Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 38: Changing Rongrong

A red man is redder than a black man.

The reason why Ning Rongrong was full of vulgar things when she entered Shrek was that she was influenced by Ning Tian.

Han Tao was an unexpected person. His appearance brought different changes to the sect.

Han Tao and Ning Rongrong rarely communicated.

But the little girl's mind was always delicate.

Han Tao had never looked at her straight in the eye. The superficial flattery was just because of the status of the sect master's daughter.

Therefore, Ning Rongrong hated Han Tao.

After the year-end assessment, she deliberately cried for a long, long, long time.

As expected, Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Gu avenged her, which made her a little happy.

Ning Rongrong wanted to know, really wanted to know why, on what basis, he dared to look at her like this.

I vaguely remember that in May last year, the sect assessment.

"Ning Rongrong, 60 points!"

Thanks to the efforts of the elders guarding the hall, she got 60 points.

As usual, Han Tao nodded gently.

Unlike usual, Han Tao's recognition this time was real.

This was an accident.

Han Tao believed that Ning Rongrong barely passed the exam with her own efforts, plus the efforts of the elders guarding the hall.

This nod was a recognition of her efforts, from the heart.

What a joke, Ning Rongrong is Ning Rongrong, how could she work hard?

The time of this assessment happened to be the time when Xue Qinghe came to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower to become a disciple.

If the daughter of the sect master failed the exam, it would be a loss of face for the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

So the elders guarding the hall gave Ning Rongrong a passing score.

But it was this perfect misunderstanding that led Ning Rongrong's life to a completely different direction.

"It's just a little higher score, what's so superior about it."


This misunderstanding made Ning Rongrong think that Han Tao looked down on her because her grades were better than hers.

As long as she surpassed him, this situation would disappear.

At this moment, the gears of fate slowly turned.

The first pass was a misunderstanding.

The second pass was a talent.

The third pass was hard work.

In the third sect theory test, Ning Rongrong's theory score was no longer 60 points, but 61 points, the same as Han Tao's.

This score means that she did not rely on the efforts of the elders guarding the hall, but completely relied on her own theoretical level to obtain it.

With expectation, she looked in a certain direction, wanting to celebrate the joy of victory.

But that position was always empty.

This time happened to be the time when Han Tao took the prince's token and went to Tiandou Royal Academy for further study.

Ning Rongrong was very depressed.

Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Gu comforted her for a long time before she calmed down.

A man should be looked at with new eyes after three days of separation.

How much can a person change in seven months?

Diligent in learning and practicing hard, she quietly broke through level 30 at night when Han Tao was unknown.

"Shrek Academy?"

Ning Rongrong stopped looking at the tattered sign above her head.

The entrance examination of Shrek was not difficult. With Ning Rongrong's level of auxiliary soul master, she passed the admission process very easily.

This time, also in Shrek, the little witch behaved much more modestly.

She didn't say anything rude, or even too much, she chose to hide herself.

Pretend to be an ordinary person.

Well, an ordinary, twelve-year-old three-ring Seven Treasure Glazed Tower Spirit Master.

Yes, she is learning from Han Tao and exerting her talent.

She is observing, analyzing, and thinking.

What did Han Tao do when he entered the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect?

Facing a brand new environment, Han Tao's way of doing things and behavior are undoubtedly the best reference plan.

Tang San and Xiao Wu, two innate full soul power.

The last name is Tang, is it Haotian Sect? What, the martial soul is blue silver grass?

Ning Rongrong hates Han Tao.

What does blue silver grass look like and what data it has, Ning Rongrong knows it very well.

Blue silver grass has innate full soul power?

Can blue silver grass rise to level 29?

What kind of soul power strength and physical fitness does a level 29 blue silver grass spirit master show?

Ning Rongrong has long remembered it in her heart.

Therefore, she was extremely sure that Tang San's spirit was not the blue silver grass.

"Maybe. It's like Xue Qinghe and Bibi Dong."

Ning Rongrong was not sure about the secret disguise and twin spirits, nor did she care.

She looked at Tang San twice more, just because of the blue silver grass.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, two members of the royal family of the Star Dou Empire, seemed to have tiger and cat spirits.

"I can't remember clearly."

Ning Rongrong patted her forehead. She had a short time to learn theory, and most of the knowledge was just reviewed once, and she was not impressed.

Ning Rongrong was a little disgusted with Oscar and Ma Hongjun.

A wretched spirit, a dissolute fat man.

Ning Rongrong's evaluation was that they were not as good as Ning Tian.

Soto City, the Great Fighting Spirit Arena.

"Today, I will teach you the first lesson."

"You are monsters, and monsters naturally have monster teaching methods."

Ferland made his classic remarks calmly.

Yes, the first lesson of Shrek Academy is to take these 12-year-old children to the Great Fighting Soul Arena for combat training.

The Great Fighting Soul Arena does not belong to the Spirit Hall or the two empires. It is a relatively fair place. Even if you kill a disciple of a large sect, you don’t have to worry about being retaliated.

Ning Rongrong: “.”

Ning Rongrong suddenly doubted whether it was right for her to join this shabby academy.

Could it be that she made a wrong judgment?

Under Ferland's arrangement, Ning Rongrong registered the Iron Fighting Soul Badge in the Great Fighting Soul Arena.

This is very simple, you just need to pay money to do it.

Registering the badge, of course.

Fighting on the field, absolutely not.

Ning Rongrong took out 200 gold soul coins and asked Ma Hongjun to fight a fight for her.

The Great Fighting Soul Arena in Soto City is mostly fair and just, and there is almost no phenomenon of fighting for others.

But who is Ning Rongrong? She is the daughter of Ning Fengzhi. Under the "add money" offensive, the Fighting Soul Arena acquiesced.

Implicit rules and explicit rules are mutually opposed and coexist with each other. Although they cannot be put on the table, they are everywhere.

"Only by properly utilizing your own advantages can you be like a fish in water."

This is also what Han Tao taught her. After Han Tao joined the sect, he and Ning Fengzhi had a confrontation all the time.

As a bystander, although I can't see the intention behind it, I have more or less grown up.

Ning Rongrong leaned against the railing of the fighting spirit arena, and took in the overall situation from the high platform. This is the place where Daddy likes to stay the most.

As his eyes moved, he stopped at the combination of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing.

"Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, what do they have?"

They are the royal family of the Xingluo Empire. Even if they are not in power now, they naturally have the resources of the Xingluo Empire.

What are resources? They include knowledge, weapons, skills, medicinal materials, and connections.

The atmosphere in the big fighting spirit arena was very noisy. People in the audience were shouting crazily. Ning Rongrong stood quietly in it, which made her look out of place.

"Next is the three-five combination!"

In the big fighting spirit arena, the commentator on the stage shouted loudly.

"Tang San, should be from a big force."

This is the conclusion Ning Rongrong came to.

She had never seen Tang San's hidden weapon before. It is impossible for a small workshop or a small force to make such a sharp hidden weapon.

Ning Rongrong even sent a letter to her father, describing the shape, effect, and degree of terror of the hidden weapon, but the reply was that she knew nothing.

On the fighting spirit stage, Tang San's voice came.

"First soul skill, blue silver entanglement!"

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