Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 964: Isn’t the medicine grown?

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Tang San looked at the boundless fields, his mood almost exploded. He just wanted to find a place to collect herbs. Is it so difficult! Under normal circumstances, wouldn’t it be possible to collect medicine just by going into the mountains? But what the hell are these crazy people doing, even the mountains are covered with crops.

Tang San didn't believe in evil and continued to move forward. He still had some time, and even if he couldn't find what he wanted in a short time, he didn't have to rush back.

Tiandou City is located in the north of the mainland. The relatively cold climate means that most of the crops here are wheat or corn. Because it has been improved. The plants of these crops are all quite tall, even the wheat is half a head taller than Tang San now.

Walking through the fields had a huge impact on his vision. The trek also seemed quite difficult.

But hard work pays off. After walking through the fields for most of the day. Tang San's eyes finally suddenly opened up, with the rich aroma of herbs. It shocked him.

There are quite a few high-quality herbs just ahead. "That's right. Such a rich aura environment. How could it not breed many fairy herbs? Even ordinary herbs can more easily accumulate medicinal power in this environment."

Tang San ran two steps quickly and rushed out of the tall corn field, his eyes suddenly opened up. There are all kinds of herbs, including many fairy grasses. Everywhere he looked, there was precious light flowing, and it was so colorful that Tang San almost sighed that this was a fairyland on earth.

"Is it the opposite of everything? Most places in the wild are occupied by crops, so all the jelly grass gathers here to grow? But it doesn't matter. I should be able to find all the herbs I need here. Even some jelly grass All.

Even if the vintage is slightly lacking. It should be enough for practicing alchemy, if you give me enough time. Maybe even the Nine Revolutions Good Fortune Pill can be refined. "

Tang San muttered in a low voice, and then walked towards the grass and prepared to pick it. When he woke up, these herbs growing in the wild would of course belong to whoever stepped on them. He even wanted to record the location. Then he planted plants full of toxins next to the place, surrounded it, and turned the place full of fairy grass into a forbidden place that only he could enter. In this way, even if he cannot take it away at once, the remaining herbs will be his private property.

But things were not as Tang San imagined. As soon as he stretched out his hand and touched a herb, a piercing alarm sounded in his ears.

The beeping siren startled him. Then he saw a shaking in the cornfield, and soon someone separated the corn and rushed into this precious land.

Tang San frowned, he didn't want to share this treasure land with others, but it was a pity that he hadn't even awakened his martial spirit yet. He only has soul power equivalent to level ten strength. Otherwise, he might rush in to kill and silence him. The so-called wealth and silk moved people's hearts, and the large amount of herbs here were enough to kill Tang San.

The man who rushed in got angry and said: "Where did you come from, how dare you come here to run wild in the medicine field? Hey! Brat, put down what you are holding! This is public land. I have already given you what I just gave you. The behavior was caught on camera. If you dare to cause trouble again, I will definitely make you walk around without food."

"Huh? Medicine field? Are you kidding? Where can genius treasures be grown? I think you want to monopolize the treasures here to defraud me." Tang San sneered, secretly guarding against the other party's sneak attack.

"You brat, how did your father teach you? What age are you in now, and you still have a genius? Not to mention these things, you can even grow real fairy grass.

This entire medicinal garden is my contracted land. You should stop trying to take advantage of the crops in my land. If you really want it, you can spend money to buy it. But you look so poorly dressed. I'm afraid I can't afford it. "

Tang San frowned. The other party was confident, as if planting fresh grass was a natural thing. This completely went against Tang San's world view. It was a pity that he didn't bring a mobile terminal with him this time. Therefore, you cannot check on the spot whether herbs can be grown.

If so,

That would be very troublesome for him. Tang San knew very well how precious some of the herbs here were. If he had to spend money to buy it, he might not be able to afford it even if he loses all his money. Even ordinary herbs may cost a lot of money to buy.

And when Tang San carefully observed the herbs here, he also found that herbs of the same type were neatly arranged together, as if someone had planned them. Herbs with conflicting medicinal properties will grow farthest from each other. If it was born like this, it would be too much of a coincidence. He couldn't help but begin to believe that these herbs were grown.

"Tell me, what price are you going to sell these herbs for?" Tang San's words made the owner of the medicine garden, who had just looked ugly, immediately show his kind smile again, and then began to reveal the prices of these herbs one by one.

If you can sell it secretly here, you can skip part of the tax payment. There are heavy taxes on growing things like grass jelly. If the deal could be completed privately, he would definitely make a lot more.

But Tang San's expression grew uglier the more he listened. You know best what your family's circumstances are like. Tang Hao was a gangster, and in this era few people were willing to hire him to work on construction sites. Relying on their own crafts, they could barely make a living.

In addition, Tang Hao later accidentally became addicted to drugs, which made their lives worse. It was very difficult for him to buy even the most common forage, let alone the expensive grass jelly. You probably have to work hard for most of your life to save enough money to buy one!

In fact, Tang San knew in his heart that the price was already quite cheap. You must know that their living conditions are relatively low among many at the bottom. Even the wealth they have accumulated for most of their lives can buy a fairy grass. It can be imagined that the price is already very affordable. You know, in his opinion, any piece of fairy grass can change the destiny of a cultivator. It is very possible that after eating it, you will transform from a martial arts novice to a first-class master.

But if you can’t afford it, you just can’t afford it, even if the price is much lower than imagined. It's still not something he can afford.

When the man saw Tang San's troubled expression, he knew that he couldn't afford it, plus his shabby clothes. He doesn't look like a child from a wealthy family. His face fell instantly again.

"Go, go, go! If you can't afford it, get out of here! You're holding it in your hand and I didn't ask you to pay for it. It's already interesting enough. If you dare to have the idea of ​​​​my herbal medicine again, I won't interrupt you. legs!"

[To be continued]

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