Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 949: Reshaping the Ecosystem in One Second

After the smoke dissipated, there was a heavy rain. Even the spectators who came to watch the game at the Grand Fighting Arena could not directly see the situation inside the stadium through the heavy rain.

All are captured via drone footage. Watch the game live. The heavy rain was pouring down, as if someone was pouring water from the sky.

That was the result of all the water in the entire arena being evaporated just after the explosion.

While the shield absorbed the excess energy, it naturally condensed the water vapor in the air, turning it into a torrential rain in front of you.

This kind of attack that can easily change the climate of a large area is already a super-standard type. You must know that the energy contained in any typhoon is the energy of countless Big Ivans. It can easily change the climate of the attack, and it is just an attack. The aftermath of the incident has rewritten the climate, which is simply a crazy type.

Most viewers thought that under such a horrific attack, the game should have been decided. Although the huge ice shell on the ground just now seemed to have extraordinary defense, it should have been wiped out in the face of an attack of this level.

The only thing I'm not sure about is whether he can be resurrected like other players after dying under such a powerful attack.

But a few smart viewers still realized something was wrong. As the saying goes, there is no harm in smoke. The smoke from the explosion just now was so huge that it should be impossible to decide the outcome.

Sure enough, the heavy rain froze and turned into hail. Although the Ice Emperor looked embarrassed, he was not seriously injured. His petite body had an extra layer of blue ice armor, and there was a blue spear in his hand.

For some reason, Ice Emperor and Cheng Ying chose the same melee weapon.

"Damn! Why are you using a gun! Don't you know the Lancer's lucky E?" Cheng Ying's eyes jumped when he saw Ice Emperor taking out his spear.

"Then you also used a gun?"

"That's because I can seamlessly switch to the state of pulling the trigger when using a gun! When fighting an enemy with a gun, bullets suddenly spurt out of the gun. No one can say I'm despicable. After all, guns shoot bullets. Yes!"

ice King:"……"

Are you sure this is not an excuse for your lack of swordsmanship talent? Ice Emperor remembered that when Cheng Ying was choosing a weapon, the first thing he picked was a sword. He also said that he would kill one person in ten steps and leave no trace in a thousand miles.

As a result, when I played with the sword, it looked like the Tai Chi sword practiced by the old man in the square. I had no choice but to retreat and switch to a sword.

He switched to hammers again, and later tried axes, sticks, meteor hammers, demon pillars, and even blood drops, but none of them suited him, so he finally chose to practice spears...

Cheng Ying is also desperate! The marksmanship is indeed very cool, but the spearman is lucky to have eight swords, Zhao Zilong has one stone, and the rest are two swords together. The lucky E is not just talk.

It's just that the audience obviously doesn't know this gag. They are still wondering what it means to pull the trigger when using a gun. This shameless gag cannot be coughed out or swallowed in the throat.

"I don't care! Take the move! Anyway, I'll use whatever you use!" Ice Emperor slammed her feet on the ground, and an icicle launched her into the air, straight towards Cheng Ying.

"Don't come over here!" Cheng Ying yelled some unintelligible lines and quickly backed away.

While retreating, he was also trying to activate space teleportation, but the blue light flashed, but the teleportation could not be carried out. The space around him was frozen again. Teleportation requires a certain delay in the "tight" space of the arena. This delay makes teleportation not much faster than flying.

"It's really troublesome. Without the space gem, the transmission is not smooth at all." Cheng Ying complained inwardly.

The Ice Emperor had similar thoughts in her mind. Without the Ice Box, she was obviously not as smooth as before in mobilizing the power of ice. With the Ice Box in hand, freezing an area as large as the arena is just a thought. After all, it is a treasure that claims to be able to freeze the nine kingdoms.

Although the Ice Emperor is petite, every attack is powerful and heavy. The Adamantium alloy shield in Cheng Ying's hand was knocked away several times by this heavy attack.

The shield fell towards the ground. It's often like falling into water. It was all buried in the soil, and I had no idea how deep it went.

"Damn! It's endless!" Cheng Ying let out a breath of cold air. Every attack of the Ice Emperor was filled with strong cold air, if it were an ordinary strong person fighting against him. It only takes two or three times to freeze into a popsicle.

Although he also has ice attributes, his attributes are not strong enough to be immune to freezing damage, and even a half-day beating would freeze him to death.

After being knocked away again, it also released its own gravitational field, and the Ice King only felt that something terrible was attacking her from behind.

The direction in which Cheng Ying was knocked away just now was obviously calculated. Now it's too late for the Ice King to dodge.

As the light dimmed, the Ice Emperor only felt something extremely heavy falling from the sky. While falling, it was also bearing dozens of times the gravity. Adding stronger acceleration to this.

The size of the falling object was less than ten meters in diameter. Only after it was hit did the Ice Emperor realize what it was. It was the Super Earth Explosion Star that had just been compressed. A mountain range that was originally the same size as Mount Everest was compressed to a diameter of more than ten meters. You can imagine how terrifying its density is.

At this time, it fell again under dozens of times of gravity. Even if it hasn't landed yet, the Ice Emperor can't push it away from his body.

This attack did not cause much damage because it was concentrated enough. Only a crater was left on the ground, and in the center of the crater was a bottomless tunnel. The damage range of the two people's ultimate moves is very small, which even makes the audience who are used to the two people reshaping the ecological circle every second a little uncomfortable.

But the drone quickly gave a close-up of the tunnel on the ground. That bottomless tunnel. It's impossible to judge its depth with the naked eye. The drone accurately gave its depth of five kilometers, which happened to be at the bottom of the shield. That is if the younger brother is inactive. This tunnel will only go deeper.

The existence of the shield will undoubtedly make the power of this blow even more terrifying. Many Hyokui fans began to worry. Sandwiched between the then-new high-density spheres and shields. I'm afraid I'm not going to be smashed into a pulp.

As the tunnel extended deep into the ground and collided with the shield, the huge energy contained in it was finally released. The younger brother triggered a violent explosion that shot into the sky along the tunnel. The effect was like a volcanic eruption.

[To be continued]

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