Douluo: Star Officials Challenge, Everyone is Better Than Tang San

Douluo: Star Official Challenge, Everyone Is Better Than Tang San Chapter 107

This matter has already aroused public outrage.

Bibi Dong on the Wuhundian side.

Qian Renxue and Hu Liena heard the words.

They all looked at each other.

Show a knowing smile.

Obviously the elders led by Ju Douluo Yueguan last night.

The plan went perfectly.

Now it has successfully provoked the conflict between the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

And she, Qian Renxue, has already accepted the star official challenge.

Afterwards, he only needs to be found by members of the Heaven Dou imperial family.

Then this plan can be perfectly completed.

Dai Mubai's complexion changed drastically.

Angry face turned towards Flender and Liu Erlong.

cried out loudly:

"Dean, vice-principal!"

"His Royal Highness was assassinated!"

"It has absolutely nothing to do with my Star Luo Empire!"

"It must be deliberately framed by the forces behind it!"

"If it was really the work of the Star Luo Empire!"

"Then I, Dai Mubai, will be Prince Xingluo!"

"How is it possible at this time!"

"Still appearing in the Heaven Dou Palace alone?"

"Isn't this a self-inflicted snare!"

Dai Mubai's words are not without reason.

Both Flender and Liu Erlong frowned.

Look at Commander Xiao.

Commander Xiao snorted coldly and said:

"Dai Mubai, is the assassination of His Royal Highness the Star Luo Empire's conspiracy!"

"Emperor Xue Ye and Sect Master Ning!"

"His Majesty Sword Douluo has his own judgment!"

"You just need to grab it!"

"If you dare to resist, then you have a guilty conscience!"

"Flender, Liu Erlong!"

"This matter has a lot to do with it!"

"And it was an order personally issued by Emperor Xue Ye!"

"If you don't want to implicate the Shrek Academy behind you!"

"Just get out of the way!"

"The Imperial Forest Army listens to the order!"

"Get Prince Xingluo Dai Mubai!"

"Those who dare to obstruct!"

"Shoot to kill!"

Numerous imperial guards received orders.

Silver shield in left hand, spear in right hand.

Narrow the encirclement step by step.

move forward.

Flender and Liu Erlong had ugly faces.

After looking at each other, they sighed helplessly.

step aside.

Dai Mubai panicked completely.

Qin Ming, who had been supporting him all the time, returned to Flender.

It made him unsteady and fell to the ground.

Staring in fear at the approaching Royal Forest Army.

There are also countless angry eyes from around.

The next moment, Dai Mubai saw two figures flying from a distance.

There was joy in his eyes.

It's like a drowning man grabbing at straws.

He shouted anxiously:

"Sect Master Ning, Your Majesty the Bone Douluo!"

"help me!"

"The assassin who attacked His Royal Highness last night!"

"It has absolutely nothing to do with my Star Luo Empire!"

"This is simply another force secretly framing it!"

Commander Xiao and everyone saw the person who landed on the edge of the ring.

Ning Fengzhi, the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Empress Bone Douluo Gu Rong.

They all saluted and shouted:

"Greetings to Sect Master Ning, and His Majesty Bone Douluo!"

Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong nodded.

The two glanced at Bibi Dong next to him.

Hu Liena, Qian Renxue.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

Especially when seeing Qian Renxue.

Ning Fengzhi suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

But it's just that I can't say it for a while.

They came in front of Dai Mubai.

Watching him get up weakly.

Ning Fengzhi said in a concentrated voice:

"Dai Mubai, although I really don't want to believe it!"

"But now all the assassin's information points to the Star Luo Empire!"

"I can only wrong you to go with Commander Xiao!"

"If it is true that there are forces behind the scenes to frame the Star Luo Empire!"

"Uncle Gu and I will return your innocence!"

Dai Mubai was completely desperate.

This time he and his brother Davis.

The two princes of the Star Luo Empire set off for the Heaven Dou Empire together.

It was definitely framed by other forces.

Seeing that the Imperial Forest Army was getting closer and closer.

He has no way back.

But when everyone was waiting for Dai Mubai to be arrested.

A powerful breath of soul power came from the air.

Very oppressive.

Everyone looked up.

It was found to be a man in a tattered gray robe.

A middle-aged man holding a red light surging Clear Sky Hammer in his hand.

Behind him is a young man in a strong suit wrapped in soul power.

He has long light blue hair.

Spread over shoulders.

Looks very handsome.

The purple awns that appeared in those eyes from time to time.

It also added an unparalleled charm to him.

Tang Hao brought Tang San down to the edge of the ring.

Both father and son looked at the three daughters of Wuhun Hall next to them.

Bibi Dong held a gemstone scepter in her hand and slammed it heavily on the ground.

There was monstrous anger on his face.

An astonishing momentum swept away.

Angrily shouted:

"Tang Hao, you are so courageous!"

"How dare you take the initiative to send it to your door!"

The next moment, there was a terrifying aura that belonged exclusively to the hundred thousand year soul ring.

erupted from her body.

Charge towards Tang Hao and Tang San.

Tang Hao snorted coldly, not to be outdone.

At the same time, another breath of a hundred thousand year soul ring reverberated.

Two energies of purple and red collide.

Raise a hurricane of fear.

The remaining power of energy exploded.

It made countless Yulin soldiers in the entire Martial arts arena.

And all the soul masters who watched the star official's challenge here suffered.

How can they resist the collision between hundred thousand year soul rings?


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