Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 358 Prisoner in the Deep

A barbaric empire is afraid of power but not moral.

At this moment, many soul masters in the Star Luo Empire already knew that the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect was not an ordinary person that could be easily dealt with.

"We can make reasonable demands, but we cannot go against their will."

The everlasting clear frost appeared on her profile.

The tone was delicate, not like a strong man: "Are there any death row prisoners who have committed serious crimes in the Star Luo Empire?"

"You can give them to me!"

Part of the reason for coming to the Star Luo Empire was to obtain the quantity of bloodline, and part of it was to obtain more body samples of soul masters.

"Okay!" Xu Tianhui gritted his teeth.

Following Emperor Xingluo's permission, Ye Lingling gently withdrew his martial spirit.

The blood power of the evil-eyed white tiger and the ghost civet cat returned to his body, and Emperor Xingluo's complexion returned to normal.

Angrily yelling: "Davis!"

"If you, a bastard, hadn't insisted on questioning her, how could you have been silenced by blood, you brainless idiot!"

Davis' expression was very innocent: "Can you blame me?"

"Oh, Han Tao said that you didn't believe what she said. You insisted on making Han Tao repeat it, and you didn't admit that it led to the consequences? And you blamed your son?"

When Xu Tianhui saw the father and son arguing with each other, the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

“It’s funny”

He stood up slightly and entertained Han Tao and others.

Han Tao waved his hand and refused: "No!"

"The secret method has been given to you, and I am very satisfied with the harvest. This trip will end here."


Tiandou Empire, prison.

"Let's start!" Han Tao said softly.

A certain "gel-like" structure can be born at the connection between the soul master's brain and spine, which deepens the connection between the soul and the body.

Ye Lingling nodded without emotion.

With the wave of healing soul power, death row prisoner B fell into a deep sleep.

"Gel-like structures cannot condense out of thin air!"

"It comes from the disassembly and reconstruction of other body parts, and the desire to weave this structure is taken from the condensation of saliva, nasal mucus, and cartilage."

Death row prisoner C couldn't help vomiting after hearing this.

Han Tao slightly bent his hands to isolate the air and sound on the other side.

“Can I use whale glue instead?”

Ye Lingling hesitated for a moment: "Okay!"

"However, using whale glue can cause rejection in the body, which is not conducive to long-term maintenance."

"forget about it!"

Han Tao took a deep breath.

Pragmatism, with strength as its core essence.

"Actually, there is another option."

Ye Lingling's tone was not very sure: "This plan has not been verified. It is just a guess at the moment, and there is a high probability that it will not succeed."

"Say!" Han Tao said casually.

"Since the use of whale glue to condense this structure has caused the soul master to reject it, what if it is replaced with an external soul bone?"

"External soul bone?"

Brand new possibilities sparkle in Han Tao's heart.

The attached soul bone has no fixed shape.

According to the traction of the soul master's will, a unique "gel-like" structure is formed.

“Very feasible!”

Ye Lingling continued: "Since whale soul beasts can give birth to whale glue, can they give birth to this kind of external soul bone?"

"Maybe!" Han Tao touched his chin and his expression changed quickly: "No!"

"The soul bone is attached to the outside and fused with the soul master's skeleton!"


If there is no such bone, how can the external soul bone be fused?

——Externally attached soul bones cannot be fused to non-existing locations

——Only by constructing a gel-like structure can the external soul bone be fused

She nodded slightly: "Yeah!"

The white fingers waved in the sky, and the microscopic healing soul power penetrated deep into the prisoner's body.

Energy with different structures, different hormones, and different characteristics were mobilized by Ye Lingling to construct and weave a brain structure similar to "whale glue".


Ye Lingling sighed heavily: "Failed!"

Physical transformation in the brain is different from ordinary experiments. Failure means the death of the experimenter.

"what reason?"

After observing in detail for a long time, he took a breath.

"The gelatinous structure was woven by my soul power. As my soul power dissipated, this structure also disintegrated, colliding with the mind and causing the death of the soul master."

"Disorganized?" Han Tao was shocked.

Because he suddenly remembered the field he had studied: Poison Douluo's inner elixir.

[Use ice cold to condense on jade phosphorus, use jade phosphorus to repel ice cold]

"Using the properties of the Qijue Biphosphorus toxin, which is affected by temperature, and the mutual repulsion properties of the grass jelly, we created a pill structure with the ultimate ice inside and the Qijue Biphosphorus on the outside."

"Whale glue. Whale glue comes from this!"

A sudden realization!

Whales are creatures in the ocean and naturally possess the element of water.

"Ye Lingling, do the human soul masters you met before have their martial souls or blood containing water elements?"

She was lost in thought.

After a long time, he nodded slightly: "Yes!"

"Most of them come from Tianshui College, but why?"

A slight smile appeared on his lips, and Han Tao waved his hand casually, presenting the light and shadow of the illusion in his mind.

"Because, ice element!"

"The ice element can solidify the loose structure. The failure of constructing the whale glue structure was due to the lack of this core element."


Ye Lingling started to try.

Prisoner B died not long ago, and there is still room for use at this moment. He condensed his healing soul power again and recreated the woven "gelatinous" structure.

At the same time, Ye Lingling also added some "ice" elemental breath.

As expected, the gelatinous structure did not dissipate.


"This structure is still too inferior!"

Han Tao stared at it with dissatisfaction.

Poison Douluo's Danzhu is perfect and seamless, while this "gelatinous" structure is inferior.

"I have an idea!"

A voice suddenly came from the depths of the prison.

Han Tao was stunned for a moment, followed the light and shadow to look forward, and saw the person who made the sound.

"Teacher Qin Ming?" Ye Lingling looked curious.

"Why are you here, as a prisoner?"

Qin Ming's clothes were tattered and his face was pale.

He had completely lost the elegance of the Soul Emperor and the youthful vigor:

"I once fulfilled the promise of a despicable person!"

"And the price I paid was being imprisoned in the prison of the Tiandou Empire."

His voice was full of anger: "But it doesn't know where it is free and easy!"

And the accusation against a piece of trash, but in prison, such accusations are meaningless.

Han Tao raised his eyes slightly.

He replaced the members of the Tiandou Royal Team and Shrek Academy without authorization, and was eventually held accountable by the Tiandou Empire Academy.

Asked: "What's the idea?"

Qin Ming's expression froze.

He had been in the prison of the Tiandou Empire for a long time, and Han Tao and Ye Lingling's research on physical transformation had always been under the watchful eyes of many prisoners.

Qin Ming wanted to put forward conditions first, but he knew that Han Tao was a soft-hearted person, and there were many prisoners in the prison who threatened Han Tao, but now they have turned into corpses.

After a long time

With a heavy sigh, Qin Ming revealed the truth: "Since..."

"The ice element can be the core of whale glue, then the space force that is higher than the ice element can naturally do the same."

"Yes. Space element!"

Han Tao's posture is very comfortable.

The extreme use of the spiritual power of the evil eye tyrant can achieve a similar space blockade.

And his "illusion mirror" skull has initially achieved the penetration of the "space" power.

(Refer to Huo Yuhao's three soul rings: ice, space, spirit)

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