Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 918 Tang San’s Bizarre Adventure Part 1

Guijianchou is named because it takes about nineteen seconds for a stone to fall to the ground. According to h=?gt2, it can be concluded that Guijianchou is about 1805 meters deep...

In short, the depth is not important. What is important is that not long ago, a young guy jumped here. Jumping is not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is that he took off his clothes and jumped, which is really unsightly.

It's true that red fruits come and go, but it's wrong for this guy to burst into clothes. He should take off his clothes and return them to the elders of the sect. After all, clothes cost money. After breaking away from the small-scale peasant economy where men farm and women weave, Everything costs money.

Tang San, who has recently experienced this, has a deep understanding of this. For a young man like him living in the world of martial arts, time travel is already fantasy enough. He originally thought that God had given him a chance to live his life again. Let him make up for the regrets of his previous life.

But as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a small sky and smelled dirty air. He found himself packed in a cardboard box. Heavy rain fell from the sky, and he was placed in the corner. A destitute man leaned beside him, smoking a cigarette in the pouring rain.

The cigarette butt is like a dim star in the dusk, flickering in and out of light in the rain, as if it will go out at any moment.

The man blew out the smoke and said in an indifferent tone: "From now on, your name will be Tang San!" That tired voice, as if the edges had been worn away by life, made Tang San feel the same way, if he were in this body As for his father, how desperate would he be to live without love? To give a child such a perfunctory name as Tang San, is there Tang Yi and Tang Er in front of it?

When Tang San woke up, he happened to catch up with Tang Hao who had spent all his money and couldn't find a job because he had no legal status and skills, so he was kicked out of the rental house. The miserable scene of living on the street with a child.

The cold air in the Tiandou Empire made him sneeze uncontrollably. The man seemed not to hear it and continued to smoke silently.

The cigarette butt was finally extinguished, and the man seemed to have finally made up his mind. Throw the remaining cigarette butts to the ground and crush them with your toes. Although Tang San can't speak yet, he can see clearly.

The soft and elastic cigarette butt was easily turned into dust scattered by the wind. This is not something that can be done with great physical strength. It requires superb skills. and deep inner strength.

Even in the world of his previous life. The strong man in front of him is also a top strong man. Why would such a person be so troubled?

Babies are always sleep-deprived, and they feel physically and mentally exhausted after just watching for a while. He fell into a deep sleep, and when he woke up again the next day, he saw the man appearing in a strange place.

This seems to be next to a huge building.

But the style of the building was something he had never seen before. The building is made of rock. It can be seen that it is only half built. The most peculiar thing is that there are steel bars sticking out of the rocks. It’s hard to understand why steel and rock would grow together in symbiosis.

The sound of construction was noisy. It seemed that many people were busy building this unfinished building, and huge machines made of steel strands were hoisted. Building materials. It was easy to rise to the seemingly unattainable building. To Tang San, the huge steel tower crane forty to fifty meters high was almost like a spectacle.

Huge, horseless carriage. It roared past him, raising dust that made it difficult to breathe. Making the already dirty air in this world even more difficult to breathe.

The man held him and walked towards the building. For a moment, he didn't understand what the man wanted to do. He in his box. The conversation outside could only be vaguely heard.

"I only have a little strength, and there is no place that can take me in except here..." The man's voice was very depressed, as if he was doing something very shameful, and Tang San could understand this feeling. What a sad thing it is to have peerless magical power but to rely on selling your own physical strength to make a living!

"Can this be lifted?" The first person seemed to be the contractor here, pointing to a large bucket of cement. The water is contained in a tank that is more than half the height of a person. I'm afraid it weighs several thousand kilograms. The man stepped forward and lifted the cement bucket easily.

"It's okay, it's strong, but it's not stable enough and the moving posture is wrong. You have to carry it on the side and expose your head to see the way.

But you should be able to carry it with your strength. Tell me your identity. Here, as long as you are willing to endure hardship, you can still make a lot of money. "

The man took a deep breath, as if unwilling to give in, but still shook his head: "I lost my ID card."

"It must be a gangster!" the contractor hit the nail on the head.

The man was speechless by default.

"It looks like it's a shady account, that's right. That's not okay. We can't take in shady accounts. Someone from above will come down and check irregularly. If the income is found, it's a shady account. But if you want to be caught, it will be taken care of. Guanxi also requires a fine of at least 50,000.

How much work do you think you have to do to earn fifty thousand? Let's go, we can't afford this risk. They are all honest people, earn some hard money, if you are fined. I can't explain it to them. "

The man stood silently at the door of the construction site. The strong man's final reserve prevented him from pleading. But he kept standing there and didn't leave.

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you leave quickly? Do you know that if you report a gangster, you can get a 1,000 bonus just for providing clues? I'll call you to report it if you don't want me to."

The foreman tried to threaten the man, but the man clenched his fists. With his violent temper, he would have rushed up and punched the foreman to the ground.

The contractor saw that he still didn't leave. He looked at the child in the box again. After looking at him for a full five minutes, he finally sighed: "That's it, it's really a money-losing thing. Go to the Internet cafe next door and ask for an ID card similar to yours. Then remember the name on it clearly. When someone asks you what your name is, Don't make a mistake, please leave the child with the concierge first."

Although Tang San didn't know the cause and effect of the incident, he secretly felt aggrieved for the person suspected of being his father. He was obviously very powerful, but he was bullied by this little person. Even if he wants to sell his physical strength, he will be made difficult in every possible way.

What happened to this world? Don't the strong deserve respect? Isn't personal strength the most awe-worthy thing in this world? It is obviously a world with extraordinary power. What was the reason that caused a powerful man to fall into such a situation.

How can we encourage others to practice hard when we treat strong people like this? How could the country produce so many strong men?

[To be continued]

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