Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 324 Meridian Route Optimization

Tiandou Empire, prison.

After Han Tao's heavy bribes, this area has become a common place to enter and exit.

"Physical transformation."

"A sufficient number of reference cases requires enough experience and theory."

In prison, death row prisoners can be said to have suffered a great crime.

Perhaps to comfort his inner paleness, Han Tao prepared the best ingredients for them, even expensive medicinal herbs and supplements.

"Just a few gold soul coins"

Take out the meat and put it on the table.

The prison guard looked strange: "I really don't know how to evaluate you."

"You are cruel, but you are willing to provide them with expensive medicinal herbs and food. You are kind, but you have no regrets about their death."

The withering of life has never aroused any waves in his heart.

"Soul research and physical transformation must be carried out on corpses."

Casually scanning the crowd: "Being able to explore a bright future for mankind and soul masters can also make up for the sins you have committed."

Serious Criminal A: "That sounds good!"

"You just want to torture us to satisfy your perverted mind, why add such high-sounding rhetoric."

"Oh?" Han Tao calmed down.

Looking at him, he asked: "You are still a cultured person, what's your name?"

"Yang Shiqi!"

"Surname Yang, are you from the Po Yi clan?"


After a pause, he shook his head.

Han Tao's expression was very casual: "The next experimenter is you, as for whether you can survive, it depends on your own luck."

If it is the Po Yi clan, and the experiment fails and leads to death, Han Tao will inform the chieftain Yang to come and collect the body.

"Ye Lingling, let's start"

She nodded.

As a healing soul master, she is used to death.

Compared with the lives of unrelated people, the relationship between friends is closer.

At this time, she was unwilling to study because of psychological fear. When Han Tao was injured, it was easier to destroy her heart if she was unable to treat him.

Two months later,

"Yang Shiqi is dead!"

Han Tao felt deep regret.

This is not the first, and perhaps not the last. This is an insignificant brick in the building of physical transformation research.

"What a pity."


Looking up at her, Ye Lingling gritted her teeth lightly.

"There was no mistake in the operation. When the position of the twelve meridians was changed, the toxins in his body were activated, causing Yang Shiqi's death."

"Oh, toxins?"

Han Tao was curious.

"Nine Heart Begonia is the world's strongest healing system. Whether his meridians are injured or his heart and lungs have problems, I can forcibly save him, but the poison cannot."

"What toxin?"

"Not sure!"

Ye Lingling did not give an answer.

And not having an answer is the answer itself.

Yang Shiqi is a cultured person, and cultured people on Douluo Continent are actually very rare, and they all have family inheritance.

In addition to the poison that Ye Lingling couldn't figure out, his identity was about to be revealed.

"I think he lied. He must be a soul master of the Po Yi clan."

"Tell Chief Yang about it."

He activated the soul guide and edited a message.

Ye Lingling squatted down and took out hundreds of meridian maps, which marked the different meridian distributions of human soul masters.

"Meridians include the twelve main meridians, the eight extraordinary meridians, and countless capillary meridians."

Han Tao: "The capillary meridians are too complicated, so let's not worry about them for now."


She twisted her fingers and turned the map to one of the pages.

"The twelve meridians of each soul master have subtle differences."

"But based on geographical distribution, there are significant differences between the soul masters of the Xingluo Empire and the Tiandou Empire at the microscopic level."

Han Tao raised his head: "Is the difference significant?"


Paused for a moment: "The soul masters on the Xingluo Empire are more barbaric."

"And the strength of the body is the foundation of everything. It is precisely because of this custom that soul masters with poor physical strength have been eliminated."

Han Tao continued to listen.

"The twelve meridians are related to the internal organs, and the flow of soul power in the meridians is a kind of enhancement of the internal organs."

Stretching out a white finger, pointing to the twelve meridians above the pattern, the tone is gentle and humble.

"Compared with the Tiandou Empire, the connection between the twelve meridians and the internal organs of the Xingluo Empire soul masters is closer. Under the same flow of soul power, the strength of the internal organs will be higher here."

Serious criminal B snorted in dissatisfaction.

Han Tao asked: "What about the Tiandou Empire?"

She flipped out a meridian map again, with a slight arc at the corner of her mouth.

"The Tiandou Empire is really awesome."

"The rationality and planning of the meridians are far better than those over there."

The prison guard flashed a trace of curiosity: "What's the use of this?"

"This means that the response rate and conduction speed of soul power are improved, which can also be regarded as a manifestation of talent."

Han Tao activated his perception and observed his body.


He asked hesitantly: "Are the meridians in my body part of the configuration of the Tiandou Empire?"

"No!" Ye Lingling chuckled.

"The meridians in this map are the talents of the Tiandou royal family and a few nobles."

What kind of shape the meridians are depends mostly on nature and the genes of both parents.

And Han Tao was born in a commoner family, so of course he does not have any excellent talents at any level.

"What about you?" Han Tao asked.

"Nine Heart Begonia, passed down from generation to generation, can be considered a noble of the Tiandou Empire."

Ye Lingling became a little interested: "The meridian lines in my body are good enough compared to ordinary people, but they are still not perfect."

Take out another meridian map and present it to Han Tao.

"This is the best meridian map at the moment!"

"According to the control variable method, I changed the line logic of each main meridian on Yang Shiqi one by one, and then observed its changes to find the most perfect running line for each main meridian."

She paused here.

"What can be guaranteed is that each meridian is the most perfect, but the whole is not necessarily."

Han Tao smiled and nodded.

The local optimal solution is not the global optimal solution.

"The whole is greater than the sum of the parts, this is the meaning of [system]."

Just then, Ning Rongrong and Yang Wudi walked in.

"Yang Shiqi?"

Yang Wudi rushed forward.

Holding Yang Shiqi's body, his trembling fingers searched for something in the package.

Take out a bottle of strange medicine and feed it to Yang Shiqi's mouth.

Ning Rongrong's eyes widened: "Isn't he dead?"

"Fallen leaves need to return to their roots!"

"Yang Shiqi, you need to maintain a complete appearance and return to the family."

Han Tao flashed a trace of curiosity: "What kind of toxin is this?"

"The Thousands of Purples and Reds Toxin."

Yang Wudi paused for a while, and then said slowly: "It is a mixture of ten non-toxic drugs, and before the last toxin is added, it will not have any effect on the soul master."

"This toxin is known for its secrecy. It's not surprising that you can't find it."

Han Tao: "Even with the perception of Blue Silver Grass"

The perception of Blue Silver Grass itself is not weak, and it is also blessed by the Blue Silver Eye, even surpassing the spiritual detection of the Titled Douluo.

But even so,

the "body energy" soul skill, and the so-called "Thousands of Purples and Reds Toxin", still concealed his perception.

Yang Wudi's eyes were filled with an inexplicable turbidity.

"Only my brother and I can prepare this poison. Yang Shiqi must have been treated like this because of my brother."

Han Tao was stunned for a moment: "Why did he?"

"I think we can give it a try!" Ye Lingling interrupted their conversation.


Ning Rongrong was curious, and soon, she got the answer.

"Optimize the meridians!"

Yang Wudi was surprised.

She was graceful in a soft white dress.

Under her delicate figure, there was an unwavering will: "Treatment of soul power can reshape the microcosm of the body."

"Optimizing the meridians can increase the speed of soul power transmission and improve the soul master's cultivation talent!"

Ye Lingling showed expectations.

Inwardly, she was nearly ten times more confident.

Han Tao frowned: "Are there any successful cases?"

"Of course!" Ye Lingling replied:

"I have made hundreds of adjustments to Yang Shiqi's main meridians, and all these adjustments were successful!"

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