Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 837 I have special torture techniques

"See you soon Douluo ()"

"Damn it! Your fleet finally found those crazy people! How are we going to get there? You don't want your fleet to fly back to pick us up!" Although Tony's technical ability is strong, he has never been exposed to the technology tree of super-light navigation. , if you fly over by yourself, it will take years and months.

"Ah! This is simple, just teleport over. Before going over, let me introduce the situation to you.

The place we are going to is called Vat Alheim, one of the nine kingdoms. Our earth is Midgard, and theoretically it is also one of the jurisdictions of Asgard. However, although we belong to the nine kingdoms, Only after a Supreme Mage emerged, whose strength was not inferior to that of Odin, did it become an independent planet.

As for Watt Alheim, it is the country where the dark elves live. Many years ago, the dark elves had a battle with Asgard. With the power of the ether, they almost defeated Asgard, but later the ether was destroyed. Taken away, the Dark Elves weakened and were defeated by Asgard, leaving only a mothership and a small number of tribesmen surviving.

The ether was hidden by Asgard in the cracks in space. Only when the nine kingdoms coincide and the nine stars are connected, will the space cracks open and the ether will see the light of day again.

The leader of the dark elves, Malekith, intends to take advantage of the opportunity to seize the ether and complete his great ambition to return the nine kingdoms to darkness.

If he succeeds, then you can basically say goodbye to human civilization. Without light, human beings will basically die within a month.

Our mission is to find Malekith before he executes his plan, kill him before he gets the ether, and take down the Dark Elf mothership as well.

Among the dark elves, it is worth noting that they may have cursed warriors. They are super thugs summoned by sacrificing their tribesmen. They look like tauren. Although they have no special abilities, I am not sure whether you can defeat them. he.

The other is the minions of the dark elves. Although their minions are physically stronger than humans, it is not a big problem for you. The key is their weapons, super powerful weapons called black hole grenades.

The specific power is definitely not as exaggerated as a black hole, but most materials within the explosion range will collapse into a very small point. Even if your suit can resist it, your body will find it difficult to resist, so try not to Try to eat the black hole grenade.

If you can, grab more and get it back. If you can reverse engineer it, you will make a lot of money. Such a small gravity generator must contain quite useful black technology. "

After Cheng Ying had almost finished the popular science, he also took Tony to an open area.

"Make sure you have packed your luggage, such as your armor and your underwear." Cheng Ying reminded her for the last time.

"Although I appreciate your concern, please don't compare underwear with my armor." Tony said angrily.

"I think it's about the same. I heard that you showed a girl how to pee in a steel suit at a private party, and you showed an expression of enjoyment after peeing. I really want to know, don't you even need to shake after peeing? Of?"

Tony: "..."

Damn it! What is this pervert thinking about every day?

"It's still not possible to teleport. Concentrate and don't send me to space." Tony changed the subject. When he designed the suit, he indeed forgot to consider the issue of men having to shake after going to the toilet. Party. At that time, because I was wearing iron trousers, it was impossible to shake, and it was simply unbearable to look back.

Cheng Ying did not continue to tease, a blue light appeared in his hand, and he communicated with the fleet to confirm the coordinates. Then the blue light flashed and the three of them disappeared.

The Ice King appeared at the teleportation site like a ghost, and when he came inside the spacecraft, he suddenly found that there was another person behind him. Tony was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground.

"Damn it, why is your guy walking silently! He scared me to death!" Tony patted his chest, regretting for the first time how he had dismantled the reactor on his chest.

If you have a heart of steel, you will definitely not be scared, probably...

"How's it going? My spaceship is quite big. You can play around on the ship as you like, or sleep on the ship when you're tired. It's no problem!" Cheng Ying took Tony around the spaceship and said enthusiastically that it was okay. Play.

Tony always felt that Cheng Ying's words had other meanings, but even Jarvis couldn't analyze what the problem was.

"Let's get down to business first! Didn't you say there is news about the dark elves? According to a doctor who was caught while streaking, the time when the nine kingdoms will reunite is not far away. We'd better find the dark elves' mothership quickly. .”

"That's right, we did capture a dark elf. He should be a scout. He was captured by us driving a small ship. Now we are trying to find ways to get information from him." Cheng Ying came in person this time. , also for this reason.

Although the minds of dark elves are not much stronger than humans, they are surprisingly difficult to deal with. They will shrink their consciousness, making it extremely difficult to read. Even Cheng Ying has a hard time reading effective information, just like A book with millions of words, all the words are piled on one line. Even if someone can see through it and see through the cover, what they see is a line of dark, almost filled black bars. If you want to start from It's extremely difficult to get useful information out there.

"Does he need some external stimulation to let him let go of his mind?" Tony frowned. He didn't have a deep understanding of the mind, otherwise Jarvis wouldn't be artificially mentally retarded.

"It's actually not as troublesome as you think. In short, it's torture that makes him unable to concentrate and maintain this shielded state.

There is no need to cause him much pain, just distract him. Of course, it would be better if he could directly beg for mercy and explain the situation. "

Chengying has no special research on torture. Of course, things like "Torture of the Witch" don't count. Chengying said that he is an expert in this aspect...

Tony heard this and was eager to try: "Let me try too. Your health system must be reliable! Don't let him die!"

Cheng Ying nodded, saying that in a room made of a large amount of living things' gold, it would be difficult for him to die.

"Then I'll take action. Do you have a dog or cat on your spaceship? Get me two!"

After Tony said that, Cheng Ying had a bad premonition that this guy was probably not going to use that trick.

Sure enough, Tony came to the tied captive, took off its shoes, took out milk and a brush from the storage tool, brushed the soles of the captive's feet, and then released the two licking dogs...

Cheng Ying: "..."

Damn it! Too cruel……

[To be continued]

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