Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 990 Unparalleled Zombies

The number of people in the team survival mode ranges from two to six people, but this time there are four people participating in the game.

The other two are just ordinary players. When this kind of game was first launched, ordinary players could get at most one or two pieces of equipment, which was not necessarily easy.

Mario's pipe wrench and the like are all normal gadgets, and there are some rather tricky rewards, maybe even a sweeping robot. Who knows how to use such a weapon? Maybe it can be thrown as a Frisbee. After all, the equipment is at least There is a damage bonus, and the damage is still higher than cutting with ordinary weapons.

The two players are a couple. The male's ID is "The loneliest when I miss you", and the female's ID is "The loneliest when I miss you". If there were only 10,000 players with this kind of couple ID, it would be really hard. Not easy to grab.

After reading the synopsis of the script, the lonely brother and the lonely girl already had the urge to put it into a box and start the next game quickly. The script of Dead Rising does not require much brain use. The problem is that the copy does not require much brain use. This means that the requirements for combat effectiveness are higher.

The two of them actually participated in the game because of the time flow rate of 1:8. During this time flow process, they can get more time to show affection, and playing horror games and so on, there is a suspension bridge effect! Of course it will be quite attractive to couples.

On the other hand, after the two people joined the game, they just showed off their affection, but they really didn't collect much good equipment. When faced with the zombie siege, most of them just dropped into boxes and didn't run away.

But they just woke up and saw blood wolf zombies falling from the sky, just like rain. This was completely different from the zombie siege they had in mind. After all, Douluo's film industry has been developing for a long time, and It was Iron Man that Chengying started filming, which saved many detours in the development of the film. The two of them had already seen zombie movies.

But in those movies, zombies are obviously walking on the streets like zombies. They will fall from the sky, rain, snow, even fish and frogs. It is barely understandable, but zombies are falling. That’s outrageous!

Just when the lonely brother and the lonely girl were considering whether to go offline and escape, those blood wolf zombies fell from the sky, and they were smashed into a pulp in front of them.

This makes it even more difficult to understand what the blood wolf zombies who fell from the sky did to kill themselves. Before the two of them could get their doubts answered, a big lolita with emerald green twin tails waved a thick traffic light. , rushing over like a general in ancient times.

Immediately afterwards, the two finally understood why zombies were raining from the sky. They saw the big loli waving the traffic light in her hand, which made people feel like a bad wind blowing in their faces even from a distance.

The pile of blood wolf zombies in front of the big Loli was blown away as if they were weightless, spinning and falling not far from them, and fell into a pulp.

The terrifying momentum and the huge weapons were so terrifying that the two players who saw this scene felt desperate. With this intensity, I'm afraid they would encounter the dungeon boss as soon as they landed! And it's also a super powerful boss.

This kind of boss, even if they are given time to prepare, is impossible to deal with. If they encounter it at the beginning, it will be really hopeless.

"I want to complain to the game planner! This balance is gone!" The lonely guy silently adjusted his pain sensation to zero and stood still with the lonely girl.

There was no need to run. It was pointless. They could run at the speed of a motor vehicle even at a traffic light. They couldn't run away at all. They might as well stay here and let the boss give them a hard time.

The two people held hands and faced death, feeling that their feelings for each other were sublimated.

As a result, when they looked up, they were dumbfounded. From a distance, the game ID above the Ice Queen's head could not be seen, so the two of them would regard the Ice Queen with an incredible combat power as the dungeon boss.

This is also normal. After the second transformation, the Ice Emperor is 1.8 meters tall. Although he still has the proportions of a lolita, this figure is a perfect boss template.

However, seeing the game ID is the most shocking thing! What game can make the players in the team book more exaggerated than the boss? It's understandable that the boss is so strong, but it's outrageous that the player is so strong, it's like a dream.

At first, Ice Emperor prepared a circle of sword storms to clear the map, but halfway through the capture, he discovered that there were two blood wolf zombies with game IDs on their heads. He quickly stopped and almost hammered his teammates. exploded.

"I said, what's wrong with you two? What are you doing standing there? Take a screenshot?" Ice Emperor threw away the traffic light, and her body began to gradually shrink. After Yitong Wushuang came down, her skill time was up, and she restored her original body shape and used it again For the second stage of transformation, you can only wait for your physical strength to return to over 50%.

It took the lonely boy a long time to react, and he knelt down on the spot: "Boss, please help me!"

The one Hyokui holds is Nohara Rin’s ID. That is the boss who first cleared the nightmare version in the system announcement. Isn’t it normal for the boss to rape her?

"Ah! It turns out this is a four-person copy!" Bingdi blinked and then realized that she and Cheng Ying were not the only ones in the copy.

"I didn't say it was just the two of us this time!" Cheng Ying came late. Without using his skills, he was running at an average speed: "You two are welcome. The difficulty of this dungeon is actually average. It is mainly suitable for practice. Shooting expertise.

The blood wolf zombies do not move very fast and are good moving targets. As long as you stick to the gun shop, you will not be short of weapons and ammunition, and you will soon be able to brush up your specialization proficiency to the entry-level level. Compared with the rewards for clearing levels, improvements in this area are even more important in the early stages of the game. "

The [Sakata Gintoki] above Chengying's head looks quite convincing. After all, he has cleared the nightmare book. If the nightmare book in the video makes a single mistake, it will be doomed, but this [Sakata Gintoki] is able to do it with ease. In the end, the nightmare version was even played to the effect of killing the novice village.

In the eyes of other players, Chengying's understanding of this game has reached an incredible level, and his resourcefulness and adaptability are the best choices. The analysis from such a person's mouth is undoubtedly extremely powerful. Highly feasible.

What's more, Cheng Ying's suggestion is indeed quite reliable. Although the two of them have cleared the dungeon of normal difficulty, their average performance means that their clearing rewards are not particularly exaggerated. Comparing the rewards of clearing the dungeon with the shooting specialization, it is easy to do. Out of choice.

As for Cheng Ying, he couldn't help but start thinking about it at this time. I remember that in the original work of Thriller Paradise, it was here that the system bug appeared for the first time, which is the so-called derivative. I didn't know that he had made this copy. Is there anything similar in there?

[To be continued]

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