed a vigilant expression. No one knows better than her that this place is heavily guarded. Not even a fly can fly in, but that's about it?

Two strange living people suddenly appeared here and told a lot of information about alien creatures. Although I don't know whether it is true or not, it is already quite weird.

Cheng Ying looked at the woman in front of him, recalling her ending, and couldn't help but shake his head: "You'd better leave this company, Derek will kill you."

[To be continued]

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