Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 320: Wrong bloodline exploration, the essence of martial soul under reshaping

Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, laboratory.

"This time, you are in charge!"

Han Tao said to her softly with a hint of tenderness.

Ye Lingling: "Yes!"

With a meticulous look, he poured the cat-owl blood into three crucibles.

"Cat-owl blood can be used as a catalyst for the fusion of other bloods."

"Please help me." Her voice was soft.

Han Tao understood.

Activate the soul power and dilute the mixed smell in the air.

And Ning Rongrong took out the funnel and poured the evil-eyed white tiger blood into the test tube according to different amounts.

Repeat the same steps for the nether spirit cat blood.


Ye Lingling nodded gently.

Unfolding his martial soul "Nine Heart Begonia", he observed every detail of the experimental process.

"Study on the influence of different amounts of catalytic blood with the same proportion of evil-eyed white tiger and nether spirit cat blood"

After a lot of testing, find the appropriate and reasonable amount of cat-owl blood.


Han Tao nodded: "The influencing factor of blood ratio is only one of the aspects."

"Martial soul fusion is the fusion of soul power frequency and structure!"

"Although blood does not have the characteristics of soul power, we still need to retain the changes in blood under the influence of the soul master's own frequency."

"Perhaps Davis and Zhu Zhuyun cannot be born with perfect fusion."

The two bloods in Han Tao's hand are not actually from Davis and Zhu Zhuyun.

And Ning Rongrong raised her eyes: "My soul skills can simulate soul power, and the origin soul bone can achieve the exploration of microscopic structure. If you need it, just tell me directly."


Blood ratio, catalytic time, frequency mapping

Every bit of detail was disassembled in the careful test.

Fortunately, Han Tao asked for enough blood to support the experimental samples.

Half a month later,

Because of the significance of distraction control method, Han Tao and others did not neglect the cultivation of soul power while conducting experimental research.

Ye Lingling, shaking the test tube, raised her head with a hint of surprise.


Ye Lingling stretched out her hand slightly, lifted the short hair on her forehead, and stared at the floating scarlet with bright eyes.

In the test tube, a black line was revealed in the scarlet blood.

"Perfect fusion, god-level blood, Nether White Tiger!"

God-level blood is not equivalent to the ultimate blood.

At this point, Ye Lingling was afraid and hesitant, and did not dare to activate her martial soul to absorb this god-level blood.

"What's wrong?" Ning Rongrong asked with a hint of joking.

"Your Nine Heart Begonia is only an ultimate martial soul. Trying to carry the god-level blood, isn't it too ambitious?"

She turned over her palm and presented the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower in the air.

"The Nine Treasures Glazed Tower can indeed bear the medicinal properties of the immortal grass, but the immortal grass I greedily eat is of the ultimate strength. Even I dare not touch the immortal grass god-grade Acacia Heartbroken Red, okay?"

Han Tao rubbed her head: "Don't scare her."

"After all, it is the Nine Heart Begonia, the ultimate healing system of Douluo Continent."

"Besides, even if the load capacity of the martial soul is not enough, your Nine Treasures Glazed Tower can also apply a buff!"

Ning Rongrong turned her head away: "I don't want to?"

Ye Lingling smiled.

Although Rongrong is eccentric, she is not indiscriminate and will not do things that stand idly by.

The Nine Heart Begonia, which is scattered with blue and pink light, slowly touches the blood of the "Netherworld White Tiger" and wraps up the power in it.

"Deep black!"

The power of the underworld ripples in the buds of the Nine Heart Begonia.

The power of the martial soul is greater than the extreme and god-level natural chasms.

Just like Han Tao's Blue Silver Grass can carry the top-level spirit toxin of the Human-Faced Demon Spider King when the strength is 0.6.

"How is it?"

Rongrong's tone, on the contrary, has a hint of concern.

She rubbed her hands awkwardly. She has been involved in the research for the past half month.

Rongrong has an urgent desire for the research results.

"No change."

Ye Lingling answered hesitantly.

Raising her hand, the Nine-Hearted Begonia is still alternating between blue and pink, but a small part of the bud has transformed into a deep black.

"No change?" Rongrong couldn't believe it:

"Can't we drive the power of the netherworld? Then our research is in vain?"

