Douluo: Shocked, I Became Bibi Dong

Chapter 506 505. Yuehe Island

Two months ago, an unknown ship appeared in the waters surrounding the Yuehe Island Fleet, which immediately aroused the vigilance of the Yuehe Island Fleet. They approached the fleet and forced the fleet to dock and enter. To the port of Yuehe Island.

"Your Excellency, there is a ship sneaking close to our island. It claims to be an envoy from Wuhun Palace. It's sneaky, and you can tell it's a craftsmanship at first glance." A retainer came in and said.

"Oh, escort him in," Wayne said.

"Yes." The retainer said, stretched out his hand and said, "Bring it in!"

After a while, the envoy from Wuhun Palace was escorted into the Duke's Mansion by the surrounding soldiers.

The Duke looked at the strange attire of this envoy, which was different from that of the Sun and Moon Continent, and asked: "Who are you, and what are you doing near Yuehe Island?"

"You are the Duke of this island, right? How many times have I told you that I am the envoy of Wuhun Palace. I came to contact you, the Duke, with the friendly mission of Wuhun Palace. Didn't you expect that this is how you treat the messenger? ?" the envoy from Wuhun Palace said dissatisfied.

"Untie him," Wayne said.

"Yes." The soldier then opened the rope on the Wuhun Palace envoy.

Seeing that the envoy from Wuhun Palace relaxed his body after being loosened, Wayne asked, "I've never heard of a force called Wuhun Palace in this world!"

"Duke, there are many things you haven't heard of." The envoy from Wuhun Palace said: "The mighty power of Wuhun Palace will be heard in every corner of this place in the near future!"

"The might of heaven?" Duke Wayne said playfully: "I wonder which country on the Sun Moon Continent the Wuhun Palace is, or is it a force on an overseas island?"

"The Wuhun Palace does not come from any country on the Sun and Moon Continent, nor is it a force on any island in the sea." The Wuhun Palace envoy said.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. I'm not interested in where your Wuhun Temple comes from. Let's talk about your reason for coming first." Duke Wayne said.

The envoy from Wuhun Palace did not worry about this. After all, both parties did not know each other. He handed the letter to Duke Wayne.

After Duke Wayne took the letter, he looked at it with a look of surprise on his face!

The letter was Xi Ling's own handwriting, explaining that she was now in Douluo Continent, a continent called Douluo Continent that was comparable to the Sun and Moon Continent. She had obtained the protection of the Wuhun Palace, the largest force on that continent, and she was about to She praised Duke Wayne's loyalty, and on the other hand, said that she would return to the country with Wuhundian to regain power, and she needed Duke Wayne's support!

In order to ensure the authenticity of this letter, the letter is also accompanied by the unique seal of the Crescent Moon Royal Family!

"Praise the Crescent Goddess, the princess is still alive." Wayne held the envelope in his hands and said excitedly.

Then Wayne took a deep breath and said, "Princess Xi Ling is in your Spirit Hall, right?"

"As the letter says!" the Wuhun Palace envoy said.

"Okay, go back and tell Princess Xi Ling that she can come anytime, and my Yuehe Island will open the door to her!" Wayne said.

"With that, I'll take my leave!" The envoy from Wuhun Palace withdrew.

After receiving Duke Wayne's order, the Yuehe Island army sent the envoys from Wuhun Palace out of the country as gifts!

After the envoy from Wuhun Palace left, Duke Wayne immediately began to investigate Douluo Continent and Wuhun Palace, but according to any records of Sun Moon Continent, there was no information about the other continent!

Duke Wayne summoned his staff to discuss it late at night!

"Your Excellency, are you sure this is Princess Xi Ling's personal letter?"

"Princess Xi Ling's handwriting can be forged, but the royal seal is difficult to forge," Wayne said.

"Where does the Spirit Hall come from? How come we have never heard of it? Is there really a continent overseas that is no less powerful than the Sun and Moon Continent?"

"Maybe it's just an unknown island. Maybe there's a country on the island called Wuhun Palace?"

The staff were chattering incessantly, and the topics of discussion all revolved around Wuhun Palace and another overseas continent.

"This thing is too bizarre. There is a continent no less than the Sun and Moon Continent overseas. How did our princess get to that continent? This is what I am most worried about." Wayne said: " Maybe the princess has been missing for so long and has already fallen into the hands of Long Chen. This is just a conspiracy set up by Long Chen to take over our Yuehe Island!"

When the staff heard what Duke Wayne said, they immediately became quiet, and then they each expressed their own opinions.

Some people even proposed refusing to allow any ships to enter the port, insisting on militarized management of Yuehe Island, and guarding against any attempts from the mainland.

Wayne said: "But anyway, this is the first time we have received information about the princess. Whether the princess fell into the hands of Long Chen is just a guess on my part. Maybe not. You must know that the princess is in the sun and the moon." She gained a magical power from the ruins of the divine capital in the canyon, and maybe this power transferred her to another continent."

"If she is really a princess, we can't miss this opportunity!"

"She is the only royal family left behind by the previous generation of the Crescent Emperor. She has the orthodoxy of the Crescent Empire. With her, we can resist Long Chen more smoothly!" Wayne said.

Of course, Wayne also has his own ideas. By supporting the old royal family, he can gain his own status and even gain a good reputation. This is especially because Xi Ling is a woman and has inherited a god-level martial spirit. If he has merit, , if the descendants of their Wei family can combine with Xi Ling, then the future New Moon Emperor will most likely be a member of the Wei family!

Therefore, in the next two months, Yuehe Island successively received exploration fleets from Wuhun Palace, and direct contacts between the two parties became more and more frequent.

It was not until two months later that a huge warship sailed over from the seaside skyline and immediately aroused the alert of Yuehe Island.

Yuehe Island immediately dispatched a fleet to investigate the origin of this warship. However, on the sea, in front of this warship, the warships of the Yuehe Island fleet were like small boats, small and weak.

Especially after seeing the guns, crossbows and other weapons all over the warship, Yuehe Island's fleet had the idea of ​​being invincible.

"Which fleet are you from? What are you doing approaching the waters of Yuehe Island?" Although he thought he was unable to fight, the admiral of the Yuehe Island fleet still shouted to the large warship through the loudspeaker soul guide.

Xi Ling walked to the bow of the battleship, picked up the soul amplifier and said, "Tell Duke Wayne that I am Xi Ling. This ship comes from the Spirit Hall, not from the Sun and Moon Continent."

However, after Xi Ling appeared and identified the battleship of Wuhun Palace, the defenders of Yuehe Island breathed a sigh of relief. They notified the Duke and escorted the battleship slowly into the harbor!

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