Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 860 Immortal Realm

With the surge in the number of registrations, this unprecedented Great Holy Gathering in the entire continent also opened at the site of the Silvis Empire.

Cheng Ying delivered a speech at the opening ceremony on behalf of the former Tulip Principality. Although it was only a principality in name, everyone in the continent knew its importance. There must be something wrong with thinking that Tulip was really a principality.

In the center of the huge spirit fighting arena, a kilometer-high holographic projection appeared. Only this size could allow the audience surrounding the spirit fighting arena to see the speech.

"I haven't appeared in public for a long time. I guess everyone knows that I don't like ink very much, so just say a few words!" Cheng Ying waved to the audience and players around the venue.

"Everyone must know how cruel the wars on the mainland have been over the years, and there must be family members here who have died in the war. If I tell you to give up your grudges and live in peace, then I think too highly of myself.

I think if I don’t let you have a happy fight, you will definitely not be able to get away with it, so I organized this competition. Any grievances and grudges you have will be settled here. Don’t go outside and make fun of innocent people. Anyway, I clearly tell you that here In the fighting spirit field, no one can beat someone to death, so just try your best.

Even if you meet your colleagues, you can safely use your killing moves. Even if you beat them to ashes, you can still revive them in this field.

I know that a game is not enough for all countries to put down their hatred, so I will turn this field into a land of immortality. After the game is over, Silvis Grand Soul Arena will be permanently open, and everyone can come here. Vent negative emotions, but don't bring any of the grudges out with you.

As for now... I announce that the first World No. 1 Martial Arts Conference has officially begun. You can try your best to kill people in this field. "

Cheng Ying didn't press too hard, but the amount of information in these few sentences was astonishing enough. They could still understand the power that turned hundreds of miles into powder, but this realm of immortality was too outrageous.

They had never heard of such a field. According to legend, only the Blue Silver Emperor had immortal soul skills, and that was not true immortality, but that he would not die as long as the Blue Silver Grass did not become extinct.

Immediately, there were soul masters who did not believe in evil and were ready to try. Among the imperial representatives participating in the competition, there were naturally dead warriors from various countries. This group of people were also fierce. One of them wiped his neck and sprayed blood on the face of the people next to him, frightening the people nearby. There was a commotion in the audience.

But soon an even more astonishing scene happened. The apparently dead man slowly levitated, with tiny points of light merging into his body, and the hideous wound on his neck disappeared almost in the blink of an eye.

Even the dead soldier himself didn't react and was still touching his neck in shock when he landed again.

"Am I not dead?" His consciousness has obviously been interrupted, and he should be completely dead, but now he is alive and kicking again. The only thing that can prove that he has died once is probably the blood stains on his body.

"Hey, hey, hey! Those who committed suicide in the auditorium! The system has recorded your identity information! You must pay the fine within a week! Fighting is not allowed in the auditorium, and suicide is not allowed! Do you know that cleaning the blood stains is better than giving them to others? It's troublesome for you to resurrect!" Cheng Ying's painful voice came from the loudspeaker, making the audience smile for a while, and soon an autonomous robot came to clean up the blood stains.

There was a robot with relatively low AI that held up a section of intestines and asked the soldier who committed seppuku, "This is your intestines. Do you still want them? I also collected your blood and asked me to help you fill it." Blood sausage?”

Death Soldier: "??"

God damn blood sausage? Who dares to eat this! What kind of robot is this? I'm afraid there's something wrong with my brain.

There are more than one robots with weird AI, but this one is pretty good. Some dead soldiers looked at the robot and held their own brains in their own skulls and asked if they wanted to add some Zilan, and they smoked it on the spot.

This is not to blame for these robots. The material foundation determines culture and morality. In the eyes of Douluo people, cannibalism is already quite unreasonable.

Not to mention eating yourself, that is simply something that even a lunatic would not do.

But for the residents of Tulip, eating their own flesh is not a big deal. Everyone carries a small life force field created by a small piece of living gold, and ordinary limb injuries can basically be healed instantly.

The nanomachines in the body can easily control the human body's senses and cut off the sense of pain. When there is no sense of pain, cutting off one's own limbs is a bit of a curiosity at best.

As for the custom of eating oneself, it actually originated from a few dead people who were too lazy to go out. They felt that the takeout was too slow, so they gave themselves a knife, so they started eating meat. Eating was not their physiological need. , is just a kind of entertainment, so whether it can replenish energy for the body becomes the least important point.

By the way, they posted a video of cooking their own limbs on the Internet. In the context of an era when a body could grow out of the neck even if the head was cut off, the video went viral, and the custom became popular.

After official deliberations, it was found that there was no need to ban it, only that it was prohibited to cut more than one-tenth of a body's mass of substances at one time.

It's just that the Douluo people's world view is obviously very different from that of Tulip. The robot habitually asks these suicidal guys whether they want to waste their bodies, but it frightens them so much that they almost swipe away.

Being able to commit suicide for the sake of his master is one thing, but being able to watch his body being made into dishes without changing his expression is completely another concept.

Compared with their discomfort, the representatives from various countries were in shock. The technology contained in the immortal realm was simply terrifying. They could not even understand it. Even the gods in their imaginations did not have such authority.

"Actually, it's not that exaggerated!" Ice Emperor muttered in a low voice: "If we really don't die, we won't be invincible."

"Haha! That's why you have to fool them! How is it possible not to die? The universe is facing heat death. How can people not die? Unless the settings can be fundamentally changed, how can they not die?

What covers the arena is nothing more than the life force field and the atomic control field. At their level of fighting, in most cases they can use the life force field to heal themselves. In rare cases, they can also use atomic control to reshape their bodies. They look as if they are immortal. That's pretty much it, no one can see it anyway.

hey-hey! Just in time to scare the group of peeping toms above. I wonder what the expressions of those guys hiding in the God Realm are now. I guess it must be very exciting! Immortal! This is something even a god would pursue. "

[To be continued]

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