Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 238 Soul Skill Classification

Tang Hao doesn't understand theory.

He looked at the secret book in his hand for a long time, and his mental power repeatedly swept Ning Fengzhi and Han Tao, but he still couldn't figure it out.

"Heh" Han Tao showed a hypocritical smile.

"Just bullying you for being brainless!"

Simple information made Han Tao draw a conclusion.

Because of the forced sacrifice, there is a soul beast living in Tang San's soul ring or soul bone.

If at this time, he practiced the advanced level of distraction control method, and his soul was divided into two, you can imagine what would happen.

"I hope you didn't lie to me!"

Tang Hao's nose was panting: "Otherwise, I will definitely make your Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect pay the price!"

The cold tone swept over Han Tao and Ning Rongrong, and the hidden threat was revealed in his words.

The scarlet light, rich in a strong murderous aura, forced towards Ning Rongrong.

"Humph!" Sword Douluo sneered.

Although the energy fluctuations are mysterious, they cannot be hidden from the research of the Title Douluo. Sword Douluo uses his soul power to isolate the scarlet energy.

"Why, do you want to fight?"

Standing in the air, the Seven Killing Sword suddenly came out of its sheath, and the sword edge condensed with the will of the Seven Killings collided with Tang Hao's aura.

Above the sky, a layer of imperceptible light and shadow eroded the entire battlefield.

"That's enough!" Ning Fengzhi said lightly.

If the fight continues like this, the facilities of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect will be destroyed, and Tang Hao will not be compensated for his appearance.

As for killing Tang Hao.

Whether he can be left or not is not discussed for the time being.

The Haotian Sect is also one of the top three sects. The hostility of another huge force will inevitably make the sect master consider it.

But these are not the key points. The key point is: Tang Chen!

After a long confrontation, Tang Hao finally chose to leave.

Calm down again and sort out several categories of soul skill effects.

"The first type, characteristic stimulation."

For example, Han Tao's first soul skill, fluorescence

Essentially, it uses the power of the soul ring to activate the vitality of the blue silver grass itself and heal the soul master's body.

If it is a beast martial soul or a weapon martial soul, even if it absorbs this soul ring, it cannot obtain the effect of "microscopic treatment".

Thinking of this, Han Tao recorded a piece of knowledge:

[Soul skills are the extension of the martial soul and cannot exist in a form independent of the martial soul]

From this point of view, the second classification of soul skills naturally emerges: "Form extension!"

Blue silver eye and blue silver bamboo are the transformation of the form of blue silver grass.

Including the blue silver king spear and the blue silver cage, they also belong to this category

"Blue silver poison barrier, domain-type soul skills!"

Obviously, domain-type soul skills are a new classification.

Bibi Dong's magic spider summoning, Zhao Wuji's gravity enhancement, and so on

"The fourth type is the movement state of soul power, which can also be called action-type soul skills."

The flow rules of soul power in the body strengthen the body's action effects, such as Xiao Wu's eight-section throw and Zhu Zhuqing's netherworld hundred cuts, all belong to this category.

And the power that Han Tao entrusted Feng Xiaotian to study was this part.

"Elementalization of the body!"

The invincible golden body, including the Vajra Indestructible developed by Ju Douluo, and the Netherworld Possession belong to this category. The Vajra Transformation and Demon God Transformation of the Evil Eyed White Tiger belong to the gradual advancement of the domain soul skills.

"When the martial soul has enough strength and the soul skills are old enough, it will attract the surrounding power. This is the evolution of the domain soul skills!"

A typical example is that Tang San's first soul skill of the Clear Sky Hammer is taken from the Earth Power of the Titan Giant Ape.

And the Blue Silver Evil Mirror of the Evil Demon Killer Whale King can condense everything around into a mirror crystal for defense or attack. The specifications of this soul skill are quite high.

"Blue Silver Eye."

Han Tao stared at the blue silver grass quietly, and the third soul ring on the martial soul was purple.

It is already on the verge of the limit, and it is only a fraction away from breaking through the ten thousand year mark.

"The Blue Silver Eye is an extension of the martial soul form and belongs to the second category of soul skills."

The 100,000-year Blue Silver Emperor soul ring provides a template for the soul ring structure of the "Blue Silver Eye".

Han Tao only needs to copy it to make his third soul ring have a 100,000-year soul ring structure, but having a structure does not mean that it is equivalent to a 100,000-year soul ring.

"A 100,000-year soul ring is not only a transformation of the soul ring structure, but also has other aspects of influence."

Soul skill information

The benefits of the Blue Silver Eye are very strong, but the soul skill information recorded in the soul ring is of ordinary specifications, just a general change in form.

By absorbing the original power of other blue silver grass, the soul ring age will be improved and the soul skill effect will be strengthened, but this is only a byproduct of the structure and soul power becoming stronger, and the soul skill itself has not achieved transformation.


Research will always face difficulties.

As long as you explore, you will find various problems in various aspects.

"Forget it, let's not consider these for the time being"

Han Tao sighed regretfully, and then took out a blue silver grass and used the "soul fusion soul ring" to absorb the original power of the blue silver grass.


As time passed, the soul ring successfully transformed into black.

"Ten thousand year soul ring!"

As expected, the "Blue Silver Eye" advanced to ten thousand years.

Next, just wait for the next batch of thousand-year blue silver grass to mature, and this soul ring can naturally reach 99999 years.


"The recorded information of the soul skills cannot be changed by my means."

Even if the age reaches 99999 years, the origin, soul power, and structure meet the requirements, but the quality of the soul skills is not even as good as the regular 50,000-year soul beast.

At least, it is absolutely impossible to produce a soul skill of the standard of "Blue Silver Evil Mirror Destruction".

The next day, Tianshui College.

"Excuse me, who are you?" The guard at the door stopped Han Tao.

Han Tao was well-dressed, polite, and his attitude was also good.

After all, Han Tao was not Tang San. He would not wear shabby clothes and deliberately go to a prestigious place like Yuexuan, where he would be insulted by the guards and then use blue silver grass to devour other people's vitality.


Han Tao hesitated for a moment, and then introduced himself.

Led by the guards, Han Tao arrived at the principal's office of Tianshui College.

The principal of Tianshui College was an ice-type soul douluo. Because of the influence of his bloodline and martial soul, his hair was azure blue. He looked at Han Tao carefully.

Shui Bing'er obviously recognized Han Tao. Even though the two did not communicate, Han Tao, as the champion of the National Elite Soul Master Competition and the ruler of [Blue Silver], naturally attracted her attention.

She walked slightly to the principal's side and whispered a few words. It seemed that the two had a very cordial relationship.

"Han Tao, what are you doing here?" Shui Bing'er blinked.

Han Tao saluted the principal, and then said solemnly: "This time I came here mainly to explore the evolution trend of the blue silver grass."

"You should also know that water is an indispensable part of the growth of plants."

"Tianshui College is the strongest water element college on Douluo Continent, so I naturally need to come and visit."

Explain the reason for coming, and then praise Tianshui College a little.

It can be clearly seen that the principal smiled slightly, and his expression became kind: "Do you want us to help you evolve your martial soul?"

At this time, Shui Bing'er pulled Xuewu out and kept hinting at her with her eyes.

"This is Xuewu!" She introduced.

"The martial soul is Xianwu Xueduan, which has the ability to control the weather, and it will definitely help you."

Xuewu's figure is particularly hot, with the strength of a level 47 soul master, and her eyes looked at Han Tao nervously.

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