Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 398 Core Sequence

"Blue Silver King!"

Han Tao found it again.

Although it has lost the rank of Blue Silver King, Han Tao is already comfortable with it, so these details don't matter.

"What's up?"

The blue silver priest looked wary: "I don't think you have any good intentions in coming to me?"

Taking out the Blue Silver Grass that grows with the sun and moon, and handing it to it, Han Tao spoke softly.

"Help this Bluesilver Grass upgrade to ten thousand years."

When it heard this, its eyes were about to burst.

Sure enough, he refused: No!

"Han Tao, the Blue Silver Clan just sublimated a Blue Silver Grass for you not long ago. Why are you sublimating another one now?"

"Oh, no."

"This is not one Bluesilver Grass, but two Bluesilver Grasses!"

"As the master of blue silver, how can you ignore the interests of the clan?"

What a high-sounding name.

Seeing the awe-inspiring righteousness on its face, it placed the banner of ethnic justice upon itself.

Han Tao couldn't help but chuckle, with a slight sarcasm on his lips, and said:

"Thousands of bluesilver grasses have evolved into waste, but nothing can compare to the ultimate birth of one!"

"And it: the [Sun-Moon Chimera] of Blue Silver Grass, has the potential to reach the extreme."

"Really?" Blue Silver Priest looked suspicious.

His expression was calm and hesitant.

Within the Star Forest, there are tens of millions of species flourishing, and Bluesilver Grass is only an extremely weak link among them.

The gentle wind blows through the grass leaves, giving birth to traces of courage in its heart.

"I reject!"


Han Tao suddenly raised his head.

"Really, but do you have the capital to refuse?"

But to Han Tao's surprise, Blue Silver King's attitude suddenly changed.

The tone was arrogant, seeming to turn a blind eye to the master's will:

"No matter how you say it, I am the Blue Silver Priest after all."

"Only I can guide the power of faith of the ethnic group, and only I can mobilize the original power of the ethnic group."

After a long silence, Han Tao suddenly laughed.

Laughing wantonly and arrogantly.

However, it suddenly converged at a critical moment.

He gently patted Blue Silver King's grass blades: "You're right!"

Then, turned around and left.

--at the same time.

Thousands of miles away, beside Tang Chen.

The blue text condensed by the power of the source suddenly condensed: "Han Tao is here!"

At the end of the text is an arrow, pointing exactly at the current location.

"Han Tao's location?"

"I'll go first, and you will follow."

Hearing the warning coming from his ears, Tang San's expression condensed, and then he noticed the words in front of him.

Then there was an explosion beside him, and the figure of his grandfather leaving.

After a long time, Tang San arrived in a hurry: Where is Han Tao?

"Just now, he was still here!"

Hidden in an inconspicuous corner, as subtle as an ordinary blade of grass, the voice of the Blue Silver King came out.

"Damn it, let him run away again!"

"The dark villain likes to hide underground, like a rat that never sees the light of day!"

Tang San cursed fiercely.

Because he knew that he could not catch up with Han Tao's position.

The majestic and vast spiritual power swept around, and Tang Chen's determination was firm: "Since you have seen him, do you know where Han Tao and the Qibao Glazed Sect are hiding?"

The Blue Silver King thought for a moment and then gave an answer.

"Ice and Fire Eyes!"

"The Eye of Ice and Fire is where Han Tao cultivated the Blue Silver Grass. If my prediction is correct, they must be hiding there!"


The terrifying poisonous barrier in the Sunset Forest has been widely spread throughout the Douluo Continent.

The poison in the inner circle of the poison barrier has reached the god level. Even if Tang Chen is a peerless Douluo, it is still difficult to pass through it.

So, Tang Chen asked: "How did Han Tao get through the poison barrier?"

"How do the soul masters of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect cross the poison barrier?"

Blue Silver King thought for a moment: "They have fairy grass!"

"Acacia heartbreaking red, and the delicate fragrance of Qiluo fairy!"

After stroking his beard, Tang Chen nodded.

In fact, Han Tao deliberately spread the news that jelly grass can help soul masters cross the poison barrier.

The purpose is to hide another way to cross the poison barrier. Although it may not last long, it can be delayed for a while.

Tang Chen is not Tang San, let alone Yu Xiaogang.

Fleeing hastily, Han Tao gasped for breath.

Returning to the eyes of ice and fire, he glanced at the people of the Qibao Glazed Sect and sighed.

"How is it?" A Yin asked.

