Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 987: Painting the wall with feces

"You! Stop! Wow wow wow wow!" The monster's head was kicked by Cheng Ying like a ball. Because the head was not round, it was often kicked to the nose, which made him look extremely embarrassed.

"Okay! I'll ask you the answer, or I'll keep playing. Let me tell you, my record is more than 500 times. I just don't know if you can survive until then." Cheng Ying said cheerfully. I knew this technique in my previous life, and with the decades of experience in this life, I am definitely enough to make this guy vomit.

"Brother! You ask! You ask!" The monster gave up very decisively. After thinking about it, being kicked more than five hundred times like this was definitely not what he wanted.

"What kind of thing do you have? How many more are there?"

"Counting me, there are twelve in total." Cheng Ying didn't stop when he asked the question, so the monster answered quite decisively.

"Huh? Are you kidding me? There are five experimental subjects in total, but you told me there are twelve?"

"No, we can transform ordinary people into the same kind. The remaining seven are the ones that have been successfully transformed." Faced with Cheng Ying's expression that was ready to break his record, the monster answered decisively.

"Where is the room where you transform yourself? Take me there." Cheng Ying actually knows the plot, so all he wants is to complete the task as soon as possible. Because the subsequent plot has been cut off, the task content has become much simpler. , as long as you kill all the mutated monsters, it will be done.

The monster had no choice but to lead the way for the three of them, and Cheng Ying also began to talk about the follow-up content of the sleeping experiment.

"The participants in the experiment were five death row prisoners. Only by living in an environment without sleep for thirty days could they live free and receive a very generous reward.

However, it turned out that no one could get the money. At first, the experimental subjects could live and communicate normally, and read books to pass the time. But as time went by, they began to become anxious, and became wary and distant from each other.

Then they started plastering the walls, literally using their shit, and gluing the pages of the books to the one-way glass, which made it impossible to see inside the lab from the outside, and it looked like a big cesspool.

This situation lasted for several days. The experimenters tried to shout inside, but could not get a response. In the end, they chose to open the door to check and ordered the people inside to hold their heads and squat down, otherwise they would be shot on the spot.

However, given their mental condition, it might be difficult for them to obey the orders, so the researchers told them that as long as you act as required, one of you can be freed.

Only this time, the answer came from the room, someone answered with a hoarse voice, we no longer need freedom. After this hair-raising answer, the other party fell into silence again.

The guard opened the door and saw a hellish scene. The room was filled with stagnant water. The stagnant water mixed with feces, showing an extremely disgusting color. Later, during the cleanup, it was discovered that someone had used their thigh muscles to block the drainage pipe.

The food in the room was not eaten, and there were obvious muscle defects on the bodies and faces of the five experimental subjects. These injuries seemed to have been done by their hands. During the subsequent dissection, in their stomachs Human flesh and skin were found, and it is conceivable that they consumed their own flesh and blood.

At that time, I am afraid that the people in the room were no longer human beings, but another kind of existence. They were extremely powerful and killed three guards in one breath. After being subdued, they also showed their crazy side and seemed to be addicted. Like a gentleman, he asked to continue to provide them with gas that can excite them.

The researchers had to use a large amount of sedatives to suppress their madness, but one of the individuals lost vital signs directly after being injected with a large amount of sedatives. The other individuals also died one after another during the rescue and transportation process.

Before the last experimental subject died, the researchers almost collapsed and asked them questions,

What are you, and the mutants answered like this, we are you! We are the madness hidden in your body, eager to break free from the cage of reason all the time. We are the darkness that you curl up in bed to avoid every night. When you hide in those safe havens that we cannot enter, we are in silence. And dormant in weakness...

The story goes like this, we are! Then end this copy quickly! Cheng Ying said this and was no longer ready to continue acting: "I think even if you only have one head left, you should know how to perform a transformation ceremony!" Then transform her and me into your kind! I don't think you can say no, right? "

Cheng Ying sat on the blood-stained magic circle without hesitation and pulled the Ice Emperor over.

"Hahaha! Of course there is no problem. When you are transformed, you will understand how correct your current ideas are!"

Igor looked at the two guys who took the initiative to transform into monsters in shock, and fell into confusion: "You... you..."

"Don't worry, we won't be crazy assimilated." Cheng Ying waved his hand. The data in this copy was all compiled by himself. Could he not be clear that the essence of this ritual is to release people's crazy side? To put it bluntly, it is Blackening.

When an ordinary person is darkened by such a ritual, it is basically no different from a mental illness. It is like a will test. If it fails, the game will be over. It is definitely impossible for the game to really turn people into a mental illness. In that case, the game should be removed from the shelves.

Only those who can pass this will test can continue the game. Their crazy side will be released, but because their own will undoubtedly suppresses instinct, they can still continue the game rationally.

Cheng Ying does not think that he is born with a strong will, but for so many years, he has been experiencing the impact of nearly all the information on the planet, and he still maintains his humanity, without becoming mechanized or deified. This has proven that his will has been tempered. Strong enough.

As for the Ice Emperor, Cheng Ying is not sure, but from the description in the original work, her will is stronger than that of Huo Yuhao in the early days. If she has a stronger will than the protagonist, passing the test will not be a big problem.

As the ceremony progressed, blood began to ooze from the Ice Emperor's body, and in an instant it became no different from other mummies. In comparison, Cheng Ying's appearance did not change much, but the expression on his face became a little evil. .

"Ah... this looks really ugly! As expected, I am also a visual animal. Fortunately, I was prepared." Chengying grabbed the remaining bottle of medicine and injected it into Ice Emperor. Chengying remembered that it was quite painful to inject this thing. Yes, even if there is a weakened sense of pain, it is still very uncomfortable.

However, after transforming into mummy mode, the pain will inexplicably turn into a feeling of pleasure, so Cheng Ying gave it a shot...

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