Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 491 Meridian Transformation

"After hundreds of thousands of years of testing on the Holy Pillar, the talent has been iterated."

"The soul master on this tiny island was born with a talent that is completely isolated from the world, and this talent is reflected in all aspects."

In front of the meridian map, Ye Lingling spoke calmly.

"Perhaps it is because of the power of this talent that they have the capital to compete with Wuhun Palace."

Poseidon Island has a strong foundation.

This kind of background does not mean how many titled Douluo there are on the island, but that every soul master's talent is outstanding to a certain extent.

Leaning against the edge of the dome of the hall, Rongrong found a comfortable position, crossed his legs and whispered softly.

"What exactly?"

"You said their talents are good, but where do they show them specifically?"

Han Tao stroked his chin.

He took the map in Ye Lingling's hand, compared it carefully and in detail, and let out a long breath.

"The meridians of land soul masters are tough, and I once deduced that the width of the meridians and the degree of soul power compatibility are the influencing factors of talent."

"And on this island, I saw a new direction."

Ning Rongrong looked at the sun, immersed in the illusion, and seemed to be using distraction control to think about the relationship between the tides and the sun and the moon.

Seahorse Douluo was a little curious: "Really?"

"I don't know why. Since you said how talented the sea soul master is, can you explain it in detail?"

Han Tao paused deliberately, took out his diary, and wrote down the third word related to talent.

[Stretchability of meridians]

The first two words are "meridian width" and "meridian soul power compatibility\

,""When a soul master's meridians cannot withstand the surge caused by soul power, the meridians will be damaged, and innate soul power and microscopic treatment can repair the damage caused by the damage."

The words reached a turning point: "But the same thing. If the soul master's meridians are stretchable, they can naturally withstand stronger surges of soul power. Moreover, when the meridians shrink, they do not occupy space. When they are 'stretched' Able to gain more space for soul power to flow."

"It is based on the extension of the width of the meridians, and this complicated level of change is only a small to insignificant part of the sea soul master's talent."

Han Tao's words were full of enthusiasm.

When the Seahorse Holy Pillar heard this, he was stunned: "Really? Why don't I know that I have this characteristic?"

"Because you didn't!"

Ye Lingling's answer seemed harsh.

"Not all sea soul masters have this advantageous characteristic. According to my observation, only 21% of the soul masters on the entire Poseidon Island have this kind of 'stretchability of meridians,' and their martial souls are all without exception. All related to snakes, dragons, and spears.”

Sea Dragon Sacred Pillar, Sea Van Douluo, and Sea Spear Douluo came up and patted Kaiba on the shoulder with spring breeze in their eyes.

"Do you want to eat barnacles? We're treating you!"

"Today is a happy day. We plan to treat each of you to a small massage, and then you will share your advantageous talent of meridians' elasticity."

Kaiba's expression was not very good: "Farewell!"

"Isn't it just the elasticity of meridians? Since she can discover this innate characteristic, maybe she can help me obtain it?"

"What good things are you thinking about?"

Hai Long sneered coldly: "Even if Han Tao and Ye Lingling can master the microscopic view and can treat the damage of the meridians, do you know how many meridians there are in the soul master's body? These meridians and blood vessels are densely connected, so how can they be easily tampered with. "

He straightened his chest, looked proud, and turned his back on Kaiba with disdain.

Ye Lingling didn't pay attention to their exchange, but focused on opening the maps one by one, and then paused with her fingers.

"The elasticity of the meridians is not the current focus, Han Tao, look at this map."

Han Tao looked over.

His gaze shifted following Ye Lingling's fingers.

"This kind of trend of meridians and blood vessels is more in line with the natural rules of heaven and earth?"


"Just like thousands of streams converge into rivers, and then the surging rivers lead to the sea, and these streams are thousands of capillary meridians. The rivers reflect the twelve main meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians of the soul master."

"The final sea is the soul master's dantian and also the soul master's heart."

Han Tao mobilized his mental power to sense the direction of his own meridians and blood vessels.

It’s long and time is long.

Han Tao admitted that his own meridians and blood vessels were far from perfect as shown in the diagram. They were the only ones carved by nature, while his own were just like a random talent.

Kaiba was confused: "What do you mean?"

"To put it simply, the distribution rules of meridians are more perfect."

It was just a simple explanation, and suddenly, Seahorse Douluo looked excited.

A kiss full of joy: "Whose meridian map is this? Is it mine? Do I have this higher-level advantage?"


"You don't seem to have any special talents, or you do, or our strength can't discover them."

Ye Lingling's words were soft, but they were like the eternal frost, carving into Seahorse Douluo's heart.

"The talent of meridian trend, the soul masters I have treated on Douluo Continent have never had this characteristic."

"And on Poseidon Island, this kind of talent is also extremely rare. Currently, only Sea Star Douluo and Sea Ghost Douluo have it, and the talent they have is just a part of the tributaries that converge into the rivers, and the rivers are blamed on the sea."

Seahorse Douluo lowered his head and remained silent.

It's not too sad that he doesn't have any talent, but his five old friends in the Saint Pillar all have unique talents, but he doesn't, which makes him feel particularly sad.


Han Tao casually echoed: "The Tianmeng Ice Silkworm has no bones, so it found a route for structural evolution. Their martial spirits don't have any hard bones, and under the selection mechanism of the Saint Pillar assessment, it is normal for such a unique talent to be born."

"But what I care more about is..."

Quietly, he leaned close to Ye Lingling's ear and asked: "Is there any way to copy their superior talent characteristics to ourselves?"


Seeing the two whispering, Ning Rongrong immediately got jealous and jumped down from the edge of the room in anger.

"She can indeed change the meridians and blood vessels, which is a unique authority for healing soul power."

"But as Hailong Douluo said, soul masters have so many blood vessels and meridians that they are countless and cannot be changed at all. Just for the capillaries, the number is 200-400 trillion. Even if there is a distraction control method to change 729 at the same time, it is also meaningless."

Hai Ma Douluo was discouraged when he heard it.

Ye Lingling's face was clear, and her eyes were like autumn water: "Although."

"Thousands of tributaries merge into rivers, reflecting the capillary meridians and capillary trends. Because of the order of magnitude, they cannot be synchronized, but the twelve meridians, the eight extraordinary meridians, the core blood vessels of the heart, and the macroscopic trend, we can tamper with them."

Her fingers gently stroked.

The healing soul power surged in the body. Based on her own transformation, Ye Lingling seemed easy and easy-going at this moment.

The veins of the eight extraordinary meridians and the twelve regular meridians are based on the natural wonder of rivers converging into the sea, and are usually based on the unique meridian map of the Starfish Douluo.

Entirely integrated, completely new.

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