Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 928 Super Heavy Melee

Although Tang Hao, who raised a child, was decadent and even addicted to drugs, he still paid close attention to the battles between strong men. Even if life was difficult, he still paid attention to the battles of the world's best martial arts conference.

Compared with the previous continent-wide high-level soul master soul fighting competition, among the strong players in this competition, there are fewer and fewer strong sects. Whether it is Chen Qin, Smith Jianguo, Rui Wenwen, Xiong Jun or Chiang Wen, They are all official powerhouses of the three empires.

Even in the Star Luo Empire, which focuses on personal strength, with the advancement of technology and the improvement of personal strength, the ability to control the grassroots is getting stronger and stronger. The glory of the sect will eventually come to an end, and the status maintained by violence will accumulate. Sooner or later, money will cease to exist due to the disappearance of the advantage of force.

Tang Hao has experienced this in the world of mortals for so long and has seen this clearly. The only way out for the sect in the future is transformation. Like the Qibao Glazed Sect, it relies on the power of capital and the bloody accumulation that was first completed to occupy the ruling class in the new era. More seats, replacing terror with a commitment to politics.

In contrast, Haotian Sect chose the wrong path. It is true that there must be shadows under the light, and it is almost impossible to eradicate the underworld forces. But as the saying goes, the people do not fight with the officials, and casting themselves in the shadows means freedom. At the same time, it also means losing the protection of a stable social environment. Can the gang leader, no matter how big, still challenge the local top leaders? Not every place is as complex as Mexico.

Tang Hao pays attention to the competition because he wants to participate in the next world's best martial arts competition. His strength is definitely enough to participate in the lightweight competition. Even if he is addicted to drugs, he still has the random cloak hammering technique and the big beard. Mi hammer, as well as the bloodiness gained from fighting on the battlefield, and the remaining divine power gained from the ruins of God Shura.

He still had some confidence in dealing with enemies who did not exceed Ultimate Douluo. As long as he could win the lightweight championship, there would be room for redemption.

He didn't expect to avenge Ah Yin, but at least, he didn't want Tang San to lose at the starting line. He could see that as the cost of suppression was reduced step by step, the rulers were becoming more and more harsh on the promotion channels at the bottom. Within ten years, this channel will be completely cut off.

When machines can replace people to complete most physical work, the vast majority of people without any skills will be reduced to homeless people in shantytowns. Even if they have certain skills, they will only be squeezed out of their own value. Yes, the rich cannot take the initiative to distribute their wealth to the poor. This is an unchanging principle in the world, and this differentiation will only become more and more extreme.

If Tang San could not receive a good enough education at a young age, he or even his descendants would never have a chance to turn around.

Tang Hao looked at the mechanical prosthetic limbs and biochemical prosthetic eyes in the lower right corner of the webpage, and frowned tightly. He had considered buying these two things to improve his combat effectiveness. After just browsing the product webpage once, his life was full of Advertisements and push notifications about similar stuff.

What’s even more outrageous is that he was recommended to install an artificial bladder, which was said to significantly increase urine storage, reduce the number of trips to the toilet, improve work efficiency, reduce the loss of working time due to trips to the toilet, and improve employees’ reputation in the eyes of their bosses. impression.

You can see the whole thing at a glance. Even such a crazy product appears, and it is even listed in the top 50 sales list. It can be imagined to what extent the capitalists have oppressed their employees.

Tang Hao never wanted to see Tang San transplant an artificial bladder to himself. With the artificial bladder, would he need an artificial rectum and an artificial esophagus in the future? It would even save time for eating and defecating?

Tang Hao couldn't help but pay more attention to the content of the live broadcast, ignoring the advertisement that clearly had a cross in the lower right corner but could not be closed.

During the live broadcast, the contestants have entered the preparation area of ​​the arena. Nearly 10,000 contestants will compete in the Silvis Great Soul Fighting Arena with a radius of 100 kilometers. There is only one champion, and there are no rules. Finally, he stands on the battlefield. The one on top is the champion.

This melee undoubtedly reflects the comprehensive national strength of the United Nations. No rules are the biggest rules. The United Nations will spread its power in the arena in various ways in order to win the final championship.

Cheng Ying and Ice Emperor were standing in the preparation area in front of the rostrum. They were also contestants, and within ten miles around them, no contestant chose to prepare there. It was not yet known how strong Ice Emperor was. Cheng Ying's strength, however, This was shown when fighting against the symbiote. Even though he was seriously injured and only the cloud energy was left, and his power was greatly reduced, he could kill no one in the mainland with one strike.

Being close to such a monster is not asking for death. Except for the special case of Cheng Ying, the other preparation areas are overcrowded. Even Dai Huanyu needs subordinates who are responsible for carrying his own battle armor to enter the arena with him.

Not to mention Xue Ye, his power comes from the endless profound energy of the vast sea. It would be good if he didn't let all his subordinates crowd around him. If each preparation area was not limited to more than 500 people, he would have let him All the commanders gathered around him.

In this group of heroes competing on the battlefield, the three ordinary adventurers Luo Yan, Luo Jie and Chen Bin seemed insignificant. Even if they performed quite well in the lightweight competition and advanced to the semi-finals, they could not change their status in the big brawl. The powerlessness.

In front of Emperor Xueye, who gathered the profound energy of thousands of people, they were as fragile as ants, but the three of them were eager to try and make big news.

"Is our thing reliable? Isn't it illegal to use that kind of thing in a competition?" Chen Bin whispered in Luo Yan's ear, holding a broken gun tip in his bright red palm.

"Whether it works or not, you will know after trying it. Since the Tiandou Empire can use opportunistic methods to gather the profound energy of the vast sea into a person, why can't we borrow external force? The regulations only say that the energy contained in the foreign items carried cannot exceed The limit of demigods. The things we take in definitely don't have such strong energy. If the rules don't prohibit it, then it's allowed." Before Luo Yan could speak, Luo Jie said a lot.

After her hidden illness was cured, she became quite lively and kept talking with her small mouth.

"That's right. Emperor Tiandou has shamelessly used the human sea tactic. If that doesn't work, let's use some special means. It would be great if we can really win. I heard that top ten mechas are all available. If we have that thing, wouldn't we? Invincible." Chen Bin couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. The adventurer's life was getting harder and harder, but if he got a reward, that would be another story.

[To be continued]

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