Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 856 Ecological Reshaping

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Ice Emperor's live broadcast shocked many fans. The number of people in the live broadcast room skyrocketed, reaching five million in a short time. The news of Tulip's return also spread across the mainland like a virus.

Space-based weapons have returned to Douluo, and the Sword of Damocles that once hung over the heads of various countries has returned to their heads again. Some people are scared and some are happy.

What is frightening are the people who once divided up Tulip's heritage and invaded Tulip's territory. Although it was a moderate country, being gentle did not mean that it could not kill people. No one could stand a blow to the head from a space-based weapon.

In contrast, ordinary people who suffered from the war, especially ordinary people living on the border, rejoiced because of it. The years when Tulip threatened the mainland were almost the calmest years on the continent. Tulip was busy fighting off the group of atmospheric creatures flying in the sky, but the mainland did not dare to act rashly because of its military suppression and economic dominance.

Now, Tulip is back, and this peace-loving but powerful country is back. Perhaps under their deterrence, the mainland will usher in long-lasting peace.

Fans who were following the live broadcast room were curious about what the Ice Emperor wanted to do. The seventy-two "Demon Pillars" that landed were obviously not weapons. Although they each smashed mushroom clouds one by one, they had obviously carried out some training before landing. Pushing forward in reverse, the power is much smaller than hitting the ground directly.

From the bird's-eye view of the drone, the Ice Emperor saw with satisfaction that the "Demon God Pillar" formed a circle with a radius of a hundred miles, covering most of the ruins of the Silvis Kingdom.

"Activate the neutron capture force field and start clearing the radiation in the site!" The Ice Emperor issued the order. The seventy-two "Demon Pillars" themselves are an ecological cycle system.

It is mainly used to achieve ecological colonization on planets with harsh natural environments. Some planets are close to stars or have been too close to stars, and a large amount of radioactive substances have accumulated on their surfaces. The ecological cycle system must remove these substances to ensure the life and health of immigrants.

Although Tulip's general physical fitness is not afraid of radiation at all, living in a radiation area for a long time is likely to cause greasy skin, acne, split ends, yellowing of hair and many other inconveniences. Tulip's standard ecological cycle system will still be cleaned regularly. radioactive material.

By the way, the above functions were added after many protests from the sub-district office of the 13th block of Mercury Equator where Tulip was stationed...

As the radioactive material was rapidly released under the strange force field, the ground throughout the ruins of the Silvis Kingdom began to become hotter, and the air was distorted by the heat. It was an effect similar to that of a microwave oven.

After dealing with the radiation, Ice Emperor and Cheng Ying left the circular area. This place will soon become extremely unsuitable for survival, because soon there will be an ecological reshaping here, and the microorganisms living here will all be in the ecological environment. He was killed during the remodeling, but fortunately, radiation is everywhere here all year round. Except for a few desert scorpions and cacti in Shilezhi, there are almost no living things.

As the two people left, the Demon God Pillar began to release high-frequency shock waves, shaking all the soil in the area into powder. If the cloud-gas symbiote dared to step into this area, it would definitely die instantly.

In the strong vibration, everything in the circular area was shattered into particles no larger than one millimeter, and all the energy of the vibration was converted into internal energy, heating the entire desert to a high temperature of more than 500 degrees. This will Kills almost all microorganisms, at least carbon-based ones.

This is also for the convenience of space colonization. Colonizing a living planet is far more troublesome than imagined, just like the ancient Western colonists on Earth. They brought plague to the New World and almost wiped out the Aztecs, and they Diseases such as syphilis were also brought back from the New World.

When different ecosystems come into contact, these microorganisms are often the first to cause trouble. They are invisible and intangible. Even if they are powerful, they are likely to be infected, because most of the things that really kill patients are not the pathogens themselves, but us. An overreactive immune system is powerful, but it does not mean that the immune system will have its own intelligence. Facing some special pathogens may even be more troublesome than ordinary people.

This is all valuable experience gained by the pioneers in interstellar colonization with blood and tears. Of course, dealing with the microorganisms at the ruins of the Silvis Kingdom is just a casual act. Although the microorganisms here are not as dangerous as those from aliens or even other worlds, they are However, it has mutated in the radiation area for such a long time, and it may still cause troublesome plagues. For a spirit fighting arena that has to receive a large number of spectators, plagues are definitely quite troublesome.

As the soil was shattered and heated, a strange plain scene appeared within a radius of a hundred miles. The entire plain was so flat that it looked like an endless lake made of sand, without any ripples on the surface.

"The clouds are being captured, and preparations for artificial rainfall are complete." A mechanical voice was played from the terminal. In fact, compared to the rigid mechanical voice, the terminal has already been able to simulate human speech. It is no problem to be a sweet lady, gentle and warm man. In fact It doesn't take much technology to get there.

However, Cheng Ying and Bing Di chose the electronic sound of the initial template in order to compete with others. This sound sounded more sci-fi and gave people the illusion that they were very powerful.

In fact, this is also the case. The live broadcast effect of electronic music is perfect. Fans marvel at Tulip's awesome technology. After being hidden for so many years, it still crushes the entire continent. It even feels like the gap is even wider.

The Tiandou and Xingluo military forces were holding an emergency meeting to discuss how to deal with the earthquake attack just now, which shook everything within a hundred miles into dust less than a millimeter. In their view, it was an extremely terrifying strategic attack.

What would be done if the Demonic Pillar surrounded not the desert but their capital city.

Each and every one of the bricklayers shouted at the beasts, their faces were red, their faces were red and their necks were thick, but they could not come up with this feasible solution. It seemed that with their current technical level, all they could do was to take a small number of people and flee in panic. This is A frustrating result. Tulip's new space-based weapons have devastating strategic strike capabilities, which is much more troublesome than the previous battles that could only rely on mass weapons.

It's a pity that their guesses are too far from reality. In fact, what the Demonic Pillar did was not an attack at all. In order not to accidentally hurt the immigrants, the seismic waves used civilian power. If there were any Tulip residents who were stranded within the range by mistake, , and at most he was shocked and confused for a while.

The ecological reshaping continued, and the clouds pulled over by the tractor beam began to rain. The heavy rain moistened the loose and dry soil, and the Demonic Pillar projected a small number of plant seeds toward the surface.

[To be continued]

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