Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 858: The No. 1 Martial Arts Conference in the World

The news of Tulip's comeback and the holding of the world's best martial arts tournament spread as fast as a virus to this planet that has been in the flames of war for many years.

This news is like the first time in Greek history that Athens held a sports meeting to replace the war. Although it is an unrealistic idea, although it does not conform to the laws of general social development, although it is as fragile and unreal as a dream.

But people are willing to believe that this game can bring about a peaceful future, just like knowing that the end of the universe will be heat death amid increasing entropy, life is still tenaciously going against entropy, and never tires of it. .

There is no need to be reasonable in doing something, because life itself is the biggest miracle in the universe! No matter how impossible it is, it is nothing compared to a bunch of messy atoms spontaneously forming a self-replicating life.

Smith Jianguo was originally in seclusion. He had become the secret weapon of the Star Luo Empire. A powerful man with the strength of a demigod at the level of a titled Douluo. If he broke through level 100, he might be able to reach a whole new level.

The empire required him to practice in seclusion before he could break through level 100. He should go into seclusion in a special high-concentration soul power environment. However, the seclusion did not block the network signal, so he got the news about the world's best martial arts conference. He immediately He broke through and used his social account to post information about his participation in the competition without the permission of the empire's senior officials.

As a new powerful person in the Star Luo Empire, his popularity is also quite high. In addition, Cheng Ying secretly guided public opinion. His heroic deeds and the whale-crying agreement with Qianxun have become almost a household name on the mainland.

At least in the Star Luo Empire and the Soul Beast Empire, he is an absolute hero, and he is the kind of hero full of legend. He has stepped into the first rank in the mainland from an unknown leader.

There are countless people on the mainland who are looking forward to his performance. After all, he is the only known titled Douluo who has obtained a million-year soul ring and soul bone.

Even in the Tiandou Empire, Smith Jianguo has a high reputation. The lure of the symbiote did not cause more casualties, but saved many naval officers from fighting the symbiote. In addition, Qianxun in his story is from the Tiandou Empire. He made the people of the hostile Tiandou Empire have a good impression of him.

By the way, Qianxun also has a group of fans of her own. Even if her heavy metal music is not acceptable to everyone, there is a group of people who can match her radio waves after all...

Public opinion has become the protective umbrella of Smith's founding. With the Soul Beast Empire firmly supporting Smith's founding, even if the Star Luo Empire wants to temporarily change its propaganda caliber, it is already too late. What's more, the online world is the territory of the Soul Beast Empire, and all its members It is simply cruel for handsome men and beautiful women to engage in public opinion wars with foreign races.

"Your Majesty...the leader of Jianguo has privately announced his participation in the competition. We..." Star Luo Military Minister looked at Dai Huanyu with an ugly face to report the situation. It was not just Smith Jianguo, there was already a demigod and several titled Douluo in the name of peace. Even among the rebels who have been besieged and suppressed, there are strong men who have activated Kaleidoscope and Bloody Hands. They have declared to participate, and have been protected in the Silvis Great Soul Fighting Arena. Even the combined attacks of the legions cannot defeat the fighting spirit. The field's shield showed the slightest ripple, which could no longer be explained by a simple technical generation difference.

Dai Huanyu sighed: "Put away all the little tricks! That guy is really back, so don't try any tricks to embarrass yourself in front of him. That old guy Xue Ye should have some idea in his mind. He doesn't dare to do anything to Jianguo. , unless he wants his Tiandou City to become the next Tiandou Great Soul Arena.

Communicate with Smith Jianguo and tell him that the empire supports him and will assign him a set of biomass mechas, and also announce to the whole country that I will also participate in the competition. "

"Your Majesty, please think twice!" The Minister of Military Affairs shook his hand and almost dropped the Da in his hand to the ground. If the report to the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference is successful, the mainland will probably usher in long-term peace. By then, he, a military official, will Although the minister is not useless, his authority will definitely be greatly reduced.

Dai Huanyu heard this,

There was no direct response, but another topic: "Do you remember Project E381?"

"Remember, Your Majesty tried to break through the atmosphere and reach space with his own personal power. The closest he came to success was to reach low-Earth orbit, but he had to return because of the thinness of the soul power in space. Why did Your Majesty say this?"

"Don't you understand? What we have been unable to do so far, Tulip did it sixty years ago. Look up at the stars more often! Those who cannot keep up with the times will be eliminated sooner or later. Recognize the reality, we No one can take down the Return Star. It is more powerful and more advanced than the previous Watcher. The next era is destined to be an era of peace, so what we have to consider is how to catch up as soon as possible in peace. bridge the gap between us.

Have you forgotten the tragedy of the Star Luo First Republic? After all, formal changes and forced compromises are just a remnant of the old era. Today's Douluo Continent is no longer the continent where everything can be solved by relying on machinations and personal bravery. "

In the Tiandou Empire, the white-haired Chen Qin looked at his sword and was silent for a long time. He was the first human strongman to reach the level of a demigod. God-level attack power.

But after all, he is an old man from the previous era. He missed the best age for cultivation and failed to catch up with the recovery of his soul power. He has been stuck at level ninety-nine for fifty years and has never been able to break through. Even though his sword intention has always been As he progressed, many demigods did not dare to fight him head-on, but the limitations of his soul power eventually forced him to face a reality.

He is already too old. The human body has its limits. Without breaking through to the level of demigod, his lifespan will be difficult to exceed 200 years. The hidden wounds from his youth are infinitely magnified on this old body. He can feel that his life is... There isn't much left.

"Father! You are going to participate in the world's best martial arts tournament!" Chen Xinfeng rushed in furiously. Although he is nearly fifty years old and has reached the level of a demigod, he still gets irritable when he encounters problems with his father. Like a child.

"Yes! Why, you look down on my old bones?" Chen Qin gently placed the sword on the ground, but there was no trace of the sharpness of a swordsman on his body, but instead he was as peaceful as blending into nature.

"There are only a few strong men in the Tiandou Empire. If I, an old man like me, don't take action, won't I be looked down upon by those beasts like Xingluo?"

"But your body..."

"What's the point of sitting here, even if I can live for ten thousand years?" The long sword disappeared silently, and the old figure also disappeared in the courtyard.

[To be continued]

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