Han Tao shook his head: "King Blue Silver betrayed us and the clan!"

"Perhaps in the near future, the Ice and Fire Eyes will no longer be safe, so the decision to cooperate with Wuhun Palace is the right one."

Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo's expressions suddenly tightened.

Gu Rong had never met Tang Chen, but the rumored reputation was resounding throughout the world, so he was nervous and solemn at the moment.

"Blue Silver King"

Ah Yin held her fingers until they turned white.

"The priest's betrayal is not a big deal!"

"The Blue Silver Sacrifice can build a Blue Silver magnetic field and mobilize the original power of the ethnic group, but what it doesn't know is that this ability is not irreplaceable."

【Blue Silver Domain】

The left hand shows the seven-leaf blue silver emperor, and the right hand is the martial spirit: blue silver master.

The soul guide is deployed, and the blue silver core provides the majestic source, which is also the confidence for Han Tao to evolve his tribe.

The weaving of will and blood, built by the blue silver field.

And the original power under the ethnic group is gradually mobilized within the domain, just like thousands of rivers flowing into the sea, and the [Sun-Moon Chimera] of Blue Silver Grass has been active for thousands of years.


A Yin stared at the scene.

"Yes, but it is still a companion!"

"After a while, it will refine its own intelligence, and how to evolve from a companion plant to a [chimera] requires your specific guidance."


Han Tao knew that he was in a hurry and did not have much time to pursue the evolution of the [chimera].

The finger bones pinched the water ripples on the ground, and then scattered them, and Han Tao smiled in a trance.

"Blue Silver Priest"

"It gave me the name to hunt you."

Sacrifice, domination, and emperor are the three core sequences of blue silver grass.

Han Tao will never allow the core sequence to be lost, so he has to find a way to get it, and at this moment its choice gave Han Tao the name.

"I can allow"

"Other evolutionary lines such as wind singing grass, dark blue silver grass, and sun and moon chimera to be lost, but the core sequence of blue silver grass must be under my control."

The conflict between Han Tao and the blue silver priest is inevitable.

Even if it assists Han Tao seriously, Han Tao will let it release the route of Blue Silver Priest and choose a new Blue Silver evolution path for it.

Blue Silver King saw his future clearly, chose to betray, and took another path.

"Well, then"

"Is there any way to occupy the position of Blue Silver Priest?"

Han Tao asked.

The method of taking over the soul beast is certainly feasible, but it is not as good as the martial soul system.

For a core sequence like Blue Silver Priest, it is more appropriate to produce a soul ring.

Standing on tiptoe, Ning Rongrong turned the pages of the book, pretending to think.

In the newly built library of Qibao Liuli Sect, she read the books and materials over and over again, and she lowered her head slightly.

"Extremely rare!"

"The soul ring of the mirror shadow beast is almost impossible to replicate. There is only one in hundreds of years."

Ye Lingling also shook her head.

Ah Yin was at a loss, Ning Fengzhi didn't feel clear, and Gu Rong didn't understand anything.

After a long time, the elder guarding the hall suddenly stepped forward: "Some time ago, I had a conversation with the administrator of the Spirit Hall."

Ning Fengzhi was puzzled: "What do you want to say?"

"That's it."

"Do you know the eighth soul skill of Bibi Dong's second spirit?"

"The second spirit, the Death Spider Emperor?"

Han Tao pondered for a moment.

Memories, floating up the past, back to the night when the Spirit Hall attacked the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

The soul power flashed, and the light and shadow of the illusion appeared in the sky, as if time was flowing backwards.

"The eighth soul skill, the Spider Emperor clone?"

The soul skill reproduced the same phantom of the spirit, and even inherited the first few soul rings on the spirit, but the clone built by this soul skill had no wisdom and needed the soul master to distract and control it.

Ning Fengzhi was shocked: "Isn't this a soul skill born for distraction control?"

Just at this moment, Zhu Zhuqing stepped forward.

"The family inherited soul skills of the Nether Spirit Cat include the soul skill of the clone: ​​Nether Shadow Connection!"

The fourth and fifth soul rings are both Guzhu, so she lost the soul skills of the clone, but this does not affect the information she has.

"So, the soul skills of the clone are more common?" Ning Fengzhi was a little confused.


Perhaps thinking of something, Han Tao nodded in agreement.

He has made up his mind and must choose a soul skill of the martial soul clone.

"Martial soul mirror, martial soul clone, martial soul true body, maybe there is some connection?"

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