Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 11: Conjecture, Reasoning, Verification

"What's wrong?"

Looking at Guanshi Ning flying towards him, the sect leader sent out a greeting.

"You are so old, why can't you be more steady like Rongrong?"

Manager Ning took a breath, pulled Han Tao aside, and began to explain.

"Han Tao just talked about ways to improve your physical fitness."

"Yeah!" Ning Fengzhi snorted.

"He said there are two types of treatment. Deep treatment involves microscopic treatment and heals the meridians."

He would rather take care of things and avoid the easy ones, and did not answer the question of how to improve his physical fitness.

"What!" Ning Fengzhi shouted.

"It involves microscopic things and heals the meridians. Is this true?"

he asked loudly.

"It has not been verified yet, Sect Master!"

Manager Ning explained quickly, with a trace of cold sweat on his forehead, secretly hoping that what Han Tao said was true.

At this time, Han Tao spoke.

"Yes, Sect Leader Ning, the first soul skill I chose, Fluorescence, is a kind of treatment involving microcosms."

"Has it been tested?"

Han Tao nodded and continued to add: "Before obtaining the soul ring, I cut off the hoof of a gray wolf and tested three healing soul beasts, namely fluorescent grass, begonia flower, and sunshine sunflower."

"Among them, Begonia flower and Sunflower flower have no repairing effect on tendons. Of course, the factor of insufficient vintage cannot be ruled out."

"The fluorescent grass has a therapeutic effect on the hoof meridians, so I chose fluorescent grass as my first soul ring."

After hearing Han Tao's clear answer, Ning Fengzhi somewhat believed what he said and continued to ask.

"Have you continued testing after becoming a soul ring?"

Han Tao continued to nod: "Fluorescence can restore microscopic parts of the body, but when it comes to the impact on the meridians, there is no experimental sample and no test."

"Yeah!" Ning Fengzhi's tone gradually became gentle:

"Now, release your soul skills on me!"

Han Tao summoned his martial spirit and released his first soul skill, fluorescence.

A weak light of soul power was transmitted towards Ning Fengzhi's body.

Ning Fengzhi frowned when he saw the weak light. He began to feel the meridians in his body and the effect produced by the soul skill.

"For a soul master of my 'level', the effect of your soul skills is extremely weak. Maybe you can get a little bit of help only by using it for a long time."

"But it is undeniable that your theories and discoveries have huge strategic significance."

Ning Fengzhi sat down, waved to Manager Ning, and gave instructions.

"According to the rules set before, if there are contributions, our Qibao Glazed Sect will not be stingy with rewards. I will teach him the secret method of controlling distraction."

After speaking, Ning Fengzhi turned to look at Han Tao again.

"This is the secret method of our sect and cannot be passed on to others. Remember it, remember it."

This is certain, almost all sect secret laws have such rules.

After Han Tao left, Ning Fengzhi burst out laughing in the hall.

"I'm afraid this kid doesn't know the value of this information, but I used something that I was going to teach him to get rid of."

Ning Fengzhi was sitting casually on a chair, holding a copy of "Happiness and Anger Beyond Color" in her hands. She had no image at all.

"Dad, what makes you so happy?"

Suddenly, a little potato rushed in from behind the door.

It was Ning Rongrong.

Seeing Ning Rongrong, Ning Fengzhi stroked her hair casually, messing up Ning Rongrong's hair.

"I met an interesting guy today."

Then whispered softly.

"Deep treatment can heal meridians. With this healing soul skill, it means that the cost of developing meditation methods has been greatly reduced."

"Furthermore, when a soul master practices, his meridians will be more or less damaged. It's just a difference in amount, and these will affect the potential."

Manager Ning walked in from the door, saw Ning Fengzhi's movements, and whispered to his ear.

"Bone Douluo will come over soon, if he finds out that you messed up Rongrong's hair."

Ning Fengzhi's laughing expression instantly subsided and he glanced at the door suspiciously.

Then he quickly smoothed the hair on Rongrong's head, but his technique may be relatively unfamiliar, and Ning Rongrong's hair became even more messy.

Ning Fengzhi was a little nervous.

"Is it the new kid named Han Tao?"

Ning Rongrong raised her eyes and opened her mouth to ask.

"How old are you, you call me a brat?" Ning Fengzhi laughed and scolded.

"Is he an auxiliary soul master?"

"Lan Yincao, I should forget about it."

Suddenly, Ning Rongrong showed a mischievous expression and let out a sly smile.

"Dad, since he is an auxiliary soul master, shouldn't we prepare an auxiliary study list for him as an admission gift to our Seven Treasures Glazed Sect?"

After hearing Ning Rongrong's words, the guards at the door couldn't help but take half a step back.

"Little witch, are you serious?"

Ning Fengzhi guessed Ning Rongrong's intention, but he did not object and acquiesced to his daughter's conditions.

Under the instructions of the little witch Ning Rongrong, the elder of the palace guard quickly sorted out the auxiliary study book list and handed it to Han Tao.

"What is this?" Han Tao jumped up.

"Oh my god!"

"Estimated Combat Power Level of Each Martial Spirit Level" is just one of the auxiliary study lists. On top of the auxiliary study list, there are almost strict requirements for auxiliary soul masters.

【Real-time gain】

"Real-time gain does not mean mindlessly increasing the strength or agility of teammates. The soul power of auxiliary soul masters is limited. We need to use limited soul power to maximize the gain effect."

"For example, when a strong attack soul master launches an attack, it includes offensive actions, hit timing, and tail swing. The offensive action gives speed blessing to ensure the hit. Before the hit timing is triggered, the attack gain is provided to expand the damage effect."

"Defensive soul skills should not be stationed on teammates all the time. The most appropriate time is before teammates are injured, to apply short-term and high-intensity defensive soul skills to reduce the damage and soul power consumption."

"Real-time gain requires different gain strategies according to different types of soul masters."

Corresponding book list; "Splitting of attack stages of strong attack soul masters", "Sixteen methods of gain schemes for strong attack soul masters at each stage", "Seven major auxiliary means for quick attack soul masters Key points.


"Control includes three parts, namely perception, calculation, and control. Perception is to obtain data samples of the battle situation, calculation is to judge and select the best strategy, and control represents the execution of the strategy. All three are indispensable."

"Calculation is the core of the core of the auxiliary. By understanding the combat level, force and agility distribution, combat habits, and soul ring skills of teammates and enemies, using the data of the battle situation as samples and the verified theory as formulas, a large number of calculations are used to deduce the direction of the battle and guide the battle situation to expand the advantage."

Recommended books: "Soul Ring Attack Analysis", "Elemental Properties and Characteristics", "Force".

"The control part includes multiple forms such as gain, treatment, purification, isolation, control, weakening, and linking."

The first is "adding corresponding status" and the second is "commanding teammates what to do". Therefore, information transmission is the core of the control part.

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