Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 995: I’m used to dying.

When Tang San woke up again, he looked confused. For a moment, he couldn't even remember how he fainted, or whether the shock caused his brain to protect itself. Some memories were forcibly ignored.

But as he struggled to recall, he finally remembered that he was trapped in the game. And gained the ability to return from death. Thinking of this, he had realized that he might have fainted from fright.

In my impression, if I never take action. If he stayed in this copy of the game, he would be attacked by ghosts, so he could only think while walking.

The dark and cramped room, the strange eyes, the rapid knocking on the door, the female corpse hanging on the ceiling, and the corpse's eyes that were staring at him tightly.

Scenes emerged as his memories unfolded. Just thinking about it caused his fright level to surge, his whole body felt bad, and he had a frightened expression. It also happened to appear on his face.

Because of patronizing memories. He didn't notice that he had bumped into the Rift Girl. When the other party asked if she was beautiful, she showed an indifferent expression.

Immediately, the cracked girl took advantage of his inability to concentrate and fight back, gave him a smile, and sent him back to read the archive.

When Tang San woke up, he felt extremely depressed. There was no save point in this crappy game. Death return means returning to the beginning of the game. Even if he figured out the game process completely. You also need to be completely frightened by all the scare points before you can successfully pass the level. Even if you know all the scary places. I want to get through it in one go without being stunned. It was also an extremely difficult thing, not to mention that Tang San had no idea how many scary places there were behind it.

But he had no choice but to quit the game. Just continue. If you don't play the game, you will be killed by monsters that appear out of nowhere. In case even if it is 80 hours later. You can't exit the game either. At that time, he might not be able to leave even if he clears the level.

Tang San sorted out his mood and set off again. After being prepared. He will no longer be frightened off by the previous scare points.

Successfully arrived at the house in Mikicho.

After surviving the scary eyes in the room, I finally saw the body again. At this point he was ready to fight. Holding the hidden weapon tightly in his hand can make him feel more secure. Judging from the cracked woman, he was not without the power to fight back. But with his little fighting power, he can only deal with the weakest ghosts.

Tang San bit the bullet. He stared at the corpse for a moment. Before the fright value broke through 99, I finally made it to the cutscene.

After the animation gave a close-up of the female corpse's face, the scene suddenly changed.

It was replaced by an exquisite villa and mansion. After a short cutscene, Tang San got the hint. This time his mission is to find his friend, and there is no doubt that his friend lives in the mansion.

It seems like a illogical plot. But there is no doubt that the villa in front of you is not that easy to break into. Villas have always been the most haunted areas. In other words, ordinary apartments that don't even have two floors are not worthy of being haunted.

A huge empty villa. Full of dark corners where light cannot shine. It makes people completely unable to feel at ease. Tang San looked at the extra piece of paper in his hand. The address written above seems to be the location of the villa in front of me. The only clues pointed here, so he had no choice but to give it a try.

After entering the huge villa. Tang San moved forward with fear. But I didn't find anything scary in the villa. But that didn't make him relax. With the lessons learned from the past, he knew that once he relaxed, he might be suddenly attacked by something terrifying.

This crappy game doesn't seem to have a save point at all. If you faint from being scared again, you have to start from the beginning again.

It's just that sometimes vigilance is useless.

There was a strange sound coming from the second floor of the villa. The sound didn't look like it could be made by a human being. Tang San gritted his teeth and walked towards the second floor. If he didn't investigate, he would have to be trapped here. So I knew there would be something scary on the second floor. He also had to follow the stairs up.

After being mentally prepared, he was still shocked when he saw the scene on the second floor. The familiar female corpse was lying on a bed on the second floor. This thing was the hanged man he had seen before. It seems like this is still an important plot character.

And there was a more ferocious-looking monster beside the bed. The humanoid upper body is attached to the spider-shaped lower body. Make this thing look much more ferocious than a simple spider. Although I am mentally prepared. But Tang San was startled as soon as he could.

Compared with the previous monsters that were generally aggressive, this huge guy attacked him as soon as it saw him. Tang San, who was used to being unable to defeat monsters, saw the ferocious appearance of this thing in front of him. No matter how you look at it, it should be much more powerful than other monsters. He turned around and ran away without even thinking about counterattack. Only a fool would go head-to-head with this thing.

It's just that before he took two steps, he felt a chill in his heart. He had no idea how the other party did it, and he was stabbed to death.

Tang San, who was resurrected, found out in despair. He saw the cracked girl again. Just as he guessed, this game has no save points at all. If you die, you have to start from scratch.

Cheng Ying, who was observing outside, also came to his own conclusion: "The guy who secretly controls the copy doesn't seem to have an exaggerated ability. Can he only adjust a small part of the game data? Is it because he has just been born and is not familiar with it yet? My own ability? But it doesn’t matter. Just grow as you please.”

Cheng Ying is not worried about the other party's growth, even if the other party can slowly acquire various other abilities. But compared to the guy who created the entire world single-handedly. There is still an indelible gulf-like gap.

As long as Cheng Ying thinks about it, killing this guy is just a thought.

Cheng Ying was getting a little bored watching Tang San die again and again. This guy was probably used to dying. So far, the plot Tang San had experienced was only less than 1/3 of this dungeon. This copy is called Black and White Ghost Domain. Being called a nightmare copy isn't just because he's scary enough. What's more important is the puzzle hidden in the copy. The difficulty is so high that it makes people’s minds explode. Even if Tang San could withstand the fright, after experiencing all the frightening plots, he would come to the reasoning behind it. I'm afraid I have to die many times before I can successfully pass the level.

One thing Cheng Ying can be sure of is that once the limit of game length is reached, that is, the 80-hour anti-addiction period is reached, Tang San will be forced to disconnect and exit the game. Even if that unknown being exists, it has certain authority. It is also impossible to interfere with the settings on this hardware. In other words, if you cannot clear the level within 80 hours. That thing may not come out. Cheng Ying was curious about whether that thing had any other means. To solve Tang San's IQ problem.

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