Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 854 Abandoning literature and embracing martial arts

The strength shown by Cheng Ying completely frightened the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms. Even though he had stopped outputting power, the sphere suspended on the sea still formed a strange weightless zone between the sea and the sphere.

A large amount of seawater is suspended in mid-air and condensed into spherical water droplets. The scene is dreamy and strange.

That is the effect of the huge gravitational force of the sphere itself. If you want to rely on pure mass to produce a gravitational influence visible to the naked eye on the planet, its density must be quite terrifying.

Although the thing Cheng Ying created is still different from the water drop, it is already similar. Simply relying on the gravity control ability of the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki, it is impossible to overcome the electromagnetic force between atomic nuclei. He also learned about atoms. Only after you have control can you do it by force.

At this time, it was more than enough to scare the Tiandou Empire.

"You don't really think that if I die once, I can get rid of the shadow of Tulip! From today on, I am Tulip!"

The words "I am Tulip" have been wildly reproduced by major media. Duke Tulip has returned to the world, abandoned literature and embraced martial arts. The strongest man in the mainland may change hands.

For a time, public opinion surged, and countless netizens rushed to discuss who was stronger, the resurrected Duke Tulip or the Star Luo Emperor who defeated the invincible Quiba.

Countless people argue fiercely on the Internet, and many times they even quarrel over who is stronger, just like crazy fans fighting over their idols.

Among them, everyone in the Star Luo Empire is a die-hard fan of Dai Huanyu. They believe that Dai Huanyu defeated the invincible Kuiba. Kuiba once defeated ten thousand people with one, and he was not an army of ten thousand, but the strongest among the ten thousand Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms. , is worthy of being invincible in the world, and the Xingluo Emperor who can defeat him should be the new number one in the world.

As for the Duke of Tulip, they had a little more trouble. Emperor Xingluo defeated Kuiba by borrowing Duke Tulip's legacy. Without the Watcher's artifact, the Spear of Longinus, Emperor Xingluo was no match for Kuiba.

On the other hand, Chengying's fans believe that Chengying can easily suppress the vast sea of ​​mysterious energy that makes up the symbiosis, which proves that he is not much weaker than the Yun Qi symbiosis, and Dai Huanyu has no intention of challenging the symbiosis. It has been proven that he is no match for the symbiote, and it goes without saying that he is strong or weak.

Fans of Emperor Xingluo said that Duke Tulip had no real achievements at all, and his strength was extremely vague. How could the cloud and gas symbiosis that had dispersed into the vast sea of ​​profound energy be comparable to the original cloud and gas symbiosis.

There was a lot of quarrel on the Internet, and finally we came to the conclusion that we should let Emperor Xingluo and Duke Tulip have a fight, and we will know who is stronger after a fight.

Seeing that the public opinion on the Internet was developing in this direction, Dai Huanyu almost fell off the throne.

Shadiao netizens don’t know how perverted Cheng Ying is, why would he not know? He even suspected that the tulips' extinguishment was a deliberate illusion.

He had checked the high-density sphere on the seabed. The density was simply terrifying. Just by sinking to the bottom of the sea, it would release terrible radiation. The destroyed atoms would release deadly fluctuations all the time.

That kind of thing, let alone making it, would be under great pressure even if it was close to it. That place would probably become a desert in the future because of the existence of that radiation.

Let him duel with Cheng Ying? Why not let him die? When he participated in the Continental Senior Soul Master Soul Fighting Competition,

Cheng Yingdu is already the famous Tulip Duke, the organizer of the competition.

At that time, the team he led didn't even make it to the finals, and couldn't even beat Cheng Ying's disciples. Why did he still fight against Cheng Ying? I'm afraid I'm not looking for death.

On the other side, when Cheng Ying saw these public opinions, he just thought they were funny. It felt like a group of military fans seriously discussing who would be destroyed first during the Cold War, or a group of history fans discussing who would win in a fight between Qin and Rome.

It seems that the evidence listed is clear and logical, and it seems to be true. Without knowing both sides personally, these are just nonsense. Maybe the fight is completely one-sided.

"Hmph! Look how proud you are, the corners of your mouth are almost reaching your ears! Howl!" Ice Emperor snatched the newspaper and threw it into the retro-designed fireplace.

"What? Are you envious?"

"No... no! Who would envy you! You may not be able to beat me!" Ice Emperor crossed his arms and said angrily.

Upon hearing this, Cheng Ying immediately took out the dark Best Metal: "How about we give it a try?"

"No! You're cheating! Don't use containment objects!" Ice Emperor stamped his feet angrily, holding the Best Metal Cheng Ying to no avail. Not even a black hole could destroy his turtle shell.

"Hehe! I'm obviously jealous!" Cheng Ying grabbed Ice Emperor and held her in his arms like a doll. He stretched out his hand to pinch her cheeks and pulled her into a bun.

"Let go! Let go quickly!" Ice Emperor waved his short hand in protest.

"It's easy to become famous! Let's hold the world's best martial arts conference! The continent's senior soul masters' soul fighting competition is no longer interesting. There are demigods from all over the world. Watching a group of soul emperors and soul saints fighting is like It's like watching kids fight, it's so boring!

When the time comes, as long as you win the championship, won't you be the well-deserved number one in the world? How about it? "

"Eh? Wouldn't it be troublesome to hold such a large-scale competition temporarily? Besides, the Marvel world is also very busy! I..." Ice King waved his hands to avoid it.

"Marvel's things are not as important as your happiness. Well... I'm actually very lazy. I only take one step at a time. I really like the starry sky universe, but compared to being a pan-dimensional master, the emperor of the multiverse, etc., I I also yearn to travel around the world with the people I like, see various races and civilizations, and experience their food and scenery.

When you are tired, find a planet to live in seclusion. When you are bored, continue your journey. There are too many universes and too many planes for us to travel. We may not be able to visit them all in our lifetime. I do not expect eternal life, because there is endless life. It will destroy human nature. I just want to go to the end of life with you, just like in the mythical stories in my hometown, the bodies blend together, turn into trees, and continue walking in another form.

These days, I have become a little impatient. The doomsday cycle of civilization makes me breathless. The scale of the God-killing fleet is getting bigger and bigger, and the fighting power of the square dance aunt is getting more and more insane, but I still cannot escape the shadow of the reincarnation of civilization.

But recently I suddenly figured out, so what about the disaster of civilization, wouldn’t the world transformed by Dzi Beads also survive? The worst we can do is break away from civilization and just walk away. The disaster is affecting the entire civilization, so how can I alone be able to withstand it? Just do your best and have a clear conscience. I asked myself that I am not a hero. In that case, why don't I believe in the heroes born in tulips?

I would also like to thank the man named Smith Jianguo who combined Chinese and Western medicine. If it hadn’t been for him, I might not have been able to realize that even without me, heroes would have emerged. "

[To be continued]

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