Douluo: Star Officials Challenge, Everyone is Better Than Tang San

Douluo: Star Official Challenge, Everyone Is Better Than Tang San Chapter 186

"Show me a clear path!"

"In the future, Huo Yuhao is willing to be a cow and a horse!"

"Repay the kindness of the predecessors!"

The Tianmeng Iceworm in Huo Yuhao's body.

Seeing his humble attitude.

Helpless sigh.

Unless the person in front of him is willing to help.

Otherwise, the two of them will return to the world ten thousand years later.

Facing Tang San who became a god.

There is no chance of survival.

Lin Feng frowned.

He looked at Huo Yuhao in front of him.

After a moment of silence, he still said:

"Huo Yuhao, I'm only in charge."

"For those chosen by Xingyu."

"Start the star official challenge."

"Distribute rewards."

"I will not interfere with other things."

"Since Tang San's challenge mission is over."

"Then it's time for you too."

"Should return to the original world."

Immediately, Lin Feng was about to use the power of the formation.

Break through the space-time tunnel.

After sending Huo Yuhao back ten thousand years.


In this urgent moment.

The "Challenge" adventure card in the air.

and the "Exposure" adventure card.

Two in one.

It turns into an adventure star feather exuding sky blue brilliance.

it turns out......

Fly down below.

In Huo Yuhao's hands.

PS: The fourth update (4/5)

I owe three chapters.

This is from yesterday.

Chapter 100 Huo Yuhao embarks on a challenging adventure, exposing things that affect the future of the mainland, the battle of the two gods at Jialing Pass

Under the ring.

Tang Xiao, Zhu Zhuqing.

Liu Erlong, Tai Tan and others.

Hear the fair words of the elders.

They all heaved a sigh of relief.

A smile appeared on his face.

Seeing the right hand of the senior.

Already raised.

The power of the formation surged.

Huo Yuhao was about to be sent back.

Ten thousand years later.

This challenge is about to come to an end.

The curtain fell.


Two adventure cards in the air.

will be at this time.

Two in one.

Become an adventurous Star Feather.

But not flying in front of the seniors.

Instead, it fell into Huo Yuhao's hands.

Everyone was stunned.

I didn't understand what was going on for a while.

In the arena.

In Huo Yuhao's hand.

Holding the one that exudes sky blue light.

Adventure Star Feather.

revealed above.

Mystical power.

It made his face change greatly.

Even Tianmeng Iceworm exclaimed again and again.


"You've made a fortune!"

"This feather is amazing!"

"Quickly ask what's going on!"

"Maybe this time!"

"Maybe it can help you resolve the crisis!"

Huo Yuhao heard Tianmeng Iceworm's words.

He nodded secretly.

After getting up, he held the adventure star feather.

He looked at the silver-haired man in front of him.

He saluted respectfully and asked:

"Dare to ask senior, what is this?"

"Why did it suddenly fall into my hands?"

On the futon.

Lin Feng was calm on the surface.

He stared at Huo Yuhao in front of him.

In fact, I kept complaining in my heart.

"System, come out to me!"

"It's not good!"

"Only distributed every day!"

"Three lucky stars and feathers!"

"Adventure Xingyu?"

"Why is Huo Yuhao suddenly!"

"Get Adventure Star Feather!"

"You are increasing my workload for no reason!"

"I want to protest!"

[Report to the host, when you meet some special characters every day]

[Xingyu has a certain chance to redistribute randomly]

[Randomly increase the distribution of star feathers]

[After the host hosts the challenge, the star official value that can be obtained is 10 times less than the time spent as a 'star official']

[Of course, the protagonist has the right to protect his own rights and interests, and he can choose to refuse...]

However, the system is not explained yet.

Lin Feng responded righteously to Ling Ran:

"System, I don't have any good points."

"It's just being diligent."

"Isn't it just to start adventures and challenges for Huo Yuhao?"

"I took it."

Normally speaking.

Each hosts an adventure challenge.

Not only can it reduce ten years of time.

"Star Officer" plays one day.

You can also get 10 star official points.

Get ten times that now.

It is to reduce the playing time of "star official" by 10 days.

There are still 100 star official points.

"Today will be able to at once."

"Received 130 star official points."

"Not bad."

"The furniture is gone."

Lin Feng thought happily.

He smiled and looked at Huo Yuhao in front of him.

Opened his mouth and said:

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