Cheng Ying began to summarize the performance of game players after the novice tutorial.

Because the graphics of the game are too realistic, even if the monsters are not designed to be particularly ferocious, they still frighten most people. The average fright value is over 50. After all, there are so many people who are directly frightened and the average value is raised.

Douluo people are not very good at keeping calm in the game. It may be that their exposure to online games is relatively short. He is not used to the chase and escape battle with the boss.

In contrast, in terms of combat plots, most players performed quite well. Even ordinary people who have not joined the army and have no competition experience. The performance in this regard is also quite good.

In this world where extraordinary power exists, even if there is no need to fight. Everyone also practices one or two martial arts for self-defense, which makes Cheng Ying consider whether the difficulty of the game should be increased? Based on the combat experience of these people, it seems that the boss is a bit weak at this stage.

If the people currently discussing this game on the forum knew Cheng Ying's thoughts, they would probably collectively scold her. Not everyone in the game forum is a closed beta player. But beta testers will post game videos here.

Almost everyone has come to the conclusion that this game is very difficult. Just staying calm and not being scared off the line requires quite a high level of psychological quality.

Not to mention the need to solve puzzles in dangerous environments. Finally, you still need to fight monsters. Of course, this last step is not too difficult for them. Among them, those who could get weapons or props basically defeated monsters. But I can't stand the gameplay before this, which was too unexciting. It's so exciting that some elderly players have heart attacks.

Fortunately, the quality of the game compartment is excellent, and the first aid system equipped inside is quite reliable. While maintaining the patient's life, the local hospital was contacted immediately. Carry out rescue. As a result, there were no casualties.

Originally, some people wanted to cause trouble based on this. The problem is that the user agreement clearly states that players with a history of heart disease must play the game at their own risk.

In addition, the background behind this game is really too hard, and it belongs to the type where you can challenge an entire continent with one hand. This group of guys who wanted to cause trouble also stopped immediately.

In addition to commenting on the forum that this game is too difficult. I just lament that this game is too real. Many real players were embarrassed to find that their pants were wet after taking off their gaming helmets.

Many winning players even took the initiative to show off their wet pants. Although everyone is saying that this game is quite scary. But this only makes those players who have not qualified for the closed beta become more curious about it. Human curiosity is so weird. It's like watching a horror movie. You know it will be scary, but you still can't help but want to watch it.

Compared with the 10,000 internal beta users on Douluo Star, there are nearly 500,000 memory users on Tulip's local side. They have already been exposed to a lot of immersive virtual online games. Although there are few that are as high quality as the one in front of you, the basic game flow and operation mode are still there. But they are much more familiar with it than the Douluo people.

Therefore, people who think the game is difficult. It's much less than Douluo, but most people still think this game is quite scary. Compared with Douluo, Tulip's advantage is that they have a well-established e-sports professional team.

After the game is launched, these professional players will immediately provide strategies for the game. Just because the game automatically generates a copy, even if the novice tutorial has similarities. What everyone faces is different. This leads to the fact that the customs clearance guide is not of great significance to most users, and can only be used as a reference for ideas at most.

Many people have given up playing the game because of its difficulty and horror. Of course, there are also some types of dishes that are extremely addictive.

Every time I play, I get scared offline or killed by monsters. Can't even pass the novice tutorial. I still persisted in logging in to the game and restarting it again and again.

In comparison, Oscar, whose fear has been sealed, belongs to the gifted party. In addition, he originally had the fate of the protagonist, and his game talent was not bad. He successfully completed the novice copy for the first time. And started his first official copy journey.

[Oscar, Level 2]

[Please select the game mode you want to join. 】

[You have chosen the single-player survival mode, normal, please confirm]

[Confirmed, coordinating neural connections, script generation...]

[Loading starts, please wait. 】

[Loading completed, you are in single-player survival mode, normal. 】

[Introduction to the script will be played soon...]

[Your name is Woody, you have a happy family and a good job, all this until a virus breaks out in your city. The virus makes the infected lose their minds and turn into walking zombies who only know how to eat brains. They will attack everything. A creature with a brain, your wife and daughter were killed by such a monster, but there was nothing you could do. At this time, you were exhausted and guarding your house alone with a shovel.

At this time, your neighbor Dave found you, which may bring hope to your life. You heard Dave say to you: Waibi Babu]

Oscar: "???"

What is this all about? Originally, he thought this was a horror puzzle game, but now the style of this copy looks a bit funny.

Of course, it’s normal to be funny, and it’s not hard to tell that this copy was modified using Plants vs. Zombies.

When the player level is low, there will not be too difficult dungeons. Even the puzzles are not too difficult to solve. There are quite a lot of survival-type copies like the one in front of you.

However, the resources obtained from different dungeons are also different, and the items in most dungeons cannot be taken out. But the items that can be brought out will basically conform to the plot style in the instance.

Since Cheng Ying wants to trick Oscar. Naturally, I chose a copy with lower difficulty but very practical benefits. After clearing this dungeon, you will have a chance to draw a plant as a summoned beast.

The individual plants in Plants vs. Zombies are not very powerful. But it was quite practical in early copies. It is equivalent to a self-discipline fort. And in some instances where food is needed, the plants in Plants vs. Zombies can also serve as a steady source of food. It is a very useful summoned beast.

"It's enough to hang up to this extent. It's not enough! By the way, let's go in and create an account!" Chengying poked the Ice Emperor. In the original work of Thriller Paradise, the scene where the game world covers reality is too exaggerated. Chengying thinks it is safer to create an account.

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