Han Tao rolled his eyes: "Normal, you have eaten so many fairy herbs, but you haven't seen the ability to drive the fairy herbs."

"Go, go, go," Rongrong laughed awkwardly twice.

Looking at Ye Lingling again: "Test the physical data and mental data."

"See if the data of bloodline tempering has changed?"

As Ning Rongrong's amplification swept over, a clear and visible fact was revealed.

"No change!"

After sorting the data, it was a cold and cruel reality.

Whether it was the physical body tempered by bloodline, mental power, or soul power value, there was no change.

It seemed that the Nine Heart Begonia absorbing the god-level Nether White Tiger bloodline was an unfounded move.


Ye Lingling sighed: "Maybe."

Ning Rongrong had a bitter face.

And Han Tao raised his head: "Maybe you don't understand the martial soul enough!"

"When you understand the martial soul again, you can understand the meaning of absorbing blood."


Ye Lingling suddenly reacted.

"Indeed, we have alienated the essence of the Nine Heart Begonia. The essence of the Nine Heart Begonia is treatment, it is treatment!"

"The pursuit of powerful god-level bloodline deviates from the essence of martial arts."

Han Tao was stunned.

Just like Yu Xiaogang, in order to enhance the control system and offensiveness of Blue Silver Grass, it is as outrageous to load mandala snake and ghost vine soul ring.

"you mean"

When they were introduced, the two raised their heads and looked at her.

"Jiuxin Haitang, a natural healing martial soul, can easily restore a soul master's physical strength."

"After mastering the [microscopic treatment] theory, you can repair the soul master's meridians."

"And the meaning of carrying blood is naturally to help soul masters replenish their blood, not to obtain other weird abilities like Blue Silver Grass."

The truth gradually became clear during the refutation process.

Ning Rongrong was very decisive and took out part of his own blood and presented it to Ye Lingling.

"Absorb it?"

"Even if the essential understanding is wrong, there is still room for error in 'fusion of the martial soul's body', and the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda bloodline can be regarded as half of the puzzle of the martial soul."


Ye Lingling once again carried the bloodline of the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda into the Nine Heart Begonia, and this time the process went very smoothly.

Two hours later,

She raised her head, summoned her martial soul, and released her soul skills.

"The first soul skill, healing!"

The intense light alternating between blue and pink passed through the narrow space and came to Ning Rongrong's body.

At the seventh level of the distraction control method, Ning Rongrong was able to completely control the microscopic power. Of course, Ning Rongrong was aware of the details of his body.

"It seems."

"You guessed it right!"

He nodded with slight approval and gave Ye Lingling a thumbs up.


Ye Lingling shook his head: "It's not that simple!"

"This is not just the power of replenishing blood, but the microscopic control of blood!"

Han Tao sighed: "He is indeed the chosen martial spirit who transformed his body."

Gently stimulating the soul power, pulling Ning Rongrong's blood, pulling out the strands of fairy grass poison in her blood one by one.


Rongrong's cheeks turned red shyly, and she spoke with embarrassment.

But at this moment, Ye Lingling's thoughts were extending in the direction of his bloodline, and he had even more terrifying fantasies.

"Microscopic treatment can repair the soul master's meridians, but its essence is to reshape the meridians."

"Yes!" Han Tao nodded.


Her eyes exuded a mottled glow: "Assuming that the microscopic aspects of the body can be precisely controlled, the texture of the meridians can naturally be reconstructed, the bone attachment of muscle units can be optimized, and the soul master can evolve toward a perfect form!"

Han Tao was stunned on the spot.


The upper limit of the nanny depends on the upper limit of the soul master's operation.

The meridians of soul masters are similar, but in fact they are not very different.

However, it is inevitable that there will be single-digit individuals with extraordinary talents, whose meridian structure is superior to ordinary people.

The width of the meridians can be expanded, and the soul power of the acupoints can be slowly enhanced, but the growth of the meridians is innate.

"The superior meridian structure can increase the speed of soul power mobilization and increase the coherence of soul power flow."

"But the capillary meridians are complicated and numerous. If you want to operate this part precisely, it is not easy for a soul master."

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