Douluo: Star Officials Challenge, Everyone is Better Than Tang San

Douluo: Star Official Challenge, Everyone Is Better Than Tang San Chapter 102

A guy like him doesn't deserve a high rating award.

On the ring futon.

Lin Feng looked at Dai Mubai in front of him.

Unexpectedly, he was actually in Soto City.

Make the bellies of those sisters bigger.

They also asked people to abort their children before breaking up.

Lin Feng really admired Dai Mubai.

This face is not usually thick.

In order to get a high rating reward, he went all out.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Dai Mubai, congratulations on completing the exposure adventure."

"Since what you exposed is true."

"Awarded a B+ rating."

"Reward three chances to draw the silver carousel."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he squeezed out a purple light ball and shot it out.

Flying in front of Dai Mubai, it turned into a silver turntable.

Suddenly, the arena was once again noisy.

Everyone really didn't think of it.

A beast like Dai Mubai.

It was because of exposing a piece of himself.

Something that once harmed a pair of twin sisters.

Received a B+ rating award.

You know, the rewards of a B+ rating.

Among all the challengers so far.

No one has gotten it yet.

Even Haotian Douluo Tang Hao only got a B- rating.

The B+ rating only appeared during the Golden Monument Awards.

But Dai Mubai got the B+ rating reward so easily.

No one was convinced at all.

On the ring, Dai Mubai was very excited.

Unexpectedly, I won the reward of B+ rating.

I feel the abuse and insulting words I have suffered before.

It's all worth it.

But he looked at the silver turntable in front of him.

Doubt asked:

"Dare to ask seniors, I will be rewarded with three silver carousel rewards this time."

"What the hell is it? How do I use this thing?"

Lin Feng explained:

"Dai Mubai, this is the silver dial."

"There are twelve kinds of things in the turntable, with different values."

"And you have three chances to spin the wheel."

"Every time the silver needle stops, the things on it will belong to you."

Dai Mubai understood.

He leaned closer to the turntable and subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

The eyes light up.

"There is a hundred thousand year soul ring bestowed by gods on it!"

"One hundred thousand year soul bone!"

"Hundred Years Longevity Pill!"

"Seraphim Martial Soul Pill!"

"The Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul Pill!"

"Variation Martial Soul Evolution Pill!"

"Ten million gold soul coin card!"

"Sex Fruit!"

"Martial Soul Fusion Technique Deduction Book!"

"Title Douluo Puppet*1!"

"Super Soul Power Pill!"

"Sacred Artifact Sea God Trident*1!"

Dai Mubai saw what appeared on the silver turntable.

Twelve things.

I can't calm down for a long time.

In addition to the tens of millions of gold soul coin cards.

Everything is a good thing.

Everyone in the arena heard Dai Mubai's words.

In an instant, there was an exclamation of envy.

"Did I hear correctly just now?"

"This silver turntable even has a hundred-year longevity pill!"

"After taking it, you can get a hundred years of life!"

"Who can resist such a temptation?"

"Haha, I actually saw the gender fruit!"

"If Yu Xiaogang hadn't been backlashed by the martial soul, this gender fruit should be suitable for him!"

"Did you hear that!"

"It seems that there is some kind of Titled Douluo puppet!"

"Send a titled Douluo-level bodyguard directly?"

"This is too heaven-defying!"

"And even the divine weapon, the Seagod Trident, is here!"

"This is something used by God, and its power must be ridiculously strong!"

"It's really disgusting!"

"A beast in clothes like Dai Mubai!"

"How does he deserve such a generous reward?"

"It's still three chances to turn the silver dial!"

"God bless!"

"I am willing to use my mother-in-law's ten years of life!"

"Curse Dai Mubai for obtaining three million gold soul coin cards!"

The pot exploded under the arena.

This is from the star official challenge to the present.

The most rewards ever presented.

And everything inside is amazing value.

While everyone hated Dai Mubai in their hearts.

I have to lament his good luck.

When Qian Renxue heard the Seraph Wuhun Pill.

His complexion changed drastically.

Because the Wuhun she awakened is.

Known as the most talented seraph martial soul of the angel family.

But now he is proud of the Wuhun.

But it was directly regarded as a lottery item.

can be obtained directly.

Qian Renxue's three views were shattered again.

Self-esteem takes a severe hit.

Bibi Dong holds a gem scepter in her hand.

His eyes were fixed on the arena.

The silver turntable in front of Dai Mubai.

His face was pale, and he felt extremely sad in addition to envy.

Why the staff on the Wuhundian side.

Can't get such a good reward?

The only ghost to get an A- rating.

Also chose to quit Wuhundian.

Hu Liena held Adventure Star Feather in her hand.

Feeling very excited.

She had decided to wait a while and opt for the "exposure" adventure.

I also thought about the exposure.

That is to show that you like your seniors under the witness of everyone.

The ratings and rewards that Dai Mubai has obtained now.

deeply stimulated her.

Hu Liena only wanted to be favored by her seniors.

Only in this way can the future of Wuhundian have hope.

Liu Erlong frowned tightly.

The mood is extremely complicated.

On the one hand, he is jealous of evil.

What he hates the most is people like Dai Mubai.

A man who sees women as playthings.

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