Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 934: The Lord-level White Tiger Douluo

Dai Huanyu concentrated on integrating the battle armor and didn't even care about the growing team of casual cultivators in his defense zone.

The team of casual cultivators, which has expanded to more than a thousand people, needs to choose a leader of its own. However, as the initiators of this team, Luo Yan and the others did not participate in the campaign for the position of leader. Even if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them. This seat is not that easy to sit in.

At this time, the best way is to push someone as a shield, and communicate secretly with Duke Tulip. to actually make useful decisions.

As the team grew, head-on conflicts with Star Luo Empire forces became inevitable.

Relying on their numerical advantage, the casual cultivators almost annihilated two regular Star Luo armies at a very small cost. There is no doubt that these two battles increased their confidence.

They used their own strength to prove that the regular army was not invincible. As long as I launch the long-lived charge without fear. Thousands of people and pigs are advancing suddenly. The troops of only about a hundred people were unable to stop them now.

It's just that the Star Luo Empire has not retaliated, which makes the Luo Yan trio who secretly guided the team forward a little strange. Originally, they had already prepared a strategy of driving away tigers and devouring wolves.

After angering the Star Luo Empire's army, they fled to the Tiandou Empire's defense zone with all their strength. Triggered a head-on conflict between the two empires. Then he reaps the benefits and attracts more casual cultivators to join him.

The indifferent response of the Star Luo Empire was completely beyond the expectations of the three people, and it also made them feel uneasy. If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. The Star Luo Empire has a policy of almost no resistance. It must mean that they have something more important, or a bigger conspiracy.

Just when they were considering whether to retreat. On the southern skyline, a pillar of light rose into the sky. Straight into the sky, directly connecting the interaction between the earth and the sky.

Surging energy was released from the beam of light, and the terrifying pressure came over, making it almost impossible to keep standing. It felt as if the sky was about to collapse. It was the survival instinct of living things that reminded them all the time. Stay away from the being that releases this aura.

The domineering and aggressive atmosphere filled most of the arena in an instant. Wherever the light beam rose, gravity seemed to shift.

The land seemed to have lost the restraint of gravity and shattered into pieces. Suspended in mid-air. And in the center of the light pillar, a figure slowly emerged, it was Dai Huanyu who had donned a suit of battle armor.

At this time, he was wearing light blue armor, with three pairs of light wings spread out behind him, absorbing the power of heaven and earth all the time.

Recover your own consumption.

The power of the battle armor was integrated with him, and even integrated into his white tiger spirit. The halo gradually became introverted. As the compatibility between him and the armor gradually improved, he gradually adapted to the sudden increase in power.

The pressure that was originally released uncontrollably was gradually withdrawn. Even so, if you look at him from a distance, you will uncontrollably feel shortness of breath and tightness in your chest. This is an instinctive reaction of living things.

"The little white cat is angry! It looks quite powerful." Cheng Ying put up the awning with his hands and looked in the direction of the light beam.

The limit on the number of people is actually beneficial to the Star Luo Empire. In the past, Dai Huanyu had to face thousands of troops from the Tiandou Empire on the battlefield. But here there are no more than 1,500 people. Even if these people are elites, they are still much worse than the legions with tens of thousands of people.

This is why the Star Luo Empire doesn't mind tactical losses. As long as Dai Huanyu completes the fusion of the armor, he can kill seven in and seven out among the Tiandou Empire players by himself, and he will cause trouble on his side. Loose cultivators are nothing more than scabies to him and can be eliminated at any time.

"This aura should have surpassed that of the Lord God! But it's still a little worse than a serious cook. By the way, when will we borrow the cook back from the God Realm?" The Ice Emperor couldn't help but swallowed as he spoke. saliva.

Cheng Ying also swallowed his saliva. Cooking skills are one of the few things that are difficult to imitate with technology. Even if the arrangement of each atom is exactly the same, the feeling of eating it in the mouth will be slightly different. With the machine 1 :1 The copied food always tastes like it has no soul.

"Let's find an opportunity in a few days to let him come down, and find a reason to die on the mainland." Cheng Ying muttered shamelessly.

In the distance, Emperor Xingluo rose high in the sky. Like an eagle looking down at the earth, he found the raging army of casual cultivators, and then swooped down, preparing to deal with this group of clowns first.

In his impression, San Xiuyi was one of those guys who dispersed in a hurry. Even if thousands of people gathered, they wouldn't have much fighting power.

Facing powerful opponents, the casual cultivators also seemed a little confused. The one with the weak individual strength was the horn, and the one with the stronger individual strength was the corner. The most important thing is organization. Only tacit cooperation can defeat opponents who are far stronger than themselves.

The most helpless point is here. The casual cultivators lack cooperation. They have just been gathered together and have no tacit understanding at all, even if they have the courage to challenge the strong. And the consciousness of not fearing life and death can hardly make up for the chasm-like gap between their individual powers.

For them, a strong individual is more difficult to deal with than a powerful legion.

Luo Yan didn't expect this chaos. If he didn't want the whole army to be wiped out at this time, there was only one way.

"Your Majesty the Duke, I have no choice but to ask you to take action!"

Hearing this, the heroic spirit Chengying tilted his head, as if he was warming up: "Ah... Although it's okay to block him for a while. But this body is just a heroic spirit, so I feel like I can't beat him! It's a bit embarrassing!"

Although he was complaining, his movements were not slow, and it was difficult for him to speak in front of Dai Huanyu.

"I said, can you give me some face? Just let them go." The dialogue was about eating the fruits of face.

"This is a competition field. It's all about face. I'll ask you to apologize after the competition." Dai Huanyu shook his head: "If you want to stop me, just show your true ability. I also want to see the queen who abandoned literature and became a martial artist. How strong is the Tulip Duke?"

"Do we have to fight? I'm a civilian. It's hard for me to do this with you. It would be embarrassing if we lose." Cheng Ying looked reluctant.

"Haha, Your Majesty the Duke is really joking, I can feel the surging energy in your body. Civil servants, please don't use it to fool me, show your true ability!"

[To be continued]

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