Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 874 The Discovery of the God of Space

For the gods in the divine world, space is still a dangerous and unknown area. Being locked in one place for tens of millions of years has almost exhausted their spirit of exploration.

For them, the dangerous, desolate and devoid of life in space is far more attractive than being connected by different spaces. Other planets close at hand are more attractive.

This is also their sad place. The twisted space connects many planets together, which greatly increases the activity space and source of faith of the gods in the divine world. It also makes them lose their ambition to explore space.

You only need to go through the space gate to reach other planets. Who else would go to all the trouble to build a spaceship? Relying on your own strength to fly over little by little.

Therefore, the moon is clearly only 380,000 kilometers away from the Douluo star and is the closest celestial body to the Douluo star. But it is a territory that the God Realm has almost never set foot on.

In order to allow the God of Space to travel safely back and forth in space without a soul power environment. The God Realm has selected a large number of energy storage props from the treasure trove they have accumulated over the years.

If these props were placed a few decades ago, even if Cheng Ying saw these props, his eyes would be straightened and his mouth would be watering. The energy stored in each one of them would be enough for the Ultimate Douluo to squander it wantonly. It is well-deserved in the world. artifact.

But now, let alone him, not even the citizens of Tulip, even the strong men of Douluo Continent who made their fortune by digging up Tulip's inheritance would not be particularly surprised to see this kind of prop. After all, they have actually seen this situation many times. Especially in the Tiandou Empire. Every town-level unit will have a large amount of soul power reserves.

Even the total amount of soul power reserves in small third-tier cities will not be less than the personal power of the Lord God. Of course, there must be a huge gap in quality.

"Your mission is to detect and report back. There is a huge source of spiritual energy on the moon, and this source has been used by the group of mortals on the surface.

Although those annoying things are nothing to be afraid of, the power of this ancient relic cannot be underestimated. You must not be careless. Once you discover something special, send it back to report the situation as soon as possible. "

The God of Kindness gave the last instruction to the God of Space. In front of him, the God of Space looked like a nouveau riche. Not to mention the small watch with a big gold chain. There are two large rings on each of the ten fingers.

There are four or five necklaces hanging around his neck, and countless earrings on his ears. If you remove the earrings, you will find that his earlobes are full of holes, as if they had been hit by a sewing machine.

Even he has rings on his toes. This is undoubtedly a divine outfit. Wearing such a set of artifacts accumulated by the God Realm for tens of millions of years, the God of Space looked confident.

"Don't worry, my current strength is still inferior to that of the Supreme God. But I am afraid that even among the members of the God Realm Committee, no one is better than me in escaping!"

Everyone, wait for my good news! Those mortals who touch something that does not belong to them will have to pay the price sooner or later. I would make them understand the cost of taking something from God without His permission. "

The God of Space is full of confidence and swears that he can fight ten mortals. In order to resist the mental erosion originating from the moon, half of the magic in his body is used to defend against mental attacks. It can be said that he is armed. When I arrived at the tooth, I was sent off by the gods of the divine world. The God of Space also embarked on his journey.

Starting from the Douluo Ocean, this place is far away from the mainland and will not be monitored by the Douluo people. The God of Space still has skills to escape gravity. If it were other gods, they would have to go through the trouble of accelerating like a spaceship to the first cosmic speed before they could leave.

But he was much simpler. He just stared at the sky, and he instantly moved above the clouds. With another glance, he moved to the stratosphere. After teleporting upward three or four times in a row, the air around him had disappeared.

Suspended in the vast space, he showed an uncomfortable expression. Although he had strong physical fitness, he would not be killed by vacuum and low temperature.

But being unable to breathe, coupled with the full-body cupping experience, is definitely uncomfortable.

The gods are clearly not a species that evolved to survive in space. Even though their bodies are strong enough to be in space. Survival does not mean they can adapt to life here.

In contrast, the residents of Tulip have accepted from the beginning that our journey is to the stars and the sea, and many of the transformations they have made are also made to adapt to the space environment. Although they are not as powerful as the gods, their experience in space is more Much more comfortable.

For example, when it comes to breathing, they can use light energy to photosynthesize themselves to produce oxygen for breathing. Of course, in a more severe environment, they can also stop breathing and rely solely on the energy in their bodies for internal conversion to maintain cell activity. And these are just basic operations for them.

After the Space God briefly adapted to the space environment. He also initiated a teleportation in the direction of the moon.

In unexplored areas, the distance he can move each time is limited, and it is basically difficult to exceed the range of 500km. Such a range is huge enough on the surface of the planet, and can even be considered an exaggeration. But it is too small on a cosmic scale. Even the moon closest to Douluo Star. It also requires teleporting several times to reach it.

The process of approaching the moon can probably be described as a race to the death. The existence of the moon can be seen from a distance, and even the craters on it can be clearly seen with the eyesight of the gods. Of course, the craters seen by the God of Space are just disguises, and the surface of the moon has long been turned upside down.

Although the God of Space has no way to directly see through this layer of disguise. But I still feel that the layer of craters on the surface of the moon looks a bit unnatural. As the God of Space gradually approaches the moon, this sense of dissonance becomes stronger and stronger.

He didn't know where this sense of dissonance came from, but he just felt that the moon he saw was like a sticker. It's just a texture that has a three-dimensional feel in a three-dimensional world.

And soon, his feeling of disobedience was confirmed to be real, and he came to the satellite warning zone that revolved around the moon.

This group of satellites formed a new spiritual barrier over the moon. It's like a new layer of shell has been added to the moon. before approaching the satellite group. With the naked eye, only a shell projected by the satellite cluster can be seen.

The God of Space penetrated this shell by means of instantaneous transfer. He saw the real situation on the moon's surface, and this sight was something he would never forget.

[To be continued]

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