Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 903 Electrolux

Speaking of neurosurgery, it is also one of the departments that gives Cheng Ying the most headaches. The person named as the section chief here is his time-traveling comrade. Although Rody has been obsessed with teasing people recently, the foundation of neurosurgery is his former wizard. Killed by a demon. New 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest. Mobile version: https:/

Many of the scientific research projects he led at the time would skip clinical trials and conduct tests directly on patients, in violation of regulations. It also gave them a very bad atmosphere.

Plus they are neurosurgery. Many of the patients they come into contact with are mentally ill... They treat them blindly and randomly, often turning mental illness into mental illness. The most important thing is that they are not specialized in caring for mental illness, and some of them often run away. On a street like Tulipa, where old men can kill people, it's a hell of a place with a titled Douluo. It is self-evident how much damage an escaped mental illness can cause...

Fortunately, this department also has some real skills. Many achievements in spiritual science were made here. The instrument used to view the scene of the sea of ​​​​spirits was originally developed to assist in the cure of mental illness. By directly applying the The practice manifested by the subconscious mind is used to prescribe the right medicine to cure mental illness.

Being criticized all the time will turn neurosis into mental illness. They simply gave up on treatment and chose to treat mental illness as well...

The principle of the equipment is so weird that even Cheng Ying can't understand it. In fact, even if he has strong mental power, there are more and more technologies that he can't understand. Technology cannot rely on one person after all.

As the data collected by the Lunar Brain is compiled, analyzed and decoded, it appears on the instrument's screen. Blurry projections also appeared. As the data continued to increase, the blurred images began to become clearer little by little.

What shocked Cheng Ying was that there was not only one person in his spiritual sea, but a total of ten people. The most annoying thing was that these ten people formed three, three, four, and three groups.

At first, when the picture was not very clear, I didn’t know what they were doing. After the clarity gradually improved, Chengying could see clearly that these guys were playing mahjong and fighting landlords...

God is playing mahjong in the sea of ​​spirit!

Cheng Ying noticed that nine of them had varying degrees of inhuman characteristics, such as animal ears and tails, or horns on their heads. Only a gray-haired old man was in fully human form.

According to Cheng Ying's guess, the old man is probably Electrolux. As for the remaining nine, they should correspond to his nine soul rings. However, it is impossible for the sea of ​​​​spirits to be so busy.

Cheng Ying thought maliciously, what should he do in bed if he found a girlfriend? Are ten people watching when two people are making love to each other? Just imagine that scene, it’s unbearable to look at...

While Cheng Ying was contemplating, the old man in the picture suddenly slapped the table, startling him. He thought he had been discovered, but in the end he heard the white-haired old man shout: "It's confusing! It's all the same! Give me the money." money!"

Cheng Ying: "..." The New 81 Chinese website is the fastest updated. PC version: www. @x81zw@@

Is this really an Electrolux? It feels like the character is broken!

But if you think about it for a moment, you can understand this situation. Electrolux's strength is actually equivalent to that of a demigod. Similar to the previous Chen Qin, Extreme Douluo's energy intensity has the power of a demigod.

But the object he possessed had already reached the level of a demigod, and compared to him, what he lacked was nothing more than experience. In the early stage, the portable grandpa must be extremely awesome. You have to find a way to get any good things from the portable grandpa.

But after the protagonist's strength catches up to or even surpasses the portable grandfather.

Basically, these plug-ins that only have souls left can only be killed so that the protagonist can explode, or change careers and become a comedian to adjust the atmosphere.

After all, it's just a wisp of remnant soul, and it won't be of much help if there's a real fight. From an experience point of view, he is still superior to the object he possesses, but from a power level point of view, he is already inferior.

A long time ago, Cheng Ying had hoped to meet this powerful necromancer. He was just starting out at that time. He had just captured Soto City and relied on the city defense to destroy an army of 100,000 people with cloud explosion bombs. People on the mainland mistakenly thought he was the Ultimate Fire Titled Douluo.

What he was thinking about at that time was if he could find Electrolux. You don't need to worry about how to get the magic. Although the magic in the world of Divine Seal Throne is a bit rigid. Also basically designed for combat. But after all, he still had his merits, but later he made a better choice, met Rong Nian Bing, and obtained all the magic in the world of Ice and Fire Demon Chef.

His desire to find Electrolux faded away. After all, even if Electrolux was very strong, he only knew necromancy and light magic.

Rong Nian Bing is capable of all seven magic attributes, and coupled with the magic of the Ice and Fire Magic Chef world, its functionality is actually stronger compared to its combat power (after all, it can be used for cooking).

Later, as my strength became stronger and stronger, I thought less and less about this aspect, so that now I don't have much surprise after seeing Electrolux.

But after all, this guy has some abilities to become the protagonist's plug-in, and his magic power is only average. But there is something quite strange. That was his demiplane of the undead. I think the necromancer who came to the arena and didn't cherish his undead creatures at all probably inherited his demiplane of the undead, so he was so extravagant.

Cheng Ying even saw that he had added enhanced attributes to all undead creatures at the expense of two lichs, and even shouted the name of the move: "Glory of the Dead!" A mouthful of rice spurted out of his nose on the spot.

Who knows if Electrolux got this name or if this guy is original.

But in general, his ability to use undead creatures so extravagantly depends on the demiplane of the undead. According to the description in the original book, the demiplane of the undead is probably a place with a round sky and a square. And it was created entirely by Electrolux. This is more intriguing.

Judging from the intensity of energy, Electrolux at that time was probably only at the level of Ultimate Douluo. It might be a little stronger, but it shouldn't be at the god level.

Creating a world with this kind of energy intensity sounds incredible. Even for Tulip, it is almost impossible to create a world with today's technical means. Even cutting out space is a very high-end technology, let alone building a world with completely different rules.

Electrolux said that he could create the world. In theory, there are only two possibilities. One is that he really mastered some unknown and superb technology. The other is that he is lying. The demiplane was discovered by him rather than created by him.

[To be continued]

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