Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 828 Incorporation

"See you soon Douluo ()"

The social activities of symbionts are extremely dependent on the host. Without the host, most of their industrial systems will be paralyzed. After all, you can't expect a group of soft slime monsters to control the machinery. It would be too difficult to control the machine. .

The slave race production factory of the hell paratroopers targeted trap symbiotes. Not every host can be a perfect match for the symbiotes. When the host is not strong enough, it will often die quickly due to the parasitism of the symbiotes.

In order to supply the living needs of a large number of symbionts, the symbionts established biochemical factories to produce cloned hosts, which are their slave races.

A race that lacks intelligence and is born to be parasitized. Symbiotes who are proficient in life sciences are very efficient in cloning. In some aspects, they have to surpass the current level of tulips, so that they can supply the needs of the entire race for hosts.

On earth, the criteria for evaluating whether an era is a good era are often based on whether the people have enough to eat and clothing, and the average life span of the people.

Symbiotes are different. When they evaluate the quality of an era, they often use how many symbiotes can have a host and how strong the host is as a criterion.

From the database of symbiotes, Cheng Ying learned that in ancient times when technology was still underdeveloped, few symbiotes of this race could obtain hosts, and there would even be dozens or hundreds of symbiotes taking turns using one host.

As symbionts that have difficulty eating independently, it is conceivable how inefficient the production of dozens of individuals sharing a host would be. This is like early humans getting rid of hunting and gathering and starting planting, but the average life span has been reduced. It seems similar. The phenomenon is ubiquitous in civilization.

The development of productivity does not seem to be directly related to people's living standards. There will always be several stages when productivity develops rapidly but people's living standards are extremely low.

Just like the carvings on the monument to the Great Depression, give civilization to time, rather than time to civilization, but even if you understand this truth, a similar process is still unavoidable.

Cheng Ying shook his head and shook this strange thought out of his mind. At least so far, he had not encountered a similar bottleneck of civilization.

The Helltroopers are very efficient. In order to achieve the goal of killing as few symbiotes as possible, they could not help but occupy the factories that produce slave races, as well as energy plants and most communication facilities, even if the symbiotes can integrate technology in However, when they lose the host supply, it will become increasingly difficult for them to display these technological powers, and eventually they will degenerate into ooze monsters that can be slaughtered by others.

The living space of symbionts is being compressed step by step, and more and more symbionts have lost their hosts. As mentioned above, symbionts often evaluate the quality of an era based on whether they can obtain a host.

As for the current situation, it is obvious that the government can no longer maintain its rule. The symbiote is like a refugee from a famine, attacking the building equivalent to the Capitol. The government does not dare to violently suppress it, which will only cause worse consequences and further chaos. Spread, the evil nature of intelligent creatures is revealed, and it seems to be their instinct to shirk responsibility. The official incompetence is written down by some symbionts, and the alien invaders become the messengers of justice to save them.

After the Hell Paratroopers released hosts one after another and took in the fleeing symbiotes, such calls became more intense. Many symbiotes had completely forgotten that it was this group of invaders that put them in the predicament they were in. They criticized the officials one after another and sneaked across. Blockade line, contact with Tulip's garrison, obtain host to re-parasitize.

More and more symbionts are beginning to betray their race. There is no way. If they cannot obtain a host for a long time, the symbionts will fall asleep or even die. Their long and comfortable life has made them accustomed to the days of unlimited supply of hosts. Tips that keep hosts alive longer have long since been selectively eliminated from their gene pool.

To use a human analogy, modern people who have never experienced hunger,

I can't stand it after being hungry for two or three days.

More and more symbiotes escaped, forcing the official to take coercive measures, leading to the death of some symbiotes. Among the many symbiotes, the undercover symbiotes who had actually been instigated by the political commissar began to act strangely, leading public opinion to criticize the official. His incompetence has pulled out the past black history one by one. Whether it is related to the defeat or not, whether it is really the official incompetence of the symbiote, it is all placed on the head of the official.

For a time, the crowd was excited. Their hatred for this official who dared to attack one of their own even surpassed their hatred for the intruder. The official's credibility once plummeted to the freezing point. It lost its factory, could not provide a host, and its final inventory was exhausted. , the government finally could no longer restrain his symbiote people. As the people's sentiments changed, independently organized puppet armies began to appear, forming organized garrison troops who defected to Tulip.

Cheng Ying did not intend to let his army take action. He would arm the puppet army with hosts, distribute brand new equipment, and then let the puppet army personally collect symbiotes from other areas.

Although there are still many symbiotes who are diehards who refuse to surrender, and even resist with homemade biomass bombs, causing some casualties, these are only a few people, and these people cannot be absorbed without a doubt. , just take this opportunity to clean out all the patriots and racists in the symbiote.

The rest are all soft persimmons that can be tried for assimilation. However, if you want to truly safely use another intelligent creature as a means of strengthening civilized individuals, you still have to conduct experiments.

There is no doubt that the Douluo Continent is the most suitable testing ground. Although after the invasion of the reincarnation space, various countries are suspicious of each other and think it is a dirty trick played by the other party, but in the end it is only a small-scale friction.

Amid the spread of the spar disease and the large-scale organized uprising of civilians, the strategic centers of all major powers are focused on maintaining stability, and they are all accumulating strength, waiting for whoever reveals their flaws first to deal a fatal blow to the other party.

At this time, the intervention of the symbiont will undoubtedly be an excellent opportunity.

The direction Cheng Ying chose to intervene was naturally the Soul Beast Empire. Compared with humans, Soul Beasts have much more vigorous vitality and are more suitable for combination with symbionts. In addition, the Soul Beast Empire is more powerful than the various Yao Mozi in the Tiandou and Xingluo, the two empires, are much more peaceful and are the most suitable as pilots. As for the two empires also wanting symbiotes, that can naturally be discussed. The symbiotes just sent there may not be well-trained. It might come back to bite the owner.

[To be continued]

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